^ T H E ^M E LAN C H QLY^t TIMBER LAND NOTICE. s I 5 k V»» t- A T T T f ' T H O TE L ., O R E G O N . ¿eDAYStJi H A V E ^ C O M E -^ The iarj,vsi a ri r- t iquipp.-d hj., I v Crook sr» i Hy. ÀLctric Lights, bath roo. u> 3 : 1 c; all oic.'r a .;v - x'.'i.oe.« •t.c«..-:iy to trav.i.n, pulii.. & Hu a Lyx-tvcers for Commercial Travelers1 arri carols. But this need not trouble YG L A v / u i R^ c a N i - L a . n ' $1.25 per cay and upward. for you can purchase a complete line ) P. li. POINDEXTER, Proprietor. < > of Groceries, Ranges, Stoves anc - Everything to M AKE YOU rak in g 113 the TaU T im b e r r HAMILTON STABLES C O M F O R TA B LE at Prices that W E I Make RED3Y FEED BARN you H A P P Y , at t?* «¿s P I - - “■hi P H n e v ille * » - - A Li K Ì Jk T H M i ' PRsNEV — H V ì I - - :: c t ; y on You r Ro ;* ts . V ». T ra/tY rs a n d T o v r is t s F iv e S H orses i L ¡ L ‘ 5 ~ s » ;■ ■ ! y 6 'Ni ii— . V T* V 1 \ caref Ji drivers. gfiSr&.-llRDV: • lb : tJ tha Railroad. ]. o a r J ed ; Piineville 1 1*. M. Shaniko <1 P. M. C are vc- * % « • • T u rn ou ts. G iv e n to Stock. * '.• • *■ -t ♦ * « * •> Vy. • R io s , l. i A , F u r n it u r e , C a r p e ts , t sh a d es a n d H o u s e W a ll • • IL M . lì ; . i r \ix, Beirtster. «3 1 « p n » è p a p e r , W in d o w s ; F u r n is h in g G o o d s , sen d your ;; ■> Career •) i *) è f o rd ers to o r cal l on - AL'AMSON & W1NNEK CO. 1 PUINKVILLE, OUElioN : * d) • IMilN KY! Caiti'd State ' L.iml Offiee, luikeviev Cnited Sttifes l.nnd OHiee. Lnkeview . Ore am, Sent. t>, l»k>2.— Notice in here- Oregon, July HI, ll*02.— Notice is herehi H E A D Q U A R T E R S hv given that in eoniuliatu'e witii the given thn- in eoinplianee w ith the {irm i | nrovisions of tlie aet of .Tune 3, 187S, en- sinus of the net <>f dime :t, 1S7H, entitle.; | j ii'le l " \ n a -t for the sale of timber “ An net for the sale of timlier lands in | M hinds in the stales of California, Ore- the states of t ’aliforni:t, Oregon. Nevada gnu Nevada, and Washington Territory, and V nsiiington Territory,” us extend- a- extended to all th ■ pu'oli • l tnd states <• l to all the puhlie land states hv net el iiv net of Augu t 4 ls.rj, the following \ugtst 4, lH'.lg, W illiam Holder, oi t, -rsous letve^this d i v tile l in this offiee l’ rim ville. county o. < rimk. state of ( tie- , their sworn statements, to-wit: *<»', has this day ftied in this o t l i , : ., _ n.„, K. lioekfelluw Ins sworn statement No. f*ll, for the i K * IN H V 1 A L L i of Seattle eonntv of Ring, state of Ore- finrehnse of tlie lots 1, 2, 3, 4, see1 gon. sworn statement No. 1322, for the 1. to 2(1 s, r 12 e. w. m. and will offer [iureliu.se of the sw '4 see it, tp 21 s, r 14 proof to show thnt the land is more e. w. in i valuable for its timber or stone Elizabeth Matlock than for agricultural purposes of Henpner, county ot Morrow, ,.^::ii,'isli his claim to said . . • . . • . .it ... . . state of Oregon, sworn state- jai„ j before A. C. Palmer, U. S. Coin- of Shaniko, county of \taseo, state of j j e names as witnessess; Thomas! Oregon, sworn statement No ld_4, lor w Francis J. l>i-\ ine, of \lhany. the p irehaae of the se l 4 sec-10, tp -1 s. riri-gon; Lewis 1>. TTolder, Chatlesti. r 14 e. Hulse , of M n ro,» regon. James M . 1-isher Any and all persons claiming advetse- nf Shaniko, county of Masco, state of j v ¡ i I ki V,> des-rilH'l lands are re.|uest- O'-egon, sworn s.atenient No. 1325, lor ^ .¡r ,-|.(i,iis in this office on or the purchase of the sw'-i sec 10, tp -1 |M.fore said 17th dav of Fehruaiy, 1303. s, r 14 e. E. M. B rattain , Kegistcr. lioliert Rea of priiieville. county of ( ro<»k, htat4‘ ‘ ‘ r.1 .. V » <* » <» « 0 “ • 4 , •» 1 G F. N E R A L M E R (: H A N DIS E S5KTH & CIESX, Proprietors. For BEST BRANDS -fill Î ( » of f ¿'A v iquors and Cigars. pnr- niissioner, the tor No. 1323, at Piineville, Oregon, on eliase of the ne1^ see 10, tp 21 s, r 14 e. 'jy.-sday, tf)e I7thday of l ehruary, Lillie McHargue j pm;, * 0 • t ■ FO R fKE EEŒPTI0P TIMBER LAND NOTICE. nient ------- OHKtiON. #) u . M . C O R N E T T , M a n ager. TuVBER L A N D NOTIC E. ami sut Next d* >r to I’oindexter’s 1 Intel. •i) 1 A . V. Printn ¡lie. Oropn; I F corns. sf:K*tor\ servitT. Vj * and Eeth- Best of neeoiniKiiition." ♦) »' <* * •> Office. A damkon & W xnnf . k V Stare - - - - - cp * ! *'l i.t« It Arrive Prineville (i A. M. ») A .rrv Ir.S ’ * <• ! (?) n ; C. I. WINNER, M R r . -------------- Shaniko P o in ts. tJCOTH & CORNETT, Proprietors. Catnf irtah.e coaclies ar d ” I ’ e it all Yv k.i.i in n e e d o f D r u g s , S t a Li o n a ry , T o i l e t A r t i- Passjn^e * and frc'g'it ratus rsason ibis. Letive to «i T o a n d f r o m S h a n ik o in 12 h o u rs . Siio. test and b^st rouie Conveyed ’d i e H o r s e s a n d L i v e r y * » ó •- O * - - s r i P R ; N S VILLE-SHANÎÎCO STAGEL 1' vitrii S tati :« l a m i o m o : , latkeview, Oregon, Sept. *.*, BO;». Notice is hereby give.. thiit in comj - ance with the p ovisioi.s ni the net v net of Aliarsi 4. the lollowiug j>crsoi> have this « n till'd in this ottiee their sworn st..,e- menis, ti’-W it : \'o;m I'. I>nnlev, nf Shiliiko. eoi: tv of Wasco, state oi Oregon. sworn sti.e- rnent No. I : i I , lor 'he purchase oi the sH lih. see !t, tp 2i t, r ’4 i'. il 1 in 111 11. l ’rose. oi Priiiex ille, eonn- ty of t'rook, stiHi* of Oregon, sworn statement No 1341, for the pureiu.M- i f till' seLi see !t. i[i2l s. r 14 e. Henry W ilhoit. oi I'riiicv ¡lie, eoiin- ty of I'niok, st: te of Oregon, sworn statement No. la ili, for the plirclun-i of the mi l4 oi see 14. tp til s. r 14 o. Mary I'. \\ ilhoit. of l‘i Ineville. coi.n'iv of t’i >i.k. stnte .»• t negon. sworn >t..t•— nient No. I.'i47. tortiti pmeliuse oi t..e noI 4 see 14. 111 ai s. t 14 e. Thnt tliov will oiter proof to show thnt t ho lund sotight is more vulnahlc or its timher or atone thun for ugri- cultural i nrjMisi's, and to estnhlish 11 . ;r eli.un to snid himi oefote A. t ’. I aime*', 1’ . S. t ommissio ter ut l'rineville, Oie- gon, oi. Moiidny, the lhtli dnv of ,lnn- tiary, ÜM3. l’iiey i. me ils wil tisses: N"i;n i’. Donlei . Aiher: T. 1 s|n. g, o. Shie iko, ( livgon wiUiniu 1 1 . ! ; ■- ly the n : >o. e ueseri bed lands are re- i|iiest.'d to tile their elnims in this o he • on or helore said MM li dnv of .inn.. I'tot. 1 b b .r A 0 CoirnnodioosClubR'ioms.CASH STORE. - - - - - OREGON. Tlie B “st ( K H ) D S l ' I d i lis. . « • • ••» • • y » « • - . • « > Vi.li it tlm la west Fili] \ alili' g, tj» 21 riiite l mh »s t ^ hid I OCR'»*. I.HkeView Oregon s. r 14 e. Oi-I. 1*. Notice 1» hereby given that in That thev will offer proof to show that ‘-nmi-lian.-e w ill, the ..... - of me oi m a t i n e y w ill >uei I J.a.e 1 -- eD lille .1 “ An act for tin- -ale of the land soilgln is m o r e i ulna > (or 1 . ,jm laivi. in ilie states of ( alii, ml«, (ire \J J’Y tin,1 s t or stone than for agricultural >n. Xt*v:.'ifi im*1 W kj «| i i nut'' n Territory.*' »».• nurtios *s. and to i stablisll their claim *Meiiii ( m . ountv oi i’ro«*k, nfnte of hi^ Coinuii^ioner, lit Lrincxillc, i, 0,1 in Th * «ufii #* tier .««wnrii j»T»rement No Tueslav the 2tHh day of January, (,,r m«. i.unhiue of the n»*4 ,,i Ht*<* No. 10. in To\vn«hif* No. 2.i S, Khi.j/e No. 11. 1303 . TWm V L W. M.. »»ini u ill offer I »r«wif ro show rlmt tin* T .»v tmmp a« w itn 0 f»ses: i/oii i* 1 * 1,1 . . . . 1 nn• l sought m*»r»* Nnlunhle f*»r it.« timher Rockfi-Uow, of itnu 0,1 <»*■ ihnn for « k v1 iilturnl porr*»*»*.* in«l FSi/.uboth M a tl^ ’ k. »f Hcppucr, Oregon . •«> , .«tnl • 1 iP * I her «’ -nim to «nli! > til ef* r»* A I illie M i l l argue and Janie* w . Fisher, r »'»liner. V s Commissioner al I'rln« ville 0 f «h 'in ik n O regon; Robert Rea. of Oreg..D r-n T..e«t., .He ITih unv r.l.m- ’* * 11 ’ .. . - idi : «U linn «»*• ii< wltn*»««-* frotinM I’ riii* "alle. Oregon, and T. H . atkiim, y t ,e(t» vnim m lt nris trTirrtrìrri—ftregon. ___ of Albany. Oregon. T. II Wathlnsof Allsiny, Oregon. Job a CVnalsi P R I N E V i L L E , Vnv and ill persona claiming adversely ,,f Prtnevilie. l'ivgon the alHive^h'seritied lands are reipiested Any .„.1 .1» »-r.-.n. . I.lm ln, adver-ely .He int . h u h ^ nhmr rio*« nt*.l lmid« nr#* rt*que«’ r«l to file tu tilt* their rlain »« in tliii* o. i»c on < »h«*tr«*l*tii»» in thtp offltr on or Letorr »«wi 17th — — — »Kifore said 20 th day of January. 1WU., U ) oi ftl) , joh E. M. B r a t t a i * . R emitter. * * • * » * ttau *. Register. | ••• • • • • • • » •• » . . . . . V ... . . . . . . . . . 1*1.ACM r '• v ... ^ O ^ \ i f i u l l l & L U iifib j DEALERS !N Fine V/ines, Liquors and i Best Brands of Goods Always in Stock. jrrT ( lilid.N STAATS’ J. F. MORRIS % i 1 » *■' * " fl {T “' " Prinev ¡1. to stop when at n . % tJ b d .......... ..... te,! re, 'h,. 1 leseli III - ; .. .- Lake ro i *. ----- BATF.S------ B< ard (s-r week ♦Vo*i i/ rn «ç C e iA » Horses to hay over night 25 Horses to Lav ami grain W . 11 S T A A T S - • • ■ prnç