\ i\ ersons claiming adverse- 20 s, r 12 t* inni will offer jirnof to show Delhi M. Kbl Enoch ( 'vrtis i !.. - l il.'-d lands are request* the lami sought Is more valuable for its ) of Shuniko, county of Waseo, state of of Si stern, county of ( ’(mil.. ~t :i r«- of d to lili tin-!- iai‘us ill this office on or timber than for agricultural |iiirisises. Oregon, sworn statement No. S 20 to < I regoti, sworn stat»*i>.■ • ;.t No olii tor tin* ls-lori »aid 2 " ! li day of Eeh., 190». ami to establish his claim to said land the purchase of the i i p ‘4 see 35, 11 > 29 I’l'HMf'HKt) KVKHY S a TI MI m Y Il Y I»Ureluis»* of tli*' s.’ *4 s< -i i' 2». *•'._> in*' i before A. C. Palmer, l*. S. Commission­ s, r 9 e. K M. H ka TT a IX, Register. A. PALM ER. i i u 1^ n»-1* sec .0. 1 11 l?»i s. r I. • .. nr er, at l'rineville, Oretion, on Thursday, Charles E. Kbl Hu nil i K. Taylor the 12 th day of February. 1W03. of Shuniko, county »if Wasco, state of EtdToit of Sisters, nuinty of Crook. stat" ot 1). F . S t k KF a He names as witnesses: Francis J . Oregon, sworn statement No. 92» for the M i na »4 : it Oregon, nwiirti staten-eui No. .»17. for A. C, I’ a i . mfk T I M B E R LAN D N O T IC E . Pevlne, Kd l>oiyan, of Albany, Oretimi, purchase of the w l2 n w l4 , inv l4 sw l4 2 Ò, *P tin* |niri'lmst'o t h c s l2 i i : .- nr: a n vkk T isk . m kn T, Frank Atwood, Mary Scojittin, of l ’riue- see 35, s *‘ *4 n e ’4 s»-e »4, tp 2-9 s, r He. MitV.11, ItKfci, ill Rcsclitltes, Or»*« 2(> g, r 13 i* w in. ville, ( I recoil. Willlnm F. Johnson I O retro n, Oct. 17, 11H I2. goili Us s»'(''»n'l I'lasr inutU'r, ttlulltf Ai*l of Murv 1’y riu­ Any and all jhtsohs duimintt adverse of Shaniko. county of Wasco, state of Noi ice is In rt'hv tri ven that in coin- ( ’rtligress <»f March Hj |979; nì Sisters, rn'lnt V >iff'rooli slate ¡.Manee wi:h t h • |ir* » visions of the act of lv the alstve descrilied lands are re- Oregon, sworn statement No. 922 for Oregon, sworn statement N . • * ; h . lor .lu n e » . hS7s. eidiil. i " An Met for tlie iplested to tile their claims in this office the purchase of the e ’2 w '2 see »5, the purchase of tin* i■ 'y --’o. s .. >1’ W l'R H C U irriO N H A T E *, -al of fin « t hind- in tl.e states of ( 'a l­ on or hefore said 12th day of Fell., ItHKL tp 2 m s, r 9 »*. 20 s. r 12 e w no E . M. H ha TTU n , Hetiister. Lillie E. Fulton ii'., mia < li'i'j**in. Nevada tinti Washing­ Is AltVilSI’rf That they Will nfiei proof to show of ShilnikOi eituntv of Waseo, state of ton Tcrritm v.' as eNtcnded t'i all the OVM Yn.irt fl.Uo that the laud sought is more diluitole ? • ; t i. I i. • Laud Stutes hv Met of A U trust 4. Oregon, swum statement No. 921, for T I M B E R L A N !) N O T IC E . Six M onths i ' 1 for tur its timber or .done tinto f *r aui ieiil- l.':» 2 . tin fnllowiiiK persons have this till' purchase of the se »-4 see 3.5, . .51 I I T llHKr MoVfiis turai pUrposes and tu estah»l*h tlc-i- MKAIIVlittflHEMlc.Nt'. tp 29 s, r 9 e. V lile.I ill this Oltiee their swllril state- I elaliii tOftuid lami L-fore A. C. P .ilo er. 1 Tllllt tliev will offer proof to show that t ’ nited States Lund Office, Lakevlew. BATl'ltDAY, JAXI'AttY'il, *Ki;s S. i'oinmissi'iiier ut l ’rine*. i- le t »re^.>n. m o n ts to wit : (iin e th u .L Hunly (Ireiton, Ot't. 1?, 1002.““ Notici' is herehy the land sought is more valuable for its oli W edile».i,v thè 2-4i.li d.i\ -7 1-.-In o a r y . . I lays'ack. county uf ('ruoli, sfate of jjjveit thllt in ’’ e with i timber or stone than for agricultural 12872829 nidi. T ì M ì e r l a n d n d t ic e . ( 'rcyoii, suiit'n statement No. 7M7 l'or tli*i JirtiVÌslons of thè a et ot purposes, and to establish their claim to TlieV iiiiine Its « i t i l i D o m i h l i . said land belore A. C. l’alnn'r, IT S. ti»*' p'ii'di'ise of tilt' iiV i *4 si'*'tlj tp liti s, ,lime », 1H7H, entitled, “ An Ui't for thè KKAIIVHirrtsa.MKNT. Staffili U’itlialn 11. Stanis, oi llend : Or. : r ì» * « io. i sale of tlndler lunits In thè States of Cal- ('omniissirtner, at 1’rint'vllle, Olegon, 011 (ìcorge I» Tnylof, Fiioch Cynis. Snrah t'nlteii Stati''1 filmi Olth'C, hake.ìew t harity ilson. ifornla, Orenttii, NeVitda, and Wasliinjr- Monday, tin* Itlllt day of Felt., Bid». • invilii, 0«'t. 17, Iddi i"-Nnth,(‘ !s ht're- E. Taylor, MUrv t'yrus. ..| Si»ter.-. drt*- . : i'i dieVllle. county uf Crook, stute of ton Ti'rritorv," lis eXti'mled to ull thè They mime as wlfnesses: Della M. liV lfIteli flint 111 ComplhinCt' with thè g»m. » 0 ,' .' m. su o n i statement No. 4ù0 for {„ihlic land Htates by tti't tu' AitltOst 4, Kbi, Lillie K. Fulftm, Charles E. Kbi, Vnv and all p e « ms »‘luiiniiig ' dverse- firovieions uf (he net of Jlm e H, ihtm , en- thè |'o ''Itasi* ot thè e ' s of W >B St’C 12, tp [ h 02. thè follpwiint pCrSons bave this William Fi Joh n son , of Sluiniko, Ort-g- fitleil “ An nel for thè siile uf tito la r IV tIle nbove-deseriln*d la mi - ve iv*;il*'st- it.'. dltv file»! In tlits office tiieir Sworn stltte- t m ; T . l l , W atkins, Fritm-is J . Devine, r 1U - w ni. lillli|l> in tilt* States of • 'UlIlWnla, ( IreK'm, ed tu li*** tlieir eh.ini.- in this offa • mi or of A limn >0 Oregon, , ments, ttwwtt ! Bernttrd • ¡itrndey Nevtulu, limi Washington 'l'errltory, as Isuore salii 2 itti day ol le b ru a : y. 190», of l’rineville. eoitntv of Crook, state of Etti! M: Hottenherit A 11 Jr m ill all persons flit Ruing adverse* K. 11. lot.Vll.MN', I tee istltr. extemieil tu ull flit* |iulitie lami stutes hv 1 h'-**.*,m. sivtirn ftatenn'iit No. 7HS. for of l'rineville, l'oitilty of (Vook state of ly tilt 1 IthtJvc-desCribetl lands * a re | (e tiri uf Atigust 1, Isoli, Elias 1,. tin* pur*‘liase of the s e *-4 see », tp 2(1 Oretion, sworn statement No. 770 for the • lUested to file tlie ir elaim s in this Ottiee ilolilison, uf Sisters. ciiiiuty 'if t'ruok. purehuNe of the net^ s e ’l , s e 1^ ne(¿, oil or before said Kith day of I’eb., iDO», s. r 12 e w m> sfitte of Orinoli bus Hleil in Ibis olfiee sCe »2, and s'a nwl^ See »», tp 23 s, r l’L M. Iht a 'if.* ix. Register. Klimt E. 1’iHndextef T I M B E R LA N D N O T IC E . bis swilrn statement No. !Hl7, for thè 1 .1' I’riiu'Vllle, etiinity of Crook, state of 12 e W in. | ni rei ili se lif t lie s 1 n\\ ' 4 sei-1, se»'4 n e l4 HUA »V Ilici ISK.M KNT. Jitli« Cyrus < iii'u-Hi. stvorn statenu'nt No. 452, for T i m b e r la n d n o t ic e . n e l4 s e *4 sce 4, tp 22 s, r !l e w in, and of I’Hnt'vllle, etillnty of ('rmlk, state of tin- purchase of flu* n n e l4 , e'u n w ^ I n 11 « m 1 Si h U'S I ti II' 1 lì » t I uì t \ ii w I < 11 U' >n Will offer proni tu show flint tilt* land Met. i;, HMI'J: N(»iit f is herd .' »rivi i; thaï in sec I t p 24 s. 1' H1 e w in. Otesmi, Mworn Stutetntínt No. 77», for KKA ItV Kltf tskM K.xf 1 Sought is mure valuahle for its tM»iii|ilÌMlna u i(h du-|in.N »sitMis ni the net ol the imrehúse 'o’ the sW'4 ne1^ « U¡ s e \ .latiieN Ni Piiindektrr t'.xtfiett S'FAfus L a M i D ki - iok , Lake* timlier or stime tinnì for itgricultural rmi^rc'S oi .hinc .. 1 >*>•. i niil!**• ! " \ n tu t i*»r O l'rineville. enmity of Crook, state of ; see »2, tp 2.5 s, r 12 e w m. vifw, Oregon, Oft. 17« 1902.-- dit* m u .4'ol't iinl.ar ijt mlv ! n tin n * * • • *» l <'ah |inr|iiiMes, and tuestahlish liis d ain i lo M illlam H. ( Vrus t'orn iti. < t ri'lfoli . Nivjol, . i;ti*i VN 1 I-.: illy ¡oil rtT ( »recoil, sworn statement No. »» 7 , for Notiee is hereby given that In com- aid land bofnre A. C. l’almer, t . S. rilory *'un 4*\U*u«it"l lo h 11 tin' i * * laudi tin- purchase of the s l 2 n « 1^, n }2 swV^. of l ’rineville, county of (Took, state Of plianee with the provisions of the act of Comndssioner ut l'rineville, Oregon, oli -i - : * - l.\ art of A URllHt i ' •' \ i • 'i- C. I' m ! see 2 S. tp 25 s, r 12 e w m. Oregon, sworn statement No. 774, for Ju n e », 1979, entitled “ An act for th»* Tucsday, thè 24th day of Fehruary, UHI». ni4*i * »i I’rl ii4'Vl I le, cmi n i y o i < rooV, slate <»! j That they will offer proof to show ! t\ w pnrehase of the sC1» Se>^, see It), sale of timber lands in the Stales of Ile nuines as wltnesses: l ’erey Ih on k » ui , has filed in this • It:* . hi* **worti stale- j ciini N«e KÔH for t lu- ¡»uri’hase 4 » Í 1 he lots ( , that the land sought is more valuahle „ 1 ^ ,,e ^ ami ne>¿ tiw j* see 81, tp 25 s, California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash* [lavis, (¡corife \\ . Nidi, Henry ( urlili, », «». oí s4*4 tion No. in, ,;n township No. s. t for its timher or stone than for airricul- ' r 12 e w m. ingtoii T erritory,'' as extended to all Clyile Jolinson, all ut Sisters, Oregon. nitide No. 11. K N N M.. and will oiler proof t« tnral pnrpiises nml to establish their T h at they will offer proof to show that the Public Lands Stub’s by act of Aug- Any and a ll p orson s >ho\\ that the latid souk i( »* mor** valuahle *•1:1 iti 1 tosaid land before A. ( . Palmer, ( tlit* land sought is more valuable for its gtist 4, 1992, Henry Reene, Of StiiVton, lor ils timher or stone ¡han for irrienltura1 1 f lai in i lift ad v e r s c lv t h è n liove-de- purposes and to estahlish hi** claim I « » said > ('on,missionerut l'rineville,Oregon, on I timlier or stone than for atrricultural county of Marion, stall' of Oregon has sc rilic d la n d e a r e rei|iiested to fif land before .1, .1, Smith, «-oiiiity clerk , Saturday, the 14th day of le ti., two». purposes, ami to estahlish their claim to HIt**l in this ottiee bis sworn Statement t l i e i r f in i til e in th is ntliee oli hefo re til rrinl'ville. (dM'pon on I cesilay. the 17(1« , They name a* witnesses t Francis 1 , aid land liciore a . Palmer. No. V . «91, S. for the purchase of the lot» suiti ‘¿ ’Itii d a y o f FchMiiit\V, 11H)."i, day of I'Vdrunry. lini:;. IH- uiihh n* wit li e^*t'' : , .1. Devine, I, It. M atkhis, I'.il Borttan j ('omlnissitlnef, at l ’rineville, Ore-ton, ■5, (>, 11, 12, of s"e No. 1, in tow nship No. John romlm of PrinevilH' «»reitoh: 'I lH M int^ ¡ E, M. M h a i T a i N, K e iiister. Oreumi I Bdinihl F. Steffa. Thursday the IWtli dav of February, 2b 1902. Walk ids, Praneis •( I ‘t*\ ihe. oi \lhjtMy¡ j of Alliany, S. rttnge No, 12 e W m, and W ill offer Kon ; I>ottaM !•' Sicffa, oi IU mi I. nr^*»tt. W. H. Brock, of Bend, <>retain, , T1|ey ,'iume as witnesses: prutif to shtUv that Hie land sought is Any and ali pariti»!»* « laimiiiK ad Any llnd all lkosi'n« **1 m 1 inintf adverse- j W illiam H. Cyrus, Harold Clark. Tlieo- more valuable for its Hinber or stone veratdy t ti P ahovt* deferii t d lands ari- re(|Ut*Ht* T IM H IO U LAN 1) N O T IC I? . l ’rineville, Oregon; than for agrit-ltlturUl |>urposeS, and t'< ed to tilt* tío-ir ehunis ih t his otTieP (Ml til* be­ ly lift' alaive-thWerlbed lands are re- dore F. Cadle, of umili* aicrtsea tu’!1»’. 'ineflP'i tM tile H air claims in this Office 1 Thomas W atkins, Fra m is J . Devine, estatilis1« bis claim to Said lend before fore Midi 171 ti dii y ni Ith., lim». I- M. It R a 1 ta i k. Ii‘ ki*ter. on or before •«•'! 14th day of Feb., 1903. ; ,,f Alban.Vj Orett*m j Donald F. Sttffa, A. Ci I’alm er, F . S. Commissioner, at l ’ nlte.l Stalee l.and Mfflt'e, tiMkevlew. E. M. B ka IT a I n , Register. | ,)f Re(ll| oregini. l'rineville, Oregon, 011 Friday the l»tii t »regni) , lieti 17, liMitL""- Notiee is liere- ¡ Any ami all persons Claiming adverse- (ltiy i»f Feb,. 190». He names as wit* bv given tinti In eotlipliiinc»« *tith thè T I M B E R LAND NOTI CE, IT M B L R L A M ) N O l I C l ' j i lv the ilbove'descflbed lands are request- nesseS; Herbert J . Downing, of Leban­ |irnvisii»nS of thè ari of.lnne.'h 1979, "n- h SA"VKHtlse.MK.xf. ¡ ed to file their claims in this otti, •e 011 or on, Oregon ; Ed I »organ, Francis J . Be* It I",I Mi Kill ISUlIKN t'i titled, ‘‘ Ali net for Ha* sale tlf tllllher t xifMi) s-fAfHs I.A.xtt OCHW, : before said lotfi »lay of February, ltioS. vine, Thomas II. Watkins, of Albany, ( lilted states Lumi ortiee. Lakevlew, hmds in Ih" "tilter ol i'aliforitia. Oregon. LakevieVV, on-gon, o e t . ill, UKI2. e . M. B iia I ta I n , Register. Oregon. Oreiron, 0»‘t' l7, 1!KI2 !— Notice is here- i N'evada ami Washington TefHtnry,'' as Notice is lierebv given that In COhipli- ¡ Any and all persons claiming adversely t*x tornici! in a li ||»e pulii le lami stilles In hy giv"n filai In coni pi lance« MI» thè prtt anee With the nrovisionS of flit* Met o f 1 _______ tli** above-described lalnls ate request- Met of Autinsi i, lHt'2, the ftlilOwlliK |H*r- visiona Of tim uet of .Itine », 1S7S, en* J u n e » , 1S7H, entitled " A n (leí fot the to tile tli"ir claims in tiiis office on Or be­ sons have till'd in this oltiee tllCir sworn titled “ AnMct f or thè sale of tlmlter" T IM 3 E R LAND N O TICE. sale of timber lands In tli" States of fore said l»tli day of February, 190 ». lamls In tlu» States Of ritlifornia. Oregon, HKAIIVKKTISKM K.X' f statements to-Wit ! California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash- E . M. P.HAffAix', Register. Nevadtl limi Washington Territori-,” as iVtlinlt’ C: Dove t'nited States Land Ottiee, Lakevlew, imtton T errito ry,’ as i-Htemled to all of Sluiniko, county of Masco, stati1 ol extemled to all thè public lami States the I’tlbllc I,ami States l.vtlct of August ! nr'‘N'“ "- Oet. 17 H » 0 2 :-N t. t i f e i s liCrt-liV Oretron. sworn statement No ÍH4, lot hv aet of Aujiiist 4. 1HH2, thè followinjr T IM B E R LAND NOTICE. 4. 1M02, the following persons have this tfive" that in «»n«l»li#nre with the pr.e the purchase of the e ' s s e ’4 , see 14, ne- ( htsoiis have this day tiled ill this oltiee day tiled in this „tth-e their sworn state -1 " f tht* !U >t " f H - 187S- e " - KKA DVKKTISKM K.N'T. see 2», n« l4 n« '4 see 24, tp 20 their sworn statements to-wit : titli*d "A ll act for the Sale of timber m eats, to wit : I nited S la te s Land ()ffi»-e, Lakeview May Nurss s, r 12 e « m. lamls in the »tates of California, Oregon. Charles E. McDowell Oregon, Oet. 10, 1902.— Notiee is here­ Fred Bavin of Shuniko, county of Wasco, state of of l’rineville, county of ( ’rook, Sfitte ( 1 j. Nevudu, and Washington T erritory,” as by given that in compliance with tin* of Sluiniko, county of VV asco, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 5107, for Oregon, sworn statement No, 1Ì02. )((r extendeil to all the piihlie land states bv provisions of the aet of J u n e », 1979, en ­ Oregon, sworn stateinent No. 7 !45, for thè purehase of thè « l2 sw‘ 4 . n e l4 s« ' 4 . the V'orebase of the sivtjf nw l^, see 20 . i ,u‘( 18w2* ,,le foll" ' vi”>i titled, "A n aet for the sale of timber- the purchase of the nw »4 sec 4 tp 20 s, se *4 11 « l4 see 20, t p 2.4 s, r 12 e. s l 2 m-t4 , n e ’4 s e '4 see »0 tp •>.> s r p> pt'fHtttiS have fhis day tiled in this ottiee hinds in tlie states of California, Oregon, r t» (' « m. their sworn statements, to -w it: liov Nurss e w in. Nevada and Washington T e rrito ry ," a» Ernest Boty Lina M. Hale of Shaniko, eoiinty of Waseo, stati­ Mary L. McDowell extended to all the public land states hv of Shuniko, county of Wasco, stat»* of of Arlington, county of (iilliam , state of ni Oregon, sworn statement of l ’rineville, eouiitv of Crook, state ot tlet of August 4, 1992. tin* following per­ O rison, sworn statement No. 7 SÜ, for No. 00 H, for tln- purehase of thè Oregon, sworn statement No. 1401 for Oregon, sworn statement No. 709. for sons have this day filial in this office the purchase of the sw '4 see I», tp 20 s. « s e '4 . e'._. sw l4 see .»0. tp 2.4 s, r 12 e. the jnm-liase of the s*a n e l4 , n '2 »»‘ ‘ 4 . the purchase of the n e l$ see 1 , tp 20 s, their sworn statements, to-wit l r 12 e « m. r 12 e. la-mira M. llulse .»»•»• 29. tp 25 s, r 12 e w 111 . (ilenada Templeton That they will offer proof to | Wave Morris of Moto, county of Sberm an, state of That they w ill offer proof to show tii l ’rineville, countv of Crook, state of show tlint the land sought is j of Portland.’county of Multnomah, stat» Oregon, sworn statement No. 01». for that ti»«* land sought is noire valuahle Inori* Valuahle for its timber or stone j Oregon, sworn statement No. 970. for the purehase of the sw '4 see 1 1 , tp 2 tì for its timber 1 . r 10 e. Minnie I.. Holder Any and all |>»-n*»»us claiming ad- th¡« otile»' on " r Ivforc said W4f»l il"» 01 Herlifrt W. Cooke of i truss Valley, county of Sherman, ver»«*ly the alsive-ih-serilssl lands are Hale, of Arlington Oregon : T. H. W at­ Felt., 19954. kins. Francis .1. Devine, of Albany. Ore­ of Shaniko, county of Waseo, *tatc ifi -tate of Oregon, sworn statement No. ri»|ucste«l to tile their claims in this F 4[ Mrt»rr»tM liegbter Oreg'ttt. «worn sta b ineOt No. 1199 . fot gon ; D. F. Steffa. of Mend. Oregon. 1012 . for the pun-hase of tin* lots 1 , 2 , ». ottiee on or Ix-tore said 12 day of Feb., tlie ptir»-htiHe *>• the •rtt 4. see » ; lot* 1. 2, Any and all |iersous claiming nil* 4, "f -Pc 4, tp 2tf s. r 12 e. 1902. v»*rs»*ly th** alsiv»*-deseril»*sl lands are ami sw (4 lit *‘4 s**c 4. tp Vl* s, r to 9 T i MBHH LAND N O TIC R . Jam es ||. Smith I. M. R u it t m n . Register. That th e * w ill «tie* pr*mf fo #ho4t re»|iiest«*«l t«> tile their elaims in this of* aglOVKKTISKMKMfl of t'flnCi lile, cimiitv of C nsik, state of that the land s'Hiyh» is *nore valuahle tie«- »ill or In-fore said 19th day of Feb* l'nlfed stiif»*s latini oflo-e, l.ak»'(l»‘w, Oreg"n, *wOro statement No. H7S, for for its tinde-t or «*on*> thsti for «grietil* ruarv, 190». • the pmrh.isi- of the nw >4 sw >4 see 27. Oregon, Oet 17, ha*2 T I M B E R LAND N OT I CE . •Ural purpoee*. Mnd •*« s«tahlish fh(*lr Noti. *' 1« ht'r»‘|i> s»v»*o thst In rompli- le k . «»‘c 2 s, ne'-t im *'4 «»•<• ;l», tp 2 » «•In111! t'* <«i*l I uik I lmfort* A. ( ’ • Palmer, IlK A t»V KWTlSKM KX’T. (|ne<- w il li III»- pbM si.m s i*f thè set Ot ' s. r l l 9. TIM BER LAND N OTICE. t'. S. ( ’«diihilssioiicf, at l’rineville, Ore­ •lune 3. 1979. »'iditleti "•♦il w i fot thè Ttirtf th e t will offer proof to show that 1’ xirKt» S n r i ' s L avi * O m o - , L ik e- gon. on Thursday, the 12th day of Felt-' H K IPVKKTISKMKXT. •ale of tlmhcr lami» In thè «tilte» of Cal- tin* hind ponghi ’• more vailtgld«* for it.» view . Oregon, Oet. I'l. 1902 :— Notice i* niary, 1WW. >hsy u n h e a s w i t n - s i , - Ifornii*. Or»-g»«n, Nevadn uml W ashing­ ti m ls 'r o r «ton»' Ilian tor agricultural hereby given that in compliance with t ‘ niti*d States L n d (»tfiee. Lake vii Mi l l i e M H h itse tt. I ilenada Tekq.le* ton te rrito ri. »»• extcmhst to all thè pur|s*»es. rtml to »'•hlbliPh tlieir elaitn the |-ro\ i«i«n s of the net of J u n e ». 197«. Oregon, (Vtolier 17. lu t**n. Charles K. MeDOviell. Putiti»' 1 4 »mi Siate» hv uct of \ugust 4, to m i d land ls*fore A » Palm er. I s entitled " A n a»*t for the «.-il»- of timber — Notice i» herehy given that in eo and Mary L. MeDokell of Pnneville. [ H 02 . fl**< lOllowina j»-riMin» ln*\«- tlos Coturni»#! ttiiPf af IVlnetllh*, On*- land« In the «fatt-s of California. Oregon. plance «itti the pr. \ isions . f the act O regon; fftitner H a f r i ir t o n an*! Her- dai tili'l in ttd» ottii-e tlw-lr » i * i * m ( «t.it»-- gon. on Friday, tfttf • ’fit Hay of FeW Neva«!*» and Washington T»*rritory,” a» J u n e ». 1979. entitled " A n act f»»r ! la*rt \\ . Ctn.ke *:(. nielit*. lo w it : extende*! f - «II the pnhlic land states hv sale " f find«*“ lai -Is In the States Francis J . Di-vine a»t«t Ed fwtrgHii. of (t»xirg»* D. Taylor Tiiey nani«* it« wltne««#» .let -*t Auguri I [s r_>. Avery (i. Seoggin. California Oregon. Nevada. h i d \\ Ml AII miiv Oregon. of si*ti*rs. cidiiity of ( ‘r.S'W. state of Or«-- I ratn-is 4 Dexine flutma.« Mutimi«- <*f píioevlüe. eotmtv »*fCmok. «tat»* of ingtoii T e r r i t o r y " as extemled t»» Any an«| all Jvrson* claiming a-lvcr»«*- g.m, «w.*rn statement No. 915, for thè t*f Vll'iinV. Dreg«»ti I la*iiom M Hut-»-, (lr»'g»*tl: ht» fit!* day tihxl in thi« the Public L in d »tat»-« by u»-t of .1 Iv the a ,s>vp-i[«-s, ril>e«l lands are request- pun hsse of thè se4% s e '4 . se»- 24. l i 1* ('liarle* ll. llulse. la*wis I*. Holder, ottiee Id* Mn,ir-* »tntem«*nt No. 77t*. f,,r gllst 4. 1»*2. tin- foil,iW'ii g jierson« hi *»1 t*. file their claims in this office on *>r fl«*' 4 . lie '4 m» I 4 . »***' 25, t|i 2*( s, r 12 of M'-ro. Oregon. R*>y Nnr«a, of slntui- the jntn-lis««- rtf f h e e i j m*l4 ««i- 14. 11 L this day tile .1 in this otti»-** their .<«( l«*u>r** said 12th day of February. l'*i:i. ■ fee. Or«-#**»», *«•» ^ **i m * i s «I N»»- 1», in towu«*hi a * ■•»• statem ents tu-« it ■ E- 41. K i » r r * t x , U i a i s t m DËSCHUTES ECHO. c. 1 I 1 I f n r. * e v » »•» t « .1