A ny ami all persons claim ing adverse- 28 s, r 12 e and will offer proof to show Della M. Kl»i Knot'll Cyrus l.v the alx.ve-descriL#*d la .ils arc request- the land »ought i* more valuable for ¡te ¡ ,,f Shaniko, county of Wasco, state of I of Si-ters conntv ul Crook, «tiltil of ed tn tile th eir t-laircs in this office on or timber than for agricultural purposes. Oregon, »worn statem ent No. 820 fo ! < »regoli «"• No UIHi, '*r *';• before Militi a n i . iliiv of ¡VI,., 1903. a n d to estab lish I, i» ria in l to said lumi the purchtise of the m*l4 see US, tp 28 I’ l'HI.ISHKU KYKKY ÄATl’HUAY. 1 (in rcli •1,;,,, i.f i III* e g * - « - S». - K "*•‘'4 K. .Al. H ra TMIX. Regi, ter. before A. C. P alm er, C. >». ('»inn /issimi- r » e. II. J . P A L M E R , - - , PruMHiiKii li vi *4 m-14 sec 28. 11» 2<’> s. r 1- e er. at Prineville, Oregon. on Thursday, Charlea K. Kbi Sa nili K. Ti.ylor the 12th d ay of February, 1903. of Shaniko, ceunty of Wasco, state ol A . C. P A L M E R . ................... K u rm ii ni r-iste»-# ri »ili ty of Crtsik, state "• ‘-"T — , ............... s ............. He'naines as witnesses: Franeis .1. Oregon, sworn stiitement No. 822 for tlie TIMBER LAXI) NOTICE. • )remil i . sworn state lient No. 917, Devine, Kd Dorgan of A lbany, Oregon, purchase of the wC. n w 1^. liwt4 swkg ¿Cuto re 1 M iiv.il. at Penrlioten, Ore- the pu relia ho o tli* n ‘ ì nfc. - ih - *'>» kkauykhtmkmrxt . Frank Atwoot, d .iry Sfoggin, of Prine- sec if », s e '4 n e *4 see 24, tp 28 s, r He. u ' oii , sim sorond o I iìhh matter, initier Art of **» 1 { XN ,n(‘ ville, Oregon. W illiam F. Johnson f.ukeview, Oregon. Oet. 17, 1 1 19«>2. .•Jury Cyrus Cong css of Miiicii if, IS,». Any and all persons rljiiining adverse­ of Shaniko, 1 Minty of Wasco, m d '1 of — Notire is hereby given th at in mm - of Sisters, eoiintv of Crook pliil/ire with the provisions of the act of ly the above des rihed lands are re- Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 822 for Oregon,-worn statement No. J u n e 3. 187.8, entitled “ An act for the ! MHeHted t‘» hie tin i claim s in this office the purchase of the e .l 2 w lg sec 85, SU B S C R IP T IO N KATES. the purchase oí tlie i . '4 s a sec 2 ), tp sale of tim ber lands in the states of Cal- | 011 *'r ■ore s .,'-1 2th dav o; heb., l»U.t. tp 2H s, r 9 e. 21» s. r 12 e w in. !.. , . ' itnvrr.MN. Register. IN ADVAXOi L illie E. Fulton , ifurnni. Oieg'>n, Nevada a.ul XXasiiing- Thut they will o.Ter prrs.f to show , oll T errito ry.” as extende«! to all the ! of Shaniko. conntv of Wasco, state of O vk Y k . vii that the land sought is more valuanle , , ¡||ld hv art August 4. Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 821, for S ix M onths T IM ID : ' \M> N O T IC E . fo rits ...d,c or stone than tor «gn.-i.l- | ^ ^ )ol|(|WÍ!1J{ ' ^ , lave t this l ,is ( Tniii.c M onth a 1 th e purchase of tlie seLj sec 85, ¡tu ra i pinposes and to establish tt eir , •■'av filed in tl is office their sworn state- .TISKMK.NT. tp 2.x s, r 9 c. . i laim to said la.cl before A . ( ’. l’aim er, I . That thev will offer proof to show that SATURI) A V V K B K ITA R Y 14,15HK S. Con .iiissioner at I'rinuville Oregon, j uients, to wit : nil Office. Lakeview C u ito ! Ginetho J . Hardy _Notice is hereby f be land sought is more valuable for its ! i fregón, * T. 1 , , on \\ ednesay, the 2ótu day of I ein nary. o' H aystack, county oi Crook, compliance * with timber or stone than for agricultural state of i vìvimi tl. nt I. TIM BE R LAND NOTICE. I HUH. I Oregon. sw#i»n statem ent No. 7H7 l’or I j),,, pro» of the act ol P't'T'oscs, ami to establish th eir claim to »I. Thev name as witnesses. Donald F. HKAHVBST1SKMK.NT. the purchase of the m v1, ;l, tp 2*1 s, j une .' ,1X7 •d, “ An act for the H!iid land before A. C. Palmer, U. S. teffa, \S dilani i i. Staats, ol Itemi ; Or. ; ! jn the states of Cal- Uommissioner, at Prineville, Oiegon,on j sale of titill i i United states Istmi Office. Lake.'ieW licorge I*. Taylor, 1 m och Cyrus, ."mah r 18 e w in. C h arity X X ilson, ¡forniti. • r. ada. and ashing- .Monday, the Kith dav of Feb., 1008. ( Iregoli, Oct. 17. 1IM2:—Notiti* is here- K. Taylor, Mary ( 'y r;:s, of 8 inters. ! •re­ state of ton Territoi of Prineville, county of Crook, ■ xteiideil to all the They nam e as w itnesses: Delia M. hv given that in compliance with the goli . 450 for Oregon, sworn statem ent No. public Ini : sta f' • by act of August 4, Ubi. Lillie K. Fulton, C harles K. Khi, provisions o the act of J u n e 3, IN7K. e n - 1 Any ¡1 id all pers ms claim in g adverse- the plirehase ol the e n of w Ç see 12, tp ¡..¡r persons have tliis W illiam F. Johnson, of Shaniko, ( >reg- IS',12, the’ olio e titled "A, act for the sale o timber j IV the ais i ve desi 1 ilici 1 lauds arc reo nest­ lay filed in this offi-'c tlieir sworn state- ii!) ; T. H. W atkin s, Francis J . Devine, lands in the states of Caliiori ia. Oregon. I ed to tile their claim s in this office on or 2 i s, r 10 e w hi . of A lbany, Oregon. menta, to-wit : Bernard tìorndey Nevada, and Washington T erritory." as j he.ore s..id 2 tn d ay of February, 1903. ot F.tta M Rot ten berg Any and all persons claim ing adverse- of Prineville. county of Crook, s extended to all the publie land states by J,. .M. B uatta IX, Register. loi- of I’ri ,e> ;l!e cu m i c o ! Crooi state oi ly the atime-descrihed lands are re- U’Titn.i, sworn statem ent No. I uci of August 4, 1X1*2, Klias L. j the purchase o! the s c '4 see 2, tp 2lU Oregon, swoi-o statem ent No. 770 fo rth e j uuested to file their claim s in this office .Inlmso'i, of Sisters, comity of Crook, purchase of the lit l 4 , setti tie A4 , on or before said lt»th day of Feb., KH)8. s, r 12 e w m. -tate of Oregon has till'd in this office j sec 88, t p 25 s, r sec 22, and s D nvv K. M. B kattaìx . Register. Kli/a F. Poindexter ids sworn statement No. »»7, for the T im b e r l a n d n o t ic e . 12 e w m. of Prineville, county of Crook, state of I UK I ¡ sc 111 tl.e s C m» \ m il, si Lj *"''4 K KAOVUKTIS; HUNT. J u lia C yrus Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 4">2, for •i,4 s c *4 sec see 4 I tp 2 22 s, r !» e w III, ami | nc'.j TIM BER LAND NOTICE. l'nifc'l St h 1 cm I mu ! < flic«- I »ikcvMuv. Oregon the purchase of the n lo ne'-4 , e L iiw 1^ of Prineville, county ol Crook, state of will offer proof to show that the mr«»\ iHionn n» île rt« l «»i ' e purchase n the sw neh4 w Ja m es N. F’oi: d exter ti ober or stoi.e than tor agricultural ! < «»iiKt'e'b oí Juin* I?, r.MTi:» S tatus L avi » (» m e n , Lake- cmiiled ",\ii uei i«ir (4 see 82, 11» 25 s. r 12 e purposes, and to establish his d ain i lo view, Oregon, Oct. 17, 1902.— t Mile «u ti:in er ÌHii un in i he .«Int í oí i «U- ! oi Prineville, county of C t00k . state o; V/¡Ilium H. C yrus aid land befm« A. (V Palmer. I . 4 niiu, « >i t*K» i*. Nevmln, nul W hk I iíuhtioii ¡«r I 1 iregoo. sworn statem ent No. 827. to: Notice is hereby given that in com­ ev ill-*, count v of Crook, state of pliance with the provisions of tlie act of it. Commissioner at Prineville. Oregon, on ritorv ’’ ttb * teiuli-* lu nil thè |»'il»lic I mi ? \ the purd a-e of the s*s n w 1:,. n l 2 s w 1.,. l»y Ht ! ni ii^riibi lMf2, A linoiifl < ’. lin- sec 28. tp 25 s, r 12 e w in. i . sworn statem ent No. 7/4, for I Ju n e 8, 1878, entitled “ An act for the Tuesday the 24tli day of February, IH03 stn’«s I87S, mer. «»Í l'rinevtHe. counly ni Crool*. Mm«* o, He mimes as witnesses: i ’erey If. O reu« m. Ii »»b i «*«l in t Ilia "flii t* liis a . 'irn s tu f «*- I That thev will offer proof tn dhow he purchase . of the >1* *4 timber lands in the States of f(> t • see 8(1. | sale of find Davis. Ceorge W. Null, Henry Carlin. ment N«*- s.'*s for il.c |»nrchnse oí ihe lois i, that the land sought is more valuable : n n c*4 and sec 81, tp 25 s, j California i a , Oregon, Nevada, and Wash- «• > Clyde Johnson, all ol bisters, Oregon. », i*, oí MM lton No li», in township No. -I. S. tor its tim ber or stone than for agrirul- M 2 e w in. j ington T errito ry,” as extended to all ninne No. U E W M.. nod will offer proof lo That they will offer proof to show that j the Public Lands States by act of Aug- Any ¡1r.1l n il 1 ersinn- • how ilici II chin! Militili is more vnliiuhie I tural purposes and to establish their c l a i m i n g a d v e r s e l y th e a h o v i - i i t - tor iis limi er or Mone ioni» l’or aicrieuliurnl | claim to said land before A. C. Palmer, l the land sought is more valuable for its j gust 4, 1892, H enry Keene, of Stavton, s -riheil la n d s a r e renttested tn lib- purposes Mi'l to « ■ t)il Lsli his clnim to sn»c. I S I'oniii.issioner at Prineville, ( »regon, on tim ber or stone than for agricultural | county of Marion, state of Oregon has fr­ purposes aud to establish their claim to died in this office his sworn statem en t t lu ll e i n . n ,s it; th is ulliei on hi lore him! 1 efor«* J. .1. Smith. county elerT. ' Miturdav. the 14th de v of Feb.. lVP»8. ni i rinevilie ('riRon on Iiusouy. ine lTih They name as witnesses: Francis said land before A. C. Palmer. F . S. No. willic.vses: K. M. B r a t t a i n , R e g is te r . John * oiuh* '»i I rilieviIie. () in ,|? oij ; ' I ìomih - ¡.I. Devine, T. H. W atkins, Kd i»organ Commissioner, at Prineville. Oregon, •5, (i, 11, 12, ot sec No. 1, in township No. Wnlkln- Francis J ] e\ine, oi .'lean. Ore­ nl Albany, Oregnii; l»o.:a I F. .Stella. Thursday the 1 i»t11 dav of February, 1902. -<> s, range No. 12 c w in, and will offer gon; loiiaht F elta.oi Men*. .Oregon. XX' II. Brock, of Bend, Oregon. They name as witnesses: proof to show th at the land sought is nil persons cluimiiiR mi Any an . A ly and all peisous clain ing ailverse- T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E . more valuable for its tim b er or stone W illiam II. Cyrus, Harold C lark, Theo­ \ e r s e l y t h e a l o- c ùes ri. «-»I lands aie ie«p esl- ly the above-ilescribed lands are re­ dore F. Cudle, of Prineville, Oregon; than for agricultural purposes, and to cd t o ti le t h e i r • laim• in this offi. e on or »•- 111. A I l V K R T I S U V K S T . quested to tile their claims in this office Thomas W atkins, F rancis J . Devine, establish his claim to said land before io i «* mi « I I7tl* » nj oí I et .. IH IH. 0:1 or be ore said !4fh day of Feb., 1»U8. of \F an y, Oregon: Donald F. Sttffa, A. C. Palmer, V. S. Commissioner, at K V i lukiiAih. lii-K-Hlei. Cuite I States I and Office, l.akeview, V'H K. M. B rattai . v . Register. itregoa, Del. 17, 1HU2.—Notice is liere- of Rend, Oregon. Prineville, Oregon, on F riday tlie 18th hv giveu th a ï 1 1 l'ompliance with the Any and ad persons claim ing ad v erse­ day of Feb., 1908. He nam es as w it­ provisions ol the uct ol .lune J, ISÏS, en- T IM H E R L A N D N O T IC E . TIMBER I AND NOTICE. ly the above-described lands are request- nesses: Herbert J . Downing, of Leban- II'.’ UU I ten SUM UNT. titled. '' An act for the suie of tim'oer ed to tile their claim.«; in thin olKce on or 1 on, Oregon ; Kd Dorgan, F ihucih J . De- u;:vnvi:uTt.s;:ii usr. F vitko > tatks L a si » O kkicb , tamis in the states of California. Oregon, 1 Ci ited States Land Otlice. Lakeview. hefore said l:»th d a y of February, 1902. I vine. Thomas 11. XX'utkins, of A lb an y, Lakeview. Oregon. Oct. I(i. 1»(*2 Nevada and M ..shington Territo y . 1' u - ! Dregu . Oc'. 17, Kaki :— Notice is here­ l Oregon. E. M. B uatta in , Register. Notice is hereby given that in compli­ • •xte.ided to ail the public lami States by by given that in eumpli:im ewiti 1 the jeo I Any and all persons claim ing adversely 1 i 1 Augnsl l. ¡8112. the following per- visions of the act of J u n e 8, 1878. en­ ance with, tlie orovidint s of tlie act »>! the above-described lands are reqnest- -uns bave (lied ni this oline tiieir sworn titled “ An act for the sale oí tituhet- Ju n e 2. 878. entitied "An act for the to file tlieir elaim s in this office on or be- T IM BE R LAN D NOTICE. -tatenients to-’O it : fore said lfith d a y of F eb ruary, 1903. l.mds ¡ ‘ the states of V tt’ ¡ for: i a . Otego.:, ! sale of tim ber lands in tlie States of | It RA t) VltRTI S KM KXT Itethule C. Dove K. M. B kattaix , Register. Nevada ami Washington T errito ry.'’ as ( 'alitor .ia. Oregon, Nevada and Wash- T inted States Land Office, Lakeview, of S Inni i ko. cou.it> of Wiiscn, state of ■xtended to all the public lai d states : ington T errito ry.” as extended to all • »regoli, swor.i statement No 7H4. lor I by act of August 4 IS».!, tin- folloni: g the Public Land Mates by act of August * »regon, Oet. 17 1902 :—Notice is hereby TIMBER LAND NOTICE, the Jilirclnise ol the 1 ■1 o se44 . sec 14. ne- 1 neldo s have this dav .tiled i this olin e 4. J8.*2, the following persons have this »-'¡''en that in compliance with the pro­ visions of the act of J u n e 8, 1878, en- d ay filed in this odice tiieir sworn stat lie '.4 sec ¿M. nw *4 nw '4 s ‘C 24, tp KK A I > V K KTIS K M K V T. ! their sworn statem e ts to-vvit : I titled “ An act for tlie sale of timber n cuts, to wit : s, r 12 e w m. I iiite.l States Land Office, Lak*-view May Nurse | lands in the states of California, Oregon. Fret! Davis Charles K. McDowell Oregon, Oct. lfi, 1902.—Notice is here­ Nevada, and Washington T errito ry,” as asco, stiite ot ot Prineville. county of Crook, state of Shunikn, eoimtv o: Masco, state of I of Shiiniko. county of by given th at in compliance w ith the extended to all the public land states by < »regon, s w ora sta t eu .eut No. . 80, for ¡ t »regno, sworn statem ent No. >M),. m: Oregon, .-worn statem ent No. 1492. li act of August 4, 1892. the following provisions of the act of Ju n e 8, 1278, en ­ the pun luise of the 11W *4 sec 4, t p 2*• s . I the purchase of the w b, sw . io, k4 sn *4 . the purchase of the sw *4 nw*-,, sec 2 persons have this day tiled in this otlice titled, “ An act for the sale of timber- s e *'4 o a *4 sec 2‘*. tp 25 s. r 12 e. e*. !4 s e 1., see 80, tp 25 s, r r 18 e w m. lands in the states of California, Oregon, tlieir sworn statem ents, to -w it: Kov N'urss Krnost Y. Dot y Nevada and XVashington T errito ry,” as Lina M. Hale Shaniko, countv of W asco st it*' Marv L. McDowell cf s’hnniko, conni y "t Masco, state of extended to all the public land states hv | of Arlington, county of O jlliam , state of Oregon, sworn • ' K m ai, s 1 o r. 1 s ta t onici 11 No. , 81 *, for statem •.,! . of Prineville. conntv of Crook, state of act of August 4. 1892, the following per­ 90S, fur the pure 1 1 lisi ■ oi the j » iivgon sworn statem ent No. 1491. lor j Oregon, sworn statem ent No. 7T»9, for sons have this d a y tiled in this office the pnrci.ase of tl.e sw *4 sec 18. tp 2*'• s, the purchase oi the n e l4 sec 1, tp 2(> s. 1 t .... i .... r 12 e w m. tlieir sworn statem ents, to -w it: l''I the purchase m the «V* nef4 , 11S* r**‘ 14 .! Lenora M. Hulee till offer proof Tliat thev 1 sec 29. tp 25 s, r 12 e w tn. Wave Morris 7. for * »regon, sworn st.itt 11 ent No. 970, for tinnì lor ugricultnriil purposes, and to the purchase of t lie sw *4 sec It. for its timber or stone than for agrieul- i the purchase of the s e ‘4 sec 1. tp 28 s. the purchase of th e se»^ sec 24, tp 2S «•stahlish tln ir d a im to -*id lami lieforc s. r 12 e. rural pm poses, and to establish their r 12 e. *• r 10 **• A (' Palmer. C. S. Comudssioner. at C harles l ì. Il nisi* I claim to said land before A. C. Palm er, That they will offer proof to show Minnie M. XX hitsett l’ri.ieville, (»regon, on Momlay. the 2 trd of Moro, county of >lieriiiMn • '" I C. M Commissioner at Prineville Ore that the land sought is more valuable "* ^ rinevilie. county of ( rook, state of dai of Februarv. 1 ;•*>.'■ Tiicv naine ils »regon. sworn statem ent No «or ¡ won. on '1 hursday, the 12th d ay of Feb., for its timber or stone than for agrieul- » »regon. sworn statem ent No. 97!, lor D onc , 1 red the purchase ol the sek,. : W 111 D. j 1908. ’They nan e as w itnesses: Min 1 ur.il purposes, ami to establish their ; Yli** purchase of the iiw 1, sec 25, tp 28s, K ruent V. l>otv, ol Shui iko tp 'Jiis, r 12 e. I .de M. W h iisct (lle n a d a V . Temple- claim to said land before A.C. Palmer, C. j r > * regon; Francis .1. Devine, Thomas 11 lao iis I». Holder 1 ton, Charles McDowell, and Mary L. s . Commissioner, a t Prineville. (»regon, Homer Harrington M alkin s, of A lbany, 1 »regon. of Moro, enmity of Sh erm an . s| **f 1 vtcDowetl of Prineville. ( »regon : Homer on W ednesday, the IMtti day of Febru ,,f s ,m ,,ik o ' ,'o un ,.v XVasco, state of \ll> wild all persons cl.iimi ig ild v n s c » 1 regon sworn statem ent Nil 9 D a rri1 gioii and Herbert XV. Cooke of a r y , 1H08. ( 'regon. sworn statem ent No. 987, for K the nbovo-i.es. nbed lands arc the purchase of the neL, -ec II, tp 2n s. shaniko, Oregon; Francis J. Devine Thev name as w itnesses: Wave 1 , *,t‘ P, , r i l »aae of the seL* see 19, tp 28 a, requested to tile their claim s in r 1 e. and Kd Dnrgan, of Albany. Oregon. Morris, of Portland, (»regon ; Lina M. r 1U e. M ¡unie L. I (older t bis ottico on or Indori* said 22rd day of Any and ull persons claim ing ad­ Hale, of Arlington Oregon ; T. H. Wat- Herbert XV. Cooke of C rass Valley, county of Sherm an, versely the aliove-described lands are Feb., 1908. kins. Francis J . Devine, of A lbany, Ore- ‘d Shaniko, county of XVasco, state of state of Oregon, sworn statem ent No. requ.-sted to tile th eir claim s in this K. M l t K » m i x . Register. goo ; D K. Steffa. of Henil, Oregon. | Oregon, sworn statem en t No. 989. for 1012. fur the purchase of the lots 1. 2, 8, ollh-e on or before said 12 day of Keh., Any anil all persons claim ing U(|_ ^ the purchase 01 the lot 4, aec 3 ; lots 1, 2, 4. of sec 4. tp 2*'< s r 12 e. 1902. verse!v the abttve-ilesi'ribed lands are *11"^ ,l'' 1-4 »»c1«, sec 4, tp 29 s, r ID e. T IM B E R L.NND NOTICE. Ja m e s M. sm ith K. M. ItavTTvix. Register. I requested to tile thetr Claims in this of- That they will offer proof to show aKAOVItHTISKMXMT. of Prineville. conntv of Crook state of 8ce on or before said 18th d a y of F»'h- that the land sought is more valuable I 'n Itisi tin te s I and office I akeview Oregon sworn statem en t No. m *. for rimry, 1908. K. M. brattuin. Register. for its tim ber or stone than for agricul­ the porch i v ol tin* n » * ( sw », < »regon, < »i t. 17, KH»2 T I M B E R L AND NO TICE tural pur|sises. and to establish their Notice i" la'-reby giveii that in cmnpli- i‘ N sc», «ei' «a. n e*-4 lie», sis- ,'t.f. tp 23 claim to said land l>efore A. C. Palmer, «H.V IIV KHTISK W K>T. »n«v with the pro» imo. s «»I the .n't of | a. r 11 e ' F. .*• Commissioner, at Prineville, Ore­ T im be r l a n d n o t ic e . Ju n e 3, | n 7 n . e n title» an wit for the That thev wid offer pris if tnshow rt.at C » trito -iTvTKs L amo Orrtca. Ijikc gon. on Thursday, the 12th d ay of Fele MHA IIV KRTISKM K XT sale ol timber lands in the states of ( 'at- the la »I s.niglit is more valuable for it-| view » 'regon, t v t . l*t. 19ir> : Notice is rn ary. I9t»3. They nutim as witnesses : ITniUxI s tates Ij»nd 1 Hfiee. l-ikeview . llorína, Oregon Neiaert XV. C isike of Shaniko. O regon; i nary . I IS» .. Min ts, to w It exte.-deil ?.. all the pni.lic Und stale s t.v " - 1*’ ,,f ü , " b*,r '•‘ "d* •" *»« F ran cis J . I Vvine and Ed Dorgan, of tìeorge D. Tavlnr The» a n e a « witnesses; t of August 4 1892. Avery O. x-oggin. ( ’•UfornU (»regni». Nevada, and Wash- Alhwnv Orgg, o liste rs county i ris.» state of Ore- Krini'i- I Devine. Thomas W atkins, • of Prineville. coonty i»a'm o k. state o l .; ingttwi T errito ry” » . extended to all Any and »II person, ela.m ing a d v e n t go sworn *»it.oii>.|it No 9I > n»r the >*f 4 l*>ativ i »regon ; t enori» \| lliilse • ‘ «»regon. ha# this dav tiled in U,i» , ■ ,,M» ' by *,-» of An- |y the above-desert lied lands are are reuutwt rr>|u«wt- t'h lari.** < ■ »bliss Lewis I». Hobler, , e i rein >.| ills SO ,liB .w o rn -tatenm nt No. 77H. I.g* K«»t 4. 1 8 « , Die following person a bava ml to file their claims in i b i . orfica on or »e», nw r i : •4 M r . , • n e g o . ; Roy - Nurse, ot «h an i t *... t»„. p.,rv baae .4 the e»* nek, see 14. n S tbtw .lav ftbwl in U..s offi. a their a w .rn bafora sani 12th dav of F e b ru a r. u . . 19«. 13, m township statem ent# '.is s i: àu, Oregon. I ut» » u. a v llu ii M. n a s tra la , Ragistar. ■ i D F iS C H U T E S E C H O . N» I • 1 .