The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, February 07, 1903, Image 1

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The DesChutes Echo
S hort L ine
ano union P acific
C H IC A G O ,
C IT Y ,
L O U IS ,
NO. 37.
I August 4. 1KM2, Prunk V. Townseii«! of Good Points in the WilÜ2iUS0n Bill precinti» tin won id not I in ve it n
Judging from the number of
I Shaw, rountv «>f Marion, «hit*» «»t Or.'
hot in tin* mire of senseless «;••!.. v tin:her seekers which has already
' ¡»'"H. ha* tliif <lav fiK*> 1 in this uffici* Ins
start»d this your, the yellow pine
sworn statement Xu. 11.*5, for tin* ;>ur-
and excuses.
Evidently Senator Williamson
it in the vicinity of the Des­
elmse of tin* swl^ sw '4 see. 28. nw «4 n\v
Then* is ¡1 certain amount of
l4 s Lo nwV4 see. H:t. t|> 23 s, r 1- e. w . in. is endeavoring to establish a re
consolation, however, in cogitating chutes is likely to witness a great­
ami will offer proof»., show that the yon| fnP himself in tin irriga t ¡on
upon the fact that other districts er rush during the next five
lami sought is more \aluahle for its titu­
matter, which just now has en­ will not in tin future he cnmpclh'd months than last year. Tlu* heiivx
lier or stone than for agricultural ptir-
|, ami to establish his claim to saiil compass«*«! all (lit ron,
to suffer as so *ie have in the past. fall of snow which covered the
lami heforc 11 . w. i:ce<l. F. S. 1'omiiiiss-
Mr. \\ iltiaiiison s new ’ " I ptir- But this variety of consolation is ground a \vc.*k ago does not seem
loner, at lleml, Oregon, on Monday, the poses some rmlicul changes in the
almost as cheap as words, and tin* to hold any terrors for tin* steudly
13tli day of Aprii. UKld
present irrigation statutes, some of latter can he found at any time on increasing number, the hulk 1 ?
He names as w itnesses : ( ’. <ì. lìicli-
which so far has come from Minn­
which would have been of inestim­ a oiic-eent bargain counter.
I ar<lson, (i- w. Townseml.
F.K. Town-
and the Dukntcs.
I semi and Frank Itoglie all of l.ava. Ore­
.Vacami all pi r-olisci limi g adv« r<elv But apparently it is experience
Refer It to the People,
! thè «bove «toser.i.e.1 lamls are reqaestci even witli ieg siators l hat,
tu Hit: their claiuis in tliis otfi.-e 011
and while some of the present ex­
| liefore said lMth day of Aprii, llid.'t.
isting evils incorporate irrgation
K. .M- llrnttain, lìcgister
Regarding Timber Filings,
Now that the county division
It is ipiit** true that filings and
has taken oil a decided
cannot he »-emedied hv the passagi
proofs made Udore A.
Ocean steamers Ivtwecn Portland
of the hill, new ones will be pr,,- |,»>litit*a 1 feature, it may I k * pre- after his commission expired eat
and Man Francisco every tive days.
I vented from taking root. The bill stinted that stronger force! will In ! not he accepted by the hint! »»flic«*
1 I’tiiUMl SiHie»* Laud Olttct*. Lakt*vitw, Oregon
to bear both for and I
December l-\ UM2. -Notice I n hereby given ! is commendable from that staml-
because they are not taken accord­
hill creating the new ;
that in coin Dlia nc with the provision* of tin |
if from III) utlliT.
ing to law, hut there is a higher
I act of congres* oi .huit* •'», 1878, emide«! “ An art
But prohahlv tin* quick-:
Tickets to ami from all parts of the for ilu* salt* of timher land* in the stairs of
Perhaps the im»st noteworthv district. ,
1 . . •
i uuthontv than tlu Gen»Tul Land
Fnited States, Canada and Europe.
caltforuiM. on-gun, N hvik I h , «ml Wiisiiinamn features of the proposeil law are the
miters invoh
t ............
e r r i t o r y . " a* exteudt'd ln »II dll' puhlic lumi
in which to decide the question is
For particulars call on or address,
state* by act of August 4, lhi*'J. Frutici* M. pH)\ ISlOllS made for immediate
ing principles of equity ami jnstiei
Kriiemuf portiHiKi, «ounty «>f Miiiinomiiii. i action on the part of in corporate»! suggested in the letter written hv are referred and whose decisions
J. H. FREDERiCY, Agent, stale
of Oregon» has this day filed in thi* offici- j
W. Barnes of Prineville to the
his sworn statement No. l'*H7 for the purchase i LOIUlblllliîH, «idc! «I ppo.iltcl \ ? till* ill-
are binding on the land olhee. To
B ig g s , O r e g o n . of the inv»4 see. »¿»p ¿t s r n e. w. in. mul »in ! formation required regarding their I* regonmn. . Ir. Bai lies says.
this higher authority, th** Board of
offer proof to show (hai tlu* lauti »ought is
. , .
" I t is true that there is a future i
mort* valuable for its limber and stone than unUllCLll »StdlUliny lit till? tiliii* ot
Equitable Adjudication, all these
for aKi icultural purisme«, and to establish Ills their Ul>|>lÌCiltÌOIÌ for lands. Tiu* before Crook county, if our dreams | eases will In* referred ami n«> claim
claim to said laud before A.(\ rainier, V- s. » «««
of a grand irrigation sdienu* everj
Commissioner à! Itemi, Oregon, on Moudav. ** pil)\llllS.
will la* declared void until passed
the lHiiiiUy «f ,\|.rii, iso;:.
1 **Xu the case of incorporated harden into realities: if our «lesert upon
by that Board, or. if
United States Jamil Office, Lake view.
lie minier », » Hnewer ¡Henry M. Ucluir m
lands are reelaimed; if hundreds of
Oregon, Nov. IP. I.W02.— Notice is herein T « , Wash. K.r. wi.iitenof Beml. or,.. j companies it shall state the name
it should la*, the order of the land
gr.ea that in compliance with the pro­ gon.mid l> I-' Steffi» mid Kit Boyil of Beml, of t lie colli pa 11 V, the purpose of its settlers make homes where now dt’ iee declaring it void would la*
onlv the ja»*krahhit lives, ('rook
visions <if the act of .lime .‘1, 1878. entitl * Wi""
Any und all j vrsons rlaiiniug ndvrrsi'lv tin* incorporation and where incorpor­
| appealed from.
cd "An act for the sale of timber lands above drsrribfd lands art* rt*»i»it>ird lo lilt* ated, the mimes and places of resid­ could stand carving; hut tiie right.
Proofs may he made before an­
in the states of (.dililoruia, Oregon, Ne- I their claims in thl* office on or before said
tiling ¡md the only sensible thing
other officer than the one named and Washington Territory" as ex­ Uith day oi April, liKK».
K. M. Hrattain, Register
the amount of ìts
its authorized and is to wait ami sec whether or not j in notice, but the notice must he
tended to ail the public land states l>\
paid-up capitai, and its availuhle these dreams will become smut*- republished naming the proper
Act of August 4, I8a2, Jessie Cray o.
I*rinevillti. county of Crook, state of Ore- j
asset.s ahove all liahilities, and thing more tangible than dreams. oilicer. In all such eases the Ecu«»
gon, has lile*l in this office her sworn
To Land Claim ants.
"M r. Burgess, if your hill should j
| sudi other faets as will epahle thè
will republish the notices free oi
s-.iteiiieiit No. 441. for the purchase 01
a law. would you Is* will- j
tin* se *4 of si*«*. !» tp. 2-> s r 10 e. w. in. I
! tiuancial ahility of sudi corpora- ing to ha ve tlu* matter left to the!
and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its tim- j It niav he of interest to thus«* who | lion to curry »»ut thè proposed people of Crook. Wasco, and Slier- I i Charlie Willey left Tuesday for
man counties, under the ref«Ten
or stone tinnì hr agricultural purposes, j Jmve during the past four months. ' undertaking.
d to establish her claim to said lami i
‘ No contract shall he made hv
or since October 4th. 1902, mudi
leiere A. C. Palmer. C. S. Coiiniiissioii-
Allot’ which is equivalent to say-, A party of six Minnesota people
tir. ut Priaevillti. Oregon, «m Satimluy, luml tìiinKs or P™>fs la tore thè j thè board wliieli «equires a greater ( ,
to know tlmt steps j timo tinnì fi ve vears for thè con- 11 * K thè ptopi t lime in which i arrived the Inst of the week. They
tli.* Iltli day of April, 1M03.
siie mimes as witnesses: Edna I Had­ are being taken in each individuai .struction of thè work. and all con- tl‘ ‘ t» I'* :,n.v county is after, not left Friday for the timber belt to
ley, Archie 1’owcll, Uruee f¡ray. Edwin ease to rectify thè defeets cause«. : traets shall state tlmt thè
work bof.ire, its developrm-nt has settici locate claims.
A. I»avenport ami Eliza Parker all ot
o a s o lid b a s is , a n d tin* d r ift
hv the expiration of his tmimissitm ¡ 'hall begin within six mouths from
W. P. Vamlevert was down from
Prineville, Oregon.
. .
Any and all persons claiming adverse-1 as L ‘ ^ Commissioner, and thai
ly the a ls>ve * leseri oe* I la mis are re. | nest-! t here is eve ry reason to 1 h *1 it*\*i
ed to tile tiieir claims in tliis office on or | that these efforts will he successful
, .
o f its n e w p o p u l a t i o n c u t t i n g in
j the date ot the emit mot; that eon-
p e r m a n e n t
c h a n n e ls ,
¡struction .-* 1 m 11 In* prosecuted 1 1 111 -
d e v e lo p ,
i gently and continuously to com-
Lave Friday attending to businc'S
C. B. Allen was down from the
sustain»*» pletion, and that a cessation of tin- the population will gather ami
work under the contract with the vt,loP wonderfully in the next few Big Meadows Friday with two fine
years no one denies, hut where, specimens of beef cattle. The two
s o n w ill in d u e tin a* re- (s t a te f o r a
p e r io d o f s ix m o n t h s ,
o m t h e la w lin n
o f G a l l » - a f t e r t h e s e c o n d y e a r , w i l l f o r f e i t with new enterprises and irrigation beeves weighed 12!Sd pounds and
H e d g e s . » < f O r e g o n ( J i t V . n f - t o t h e s t a t e a i i r i g , i t - u n d e r s a i d projects springing up in all sections were quickly disposed of when
is not a question which now can thev re.n h.*<I here,
t o In* s i g n e d b y
t h e m
a m e «m t r a e t .”
definitely answer»*»!, iniudi l«*ss i
r r o h .m i t i n g w it n e s s e s b e fo r e I
B o t h t h e
p r o v is io n s
a r e w i.-c
before sain iltli day <»f April. PHJ3.
1 and that no loss will he
K. M. Bnittuia, Register . 1(V t,H. t-laimiints.
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E a c h p e r
j c e iv e f r
T I M B E R I . A N D N O F K E.
j w -iiv j*
U n ite d States h a n d
t ) r « g „ n . N o v - 1 - , H » o -
Ih.'H, e n t i t l e d a c t
O ffi.e L ik e v ie w , j fid a v its
N o . i n is i i « m b \ ,
^ o
j x !»*•*»'>■
«.•«•» **»- i ..... ..
lor the side o f: ficer qualified to administer »»atlis. ert methods
some <*i
« timi of « a new ",r
'*>• *•* "«•«•n^ i*
county out of the one
tini’.>er lami* in thè st.ites oi California. : and th»*li return ed t»> G»tl»>Wnv A thè eonipanies >»«»!King under thè win» h i* about to draw an immense
Orvgoa. Nevada. ami xvashinjitoii t«rri- ;
wlio wlll forward them f«,ÌC arev aet. The tirst provision immigration.
Then again, if the hill does lie-
t-ury,’" as exìe:,..,*,! lo all thè public lami j lhe
f ,ttud oftict,
I quoti*»! al»«»Ve will c a h l e thè State
come a law at this time the sug­
P a rk e r of D elh i, »-ounty of lie d w m sJ .
r i . e s e . i f h d u v i t s w . i l I h * t o t h , t o d e t e r m i l i e t i r s t w h e t h e r t h . e o m -
gestion offered that it he referred
« t a t e « a M i n n e s o t a , iia s t iiis « l a y rtleil i n e f f e c t t h . i t t h è e h i i m a i i t s a e t e t l il
p a i i y is s o i n e t li i n g m o r e
t h a n ;»
t n is o ffic e n i - s « o r n s t a t e m e n t N o . ló o o , « g o o d f a i t l i ili t i ii i k i li g t h e i r fiIin g .- t w o - p e n n y u f t u i r a n d c a p u b l e
o f to the people is one which could he
lor the purchase of the «
iim ‘4 sec.
g o . s ‘ .4 l i e ‘4 s e t * . 27. t p 21 s r 11 « . » » .
m . a m i w ill o f f e r p r o o f t<* s h o w t h a t t in »
l a m i s o n n i it is m o r e
v a l u a b l e fo r its
t i m l i e r >r » t o m * t h a n f o r i i y r i c u l . i i r u l
p .ir p ises. a n i to e s ta n lisli b l» ciaitii t >
s m i lain! b e fo r e A , C . P a l m e r , I . >,
C o m m is -io n e r , at P rin eville O re g o n , o n
s a rar* lay. tu e liti» *lny o f A p ril. IW M .
The Board of Tradì* will givi* ¡111
entertainment, suppcr, and »lance
Friday evening. Feb. 20. The
social event will he under thè ali —
pices of thè wives and ibiughter-
ot th<* memhers and from thè ar-
rangements now heing umile pi »-
mises to I h * a »leciiled stieeess. A
g» invitatimi is exteii<.le«l to
or proofs It fore A. ( ’.Palm er, he- carrying on its piojeet without the «*ntil y acted upon. It would give
lieving him to i>e, and lmving gms! » xasperating »le.ay. al present in every voter the opportunity to
show 011 which side of the fence he
reason for s<» believing, a »iulv voglie, eausetl iiy thè lutile ».rtorts
stands, ami also give the uil'leeidt d
qualified officer. In cases when to ohtain funds to complete tln
ones a chance to jump oft either
proof lies not been made the claim­ work. Primuriiy, it will put a v«*t«>
\Y. A. La id law, secretary and
on on»* sii le or the other. Af least
ants may make proof Iteforc ai . 011 thè thousand-doliar wln»
1 » ( t , general manager of tin* Uoluinhia
, , .
is ready t<» tic up thousamls of ai! oi the people, mid not a -»
•«•w. would l»e plHi*«*d in a position South**rn Irrigatian company, left
Thursday for Portlami where he
tie name» a« witnesses: I . li. Mar­
io »ay wh«*ther the «iivision wap f<»r
ioli"! Drain. Oregon; »teorge T. Sly, tilt* umlersigmd ut bis • »Ilice in »oses, but ill the event of him -e-
g»N*s to arrange for tin* si ttlenient
I,mis M. Amlerson ot Roslaml. » fregoli ; Prineville for il.struttimi» InAt to curing a state contract the lattei the go«»d of tin* county.
of some largi* tracts of land limit r
I nih . i M F. stoffa of Bend, Oregon.
provision will comp« 1 him to com­
th*' company's canals. Mr. Laid-
Any ami all persons claiming advent**
No person regrets th«* unfortm - mence actual construction w:lh,t.
hiw was notified by president Lytle
I tin* ais've descriiittd laud.» ar ■ re*|llcst
six months from tin- date of signa­
that tin*
Hurriumn advertising
c i t** rile th *ir claims in tins office on or
the uii'iersignetl and In* wiii sj ur. ture.
be lore sai i iitii day oi April, Iffoff,
From an«* after this »lat** of
system in th»* »*ust was hriuging
It is a matter of r> gr«*l that the.-»* -il»* the following rates will Is* out some very gratfying results,
K. M. Bratîaiii. Register, ! no paitts or « *|s*nse to rectify i,is
_ ______
____ error. In «onciusimi it may
» two promotions,
which current charged
hind and that tin* rush of settlers to the
stated that Ilo )sTson w ill puffer event- have established as furnia* n»»tic**s:
Til niello Lisin would have to l><*
TIM B E R LAND X O n t h.
the loss of his claim without fir»t im ntai principles of successful irti* Tim lier ami St»»m*. sing!**. lU .f g l cari li for at ouee. .Mr. Laidlaw nervi i.» gi ten that »n mnipli- havitiw ail Opportunity given him gation. w,Te not a part oi Hie
l'i«»l»« r nini Htone, consolidât- exja»ts to la; absent for sever.l
rtnee wTtii D m ? oi the net *ff t»» siiow his g<ssi faith and ¡nb n- -tat,* statutes at the tin»»* o f
C10.U0 w»*eks, or Until satisfactory
a r-
ls,*s entitli-i * An
e >,igrv- ... .Ima f. .
tioii, •»» tliat for the present, at tin* adoption of
toe Carey law. HotnPatci»d and Ifesert latnl f7.«‘>0 rmigiiin lit* can In* loud«' with
a t t»*r tue -one of tlii.!«*r bm*l« ia to*
in districts A il puhiieation fe*-s must Is' pai« I ttiose win» ar«* coming from tho
-Mtes <*f ( ’alifoniii,. Oregon. Nevada,
Would now la* enjoying a s|**edy in advance.
east to huiid up new hom w m
«.al Washington territory." on extend«*»! ,u*!‘!‘*
to «11 the latblie b»o*l states by act <»f
A. ('. I' a i . w kr .
development, and thr«*«* years of,
A. C. I’ a l m k ii , M gr.
the Deschutt-s Valley.