The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, December 27, 1902, Image 2

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J*l lU.l'HK!» KVKKY
I». F .
S tkkka
W. H
ki . m u c i i
K i »IT«» i :
M an a m
Entered Mnv 81. 1902, sit Itemi. < »re­
goli, a ' »1 colui diiiw matter, under Art <"
I on. i'«s mi Muri li 3, 1879.
1 1 .on
O ve 5' K A H
1 •»
S ix M i NT II S
M m n is
T u a ...
R D A V , D E I • E . M B E K 2 7 ,1 1 )0 2
I L I UVE» I I ' I 'i I- NT.
I ’ il l I 'l l M , tes | ,11 In I < III ill- ,
I ll lie ii •
i • ■'. 17. 11 *<*li : N o tic e is In c
v y _dveu l l i i i in <*• >i■ i|>linii«*<* w i t h t i e
| m i i i i .:i mi lli<* net m | . l i n e i!, IS ,s e ,
t i tie d " A n in t in r th e h ii ! i * Ml t im in '!
I t ie !- i i t i e ta le s il l C u lh o r n ia , < »regie.
N r . .¡ti, i •• 1 W iis h in g to n T e r r it o r y . a«
ex til.« In I to a ll tlie |iii! i|ie lu in l Htiltei- In
A u g m -t
.1 ol m .t*i 11 ',
'intern, eoiiiitv
I lia n
of (* rcffiiii luiis t i !«*• 1 in t h is o llie e
I.i«- > o rn *-1:11 < * III«* u t N' 1 ». '.Hi 7, fo r H ie
1.11 r « 1 JIM* o í 11 .*. •s' nw 1 A r e e l t. s r l 4 lie * ;
M*C 1,. »1 1 22 s. r 9 e W III. a n d
i «'1 1 SI
tli«* b in d
w i ll . »ffei 1 »1 (K»1 to show th a t
i M
lllf uc
VHI n a lili •
fo r
le and all p " s uis elaimino adverse-
t e a:tov" deset ihed I.imIs are reijne-t-
■ I ' i tile their eia in is in this ott:ee on or
■ said 25tl. day " f Feltrilary. It*'Vi.
K. M. i>u iTi'iix, Register.
( rook
“ t ;i 1
soil;: ili
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
I . i.'.'!i • "i n-
ly the a oi ivc-ip ■: ei ¡lr-«l lands are r«'i¡uest-
t ! ■ r s I Ml ; ' I !
i f ( i s . state of * 'l to lile their I lain - in this office 011 or
. ...
o. ft 1 ti for t ho before said 2 bth day of Feb., 190.8.
i Ilf t o "
, - « • ' ; sec Jfii, e l ._. n e l4
!•;. M. lhiirrAiN. Register.
-i . >
11 ! e w in'
1 . . 'layior
.11 -, o' i Crini';,
state ol
i 11 • >1 . mvnr ' itoli ,• .; No. fili, tor
• .nr, 1 misi 1 ! 'lie
a j. see li-», tp
V , r U n ll In.
Or«*g"ii, Oet. 17, 1!M!2.
V a n Cyrus
— Notice is hereby given that in com­
s. coiintv i t ( look, state of
pliance with tin- p. o , ¡-ions of the act of
■i , i -wor stuteliielit No. ‘.»IS. tor
June 8 . 1878 , vJ'titl''I " A n act for the
'i, • i tse ol tin* id j s*.j, sec 2 ", tp
.¡de of timber land- in tin* states ol ( al­
" . r ’ <• it ni.
ifornia . Oregon. Nevada and Washing­
i : at t in will oiler proof to show ton Territory." as extended to all the
i tut 1 . lami -uniilit is more valuable Public Land States by act "i August 4.
her or -tic e than for ngrieill- 1802, the following persons have this
1 11 r ; 11 pi posos and to establish their day filed in this olliee tlmir sworn state­
el., ,,
id hied before A. C. Palmer, I .
ments, to w it :
i ..¡.sjoier at I’ riiieville Oregon,
(■ i net ho J . 1 lardy
,0 \V. o : - a y .’ lie 2 ,>th day of Fein nary. of Haystack, county of Crook, state of
J t K . ! I
Oregon, sworn statement No. 7H7 for
name a.- witnesses, honald 1 ■ tlie purchase of the n i l s e e 9, tp 2f> s,
V ¡Ulani II. Mitais, of Itemi; Or.; r 18 «• w 111 .
I), Tailor, Enoch Cyrus, Sanili
Charity Wilson,
i ' i ' . ' m I', Mary Cyi ns. of sisters,
Ore­ o f l ’ r it m v illc , ( 'u t ility o f C ro o k , s ta te ol
tin In i nr -tune than for agricultural
íittrpi -es, .uni to establish hi- elaini to
ii ii| !:i i. 1 1 helMie A. C. rainier, 1. S.
( ’ntiimi--i'i;iei at Prineville. t »regoli, on
Tin — ! i\ i lie '_‘ lth lay of I'elirtiary, P*»t3
lie name- a- w i t n e s s P e r c y 11.
Daii-. < "'je \Y. Null, ilenry Carlin,
( 'l\he Johnson, all ol i*i ter-, Oregon.
c la im in g ml versel V the ¡ilutvc-ile
ncrihed lands are n ipu «Pal lo lile
tin i f i la ill - ¡II 1 ll is ollice nil hi ln| e
Haiti lilt'n ilav of 1'Vhruary. IDO.’ .
10 . M. B hattaiv , Register.
'I I M ill It L A N D N O T H ' K .
in: inveaTisiMiEvr.
IT,ile.l States l.atnl Office. I.akeiiew.
Ore/on, (h i. 17, P*02.— Notice is here
bv given tlm! in compliance with the
prin i-ioii- of the in t of .1 ntie I. 1878 , en-
titl I, • \n act lor the sale of timlier
mils in ti - ates o! ( 'alifornia. Oregon. Washington Territorj'." as
extended to all the pnhlie land states In-
act m A: list I. I«92. the follow ing per-
sot: - hale tiled in this ollice their sworn
stai eluents to Wit :
Ik •thulc r . Dove
of 5hauik", ci unity 1 »f w aseo. state «»Í
1 >n gon, suor n state'in.•III No 784, lor
' ' 4 , sce 14, 11«*-
the purchase of the
nel 1 sec 2 : !. nw '4 nw 1 1 nee a !4, tp
h , r 12 e it in.
Fred 1 >avis
of Slum i Ko, inunity 1 l»f V IIW'II, state o i
i >n goti, suoi II -late 111 «*ut N(». 78.5, lor
the purchase of tIn' nw H M*I* t, t p 29 s ,
1 11 t e u 111 .
M, it y
1 Jrni'st \
of Shaniko, ci uiiity of W USUO, state of
t *r« /on. -worn state■ment No. 789, for
the peichase of I he sw *4 see lit. tp 29 s,
r ll! e w in.
offer proof
show that
the land
more ' d mhle lot it- tnnher or -tone
than ¡oi agricultural purpo-c«. and to
e-tahli-h t eir claim to-aid land before
\ i I .diner, I
S. Commissioner, at
pri , i II . Oregon. on Monday, the liltrd
dai of relim a n , 1903. I’hev name as
w i; iic - i ".
llctlmlc C. l*o\e, I red
haii Ernest \
Doty, of Shaniko.
Or, on. Iiancls .1 IV\ ine. Thomas II.
\ \ a tk is, of \ I ha ni . Oregon.
Vrn and all person« claiming adverse
|\* tin'
alsive ilc-cnlied
lands arc
to tile their claims in
tin- o 11 i i e on or I >elore -aid iNtrd day of
I eh.. 1903.
I M Iht i m t \ , Register.
nr: inv i ii i t«' nr n t.
I nited State- Land ollice U kcvirti.
Orri.Mli, tk't 17. 1902.
Nii'n c - herein given that in compli-
miic . with the |iro\ ision-of
the act of
Jin,,- :t, is,"«, entitled .m act tor the
».ii, ■ tin 1 s t lands in the «tat«*» ot Cal-
it • i.i I ' m von Nci.nla and Vu»,dng-
t >n territory." a» 4'\tc»ded to all the
|M'.' I ad st.ites In act of \ngu«t 4
|s>i.*, ti,,- tollowiug per-on- ha\e this
d .1 till d in tin- oltii'e their »worn state
ntent - to w i t :
t ¿eorgv l>. Taj lor
oi Si-t.
count.» ot t ri-'k. »tafi 1 ol Orv
gon, «worn statement No ’MV for tin*
purchase ol the ««''4 »«'* 4 . -«s' ¿•4, n\.
lie1* . in
Itw ' 4. ««s' 1 ?.'*, Ip '.M «. r 12
• w in,
O re g o n , s w o rn s ia te n m n t N o .
4 ” 0 fo r
tin * p u rc h a s e " | th e t“ ,> o l w L , see 12, tp
s, r Id e w m .
Pei'uard < iormley
of I’ rinevilli*. I'oiiiity of Crook, state id'
Oregon, sworn statement No. 7 HS. for
the purchase of the "se l-4 sec 8 , tp 2 l>
s, r 12 e w in.
Lliza K. Poindexter
of I’ rineville, eoiinty of Crook, state of
at itivt ierTM.imvr.
Oregon, sworn statement No. 452, for
I nit«''I -In n - ! iili't «'ll* ' . I n l e v lew, ' regoli the purchase "I tlie ii1.,, liel4, e L ntv 4
Met 17 . I'- m
' ., 1 :, . ■ neroli, (. il l'll Hint ill see Ii», tp 2 '» s, r 10 e w in.
< till |>l til ll '«' W till I 1 e |irnvt»i"lls •>( till lll't " f
Janies N. Poindexter
i ,, i ; l " i
ni .1 ii ni : . ! « , « «111 illt-'t " I n n i for
of Pric.evi'le. county of Crook, state of
I lie -ll 'e o f I iIII 1 er la«II'Is ill till stall's o f Call- j
No. 887. for
turn :o 1 i r e p ' i i . N« i in’ ii « l i d W a s lii n s m n Ter- I Oregon, sworn statement
• i m i i " as «• x t«■ 11M«"I in all ilie |>iit»lt«' limit 1 the pureiia.e of tiie s l2 1111 * 4 , n*<> - 1 1 * 4 ,
- m e s le net ni Aii|iii -1 I. lor.’ . Al m oin
1 ’al- see 28, tp 25 s. r 12 e w m.
n e i , of I'rl in " 111 «'. * o e ti' y o f I '1 o,it,, - ' a l e ol
That they will offer proof to show
lire oil. lias f le, I i u tin - otttie his sworn state­
the laud sought i- more valuahle
ment So-HAS .or t In e " reftase " f t ¡II' lots !t. I.
>. I. I l f se. li o n Vo. Il>. ill |ownslli|i No. VI. s. for its timlier 1 r stone than tor agricul­
ni míe No. It I W V. and w i l l off er pro of to tural purpose- ami to establish their
I..., 1 tie. i ilie to ml -oiiiilu is more valnnl- 1 «'I
cliiini tosni'i land before A. C. Palmer, I
mr its tinn o nr spun' lim n for a * ri. n 'l n r a l
nmissionerat I'tineville,Oregon, on
pH -1 -i i-s i, lo, I " e - 1 a :. I •• 1 Ills 1 In i 111 to sa a I -,I I <>tore
e o n n ti
. lerk Saturday, tlie !4th day of Feh., 1908.
ni 1 1 nevtlle Ore non on Tuesday, d ie K ill
They name as witnesses; Francis
da\ ■ I eiin i.'r y, I «'.I lie llallíes a - W i t n e s s « ' - :
J. Devine, T. 11. Watkins, Ed Morgan
.|nlin‘ nulls of I r i l i e i i l l e . I t r e n o ti1
. T hom as
II kne I' mi 11 , I- .1 I'eiine.ol Alhany, (ire- of Wbanv, Oregon; Donald F. Stella,
W . II. Ilroek, of I’cnd, Oregon.
l i o i i ; I'onald I' Si«‘ fTii.oi !t«*nd, Ore/eu.
A lii
un I
id aimin R ad
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
\ 1 -ell I lie ai-oí e d *- 11 1 it'd III lids a re i i 'H lies!
ly the above-described lands are re-
e l In tile th eir idiom s III dlia offle e ou
or le
'¡ne-ted to tile their claims in this office
fore sa.d IT ll ii u iy " , I eh.. Its-:',.
on or before -aid 14th day of Feh., 1908.
Ii. 'I IfH.iTT.iIN, Itea.-ler.
K. M. U kattain , Register.
T ' I M I ’.K K I. V N I ) N O T I C E .
.‘ t. VI'UTIs KM KV r.
Kl*: A X>V 1: It T I : I MKXT.
I’ nited States Land Olliee, l.akevieiv.
1 'le/on, • >i-t. 17, Ittoii:— Notice is here­
by given that in cnnipliaucvwith the pro
visions of the act ol June 8 , 1878, en-1
titled ’ • \n act for the sale of timher-
lands in tlm states of Califor da, <hvgnn,
Nevada and Wasliington Territory,” as
extended to all the pnhlie land states
In act of Atiimst l. 18!»*.», the following
person- lull«'this day filed in tlii- olliee
their sworn statements to-wit:
Mas Nurs­
'd Shaniko. county of Wasco, state of
Orce<>n, sivnrn statement No. 1 * 0 ,. for
SW *4 , ne ‘4 sw ' 4 .
Hu■ parchi 1 * 8 ( * (>f the ll
se 1 4 " « L HIM* 24. I|> 25 s, r 12! 1 ».
Roy N nr—
of Slianik O. eotuity of W JlSt'O, Ntate
t )re gon.
No 90S, lor the pureha *5t» «»t the
it 1 « 8.«'4 , I . SW ' 4 see !k), tp 25 s, r 12 e.
1 *'ttora \l. Utils«*
of Moro, c«unity oi 1 Sherman, stai«' of
Orc.'on, sworn -'alemeut N 0 . 913. for
th« • purchase of t lie* NW '4 HtH* 1 1 , t! > 29
s. r 12 «*.
Charles t , I Inl-e
of M ore, e o n n ty
ft ' / o n . s w o r n
S herm an.
s ta te m e n t
t» U
fo r
th.* purchas»* of the so '4 , sec 1 1 .
<P 21 » s, r 12 «*.
Lewis D Holder
of Moro, county of Sherman, state 1 of
t tregon. sworn stat« •ment No. 912. for
tin• purr base of the iie '4 -ce 11 . tp 2 f» N.
1 1 - «*.
Mint'd«* 1.. Holder
(»1 \ i r:i^** Valici . Ci unity of Sherman.
-tale of Oregon, -worn sta’ e i cut N o .
1012 . for the pur hase of the lot- 1 . 2 . 8 .
f. of s«v 4, tp 2d
r 12 e.
James 11. Smith
ol 1‘rineville, eonnti of Cirmk. -tate of
Oiviion. sw ori» statement No. i>7-. lor
the purehas«' of tlm nw *4 sw l 4 sec 27,
«•'.. '« ''4 see 2 «. n «, l 4 i m l 4 sc,- 8 8 . t p
l.akevieiv, Oregon, Oet. l(i, 1902.
Notice i- herel.i given that in compli­
ance with the nroi isii.ns of the act of
1S7S, entitled " A n act for the
sale of timber lands in tlie States of
California. Oregon, Nevada and Wash­
ington Territory," as extended to ail
tlie Pnhlie Land States by act of August
4. 1892. tlie following persons have this
day tiled in this olliee tlmir sworn state­
ments, to w i t ;
Charles K. McDoivell
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 1492, lor
the purchase of the siv *4 mv*4, sec 29,
-*._, tie* 4 , 111**4 se *4 see 80, tp 25 s, r 12
c w III.
Mary ].. McDoivell
of Prineville, fountv of Crook, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 149!. for
the purchase of the sV. ne*4, nV, se* 4 .
see 29. tp 2.5 -. r 12 e w in.
That they will offer proof to show
that the land -ought is more valuable
tor it- timl'f'r or stone than for agricul­
tural pur|x>s«'s. ami to establish their
e'uim to-aid land iN'i-ire A. C. Palmer,
C. S. Commissioner at Prineville Ore
gon. on Thursday, the 12th d a y of Feh..
1908. They name as witnesses: Min
nie M. Whitsett, (ilenada M. T«*tupie-
ton. Charles MeDoitell, and Marv I..
Mi'Di'iic'l 01 Prineville. Oregon ; Homer
II tain ton ami Herbert W. Cooke ot
Shn ik«>. Oregon; Francis J. Deiine
and F.d Dorgati. of Alhany. Oregon.
Any and all jvrstuis claiming :■ 1
vorselv tlm al»>ve-«h—' rilx'il lands tire
re<|noted to tile tlmir claims in this
o Ii e on or before said 12 day of Feh..
I . M. PiKirriix. Register.
2 -
s. r 1 1 e.
I hat tliev will offer pr««>f to-liow that
the lami sought ts mor«' valuahle for i t s
tiinU'r ««r stone than tor agricultural
purj-'-os. ft ml lo estahl i-h their claim
to-aid lami li'torv A t Palnmr, 1 S
t'omlni-si'Uter at
1 ‘rinei die.
gon. on Friday, tlm 2rttli «lay ot F«*b-
runry, 1 MKI,
T.u'j t.fttne as wttne«M*s:
Francis .1. IS« 4 ine. ITiom»« M atMus,
«•I Alhany. Or«*\r«»u ; l.eimri* NI. Ilulst*,
Chari«', tl. llttW , l ewis IV H«*lder.
M '
f ' x t T K t . S t i t k s L . i x i » O r n c K ,
t>reg\m; Kojf Nur-s.
Iwi, Or«'goi,.
1 ’ xtT'"t» S t i t i s l.ixi» Orru’K. Lake
l tew . t »rvg.'ll. < i ' l
1902:— Notie»' i-
Imruhv given that in compliance with
t lie p' ov-inn- ,. ' , a« t ••! June 8 . 187-
«•ntitl«*>l " A n act lor the «ale of timlier
land« itt the state« <»f California. Oregon,
Nev.uia .«’id
"-I.i g'Mti IVrritnry," a»
«•xteinl.-l to all tin* pnhlie land states bv
act of August 4. 1« *2. Avery ti. >«x'ggiu.
of Prineville. county <»tCm«>k. state of
has this da» ttl««l in ttiis
otthv hi« sworn statement No. 77t>. for
the purchase of tlm c l4 iie *4 ««•«• 14. i i *^
uw *4 01 acetiwu Nw. 18 , 111 township
2 d s, r 12 e and w ill offer proof to show
the land -ought i- more valuable for its
timber than for agricultural purposes,
ami to establish his claim to said, land
before A. C. Palmer, C. S. Commission­
er, at Prineville, Oregon, 0:1 Thursday,
tin* 12th day of February. 1908.
lie names a- witnesses: Ftaueis J.
Dei ine, I'M Morgan, of Alliany, Oregon,
Frank Atwood. Mary Pcoggiu, of Priiic-
ville, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
ly the above ileserihed lands ace re-
Hilested to tile their claims in this olliee
on or liefore said 12th day of Feh., 1908.
E . NI.
B r a t t iix .
Delia M Kbi
of Shaniko, eotuity of Wasco, «tut«* of
Oregon, sworn stutenm: t No. 829 fo
the purchase of the n >-'4 -<•«• 35, tp 25
s, r 9 e.
Charles E. El i
of Shaniko, county of Wasco, stat«' of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 823 for the
p; rc’iase of the w *2 nw' 4 , nw *4 -w *4
s c 35, sc *4 111**4 see 34, tp 28
r 9 «*.
William F. Johnson
of i h niko, emuity of Wasco, state of
Or« g >n. «worn statement No. 822 for
the purchase of the e r2 iv ', m v 85,
tp 28 s. r 9 e.
Lillie E. Fulton
of Slianikn. eountv «if Wa-«'o, sr;i»e of
Oregon, sworn statement No. «21. for
tin* purchase of the
-e '4 .« ■, '5,
tp 28 s, r 9 e.
That tliev will offer proof t " * l . w
the land sought is noire vabtab!,* m its
timber or stone than for :.gru*ultttrul
ptirp'ise«. ami to establish their claim to
said la id beiore A .C . Palin«*. C. S.
Commissioner, at Price, ill.*, • )ieg" i, on
Momkiv, tin* Pit!» dav of L. !».. ItMid.
name as witnesses: Delia M.
Ebi, Lilli" L. Fulton. Ctrailes L. i ii,
\\ i li.un F. Job. -on, of -li.i.»i ." ■ log­
on : T. 11. Watkins, I r.'.ncis J. Devine,
of Albany, Oregon.
Any and al! persons clain ¡ic.tu a«*;-t>-
lv the chove-de-cribcd lai d-
nuested t" lile their elaitos in 1
on or before said 19th day 01 1 e . 1 '98.
K. M Bit.iTrai.x. R«*gi.-t«-r.
I ’ nited States Land Office, l.akevieiv,
Oregon, Oet. 17, 1902.— Notice is hereby
given that
the provisions of the
June 8 , 1878, entitled, “ A 11 uet for tli
sale of timber lands in tlm states of Cal­
ifornia. Oregon. Nevada, and Washing­
ton Territory,” as extended «0 all tin*
pnhlie land states by act of August 4,
]N92, ti'«' following persons have this
•lay Hied in this office their sworn state­
ments, to-wit:
Etta M. Rotteiilx rg
of Prineville, county of Crook state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 770 for the
purchase of the ne *4 se*^, se ' 4 ne*4,
see 82, and s’-a nw *4 see 88 , tp 25 s, r
12 e w tn.
Julia Cyrus
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 778, for
the purchase of tlm swLi in**.; ivVj se';
I ’ xiTED S tates L i - d ( ‘ keice . Lake-
- e '4 se ‘4 see 82. tp 25 s, r 12 e u in.
17. P'ii2.—
William 11. Cyrus
No ice is hereby given that in com­
of Prineville, county of Crook, state of pliance with the provisio, - . f the act of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 774. for June 3, 1878, entitled " A n .at for the
the purchase of the se'; -«* 14 , see 30, sale of timber lands in the States of
n'o ne '4 and ne*4' nw*., see31,tp 25 s, California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash­
ington Territory,” .as extended to all
r 12 e w in.
That they w ill offer proof to show that the Public Lands States by act of Aug-
the land sought is more valuable for its 4, is.'2. Henry l\ee..e, of Stayton,
timber or stone than for agricultural colt, ty of Marion, state of Oregon has
purposes, and to establish their elaini to tiled in this office his sworn statement
said land before A. C. Palmer, 1 . S. No. 991, for tin* purchase of the lots
Commissioner, at Prtneiille, Oregon, 5, 9, 1 1 , 12. ot sec No. 1. in township No.
Thursday the 19th dav of Feh: nary, 1902. 29 s. range No. 12 e it in. and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
They name as witnesses:
William H. Cyrus, Harold Clark. Theo­ nmre valuable for its tiniher o r stone
dore F. Cadle, of
Prineville, Oregon; than fur agricultural purposes, and to
Thomas Watkins, Francis J. Devine, establish hi- claim t.ii^said land before
Cot,, :.,i—iouer, at
of Albany, Oregon; Donald F. Sti-ffa, A. C. Palmer, l ' f
Prineville, Oregon, on Friday ti e 13th
of Rend, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse day of Pet»., 1903. He names as wit­
1 \ tlie above-described la tils are rei|liest- nesses: Herbert J. Downing, of Leban­
ed to (ile their claims in this office on or on, Oregon : Ld Morgan, Francis J. De-
liefore said 19th day of February, 1902. vi'te Thomas H. Watkins, of Alhany,
< hi . ot .
E. M. R rattain , Register.
Any i i d all persons claiming adversely
the above-described lands ¡lie re«|tiest-
to tile their claims in Mbs office on or be­
-¡;iii loth day of February. 1903.
L. M. B hattain , Register.
I ’ nited States Land Office, I akeview,
Oregon, Oet. 17 1902 :— Notice i- hereby
given that in compliance wiih the pro
visions of the act of June 3, !S7S. en­
titled "Alt act for the sale of timber
Cnited States Land Office, Lakeview
lands in the states of California, Oregon.
Oregon, Oet. 19, 1992.— Notice is l.t'M-.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as
bv given tliat in compliance with t i l l
extended to ¡til tlie public land states by
provisions of the act oi June 3. 1878 . en­
act of August 4. 1592. tli«* following
titled. "A n act for the sale of timlter-
persons have this .lay tiled in this office
lamts in the states of California. Oregon,
their sworn statements, to-wit :
Nevada and Washington Territory,” as
Lina M. Dale
extended to all the public land states bv
of Arlington, county of («¡Ilium, state of
act of August 4, 1892. the follow ing |>cr-
Oregon, sworn statement No. 799. for
sons have this day filed in this office
the purchase of the ne '4
L tp 2 l> s,
their sworn statements, to-wit:
r 12 e.
< ilenada Templeton
Wave Morris
of Portland.Vounty of Multnomah, statt of Prineville, eountv of Crook, state of
of O-egon. sworn statement No. 797. for ( *rcg«»n, sworn statement No. 970. for
the purchase of tlm -e ' 4 see 1, tp 29 s, the purchase of tin* se '4 see 24. tp 28
s, r 10 e.
r 12 e.
M inni«* M . W hit-ett
That they will offer proof to show
that the laud sought is more valuable of Prineville, county ot Cionk, «tate of
for its timber or stone than for agricul­ Oregon, sworn statement No. 971, for
•5. t p 28 s,
tural purposes, and to establish their the purchase ot the nw *4 sec 2 >
claim to -aid land liefore A ( ’ .Palnmr, C.
Homer Harrington
5. Comtni—huier. at Prineville, Oregon,
mi Wednesday, the 18th day of Febrti of Shaniko. county of Wasco, state <>t
< hvgon, sworn statement No. 9«7. for
ary. 1903.
rimv name a-
witnesses: Wave tl"- purchase of the -«''4 see 19. tp 28 s.
Morris, of Portlatnl. Oregon : l.ina M. r p) e.
Herbert W. Cooke
Hale, of \rlington Oregon; T. II. Wat-
kin«. Franc.-J. iVvine. of Albany, Ore­ of «■hanikn, county of V asco, statt* of
Oregon, sworn statement No. 989. t«>r
gon ; D. F. StefTa, of Rend. Oregon.
Any and all |wrsnns claiming ad- thi- pnreh. se ot the lot 4. >**e 3 : lots I, 2.
v»'f«ely the almve-dcscrilHsl lands are and sw *4 ne '4 -«■«• 4. t)> 29 s, r in «*.
That they w ill offer proof to show
r«'i|i:e«tisl to tile tlmir claim- in tlii« of-
Hiv on or liefore -aid 1 st h day of F’cli- that the laud sought is more valuable
for its timlsT or «tone tin»'» for agricul­
ruarv, 1908.
tural j*nr|Mis«*s. and to establish tli r
claim to said land In-fore A. C. Palmer,
C. S. ( onimissioner. at Prineville, Or«-
on Thursday, the 12th day of Feb­
ruary, 1903. Thej* name ¡ 1 « w iti.e--« - :
I’ nite l Stftt«*« l.ati'l Ollit «*. Lak 'vii iv, Minnie M. Whitsett. (iknada T* 11 ple-
1902. ton,
— Notice is hereby gium that in cotn- and Mary I,. McDowell of Prineville.
plaime with tlie pr«»visi"iis of tlm ¡let of Oregon: limner Harrington an«I il«*r-
Jnim 3. |87 h . entitle«! "A n act for the l»ert V . (««ik e i f Shaniko. Oregon:
-ale of timlier land« in the State« of Fraucis J. IVvine and K«l Dorgan. ot
California Oregon. Nevada, ami Wash­ AlUmv Oregon.
ington Territory" as extended tn m II
\ny and ail persons claiming a«lver«e-
tlm Public 1 :,< 1 «tat« « by act «M Au­ Iv the atsiveslcserilie«! lamlsare r»s|t»«*«t-
gust 4, 1892. the following j«'r»"n« have ««1 t«> file thetr claims in this oftnv ot» or
thi« • lay tihxl in this office their »»urn before sai«l l'Jtii «Uv «»t February, 1: UEl,
statements to-w it;
L. M. B uattai . x , Register,