The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, December 13, 1902, Image 1

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The DesChutes Echo
NO. 29.
already established.
Charges of Fraud U nwarranted. the steel industry.
Echoes Along the Deschutes.
This same field was gone over a
It should he known that there is
. . -
. . .
Ittllvraml, worn a.-kcu to «letuu-
few vears ago with the same idea m ,
. . .
. ' ,
1 truth.unswered, “ Language which enough of this leu land to cover fr„m sisters the first of the week,
view, hut it was not thought then
is not false.” Tin week before at all t.n valuable tindiet land in the John Siscmorc is limiting huntier for
United States, and that this great *ds new hotel hnilding. construction
to he a practical scheme owing to
the salon of Madat e De Sta«-I in
■ .
work on which will ttegin next week,
sparsely settled districts
corporation in order to pieserve
answer to "K >r what was language
ti, Kiehardson returned the first
An Electric Railway From Sacra­ through which the road would he invented.” hi- rep, , was, "To con­ tin1 Millies 111 this 1***1 land is «‘ill- 11«»- week with it («arty of thirteen
ploying its energies to have tlietim* which lie located <>n claims.
compelled to build. But the pa.-t
ceal thoughts.” 1’lato in his fam­
Eight inches of snow fell Sunday, the
mento Valley to the Deschutes year has noted some remarkable ous lectures defined a lie ns "lan­ her and stone act repealed.
... ,
first heavy storm of the sVason. Mon*
changes, both in (.’rook county and
\\ e b a le the right to assume >c* ,|;1V ;l Chinook wind to*«k off over halt
guage used to deceive.”
Has Inviting Traits.
cause the the Oregonian is so* un- ««fit ami in tin* three days following
the two counties to the south.
The Oregonian in its attack-up­
on ly |>ateh«'s her«1 and th e r e i n sheltered
Settlement is rapidly taking place,
on the officials of the U. S, hind de­ fair that it is selling it’s space to splits «-onlil lie f««nn«b
timber is lieing got into shape for
partment, and upon those who this great corporation. The Ore­
Before ¡ill tin* interes* hi tin*
Wm. St. Thomas was her«» on a
the markets, stock raising is in­
gonian knows that the irrigation
have taken up land in Oregon un­
building of electric roads die* out
business trip the first of the week
creasing and every indication
fund receives $2..r.O per acre for all
der the homestead law and timber
it might he Well to cull attention
from Portland. He left Tuesday
points to tin* reverse of the deeis-
timber land bought, while there is
and stone act. has used the plulos-
to a route in the southern part of
for Odell to look after some p r o p ­
lon readied hv the partv which, a
, , ,
is not one cent received if lieu land
the state whose feasibility is best
ophv ot 1 allvrand. It lias accus-
erty h«' is interested in.
few years ago, was looking tor in- . \
, ' .
. ,
scrip is laid. It is not very ditli-
left to the imagination of the read­
. , . ...
ed those who have taken timber
Miss Jackie Brock left for I’riiie-
vestment ot this kind, the best
«•ii 11 therefore to see the reason of
claims of not intending to live up­
er. The practical side of the plan
tiling that can lie offered the mem­
it’s animosity toward national ir­ villi* Tuesday to make final pr«*«>f
on the laml. Well knowing the
can best he measured by the coun­
rigation and it’s favor of the farcy on her timber claim.
bers of it now is an invitation to
law does not contemplate re*i*
try through which a line from the
T. \\\ \\\ *
come hack and look over the Held
Attention is called t«> the full
di'iie«“. It has licensed settlers ot
Sacramento valley in California to
again. It is highly probable that
advertisement of Deschutes
violating the law when they took
smie point oil the Deschutes would
Give Them Fair Treatment.
their ideas would be more in touch
which was inserted
homesteads and acoitired residenceI
with the progressive steps and
To treat all matters fairly and last week. The interest w hich has
on valuable timber lands, know ing
It is stated Upon reliable author­
great strides which the country is
full well that the homestead law impartially otiglit to l«e the gov- h,.«>ii aroused by property along
ity that a magnificent opportunity
now taking.
was so broad the settler had per­ ‘■ruing motive of all deliberative the Deschutes being placed upon
awaits the capitalist who would
fect right to select any hied he de­ bodies, hut it is i ot the ease with 11u* market is «'vidcnccd by the
back the construction of an electric
sired except certain mineral and the ( rook ( «unity Irrigation As»ij](W„[ ,,f in«|uiries which have been
road from some point in that val­
Enthusiastic Meeting Held.
coal lands. It has quoted See re­ soeiation. Ill opposition to com - ; receive«! during the past week,
ley to file Deschutes river, it is
“Progress, investment of capital, tary Hitchcock, who accuses fraud panics striv ing to obtain Contracts j Quick sales have ls'en made and
also held that such a line would
be on a paying basis as soon as ! and quick development* is the slo- in the man. or rather the family under the l a rev act in this county indications point toward a season
put into operation and would triple gun which the Bend Board of Trade that borrows $-(17") to pay fin­ it is «»lily necessary to set up the uf building activity ht'gityting ear-
facts in order to th feat their |v in the coming
its traffic as soon as a junction is just now shouting at tin* top of timber cla inis, knowing full well
could be had with the Columbia it’s voice, and the efforts being that under the decision ot the court
Southern when it builds to Betid. made by th«‘ organization, it is of Appeals the government has no! adopted a formidable set of quainti'd with the fact that there
The Sacramento river, it is stat­ predicted, will bring about the de- right to «|iiesti«*it low the appli-1 “whereases” and resolutions which ¡s sn,.h a place as Bend—odious a-
nnlv serve to show utter ignorance tiu* name is—and Deschutes towi
emit secures his money.
ed. would furnish an abundance of | sired results.
The regular meeting held \\ ed-
The mi liimuin amount of [line on | of the matters involved. We refer property "ill not go long a lieg*
electrical power to maintain a line
to the “shoestring” part of th«- res- gin’,
from either Sacramento or some nesdav evening was largely at- claims selected seems to have been
adopted by that
point in its valley to the Klamath tended and many points of in- two million feet—m«'r; haiitahie
Nature d. t. rmined the ee.tfse of
School Buijding Completed.
river, and relay stations along this terost pertaining to the develop- j timln-r. According to the «‘stimat-
Deschutes Valley ed Vallie of fir claims by the Ore-
Would supply power along its en­ nient of the
The new district «ehool building
were acted upon, gonian two thousand dollars would , after he constructed on the desert work on which was begun in the
tire course to Klamath Falls and
and had a hand in foiming the ab
points in that vicinity. From the Chief among these was the declar- he an exceedingly conservative
luvial tracts that Would l.r hem j fall, ha* practically been complete«!
Klamath river power would neces­ ation adopted and forwarded to loan for any one o> make. Conse-
fitted thereby and m* blame can or and with tin* finishing of some in­
sarily have to he transmitted until \Y. A. baidlaw of the Three Sisters quently there can he hut little evi-1
should attach to the Pilot Butte terior work will he ready for tin«
connection was had With the Des­ Irrigation company, Bohert .Mac- deuce of fraud in this.
seats and e<|uipme«its which a 'con
The secretary of Interior and the Development company for its vag­ their wav from Shaniko. Tin old
chutes whose terrific force would Farlane of the Deschutes Heclamu-
aries. The land embraced within
b. sufficient at any point to estab­ tion company, and President by- Oregonian imply fraud in the vast
the “horseshoe” tract is too high to seats and ih-sks will he us ■«! in
lish stations. From the head­ tic of thè Columbia Southern, eom- numbers from adjoining and dis­
admit water to he carried on to it the new building l»y the pupils
waters of the latter stream to Bend mending thè enterprises in thè tant states Hocking to these Paci­
from the canal and Worthless for until the new furniture arrives.
the contour of the counti'v is the hands of cadi, expressing thè good­ fic states to secure timber, when j
The new building is a credit both
agricultural purposes if it were ir­
b. st that could be asked for and will ti « ivi hest wishes of thè Bend for years the coast lias been boast*
rigated. These are facts that may to the district and the roniniun
the territorv i one from which an Board of 1 rade t‘«wafd their sev- jng of ¡t's foresi-. At all thegreat
he verified by the most casual in­ ity. Tin* best of workmanship
enormous amount of traffic would crai project«, and extending to cxpnsitions for years nasi, it lias
spection, and while they max' not and materials have made it one ol
fn* derived. The longest transmis- them the carne*! wish that 'elicli of |,ad samples of it’s tre«-* alni tor­
remove tile objection to the selec­ (behest district building* it« tin*
- ion of power would he from Klam­ theif enterprises meets with ali est produets, Outsidc of thè ce-
> county, add one large enough t*
helt of thè (itili States • «Ile tion of lands l»v the company in accomodate the iner««ase in tint
ath Falls across the Klamath eat'ly and siiceessful eompletion.
“We wailt: these |ie«»ple who are eannot fimi il mark« t th«t is not that shape, it h«««-* show that number of scholars which will l»a
Marsh, lvint; to the north, hut this
the motiv«' for so doing was not i
development supplied with Pacific eoast Intnher
i- not as great a distance by half working for the
such a* is a scribed to it hv tin's«11 > in attendance next fail. At |>r«'s
- some of the commercial lines in of the Deschutes alley to know nn,l shingles, It was the I’aeitie "resolutions.” Honor to wl.i.i.ii'’''1
t,,irtV |»«>pils are Cli
that the resident* of this commu­ states that a*ked congress to pass
‘ alifornia.
h o n o ris «lue, gentlemen.
b< t ' r” 1
Four* an« K ing eon
Such a route undoubtedly has nity are watching them and are the titulier and stone act. and it
your fight I k - on fair grounds, and
hi «Mr. Hampton with «
pos.-ibilities before it beyond any ready to give them a lift whenever was manv vcars l«cíore this act he­
studies in «Hieb,
‘von "dl nat iv«1 th«1 stqqM.rt of all
conservative estimate which could it is in our power to do so,” sai«l came a general law. Yet afteri
who have the h. -t int« mat* of tin
,,l,‘ f"11
,,'"'ing llm
l>e made. The new territory which Secretary Heed. “And that ap­ years of advertising and mach eon-
community in vi. w.
I""** ,, r,n "M,rkl'
i"u’r;’!‘t wi,:'
»noli a line would open to the plies not only t«» the projects al- certed effort, and as -oon as the
which the pupil« are pursuing their
world has in it the natural re­ ready under way, hut to any that |H-«ip|e awaken to the value of these
"G et All TlOU Can.”
B< ml prides berseli t.n til«»
sources and Wealth of stock and may start in th«1 future, whether it lands, the very power- whim pro-
tla1 «••-tri
ha* the
the l„-t
“ Whenever you ««■«. an «.pp..r- ; 1 tin t that »*•*’
«-* lai»
trade which cannot lie -el down in lie th«1 individual effort of a single ,|need this result have raised tin tunity to purchase anv land near -ehi««I of anv in the county.
figures. Although running par- business man or an industrial erv of fraud, using their best re- Belili.” «aal a wealthy r«-si« 1*- 11 1 of
Every p*»rters aial ablest writers and I*« ut lutai th«1 »«tin r day. "make tla
1 1 lei to the Southern
IVciftv the niove of a corporation.
New ¿dore to Be Built.
giving column after column of vai- most of it atal ge» all you etui,
road would pass through a coun­
try who.-e trade aOd traffic is for­ support. and from the looks of utlhle space on tla- single phrase, l’in- time i* not far distant when ' \\ . II Staats will begin t|«<i<loii
you’ll la1 sorry if vini have Kt a str.n-tion i««i wi-ek of a slot.'
eign to the 1 it»«- in the Willamette tilings every legitimate project • Krain'—-Fraud.’'
single chance sf,p past to «« cure an
Tla-re nm*t I«1 a motive in tla-s«1 a« re or two ««f gnaital in u di«tri« t j w > ' " h l , r
Valley and a district from Which will.”
We. as r. -¡«lent* of tin where gr««it thing« an- in view foi ‘‘d and -to. k»*d ivith general nier
the Southern l\u'iflc now derives
t«> |,;,\e tin right to *eek this tla lutuis-. I have sii ti I’ortlunil • « hainbs«1 in time t-.** (I««■ spriiat
hut an iticOusids-r able pa ft of it* chsindise *ton hv W. II. St«i«its
Mr. .Staats i- th.- Ilr-I mir
was « ndnr*«*»l and support pledg* niotive. \\'«• have th«1 right lie- grow from « little vilhig.1 t«».t
present si»« , alai I klmw that thi« .
initK«-a toward -ui 1 idv
FlieTc i» oVeTv fc*-«M.
sjMit Mi Kii»t«rn <»r«-gnu «<iil«i«l
* • na H
that a line along »he eastern «hq»1 of tlu1 Deschutes V alley giv*‘ii .a gonian has us«1«! ha- conoi-aleil it’s ih nd ha* a i*rilI i « i nt future ah-ad tl” »” « v,v demand for generiti sup
of the Uao'ades Would he a- prac­ thorough airing, und in fact for thoughts, tin I >••» ml«er 4 tin •( >re- of it. Oct laial—get all y««H enti plb« in thi« «octiou and »dl in*
tical a* one in the Valley and a t\vo hour* there Was business di-- gonitin publish«1«! »« untie«* that tin —a tal hang ont" it for awhile nial «loohi meet with slice«- m in hi- tir,
venture w<ll worthy the invest- «•tissioii which is*rt«-ials great n - .Northern I'aeifin rsikoad e«»iu|Hiliy .-«•«• fot your*«df- If th«1 natural «h-rtaking. Die hiiihiinw will I «
n-snurv«- around the Di'sehlltes
} mo I tiled patent* t tohraeing over don’t naik«1 it valuahle then tia­ '•reeted laair tla* (**-t ollii*1, wi I
m« !»♦. Timber alone in the ,m- »Pits in tin1 future.
f in , . . »,•««• t a l d e p a - t n i e l l t » . utili \\ )
The next regular meeting will Ire «ixty thousand a« r, * of land with ra d road will.”
nivnsc f>»re-|s of .'n '.'k . Kl a ma t h
"lint what a-snrane.' hai»1 you entry s« cuiuplel«- a line oi mi « t
and bak* «-min**-* would put a li«-l«l W«*iiw day, !)«•«•. 1«. I i.e |h«i laud scrip. It is a well kn«>wn
t ,|u| thi. .\„rt|,, rn 1’neiti. tla-r« wi . J e'er I*1 a railroad if” ehandi*«1 a* wdJ (*• pos-ihh- to
road on « «livable! basis, A m o*-«-- lioanl till"" it’» meeting-««p it to ^
'crowd into it. * liarla- Dennis« m
tivi- ,*t tis- iios.rt-ose truth«* Which «li«1 puhlri arai »Very resident • »1 le «1 lend i* a lr i1««!' Utal« r «.-*•• 1 1 Taft Was
"1 I k - Is’st in f)«e v*-e I« I—faets
of l ’ ri tie vi i !«• Ita* ta k e n tl»*- eoi
Would collie fr**o stock nti*l til»'
t’ * »»lie «‘orporati««i«>
Fid* ••••v|M*rn« it w ill I*1 then , «hui’t V off \ , arai
ow ning >4 in w «grieidtural <lhs* The in.'lwlsT« ♦»( e»*'irse sfe ex-
if y»«n hoveMiiy n»«»ta-v to iuve«t tract for Da- b ili.du g and work on
the I n u i K r itnliistry in Ti-al «»tap inv. *t rigoi «.« r.. on •• wdl
pu«!e-ti to no carl« « o:««
ifi, t- and the eon«*» unieotioii with
ph-l lu ll.
I wind
««ml the traffic d e fie d ff»»m »la'*» notice-