The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, March 07, 1903, Image 1

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    VOL. t.
NO. 4 L
Holder A bell shipped a very large
That they will offer proof to show
part of their Silver Lake newspaper out- that the land sought is more valuable
lit as stage freight last Monday. The for its timlior or stone than for agri-
The first actual results of the con­ piece weighed over two hundred.
| cultural purposes, and to establish their
claim to said land before \V. A. Bell.
The Bend Board of Trade is ad- troversy which arose over the sub­
tV. II. Staats’ team Invaine frightened
j vertising this place in the Oregon- ject of irrigation in this Valiev and and ran away a few days ago, resulting U. S. Commissioner at Prineville, Ore
gon, on Wednesday, the l*th day of May.
| lan as a suitable location fora gen- the adjacent desert is the with­ in that part of the wagon which corre
' eral merchandise store, a hardware drawal of 200.000 acres of arid land spends to a woman’s most deadly weap­
They name as witnesses; Fred E>
S H o r ç r U n e store, drug store and doetor, tirst- on Butter Creek in Umatilla and on being broken, one of the bovs describ­ Summers of Palouse Pity, Washington *
ing a parallela in the atmosphere, a cord
William W Mothers, Ollie E McConnell,
I class hotel, harness shop, (louring Morrow counties The government
of wood liciiig strewn over ten acres and Della S Brown, John 11 McLeod, John
; mill and woolen mill.
proposes to construct a series of this item. The wood is uninjured.
E Hannah, John Kuk'gaoer, t ’buries N
Better advertise for settlers.
reservoirs and a canal thirty miles
Si*h>bion Rtdierg, of Moscow, Idrt
Better advertise for a railroad.
in length to reclaim this tract and
Imiind Low E Allinghatn, of Prineville,
Better advertise the advantages survevs an* now being made to de­
t trvgon.
United Slates Land OlHee, Lakeview
and induements which the country termine the most feasible plan and
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
offers to settlers.
routes. Other tiacts will doubtless Oregon, Dee. 27, 1902:—Notiwis here ly tin* above-described lauds arc te*
liv giver, that in compliance with the pro­ quested to file their claims in this olliee
Better the truth than misleading In' irrigated by the government in
visions of the act of June 3, 1878, en­ on or before said titb day of May*, 1903,
Oregon, but it is quite certain that titled “ An act for the sale of titnlier
E. M‘ Bn a TV. un . Register,
Within a radius of twenty miles this will he the first one and that lands in the stales of Ualifornia, Oregon,
there are not to exceed 150 actual it will lie a long time before any Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
Ocean steamers bet wee h Portland
as extend***! to all the public land states
residents, and many of these would other is undertaken,
Had those
and San Francisco every five days.
liv act of August 4, 1892, the follow ing
United States Band Olfice, Lakeview,
trade elsewhere. Within the same who so strenuously opposed the ap­
persons have this day tiled in this office Oregon, Oct. 17, 1902. Notice is hereby
radius not a bushel of wheat lias proval of pending contracts under their sworn statements, to-wit :
given that in
J o h n I. K la pp
been raised in the last fifteen years. the Carev law been as unanimously
I o f Gen esee, c o u n t y o f Latah, State o f Idaho*
Tickets to and from all parte of the Under present conditions, no busi­
in favor of and directed their ener­ s w o r n stiippiiipiit No. 1(-S7 fo r the p u r c h a s e o f June 3, 1878, entitled, “ An act for tin*
United States, Canada and Europe.
ness man would entertain for a gies to trying to induce the govern­ the s L. ni :>4 a n d k L^ s K1* See, *J:i T. 22 S. K V sale of timlior lands in the states of ( ’al­
W. M."
For particulars call on or address,
bornía, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing­
moment the idea of engaging in ment to take hold of some Crook
O liv e s I Lines
Territory.” as extended to all tin'
any of these enterprises here.
county project the result might o f C lar k ia, c o u n t y o f S h o s h o n e , st ate o f I d a h o
s w or n st at em en t No. lf» 8 *s sor the p n iv h a s e o f public lain! states by act of August 4,
The E cho is as anxious as anyone have been different.
On the con­ the S*aN\V*a a n d W 1 ,S\V> , see. 21 T 2» S U 1 2 K , 1892, Louise M ( ’risii an of Moscow,
B ig g s , O r e g o n .
to see this community prosper, hut trary, while they were squealing W , M.~
comity of l.atali, state of Idaho, lias this
John B W hidden
it is sheer folly to misrepresent the and erving over “ spilt milk” Mal­ o f W nrdn er. c o u n t y o f S h o s h o n e , state*of Id aho tiled in this olliee lier sworn statement
fo r the pur e huso of No. 1714 for tin* purchase of the sc1, of
situation to business men.
When colm Moody alone and unaided ac­ s\\ orn st a t em en t No.
see. 17, to 23 s, R 14 10., w. m., and w ill
the NK>4 , See 2»> T 22 S K 12 K W. M.
the demand arises it will he met complishes something for the good
Kiln 11 K hi pp
offer proof to allow that the lami sought
o f Gen esee, c o u n t y o f Latah, st ate o f I d a h o ,;
Create the of other sections of the state.
United States Land Office, Lakeview, without solicitation.
it more valuable for its timber or stone
s w or n statem en t No. IniK) for the p u r c h a s e of I
Oregon, Nov. 19, 1902.—Notice is hereby demand and the rest will follow.
In the meantime, whatever may the mv> 4 n e l 4 n l 2 n w >4 and sv ^ nwL * see. 20 , T 22 ' than for agricultural purposes and to us­
Riven that in compliance with the pro-! We have the raw material, timber, be the relative merits of irrigation S H 12 K W. M,
her claim to said lami before W . A, Bell
TliVtothy 1< carte
visions of the act of June 3, 1878, entitl­
land, water power, to support and under Government control or by o f Gen esee, en u n sy o f l.atali, staie o f I d a h o , ! U. S. Com. at hisolficcnt Prineville, Or
ed “ An act for the sale of timber lands
on Monday, the 4tli day of May, 1903.
Upon this private corporations under the Ca­ s w or n st a t em en t No. l '* 0 l fo r the p u r e h a c e o f j
in the states of California, Oregon, Ne­ employ many people,
She names as witnesses: William W.
the S\V> j N W 1 W'.^sw1, , s c 1 ,s\v' , see. 20, T. 22 !
vada and Washington Territory” cs ex­ foundation rear the superstructure rey law cuts no figure, as we are S. K. It E. w. in.
Collins of Moscow, Idaho, Low E Al-
A n d r e w s O lson
tended to all the public land states by of prosperity, not by establishing now forced te rely on the latter.
liiighuni, Ora John C L El­
Act of August 4, 1892, Jessie Gray of stores and shops where there are But it is safe to assume, and ihe o f M o sc o w , c o u n t y o f l.ntah, suite o f I d a h o , der. of Prineville, Oregon,
s w o r n st a t e m e n t No. h i. for t h e p u n -h as a of
Prineville, county of Crook, state of Ore­
Any ami ail persons claiming adverse­
s. It 1 1 K \V. M.
no customers, but by inducing peo­ prediction is here made, that irii- the in v l 4 o f see. ::t T.
gon, lias tih*il in this office her sworn
tin* above-described lands are request­
That they will offer nroof to show
statement No. 441, for the purchase of j ple to come and develop the coun­ gation will I k * an accomplished fact
ed to tile their claims in this olliee on or
in the Deschutes valley long before
the sc ‘4 of sec. 9 tp. 25 s r 10 e. w. m, | try.
for its timber or stout1 than for agricul­ before said 4th day of May, 1903.
and will offer proof to show that the j
it is on Butter Creek.
E. M. B r a t t a i n , Register.
tural purposes, and to establish their
The denizens of this little burg
land sought is more valuable for its tim-
claim to said land before w. A. Bell,
or stone than for agricultural purposes, are divided into two factions over
Crook County contains one and
U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Ore­
and to establish her claim to said land the question of a saloon license for one-fourth per cent of the total tax­
gon,* on Monday, the 4th day of
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
before A. C. Calmer, U. 8 . Commission- j
which application is being made to able propeity of the state: eight .way , 1903.
ance with tin* provisions of the act of
er, at Prineville, Oregon, on Saturday,!
They name as witnesses :
John It, I congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An
the 11th day of April, 1903.
Whidden of ward tier, Idaho, Oliver L. •act for the sah' of timber lands in tin*
She names as witnesses: Edna I Had - 1 position is in good faith and on j rea and a, little more than one per
Lines of Clarkia, Idaho, Timothy Keane states of California, Oregon, Nevada,
ley, Archie Powell, Bruce Oray, Edwin principle, but some of it, the E cho cent of its population.
The pre -
and John L Klapp, of (ienesee, Idaho, ami Washington territory,” as extended
A, Davenport and Eliza Barker all 01 believes, is due to the fact that if j cut population is about 5000, its
Andrew S Olson, of Moscow, Idaho and to all the public lernt states by net o
Prineville, Oregon.
the license he granted the saloon taxable prooertv -fl.852.2*81 and its Low E Allinghatn of Prineville, Oregon. August 4, 1893,1-rank I’. Townsend of
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
Any and all persons claiming adverse­ Shaw, county of Marion, state of Ore­
ly the above described lands are request­ will not he located at the point de­ ■ area about «000 square miles. Its Í
ly the above-described lands are request­ gon, lias this * lay filed in this office Ins
ed to tile their claims in this office on or
ed to file 11 leir claims in this office oil or sworn statement No. 1155, for the pur­
before said 11th day of April, 1903.
Taking a wholly impartial view ll is five times the size of Rhode
chase ol ihe sw sw 14 sec. 28, nw
before sai l 4th day of May 1903.
E. M. Brattain, Register of the subject, it appears that if j Island, four times that of Delaware
E. .M. B rattain . Register.
mid w ill offer proof to show that tin 1
whiskey must be sold here, and it twice that of Connecticut and equal
I land Nought is more valuable for its tim­
has been and is being sold every to that of Massachusetts, It con­
ber or stoni' than for agricultural pur­
day, it would be better to license tains one person to each 1000 acres
poses, and to ('stahlish his claim to salii
United States Land Ollicc, Lakeview ,
United States hand Office Lakeview, the selling and so derive some ben­ and Rhode Island has one to each
land lieferen, w. iieul, C. S. Commiss­
Oregon, Nov. 12, 1902—Notice is hereby efit from a traffic of which at the two acres, or, in other words, it is Oregon, Dee. 27. 1902:- Notice is here­ ioner, at Ben*I, Oregon, on Monday, the
by given that in compliance with the
given that in compliance with the pro­
best but little can be said in its 500 times less densely populated provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, en­ lHtli «lay of April, 1903.
visions of the act of congress of June 3.
than that state. There is room for titled, “ An act for the sale of timber < lie naines as witnesses : C. (¡, Rich­
1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of I favor. The law regulating the sale
ardson, ti w. Townsend,
E.E. Town­
lands in the stales of ( 'ulifnriiiu, Ore­
timber lands in tfit* states of California, of liquor under government license more people in Crook County.
send and Frank Bogue all of Lava, (»re­
gon, Nevada mid Washington Terri­ goli.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington terri­ is so often and so easily evaded
Miss Anna M Lang lias been ap­ tory,” as extended to all the public
tory,” as extended to all the public land that all the evil effects fellow with­
A 11 y and all persons claiming adversely
pointed Receiver ami M. T. Nolan land states Kv act of August 4, 1W2, the the above described lands art* requested
states by act of August 4. 1892, william
out any recompense in the form of
following persons have this day filed in
Parker of Delhi, county of Redwood,
1 Register ot the Dalles land office.
to tile their claims in this office on or
state of Minnesota, lias this day Hied in state license. The liquor traffic is ! Miss L ing has for a number of this office tli or sworn statements-, to- liefore said 13th day of April, 1903.
this office ills sworn statement No. 1590, j impossible to eradicate and the
E. M. Brattain, Register.
years been chief cb rk in that olfice
Hells S H row S, o f M oscow , eofllttjr o f I, m I h I i . I
t'Or the purchase of the w ' 5 nw ‘ 4 see. general concensus of opinion is that
2(1, s la ne [4 see. 27, tp 21 s r l i e . w. 1 it is better to license it and then and lias acquired a knowledge of
I'lirilhsHe o f tliV K13Sw - , Sinl w ', - r 14 nee. XI T I
: the busine»' which renders lu-r pe­ a 8 K 1:1 K.
111 . and will offer proof to show that the j
L n i i f l Stati*« La mi otile**, La k e v ie w , O rogo n.
see that it is conducted in conform­
Not lee i* hereby g iv e n th a t In
land sought is more valuable for its
< liarlc** N Hlioop. o f Miw-im-, c o u n t y o f I... t h I ■ Nov 21, l'.02.
culiarly fitted for the position-. Mr.
timber or stone than for agricultural; ity with the terms upon which the Nolan is a well known r -'ideut <>f » l a t e n t f f l s h o , * t t o m s ln lc in c n t No. li'.'.Il l*.r c o i n l l a n o * w it h th e |>rovl*ioiM of th e act <»f
t h e p u n h » - v o f t hr 1 , 1 2 * W 4 met w 1 , -o- |t . e c 21 em igre*« of J u n e 2, la m . e n titl e d “ An Net for
purposes, and to establish his claim to license is granted.
Ih e v i l e . i i l iiii.t r G it
III the «lates of f 'Nlif
The Dalies. 1ms served in several T a S It I I E
sail! land before A. C. Palmer, U. S .,
o t n ia , O n d i l i , Nev m la, an i \V N *h ln g to n T e r r i
Join* K iikjftlher, o f M****-*IW c o u n t y o f b s t s li,
Commissioner, at Prineville < >regon, on
Governor Chamberlain i* to be public positions and always been u M ste o f Hall»*, sw orn siatwincnt No. li.ti.% fortto* t o r y , ” a« e x te n d ed to a l l the pn hlt e la m i »tale «
Saturday, the 11th day of April, 1903.
i complimented on the stand he ha- a capable officer.
The appoint­ purchaW* o f I lie in?1«. see l < T -':t S. 1 » lit K. \V M
Jolin K lln n iin ti o f M o sco w . c iiin tv o f I. h I h I i ,
He names as witnesses: F. H. Mar-!
effort •tHtc o f Id a h o , sw orn stH i.-oi.m .No.won lor 1 li>r
taken in exercising the veto power
ion of I*rain, Oregon; (ieorge T. Sly,
| or expectation on their part and as p u r ch ss* -o f (h e 11 w 14 Sec, XA T XR, It 1 . K. \V M.
Louis M. Anderson of Rosland, Oregon: in cases of doubtful propriety or
O lllc M .McCfiniiell, o f M**».-*o*-. c o u n t y o f f.a
where be scents the taint of jobbery a great surprise to others who had tali, state Of lilwlio, s w o r n »tat*-m*-nt N'o 11 . 1 / 7 ,
Donald F. Steffa of Rend, Oregon.
for tlit pat* l.m e o f th e sw *4. m - c . J’ i , T
S It 1 ft
Any and all persons claiming adverse­ and corruption.
It is a singular hoped to till one or the other of the
K t" M
ly the aliove descrilie'l land* are request fact, and in some instanes can lie places. The E cho extends it** con­
Wi l l i am \V Yoth«*r», o f Mos*
co u n ty of
ed to Hie their claims in this office on or
Isitah, M ate o f H a llo , sw orn sla len icH t No.
accounted for only on the hypothe­
h»!s* fo r t he pur<’ hase o f t h e *■•',. sec x*. T £t s,
before said 11th 'lay of April, 19(>3.
Sawings m the river at Portland K 1.1 E. w M.
E. M. Brattain, Register, sis of personal interests or almost
t nal E S u m m er», o f P alou se ( I l f , c o u n ty of
criminal neglect of dutv, that nine­ mills that one year ago were worth W h t'.m n n . sla te o f W 'a s h ln ft on , sw o r n state
ty men could be elected to the leg­ $5 |>er thousand feet are now worth m ewi No II*» fo r ihe pur* lia .e *»f Ih e n w ‘ 4 «*■*
islature of Oregon capable of pass­ f '.t and the price of all kinds of limi- Jl, T Z\ S. K 1 » K will wer.
JWfin II
o f Mos* o w , c o u n t y r f l.atali
ing * 0 many frivolous, ineffectual lias advanced in the same time V5 sla te I H a llo , sw orn stalcinciiC N o I7ISI fo r tlie
p iiri-h a i* o f il.** *w * 4 . st g»,. r 2-t s , It la E. w w
W e have for salt* several good and objectionable bills.
When to 50 |K*r cent.
W ith tran-potti-
S o lo m o n B u is fa o f M o -c o w , c o u n t y o f lj*-
farms, a tine fruit ranch, choice such is the case it is a matter for
tion the titnlier of this valley w ilt ta h . state o f M a lm , sw>>rn • a lu n e n t No 17o|.
fhr th e p u rrh a a e o f th e m - , sac
K la
t i t t e r l«nd*i ivM'Mtre Urol*‘ rlies congratulation that a level headed
lie as valuable, and yet owners of fi w. a
in Prineville and lots in Deschutes. man possessing a rigid spinal col­
Maud N SI oh ,| i - o f Mos* >>w, c o u n t y o f laitah.
these lands are in some instances
A few choice timU-r claims for lo­ umn occupies the gulwrnatorial selling their timber at less than 50 st ale o f Id aho, s w o r n siaieinl-tit No. ITU for
Ihe pur* liase o l the
, o i B 1*, ***•• • », T XI S
cation. Palmer Bru**.. FfitP'ville. chaif.
cents a thousands
a u
w. m
by net of A ug nM I, 1*1*2, th e fo llo w i n g na m e d
fA*r«on« liNve thl« drt\ filed In till« nftlee t h e i r
«worn «Internent«, to*w it :
P alm er
of P r in e v i lle , e c iin t y of ('r oo k, « t a t e of Or egon,
«wo rn st atem en t No. Ifioo for the ptireliH«e of
th e K*a N\V>4, \ \ ' > N K> 4 «re. I. t p 2 Î M . r. 9 « .
H i r a m P alm er
of P r in e v i lle . e o im t y <>f ( rook, «tute of Or eg on
sw o rn «tHfement No. lMd, for th e pu re fm re o f
t he L o t* 7 «
10 of M-e. 4, 1 1 » 2»»«. r. l i e .
am i w i l l offer proof to show th a t th e Inn i
«ought I« more v a lu a b le for it« t i m b e r or «toi.»*
th a n for a g rie tit o rs l purpose*, an d to e s ta b­
lish t h e i r eiiiitii* to said land before A. C. P a l ­
mer, I
s C om m issio ner, at P r in e v i l l e , O n
gon, «41 Mo nd ay t b s ' l l t i i da y of A p r il, I1S*H.
T h e y liante a* wiltje«»e«:T. If. W a t k i n s an d
K J Devin»* of A l b a n y , Oregon ; Jo hn Comb«
am i c M K l k i n s of P r in e v i l l e . Oregon.
A n y and a ll persons e l a i m i n g ad ve rse ly th*
afHive de«eribed land*» Hr** r * ‘|U**«ted to file
t h e i r » (aims in this « ffi e • n o r
2mh d a y of A p r i l , P m .
K M B rattain,