"V 5 PO î ND EXT ER HOTEL /VAA.'N, «*THE«*eMELANCHOLY^ > T IM UK It L A N D N O T IC E . I M ti i . S tati :* i ..*\ i > « » kick . Lukevicw, Or**g«m, Sept. !t, 1*M»3. Noth*«* is hereby gi\*en tliut in conipli- m*t* with tli«* provisions of tin* act of 'une 3, 1S7S, **ntit!«.*< 1 “ An net for tin* ali* of timi er la..«I h in the States of Culi- >riii:i, Oregon, Nevada and \\ ashington !Vrrit«»ry,” an extend«*«! to all the 1 ‘u!>•. e Land St.it«*s !.y act of August 4, 18II2. ii* lollowmg poisons have tide d. v i’ .*d in tits 1 »lliiV their SVVOI U sian­ . 111*1 s. to- v it : Nona r. i h» ;loy. of Shaniko. om i t V U \N ;.si o, Miltl1 ol Orrjion. !* V Ol ii stato- in it No. IM :' , 1« fi «* pur.biiasi* II» tl.»* n 1.. Stv* 3. tp 21 s, r 14 «> W lid;uni II. Pros«*. of Prinovilh *, 1*011 * - * ni ( r» »ok, stati * of Oi Ol.o.l, t* W« * II -it tom«•nt No. 44 . .or the purchase . I “ ** M«‘ *j1 *d*«• ti. *1 :*1 s. r 14 .*, H en. > i V i’ l ..it, of l i inox ill«*, n»t i - of l |*i H k. St:. U* of 1 regoli. S N V 1 11 alia lit No. 134.1, lor tIn* p u n ì also ol a* IIW 1J • ok, «‘tau‘ O' < iVgoll, su e: ii sta to­ nt Xt >. 1 :»47, lor tin* pur■ base ot t!.«; C sec 14 . i * 21 s. r 14 «*. II.at they v.iii niter proof to s! i \« ut tl e land sought is more wihml.n . its tin I «*r or stone than for agri|. Itliral pm pus, s, and to establish tin ir aim to sai*! la d lic’or«* A. C. l ain cr. . S. t'omn issionor at Prioi*vil!«*, Or«* >n, on Monday, the ltith dav of Jan - y . 1!M)3. riu*v • aim* as witnesses: Nona i lay . Alb«*: ; 1. lulling, oi * ! at ik*. Hi : Willi« Ml 1!. Prose, Ì i cii'*y C. ili' Ì . V : ry ! *. willioit. of ! line. i’ b*. .\'g 111 ; 1. H. \\*el kills, of Al i \ .1 .!•«*- PRINEVILLE, OREGON. ¿»DAYS«* H AV&*COME--^ ^ The largest and best equipped hotel in Crook county. Electric ) rooms and alio.her accomodations necessary to traveling puohc. Lights, bath- F Headquarters for Com m ercial Traveler? and T ourists» AMERICAN FLAN $1.25 per day and upward. But this need not trouble YOL for you can purchase a complete line of Groceries, Ranges, Stoves ano Everything to MAKE YOL Taking: to toe Tall Timber COMFORTABLE n. I’ O I X P K X T E R , P ro] victor. V. at Prices that W ill H A M IL T O N ST A B L E S Make REDBY FEED BARN ■’“’’hi Pfiiieviile“““ 2.— Notice is here­ by given that in compliance with the pro\ isions of the act of June 3, 1373, en­ title 1, “ A i a*t for the salt* of timber ’.a ids in tin* states of California. <>re- iîoti. Nevada, and Washington Territory, as extended to all the public land states he act of August 4. 13u2, the tollowi ig n *rso:ts have tliis dav tiled in this office their sworn statements, to-wit • Don K. Ro-kfellow of Seattle, eonntv of King, state of Ore- gon. sworn statement No. 1322. for the purchase of the sw l4 see 9. tp 21 s, r 14 Elizabeth Matlock of Iletipner, county of Morrow, state of Oregon, sworn state­ ment No. 1323, for the pur­ chase of the nel4 sec 10, tp '21 s. r 14 c. Lillie M cllargue of Shaniko, county of V asco, state of Oregon, sworn statement No 13*24. lor the purchase t>f the se l 4 sec 10, tp 21 s, r 14 e. James W . Fisher of Shaniko. county of Wasco, state Oregon, sworn s.atement No. 1323. the purchase of the sw ’ 4 sec 10, tp s, r 14 e. Roliert U**a of .......................... of Crook, state Oregon, sworn statement No. 1320, the purchase of the ne'* 4 . sec 15, tp of for 21 ^ Next door to Poindexter’ s 11 otcl. * (• • P R I N K V I L I . K ------- OHKOON. • *\ ■ v . s, r 14 e. Tliat thev «vili offer pr.sif to slum* that , ii* :* thè lami songbt is more valuable for i > tindier or stnne than for agri« ultur.u purjH*ses. and to establish th«*ir «*laini to sai«l land before A. C. Palmer, V . S. ... .. ,, Coinmisioiier, at ! rinevllle, Oregon, m. TlIti^Uy ^ftli f .Iilliunr). 1 »3 Tliev mime as witnesses: Don E • . ... . . . . . . li» iitiN . of m rt^iiliiifton ; un*, ktV rihiow Kliaalteth Matlnrk. of Heppner, Oreg-m; | illii* M. l larvile ami J hi . cs W, Ei.-her. of Sbaniko, Oregon: Rolaprt Rea. of T1MHK11 LAND NOTICE. RSAl.VFRTI-EVEXT. ITiiifM StHipi» f umi « iti »*. Hikfvifiv. Orrfrni Ori. 17. Noli««* i* lit *rvhy jriv«*» timi i ■■•m«|.M«n-e atih ili«* |.r..v;« ..n- ..i il.e ... i . .filli* . l>_si t-n «lieti “ .Vii «i l for lite *«U* • (ini| f.r ()r, x^vn.i-i im«l W«,l. ngt..o T* rrln.rx ,** . ,*xt* n.!r.l m «Il il.«* |*nMir I hh .1 siri **, i . vhi - i «* L\.-*.i*i t. isw. Ksii.sr os Hrim.-ii. » IjimoDIs. .niint v «>f « ' r« ». • k -:«if ii|iir«"ii li». ^ (n hrT jnvorn Pliileinent No all. for lite purvhni»e of tht* li« 1« • No. lo. {n Towiislil|* No 2*> S. ilnii^v v *. 1 E tV. M.. *!I*I wlll nffrr |.nmf lo «lumr *hni il Irt»*l «oinrht m *>r** « nliuiMe i«»r Hi» t n. • . ilti.rnl , puri o* «mne ! !i»*n t » *r ? « 1 hi *i» ei«tnlilifilt fi»*r **lnini ?** « h P! I hiii I l»t*forv r |*Hln.-r. t* s n !> '*►* !'!■ orr»**u *n Ti.«*«Uy il.«* iti I. . »* *.i K.t.r. Pnneville. Or»v*tl and T. H. Watkln . f H Hr*. k <.l » .n i. Or.-«..ii «*f Albmiy, Oregon. T H. W»lklns«>f .ll*s»ay. Oregon Jol.nt i.nil Anv ami all js*rsons claiminga«lven«*ly <.f l’rtnrvil'«*. or^r .n tln* sD«ve-.h"., rils-l lande are re.pieste.1 'nv . nu alt ¡^r...n, , 1« min» „ffice. Lakcviev Oregon, July 31, It) 1*2.— Notice is lierel •'¡veil that in compliance with the provi sions of the act of June 3, 1378, entitle “ An act for the sale of timber lands i the states of California. Oretroii, Neva.!: and Washington Territory,” as extmin *.*d to all the public la 1 states !>v act o August 4, 13:13, W illiam holder, o Prineville, county oi ( 'rook, state of ( h< gon. has this day tiled in this oHie his sworn statement No. till, fo rth .purchase of the I its 1,2. 3, 4, se. 1. tp 2<1 s, r 12 e. w. in. and will off«* proni to sim v tliat thè land is unir, valuable for its timber or ston, than l'or agricoltura! purpist,* and to cstahlish bis claim to sai«! land ln'forc A. C. Palmer, C. S. Coni- missioner, at Princville, Oregon, oi Tucsdav, thè 17thdav of February 1003. He names as witnessess; Thomii.- watki s, Fr.meis .1. Devine, of Albuin Oregon : L<*wis D. llohler, Charles li. Hnlse, of M ir i. • n. Any and all jiersnns claiming adverse- ly thè above describcd laudsare r«H|iiest ed to (ile tli ir elaims in this office mi n before saiil l7th dav of Febrnaiy, I mi K. M. H kattxis , Kegist»*r. (• Di si of la l uiimd.it i«ji:s ami sat P r u te v ille , O rcg o T .M 3 E R L A N D N O TIC E . (• Rooms. CORNETT, Manager S t o r e ---------- (•» ; isfnctorv service. (' •Ks » t •*»••*'■*••• y •#{>■•.• J » • »> i)i# t I « t x ADAMSON & WINNEK CO. P R IN E V IL L E , OREGON *f * I Barber SI*or and Path- * shades and House Furnishing'Goods, send your h orders ; to or call on . aa ^ v ^ ^ / w v v a a a / ^ ^ / w v ' C. L W IN N E R , M’gr. ■ * > " Comfortable coaches am. * *» i> t ADHIKS' ( *] „!es, Furniture, Carpets, Waii paper, Window Passenser and freight rates reasonable. , L ea v e <9.0 ri 2 H I — * i ... To and from Shaniko in 12 hours. the ' • * * v * * r. ( w C T Shortest and best route to Proprietor* ‘) P Ri N E V ! L LE»S M AN K 0 v and all 1» i o s claimin a l\\ ■ 1 se- V till) above- i set il io 1 lu i< 1s an* r«*- ilOSl 0 1 to O c tl u*ir claims in this o It*«*, * ..i or iicforc said ‘ •til .It V Ol .1lam, 1;».)3. . ,.*/•«¥ *<•<% • . . . . . . . • « . », .^»yS/ï, »/»*■■< ID E THF. PLACK to stop win*« at BEND. I t e H I lt if lllly l.s a te d o il th e D eschutes & tin o fis h in g ; p n x to ttic e ; stag«* o ttici* on P ri ie v illo - s il* o r l.a k e ro u te . DEALESS IN AT».** ■ine V/Lies, Liquors and Cigars. B:st Brands of Goods Always ixi Stock* PRINEWLLE, . . . . Hoard j,**r ««.*«•!. ♦ "* Morses to hay over night OREGON Morses to Iniv ami grain W . I I . S T A A T S .................... I’ rop