The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, January 10, 1903, Image 1

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e<Qjl -ç Ui
¿ h c 'u A
VOL. 1.
Echoes Along the Deschutes.
WAF: >
• .'.‘ i KOitli
T " h ; tf* Î V m U* m I.Hli I »*■’':’ d »• I. .krvicu . orojmii,
I'. B. Boindexter i> out from
Ort. 1” ! «ri.—Noti* « i> lu*rt*ì»y vìvimi i!mt in
romj* 'U r with tin- ,• "\Moii> «»I t!;r *»rt of Brinevilie s|«*ndihg a few days on Ecard o: Ira »•: V !1 Tale Steps to
June 2. : *”v finitici An uri l’or tin sale ot the Deschutes hunting.
hmbt-r ìaU'ls in lln -
mi <‘nlitoruia. ore-
Secure Comn,.u.kalien beivveen
■d«*»i. Nrvaila ami Wn*l ingt»»!» Territory,” h >
John Steidle’s saw-mill which
»vieil1. ' lo all ihr i* ¡ c lami >«air> hy n»*t oí
Fune vi ile a::a Eeud.
Viigu»t ; w.*2, the «U iw I uk iminr 1 |*or*o|i>* was shipped from Bcmidji, Minn..
.»ave tiU*<1 in thU » ìt'ire their sworn I last month has arrived in Shaniko
Mateinrnu. to-wit :
and will he brought here as soon
Agi»* » liarris
■<: In? -in. ss, which it is
nf rriiieville. ronniy »*! • r-mk. »»tat«* of Oregon, the roads permit. Mr. Steidle e x ­
■ tl'i'ieiet *. e dily with
K olii 'Ultrlin-Ut .V ii . ì '- fol* till* ¡■lin hU'T“ O*
pects to have the plant together
Ilo* ne’ * s» « •'*. li» 29 - r ît* r. w. m.
»•■••ri . has put Bend
W. I,«». ,o*:i Harria
with a slungle-mill in operation ip i i<* ; o ii"ii r u v she demands
m .' Priiirviüe. »-ounty ot < rook, state of orr-
¿ ri. sum it siatemrnt No. 92’», for tin |»ur*-*»as*- the first of .March.
tele] h*'ie
t oiiiinunicat¡tin
m (lie it .. «'i' s*j,. ser ». t|> _’9 >. r in e. v.. in.
i liât
will offer »»roof to show that the
I; ml s» »••-At is moie sa ’. able n»r it- umber or from IT in e v ilie Wed liesday.
wa tiisciisSt d quite tre dv dur.iig
sione than for airrieiiitura! puri ■••»sea i n«t to
r*’ahlisA tt’.eir elaim to * md ! lamí hef»#re A. < '.
M .H .ilollin sh ead was down from the past simulici while tlit* timber
I**.liner* r. S. I'oini :i.''«ii':¡rr al I’ruieviUe.
filing was ai it- ¡«eighth unit now
Oregon, on Tue.»» ¡»tv. tiie 2lih »lay of Roslanu iiiv first of tHe week.
the Board ot lii.d e has taken ine
iViiruary. hin;».
School opened Monday after a
They name as \vitm'vsN‘ : W. I.outhan liar-
matter m hand .mi it is not im-
v, Agios Harris. .1 ■ : : t. « oiiios of 1 r.u. ville, vacation extending over the hou-
probable the coming spring
»;.r.goii I*’: a neis .1. Peen«*.'os Albany. oreg»ni;
i days.
In c
new furniture was •will see a line hunt from the Des­
1 onaId K steffa.of Bene Oregon.
Uiyatolali i.»*r><»iu» » ¡aim .ng a * I verst-!y the ' placed in the building during
chutes river to Riineville where
a »ove *U-s rile»l lam’s air re»iue>le»l lo tile
t **ir elaims in this ottiv e on »»r henne sai»l Uhrismas week and tile new hcii tlirect connection can be had with
- ith »lay oí Feb.. 1902.
| has added a few more echoes on Cortland and other business cent­
K. M. ! ih s TT a !N. Register.
the Deschutes.
Some people grind their axe >
! by buying tin xoidicix and jum p­
Unito! s;»'.-. 1 . h it I off;
I.HkcvIi-w. orcirnn
0**t., 17, 1992.—N»»t:ce is liereuy gi'»*n that in ing-jack^.
compiimi; e with tin* provisions of t il**
Ed Crabtree is here from 1’ rine-
».< t
»•»1, “ All a» t Tor the sale of tim er lami- in ti., : ville on a duck hunt.
s i a t t*R o f l’ali; »mia. »»regoli, Nevada ami Wasìi-
iiigtoii Territory, as extended to all the public
J. R, Brock has nearly complet­
land states l>y aet of August 1. 1K92, the follow­
ing persons have this »lay filed in this »»ffiee ed the cottage he is building on the
their sworn statements, to-wit :
Irwin D. Pike
of Morn, .county of Sherman, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. 9 N j , for the purchase of
the lots ó. •> II. ?2. -e« tf» 2»» > r 11 »*. w. m.
Alice M. Hohler
rnite»l States I.aml Office, The Halles, Ore-
ci Moro. « ounty of Sherman, s’ ateof Oregon, 1 goii, I ecem er l’Jtli P.n>*J: A sutlicieiit contest
.«••vorn statement No. dati, for the puchas** of .itfiuavit h*.viiig been tile»l in this otfic»* by
the sw*4 se* V tp :!•» s. r 11 *• w. m.
William P. Vamlevcrt. contestant, against
N* !'y 7.. Pike
l'cseri hami entry No. nil*. ma»'e »>« *»>ber -*ih.
<•! Moro, i 'OJinty >f Shernuin. st>»:*- of Orev<«n. Bun, for Nl._, S\V«4 s»2 t»i MV« , sc . T. 17 >
> .vorn su*'e.cent X»» .bk» for :!»♦• puiv lmsi of i{. 12 K b\ .lames, ('. S. Ta’»or « onicstcc, in
t he lots 1. J ’. ; -e • A. tp • s. r I ! e. w. in.
: »n which it is alleged that sani cntryman has
That they wil: off» r proof t*» sl>*»w that the wholly failed to expend the anioiint of #1
li.nd sought is more valuable for it' timber i per a»Te <-n sai»l tra»*l from October Ith. ltMl.
or stone than ;ur igr: epura! jai;*¡.« *•♦•>. and to I dale of >a’»l en try. and October Itii, l'.Htj, nr at
f-Pablish their claim t»» said laud before A.
any time thereafter. Said party is hereb>
Palmer. F. S. F uiiihi issi»*m*r, at Prineville notified to appear, ami oiler evi»leiii*e toiu-hing
oregon, oil Thursday the 2f-th d»t> ».»l February. said allegation at 10 o\*lo»*k a. ni. on February
I'M .
• th 1902, before II. W. Ueed. I . S. < »>ininis>ion-
They name as v irnesses: John bombs of cr, at Bend. Oregon at hi'* « ffiee and that tinnl
Prineville, Oregon; Joseph M-areau. »>». Itos- hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in. on
1 ; ml. Oregon* Irwin I>. Pike. Alit**M. Hohler. February 21st 1902, before tin- Register and
Nelly 7,. Pi... . of Moro. Oregon.
Receiver at the I'nited Siatts I.aml Othee in
Vnv and all j-ers*»ns elai mi ug advei'-ly the The Jiaiies. »>regoii.
J a V P. I.ITAS. Register.
a)»ove-»U*s*Tibed ! unis are
r*■•|Me**t«*d to t:'»*
their »•Initie- .u rii s »*fti e on or
before sai»;
*th «lay of Fei*., paw .
E. M. B h AITA IN. it# glster.
e •: v.ii'.-'iTnK i :.\ t .
United >tai.*s I .and Otflee. Lnkeview.
()i“eir>li. O.t. 17, I'.M’J ;— Xotiee is here­
by cix'en tint- in compliance with the
provisions et tin* aet <>f .Inn*- ¡¡. IST*, en­
titled, “ An ac* l'or tin* sale n! tile tier
lands in ti e states of California. On­
ion, Nevad.' a,;.! Washiiiifton Terri­
tory." as exit*’ .; ! to all tin* public
land state* by a. I <«i' Ansrust 4. lsng. tin*
t,illowing |ier*..,1* lui ve tliis day tiled in
this otflee then suoni statements, to-
M it :
Eva Poak
At last week’s meeting
of the
Board the suggestion was made
that enough private capital could
he mustered to build the line, hut
later it was decided to first invite
puny to enter the held
under a
guarantee, then if it eon-
struct the line through private
A number nf l*usim“s>men of the
Bend who were present expressed
the opinion that >uch an enter-
prise would be placed upon a pay-
ing basis a- soon a.- put into oper-
ation. tor the reason t>.at a large
amount of the present business
which is carnet
on through tin
mails would turn in preference t<
a quicker mode of transmission
Another feature bro igiit up i- tlie
fact that as soon as the ( ' iltunbi i
Southern builds it ' extension to
Bend a large amount of busincs.-
will be transattoli over the ¡¡lit­
from Brine viiie to this place which
will be its m -i r -sf railroad point.
It is 1 iciii*v ei 1 however that
guarantee suir.c.eiitly ¡arge can be
United States Eiind Olh-e. Lnkeview made to the Baciti» »ta le s company
Oregon. Oct. IM, li(0g :—Notice is here
to induce them to build without
bv given that ¡11 compliance with the pro­
visions of the aet of June 3. 1*7M. en- ' taking into 1 onsideiation outside
titled "A n aet for the sale of timber facts which V. ;!: i i a v their weight
lands in the states of ( '.ilifnrnia. < »regon, in the futuu vv in i. the railroad cx-
Nevada, and Washington Territory.” tension is completi d.
as extended to all the public land states
by aet of August 4. lM!»g. the following
persons have this day tiled in this ollice Investigation of Timber
‘ heir sworn statements, to-wit:
America 1. lloone
of Prineville, enunty of Crook, state of
According to the Lakeview
Oregon, sworn statement No. 4IJ. for
the purchase of the sw '4 see 33. tp 24 s,
his critical eyes to the land ot’ iee
r !* e w 111 .
el Prineville. f uaty of Crook, state *>1
l/i/./ie E. Ilvde
in Lnkeview. and m v of tin* claim-
( »regen, sworn statement No. 47*». for
tin* pnrclias ■ ot the lots3.
2 1 .
see of Prineville. county of C took, state of ants who has tiled on a claim dtir-
Oregon, s.corn statement No. 4o4. for
ing the past six year* i- ,-phjeet to
tilt* purebase ut 11.** su ‘4 ni . 1 . . I I 1.. SI 4 •
Marie *piimi.,_r
call to th< w cause u by hi- claim
of Prinevill *. count' of Crook, state ot s\v14 se'4 see 13. tp 25 s. r IO e u m.
not la- eat eele»l. provided
H alter s*. 1 lyde
< »regoli, suor sta*ement No. o74. lor
the pureli i*e of tiit* llll'k —*e 1*. tp -•> s. nf Prineville. i-ulliity uf ( ri*ik. -tate nf any irregularities are found. The
Oregon, suoni statement No. 4-Vi. l'or tollowing i- taken from tin* Exam-
r 13 e w ni.
tic- purebase nf thè 111- 4 *
ls. tp 25 >. ¡ner:
.1. Frank Spinning
of l’ rinevil e. eoiie.ty of Crook, 'fa te of r II» e w in.
"M r. Urvgla. tlie -peeial land
Jaeoti \\ . buone
( »regoli, sworn stateme’ it No. »¡73. for
who i- her»* inv. -tigating
tue purchase ot *;u-
see I*, tp gii * of Prineville. eounty of ( 'r-sik. -ta!** of
Oregon, suoni statement No. 457 tortile land matter.-. Im- over •*<»1» claims
r 13 e w 111.
ti. tp ¡Jó s. r 11 •* » m.
That they ni i offer proof to show
that the land eoiinht is nmn* v.ilnnble
for its timlter or «ione than for agri­
cultural purposes aia) to establish their
claim to said land liefore A. C. I’aimer.
C. S. Commissioner at Prineville. Ore-
igon.nii Saturday, the Jl-t day m Feb.,
Thev name a* x*iti»e-se*: Thoi i.i«
J|. W atki.s Crin i-, J I»*vine. of A ’ -
11.1 n v , < Ireg. .u . I to,.-. 1 F. Stetfa. W lPi:im
II. Itrock. of I lend. Or»V"i» ; Parker
I».,ak. Mari * '»pim i nt. J. Frank spin­
ning. " f Prinev ille. I »regoli.
Any and at- fterani * elaiuiii ir .1 l\er«i"-
lr the alsne-oess-ri'HsI lamia .ire re-
.jilesteil to (lie tbeir ciaiuis in t!ii" ,,rf: .
*»n or before said gist doy of I eb.. ItKXi.
L. M B hatxa txi Hegicter.
purebase of thè II w '4 sei- ls. tp 25 s. r
II» e w tu.
Tliaf tliev will offer nrnnf tu show
tl af thè land smight is more va Ina 1 ile
for it» tiinber or stoni* thnn for agrieul-
tnral purjwise*. and to establisli tlieir
»duini to -aid land liefore A. »'. Palmer,
C. * < »i.mmissioner. at Prineville. < »re­
g o li .
Friday. tlie 27th day nf
Febmary. IwB.
riiey na ut* as u itlies*-*. : Jacob W,
limme. K b i l i O. Ilyde, Afeerlea I*
to look over.
E very entry math*
in this district w ithin tin* past six
years will la- investigated, and it
otliee where patents had been
" ’ltd; >ix were ::nnulled.
‘ It is to the interest of every
person having timber elaiins in
litis district to appear before tin
S1 ct ¡al agent when sununonetl.”
Antelope’ s
NO. 33.
can I h * only a source of regret in
the future when t'oere arc new re--
¡dents, new industries anti vastly
different conditions to govern the
now raw anil practically undcvelop-
e.t territory which it is proposed to
cut off into a separate district.
In putting up an
ment in support of the ereation
a new county from til*.* northern Crook county’s population would
portion of
Crook, the Antelope have been augmented last vear hv
Herald sa vs the trend o* business at least 10.000 persons had
is toward the north to lie railroad tion been started on a permanent
which is the natural outlet for the basis, but the latter development
produce and the market also for| is coming slmvlv anil in the mean-
supplies, "w h ile the transaction while the rush for timber claims.
of business at the county seat re­ especially during the past summer,
quires a special trip in the opposite
The tatement sounds very h»gi-
eal im nint h as it i> a summarv
of present existing conditions, and
is probably true in every partielt-
As a g<•nerail rule tin* husi-
ni­ of any g ¡ven community liut-
ni'.ally center s at tin* nearest rail-
ro¡ id point. The
travel, fre ight.
and. in fact, traili«' of all kimb« ra-
di; iti - from :Mill e*ui verge toward
tin common center of railroad
communication. As a natural se-
has been the means of securing t<*
Crook county scores of homestead*
ers who have bet on.e permanent resi
As an exam ple of the remarka­
ble speetl with which the county is
gathering settle! ' the Dt schutcs
Valley is one of the best districts
from which to
Only a year ago thousands of acre«
of government land were D in g v a ­
cant along the river, and it 1 in A
been on lv since last M av that this
enormous tract, which C miles
qiienet“ tin vicinity
immediately ; both in length and width, has pa
surrounding the terminal point of etl into private ownership.
¡1 railroad running into the interior 'steads, timber, ami desert entries
becomes isolated to a certain tie- have churned every available spot,
grt e from the tnoit remote sections; until now a vacant forty of land is
high the business interests and the almost impossible to til id elsewhere
trade of the fornit i community are than on the summit of a butte
peculiar to its own conditions, ami some other equally inaccessible
in conformity with tlie closer reta- cation.
tions which it holds with regard to
Homestead cabins have dotted
railroad communication am
eon- the countrv during tin last eight
ncction with outside business t v n - 1 months and plowed fields ami foil-
ecs an* no longer rarities. One of
Tht* Herald admits these facts the railway immigration bureaus
and uses them in support of tin give* out that Jo.000 persons have
c iainis wliit-h the resident.- of that settled in Oregon in the past year,
place are about to demand'
No and it is safe to say that if Un­
thought is given to the future; it is number were
not even conceded as a remote pos- among tl c counties of the state
-ibility that the Columbia South- Crook
mild claim considerable
ern will extend its line, making more than twin
1er share. The
Use of Antelope merely as ¡1 eon- Deschutes Valiev and the lluv-
venient place to build a water-tank, stack countrv have each received
( onsequcntly, t.n- fact has been jiliout an equal number and there
lost in the fog that in the event of is ' t i l l room for more. The latter
railroad extension and the estab- d ist riet will soon la- -ettled. hut the
iislinient of a county seat in the upper valley under iriig.ition w ill
buckskin town, the residents of the continue to öfter an unlimited a-
community farther south, where niount of territory for vcars to
the business and industries will he come.
twcntvfold greater than at Ante-
* ‘ * IM ‘ ” r it* vicinity, will la* eom-
Bend is stiffering fioni a lumi" r
¡"-lied to transact their business at
famine at pre-eiit wliieli tlileatelis
« u*‘ county seat wliieli >\ ill "require
delay of further
hnilding unni
:l s|H*eial trip in the opposite di-
some of the proiiai*cd
w-rnills are
reetion from the natural trend.
in o|K*ration.
Lu ml »er i> la*ing
' " ‘ tlet and marketing point of their
haiilcd now from tla- null la-lmv
btisine-s interests and prialuee.
Sisters, a distaine
over tliirty
In other words, iet Antelope ap-
P*.v «»••' »anie argument .«lie i.- now
using to the inevitable conditions
W ith tin* mystieal
' ' hieh will govern the northern
grab-bag wide open and inviting,
portion of ( rook county after a
It will la- great Wolln» I' if liiagieiall
period of three or four year.) has
Hermann dia-.* not u e iiio n -trai a
new trick.
Development of ( rook county i*
prettv close t«. tlie lit-t item on tie*
Charlie W ille y open« d his in w
doesn’t matter whether a patent for schedule of "future*.
Alon g with meat market the fir*t ni the week
the land ha* been issued or not. •» will come tin* railroad, im a sett- and is enjoyin g a good trade. The
No one will la overlooked, and lers, wide and diversified ¡iidlis- present supply of meats and pro­
any claim that i- found to lieirreg- tries, and a population which » 1
visions will la* greatly increased
uhir thè entry will la- n voked on ' I"* governed solelv in it-con cen tra­ a- soon as tin* addition to tin mar*
tile advi-c of thè - ia lin i ugelli. »■"" hy the proportion- and «liree-
^ (.o m |,|,q,.,p
Every (iaiiiiant l«e iiotitied to timi <»f thè c o im ty ’- p rogr«-- ami
Il ’i*ì, 1 *. I.ixxie K. 11/ le. Walter s. Ilyde, apja*ar oli ¡Cvcrtain dav
simw adViilieemcnt. It is litting. tli«-re-
T I m * schiari laiard w.ll hold a
all nf Prineville. Oregon.
whv Ili- d a in i sbnuld nnt la-
cali- b ir' - flint tini«* aioli«* I h - allowed to -p«-eial meeting Monday aftermani.
Anv and all |**r-n:.« elaiming a i versi­
de-igmit«- what portimi or |a>rtioii- and a special volcrs meeting hn-
le th » ,i»Nive-di*scrii»etl lands a re re* 111 e*t -
•‘ .•»latini agi-ut » ¿rvgla has
«*oni- '»f CrmtK eounty la-
»• i to hit* tbeir eliti in- in thi* ofii.-e mi or
lieloiv s.»id 27tli day of Februarv, l'.»u3. pletcd his work at tlie Ro-. biirg new one and where
t . 31. U ha T tain . Regia ter. t laud otliee, and out of >0 claims in t seat rhullhc. Hasty
limile into a la «-n -1 1 for Saturdav, Jafi. 17, at
the county which it ia expevtcil a tax will bu
uow levied for the general school fund.