The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, January 17, 1903, Image 1

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    The DesChutes Echo
(' til te d S t a te s Ij«n«l*»ffiee, h a k e v i s w , oregn ti.
l»« t. 17. l'.ttr.' N o ti c e if h e r e b y Riveli timt in
co m ijli a tlc e w i t h th e |>rovisinn< " i t h e a c t 01
J u n e H. 1H7H, e n t i t l e d , " A n Hi t (nr t h e »nie of
t i m b e r I h U o ill th e «tHiee ol < t! It ¡o r i l i « . ore-
Ron. Ni vaila a u d VVasI, iiRtoti T e r r i i n r y , " a>
e x t e i u l e d to nil t h e |>ilbllc hind et It ten hv net >i
Au gu st i, lmtt, t h e follow imi m im e d jh t «,> ii -
t h e i r »wo rn
»tate me'it.», to w it :
A gu e» ll n r rl*
of I'ritieville, c o u n t y of f'r oo lt, » ta l e of O n Ron,
«worn »in te rnem No. ( W for t h e p u r c h a s e of
t h e n e ' , «ec ti. t|i 2» ». r 10 e. w. m.
W. Finitimi, H a r r i »
of I’ ritievill e. c o u n t y of f r o o K
« ta t e of Ore
Roll, sw orn S t a te m e n t No.
for t h e im rc h ii -e
til th e id j of s 1^. see tl, t|* Jit ». r 10 e. w ill.
t h a t th ey will offer l>toof to s how thill th e
lutiti st u|tht is n itre vnltiiiltl” :'•«* its tifili t r tif
«tolle Ihm i to r a g r i c i i l o i r a l i'tirj>o«es a m i to
esta b l is li t lo ir c l a i m lo s aid lah d bef or e \. •
1’itiliierJ. I’ . S. f 'o m m i s s tiller at I’ l tleVille,
• »regoli, on
T n e a d a y , die J l t l i
d a y of
February. litoti.
T n e y n a m e as w i tn e s s e s ! W. I,o u tl m n l i a r
rts, A g n e s 'H a r r i s . J o h n ( noth» of i’r itievill e.
O r e g o n : ’ 'rum is J . D ev in e of A l b a n y . O r e g o n ;
I Iona Ol F. Steife, o f Uefid. O regon .
A n y mid al l p e r s o n s clMiming a d v e r s e l y I lie*
a b o v e d escri bed Imiti» a r e re u u e s ie d to tile
t h e i r elai nis in th is »»Itici* on o r befo re suiti
'¿a ll 'l ay 'if Fi tti, list:!.
K. M. h a v r t .i l N , Kegi ster.
t*hiu*tl Stii1 1 ^ l a n d office, I.n kc vie w . or eg p n
Oc t.. 17. l' .h rj.- N oti ce is I t c i p l y tfUell t h a t in
co m p lia n ce with
p r o v is io n s
ed , “ Ah net for t h e unit* of tihd ♦ r I m I m I s in the
stH te ao f t ’rtli iort* in. o r i y n l L Nv\a da Hud Wail:--
iuurtoh T e r r i t o r y , a*> exte t n ln d to all t i l t pill lie
(Hlld Mat».'* b y a c t of VntfoM 4 1892, th e f o l i o * -
lh ^ per son s h a v e thin d a y tilt’d itl th is oitif t
th e i r sworn statem en t*, to n v h :
I r w i n Ih M ke
of Moro. county of Gherman, state of dreUdh,
«wdPli statement No. 985, for the purchase of
the lots 5, «,11, 1 2. *er 5, tji s, r li e. w. hi.
Alien Mi Holder
of Moro, county of shrNiiati, Math of tlfbtfdn.
• will'll iMatemetlt No. 088, for the ptlchasu ol
till* swl4 sec 5. t)> 21* *. r 11 **. w. in.
Nelly Z. I'ike
hf Mofo, c o u n t y of S h e r m a n , s t a t e of Or eg on
s w o r n s i a t e m e n i No 999, for th e p u r c h n s e «*.
t h e Jots 1. 2. 'h 4
t p 2*'- s. i 11 ••. w. m.
That they will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
hr stone than for agricultural •»»
establish their claim to said land before A- (*.
Palmer, l*. S. Commissioner. at l’rineviile.
Oregon, oil Thursday the 28th day of February,
T h e y n a m e in*
1 »John C o m b s of
Prit ie v il le , O r e g o n ; J o s e p h M a f e e a u , of Hos-
l a n d , O r e g o n ; I r w i n 1). Pike. A li ce M. H o ld er,
Nelly / . P ik e, of M oro, O r e g o n .
Any and all persons c l a i m i n g adversely the
flhovc-deseribed hinds are requested to file
t h e i r cla im s in this office ott or before said
Until day of Pel*., h*P:».
k. Mi Hit vTr.viS*, Kegister.
Echoes Along the Deschutes.
Fi rd McCallistt r was up from
his ¡lavstuek rum’ll the first of the
week with a load of apples. Mr.
MeCa!lister says practically tiil of
the resid> -it' in his vicinity are
opposed to the creation of a new
county from the northern portion
of Crook.
Fniti’il States Land Otliee, f.akeview.
Oregon, (let. 17, 1002 '.— Notice i.< here­
by given that »n eom|'M»inee with the
provisions of the act of .Itine
IH7H. en­
titled. "An act for the sale of tin’J ier
lands in the states of ( ’¡titl'orma, Ore­
gon, Nevada and Washington Terri­
to ry .” as extended to ¡ill tlie public
land states hv net of August 4, IS!*'.’, the
following person* liilVl* this day tiled ill
this otHer thtMr sworn statements! to-
Wtt :
Evil I »oak
of Prineville, county of ('rook, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 4,0. for
the pni'elia*«’
the lots 3. 2d. 31. 22, see
tl, tp 2Ó s, r i l l ’ « ni.
Mafic Spinning
nf I’rinevill eoiuit’ of ( ' rook, sfitte of
Oregon, sworn statement No. c>74. for
the pureliose of the nwK, see IS. ti> 20 s.
r Ri e w m.
J . Frank Spinning
of Prineville. county of Fronls, state of
( »regoli, sw orn statement No. »>7A. fur
the purehas • of the sw ^ se • I tp 2 * s.
r 13 e w ni.
That thei Will offer pr>»of to show
that (he hind »ought is more valuable
for its tin d v r or stone than for agri­
cultural purp i-,'*. and to •■staolisii tlieir
elaim to said land iw’fore \. ('. Palmer.
1 S. t'onnnissioner at Prineville, Ore-
lt' .».Ol. •■.»turda.v. the 21"t day of l et)..
Tliev name as witne--es : Thomas
1!. Watkins. F ran k s .1 Devine, of U -;
hany. Oregon ; l*>»nald F. SlctT.i. Wil'iatn
l’. «,TT,i\. Register.
And a Bad Taste Is Removed from
the Mouth oftne Community.
a n y t i m e th e r e a f t e r . Said p a r t y is h ereb y
The order was issuei* from the Post-olliee department Di’ivmlier .‘>0, ''f-rman flom Alhuny. i- soiling
notified to a p p e a r , a n d offer e v i d e n c e t o u c h i n g
s aid a l l e g a t i o n at 10 o ’c lo c k a. m« on F e b r u a r y and the new name authorized to be used With the
hig'.i.ning of the j knot-holes in the I . B. I>. < o s
«‘»til 1908, befor e H. W. Keed, F . S. C o m m i s s i o n ­
\\ . II. 'Uinliei yard. Mr. Melon.- expects
er , a t lleitd) O r egon at his office a n d t h a t final
h e a r i n g Will be lield a t It' o ’c lo c k a. m . on Staats will continue to hold the olliee
of post-master and hi- bonds
'"'.vin grailing saw-dust next
F e b r u a r y 21st 1908, before t h e K e g i s t e r a n d 1
in eoinplianee with u'eek.
K e e e i v e r a t th e C n i te d S t a t t s L a n d Office in 1 have been signed altd forwardeil to \\ ii-liington
T h e I>alles, < »regon.
the law.
Dr. \Y. \\ , Taggart was a I’rine*
J a y P, L i ’ c a s , K»’*ri*der.
United States l.aud ()rtt«‘o, I.akeview
Oregon. Oct. 18, lung ;— Notice is here
hv given that in eoinplianee with the pro­
visions of the wet of June 3, 1S7S. en­
titled “ An act for the sale of timber
lands in the states of ( 'alifornia, ( Iregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
as extended to all the public land states
by act of August 4. 18H2. the following
person« have this day tiled in this otliee
their «Worn statements, tn-wit:
America I. Boone
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 412, for
tlie purchase of the s\vl4 see 33, tp 24 s,
r 1» e w in.
Lizzie K. Hyde
of Prineville. county of ( ’took, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 4o4. for
tiie purchase of tl. • sw '4 n e'4 . n s e ' 4 .
sw»4 si*'4 »ce 13, tji 27» s, r 10 e w m.
W aiferS. Hyde
of Prineville, county of Crook. stS*c of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 4»fi, for
the purelm-e of the n e'4 see 13 tp 2-> s,
r 10 p w in.
Jacob W. Boone
of Prineville county ol Cnsik. state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 4>7 for the
purchase of the im ‘4 see 18, tp 2 ". «. r
in c w in.
Tliat tliev will offer nroof to sin»«
that the land sought i* more valuafili
for it- tindsT or stone tbail for agricul­
tural purjsises. and to establish their
elaini to «aid land tiefore A.
S ( oniniis-'oiier. at Pnimville. < »ro
Friday, tli«* 27tli day <e'
I chrunry. l’.s»3.
They name a* witm
: Jae,*b W.
|| flmefr. r*f H**rr4. f*reg»*o ; pHrk-r ll•se»s, . Fatwin t» llvde, AmCiTea I
?».r»k. Ms ie spfuninjr. J
Frank Spin­ ls«':ie. Fftszie K., Hyde. Walti’r 8. llvde.
all of Prinev ille. Oregon.
ning. o Pria, tUe, Dreg h :.
Any aii<t .¡l! |a*r*oi.s elatmiiiv ad Vers»-,
AnV and ah p-r- ms claiming adverse­
ly the ai-tvc-de-eriUnJ land« « V re­ iv ttie alsn i’-di-serils-l lands are reipmst-
quested to tile their claims in this orti e e<i to hie their elainis in this office on or
on or before said 21st day of 1‘e U . P*>3 lieforo said 27th day «»# Kebrtiarjr. II**3.
Timber Investigation Satisfactory.
The government’s investigation
of the timber land entries in Ore-
ion is K ing pursued with a dili­
gence that promises to disclose to
Mr. Hitchcock and the Interior de­
partment nothing more, ami prob­
ably not as lurch, us was known
Alee Lehman was
out from
before the scrutiny began.
l ’rineviile on a b u sin ess trip Wed*
Chronicle of La Grande says:
"l io n. Thomas McNutt, special
igent ot the General Land olliee
Charlie Willey
has returned
lipiirtinent of the Interior, who
from a business trip to Prineville
sent hen several days ago to
where he spent several days this
ntjuire into and examine the al­
leged fraudulent entries made at the
Morning and evening service-
BEND IS DEAD. The po-t-otlice on the Deschutes river which has' United States Land otliee in this
will he held tomorrow in the
city, is still with ii*. Mr. McNutt
school house. The new pastor of borne that eraHipeil'iip name for so many years passed ipiietly into!
since Ins arrival here lias made a
the Prineville Presbyterian church the sleep that knows no awakening ast Monday in response to an or-1
• borough investigation of the cu­
will conduct the services at 10 a. der issued hv the third assistant Post-master General. The man who j
sat on the hank of the river thirty years ago and. after enduring a so-1 ries made at this otliee. and has
m. and 7 p. m.
Vera attack of spasms, gave the place the hysterical name of Bend ha- .omul everything perfectly satis*
W. H. Staats was in Prineville Hot been heard from. It is thought that he, too, ha- joined hi- luma- actorv.”
So much for one lului district,
the first of the week attending to sake in the realm of oblivion.
mt the work of Mr. Grygla. the
busim *SS matters,
DESCHUTES! That sounds latter, looks better, write- better, and
pecial agent at Laki view, will he
1). F. Stewart was over from in fact, makes everyone, who has been compelled to endure the oppro
vatelied with interest by the many
Prineville Wednesday looking af­ briutn attached to the name of Bend, feel better. Conseijuently owfy
Iainnints who have tiled uppiieu-
ter some business interests in this one is sat is tied. It is no longer BENI), B R O K E or B L S T E D . In;
ions and made tinal proof on tini-
loculi tv.
plain and rhythmical DESCHUTES.
tier claims in Lake and Klamath
A Petition Brings About the Change in Name.
George Schlecht left for Silver
counties duting the past summer.
The change in name is the result of a petition circulated several!
Lake Thursday.
A charge ot fraud in that district
weeks ago setting forth the facts that D ES C H U TE S i- more distinctive!
nouns a long, cold ttipfor tlioupp-
of the town’s location; that said towti is located on the Deschutes riven
, •
I'O N TK ST X O T U ’B .
’ '
.leant, the legality of whose claim
in the Deschutes Val’evi ami in that portion of Crook countv known as;
I .nav lx* fpiestioiuHi.
U n i t e d S tate s L a n d Office, T h e Dalles, O r e ­
the Deschutes country. * These facts, together with several others ol
g o n , D e c e m b e r 12th 1902: A sufficient (»outest
affid avit h a v i n g been tiled in th is office by j local hearing, were formulated into a petition which, with a few excep­
W il lia m P. V a n d e v e r t . c o n t e s t a n t , a g a i n s t !
Through the efi- Doings of the
Desert L a n d entr\ No. 189, m a d e O c to b e r 4th. tions. was signed by every patron of the po-t-oHice.
1901. for N»t SW»4 S*a of NWi t See. £4, T. 17 S. orts of congressman Williamson
and senator Mitchell it received j
in Deschutes,
it. 12 Iv hv J a m e s ,
S. T a h o i C o n le * te e . in
attention from the post-oHice department in
Washing' '
In w h ic h it is all eged th a t •‘aid e u t r y m a i i ha- prompt
w h o ll y t*HtH m i to e x p e n d th e a m o o u t of #1
per a e r o on said t r a c t from O c t o b e r 1th, 1901,
W. h. Staats W.ll Cont'.nue to Serve as Post-Mastsr.
Steven-, an expert linn*
d a t e of s aid e n t r y , a n d O c to b e r 4th, 1902, o r at
nM3ER LAND n o tice .
NO. 34.
K 'f
l»«.!tT.»iv, K»-t:-ter
Deschutes’ FrOsprcts Bright
For the Ensuing Year.
The outlook for increased activ­
ity in all commercia 1 lines niong
the Deschutes during the present
year is promising— much more so
than ever before. Building, espcc-
ialiy, will ln> a prominent
anti one for which pn pa ration- an
now being made.
The district around Deschutes is
practically two years ohi. hut tin
next two vears will see a far inori
rapid growth and development
thun hefore, The past lw-o year
ha VI' heen spellt liminly in colli-
pleting the prelimiliary wurk nee-
f*ssary to the opening i*f a new
eountry, und imw timt t!ii- work i-
done nothing hinders n wid< «pread
-ettleinent over every portion of
this distriet wit'n tiie e’oueentratioii
of rnost of the liusiin *s intet'fts in
I »esehute-,
Kxten-ive lutnU’ritiK. together
witli tli** *’*t<ihlisliin<*nt of -aw-iiiill-,
hingle’inills and planer-
w ill
iiiark the «'js'iiing in th» -pring "f
a new industrv — -heretofore
kuovrn in Crook roiinty— wliieh
will aiiginent not <»tilv the -ettie-
in»»nt of th«-»'«»urdry nmler irrig.i-
tion, Gut will ineite for year« to
eoiue m |s rmaneney and growth in
l’he I ioi .I k ring int< r
e s t- will ln- of greater coronierei.,1
value tlmn all othvr indu**rie-
eotnhined. vet euch will work in
harmonv witli the other, fot t!m
co in in oft giMsl of all.
ville visitor several days during
The doctor, who is a
Irrigation in the district lying
West of tile Deschutes i- nssiirrn. noted oculist, was treating a cat­
and tin area of nearly .‘>0.000 uerc- aract in the eve of a potato.
will he brought under cultivation.
Judge Travers, who is a recent
the greater portion of it this year, idditinn to society circles in l)es-
I he tact that the irrigation com- chutes, is tin* composer of the to!»
pany operating in this section i- lowing spasm!
ai 1 ieiI with the Columbia Sunt!.ern
“ I ’d like to iie a peanut.
ruilrt><id is significant, althong! .
The reason why I’ll tell.
t/ie extension of the railroad fron.
Wlien the III"« light on my I hi Id
the north would lie brought about
I'd crawl hack in mv shell.1’
ultimately by the investment of
capital in the yellow pine hilt- of
Charlie Dennison the milling ex*
t |K. Deschutes Valiev, But emuli- pert who ¡issa veil the cinders on
tions as they «ft— railroad and ir-jLuvn Butte last full, says that
l igation intere-ts combined—
ill I fn-J,
fre-li egg-
eggs call
can he kept nicely du*
ha-ten the construction of tie1 rail- ri,,,r ||„. winter b • V c h i «sitivi e a c h
road. limi the Isoietits will aeertle ,,ne ili a saw-dust pollice.
hntli to the prtijei ts nn foot and
A. Kute Angle, elilef engimer
Hie -ettlers.
ami generai manager of thè Dry
future ha.» a
A l t o g e th e r the
Water and rime Irrigatimi com­
Bus ill«* -s tu«*n
pronti* ¡tip a s p u 't .
says thè company i- tlett r-
are tak inp hold of 1Ulsitli -- «•liter-
mineil t u g e l W i t t e r O l i t o tlie dc-crt
prises, in d u s try is «grail IBI 11,v hut
if il ha* to wait -¡.vy-*i \t n years
-nr« ly s p rin g in g up in ••V« !r y a v« -
to I s ' U i n , " V e -talid for p r e g r e - S
'.Ile, il mi t ime a lone will V*' rifv tin-
and < { » i i e k developnu n t . ” soy- he,
tiie a-* iitiiption t h a t the |> •sehtlte-
ì i k " t i c liound v i e mu»t locate
il |*f»j
Itl ut!«)l:
• re than doublt? th« p h - i nt | o p -
ulatiot» *»f Crook eonnt
t lie f r l e e l l t
l»ef»*l'e W e - t a l i
Tiie epi’h'mi«' of typhoid
wliieli i- a-*uroiiiK -eiiou- propor­
Antelope’s sipie.iky little voi( i
tions in I’rim ville ttive- th«• r«-i-
i- -till living raised in favor of 11.• • dent* of D« -I hut - I au-e to I ongrat
pr. po-ed new eountv which -he liuti tin i i i -« I v «’ s on tie pure and
( Xi,»*, t- to dull '''la i .ii.-'ii (■••',* ; ' untainted supply «»I w ,t< r which
r i t e Desi liuti - ri VCI h«|S
**H lekskm ’ county would !*■ tm i' tl*« y- ll-e.
long tRcn noted for it- pt.rity, anil
appropriate, but with all her eti­
it i- only "h en jftipure dritikieg
mi- i*id fr« *h v> ni-,,i< a r g u ì , ,t •
wiitir i- the undi-rlj nej v»iU»e of
Antelope « ant-i'Iope with - c ii a much »¡«’knees in o il er « ««lointuti-
iarg« *liee of Crook • «*ui ( j - terri- ties it* r.-ai Worilt t* fully
I >i'V o*i *o - l o a d a »l*,i« iufi
D f> l't‘i led