y TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ^TH E , / • j\ § % Barber 1 C. I. W IN NE R, M’g r . -------------------- PRINEVILLE, OREGON $ A rriv e P r in e v ille (1 A . M. H P. M . Carpets, ? orders to or call on Comfortable coaches and Passenger and freight rates reasonable. Leave 1 § ounce, J-ukeviow, Oregon, Sept, !*. 1902. Notice is hereby given that in eompli ance with the provisknui of the act »>i June 3, 1878, entitled "A n net for tin sale of tindvr lands in the Mates o f t ’ali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington rerritory.” as extended to all the Pub lie Land State« hy act of August 4, 1892, the following person* have this das lih*e of tl.e x \ n>., nee 3, tj> 21 s, r 14 e, William H. Prose, of Prineville, couii- tv of t ’rook, stilt»' of Oregon, sworn statement No. 1344. for the purchase of the sel4 sec 9, tp 21 s. r 14 e. Henry C. W'ilhoit, of Prineville, conn, tv of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 134t>, for the purchase of the mi ' 4 of see 14. tp 21 s, r 14 e. Mary K. W'ilhoit,of Prineville, countv of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state nient No, Pf47, for the purchase nt the nc l 4 sec 14, tp 21 s, r 14 e. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valttahh or its timber or stone than for agri­ cultural purposes, and to establish their claim to said land before A. C. Palmer. C. S. Commissioner nt Prineville, Ore­ gon. on Monday, the l!»tli day of Jan­ uary, 1903. They name as witnesses: Nona P. Donley, Albert T. Taping, of Shaniko. Oregon; william II. Prose, Henry t w’ilhoit, Mary F. wilhoit, of Prineville. Oregon; T. H. watkine, of Albany, Ore­ gon, Any anil all persons claiming adverse­ ly th»‘ aliove-dcscrihcd lands are rr quested to tile their claims in this office on or liefore said 19th dav of Jan., 1903. K. M. B kattain , Register. ! I Shop S (• and Bath- j Rooms. l 1 Best of accotnodalions ami sat-,; t . « .. ¡«factory service. ¥ 2 * asco, state of ! He names as witnesses«; Thomas I Oregon, sworn statement No 1.324, for watkins. Francis J. Devine, of Albany. In Our Store W here There is a Complete Line of D ry the purchase of the se '4 sec 10, tp 21 s, , Oregon: Lewis D. Holder, Charles G. | ¿Goods, Groceries and Everythin* in use About the House.! S H A N I K O .................. OR EGON r 14 e. Hulse, of Moro, O regon. James W . Fisher ! Stop P ayin * High Prices and do Y o u r Tradin g W ith a Any and all persons claiming adverse- of Shaniko. county of Wasco, state of j a Firm W hose Prices Just Fit the Pocketbook. I lv the a hove describe» 1 lands are request­ Oregon, sworn s.atoment No. 1.125, for. ed to tile tlr:ir claims in this office on or , the purchase of the sw '4 sec 10, tp 21 liefore said 17th dav of February, 1903. ; s, r 14 e. E. M. B k a t t a i n , Register, j I’UINEVILLE, OREGON. Rdliert Rea TH E H .A C K to Mt«»p wlion at of Prineville, county of Crook, state of T I M B E R BA N D N O TIC E . Oregon, sworn statement No. 1320. for ¿••K—?, • • • • ..... . .<«<«.« . ... . . ..... . . ¿ KF.4 DVKKTI ENT. the purchase of the nel4. sec 15, tp 21 rhiteil State» Land < >ffl< e, Lakeview. Oregon. ». r 14 e. Oct. 17, 19»rj: Notify ir hereby given that in That thev will nff*»r proof to show that comjdianc#* With the I.rovi.lon* of the n»’t of the noutfhi i* more valuable for it Jtinc X, 1 ‘7^. entitled " A n act for the »air r»f titnhrr laiidM it) the Mate* o f < ahfornia, Orc- timber <»r stone tiian for agricultural on, N e v a a m i Wash iiig’on Territory,” h * ’ B»‘uutifully I« mu teil on tin* |)esihuti»s . purjKises. and to establish their claim 4‘i ten*'»**! to all the public laii'1 * h ; c * by act of J j fine fishing ; po«ti»(lice ; stage ullic- on to said land before A. C. Palmer, 1 . 8. Auiruxt 4. 1fW, Katherine ff rlfrlc h, of j state of n; Hors« s to fiay over night of Albany, Oreg»>n. T H Watkins of Albany, O r e g o n . John Camba j P R I N E V I L L E , . . . . O R E G O N Any and all js-rsons claiming diversely of Prineville. Dreg-m. Horse* to haj a id grain A n y a i e i a i l persona rlaiminK diversely the j the above-ilescritssi lands are requested SANFORD’S Liquors and C igars. Commodious Club Rooms* C A S H S T O R E . l ;N O T H IN & ' N E W U N D E R T H E S U N * Except I J. F . M O R R IS A* C* Sanford* STAATS’ BEND. WHITE & COSES DEALERS IN Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Best Brands of Goods Always in Stock* t«> file their claims in this ntliew on or before said 2'Uh day of January. 19»W. E. M . B uatta . s .h t yirter. abc»ve '.ewrtbfd land« are requested to file J their claim« in ihi« off e on or t etore aau] 77th •1»T of 4>h , HOT. K H B k a TT a IS , X e g l d i r . t W. I I . H TA A TH • • • • Prop