The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, November 01, 1902, Image 3

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" 11
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l’* 11' - i 1 I " ' «
■ ' ■ »I
1 MJi l i i i f Ui J . t
land sought is more valuahle for its timber or
o f auction N o (j. in t o w n s h i p N o. 2*2
stone than for agricultural purpose*, ami to
csiaMish their claim to said land before A C.
I'nited States Laud office, I j k r v l e w , oregon,
N o , 12 a, K, h , AX,, U i n lw ill o f f e r
Calmer. 1*. S. Commissiomr. *t Prineville,
Cnite«l Staten Land Office, U k e v l e w , Oregon.
C h a r l o » B ee r , o f I t e d w n o d F a l l » , c o u n ­ Oregon, on Wednesday, the .¡rd day of Herein- J u l v 2 i. 1902.—Notice is hereby gixeu that in proof
bcr. 11« »2.
August 2.
Notice in hereby given that in t y o f R e d w o o d , » f a t e o f M i m i . , » w o r n
Yi.t-’v nun«** HSwttneHses: Krnn.-I* J. Daria«, " " " ‘ Dbim-ii * l,h «l i» pr.ivUlou. of the „ o u g h t
|4 m o r e v a l u a b l e
cmnplltttice with the proriaious of the act of a til ti‘ nit* lit N o . 11H2 , f o r tilt4 purcliilHt* o f .( Alliaur, «>rr/ou ; Dturge U Cornett. Kffle B *“
*•“ *»'>• tim bar ur atone
thau tor agricul-
fnrtiett. Julia K M»-I*aniel. C h a r l e s I ' o r n e l t , . rd, " A n « ‘‘I for the sale of t.iuU/r laud, in tl.e
JuneJ, 1878, entitled, “ An act for the aale of t h e 8\vl 4 him * 12, t p 21 s, r 11 e.
timher land* in the *tate* of California, Ore*
A l e c k C l a r k , o f R e d w o o d Lu lls . c o u n t y
'.An v**«nil a I 1*)srrso us elalmtn* a,lver-e.v the Male, of California, orefon. X , v . d a and W . . » - tu n .1 pnr,H4 ea. WOd t o
,*»tahliah h i .
g«>n, XevMila. nud Wnshingtou T erritory," n* o f R e d w o o i l , s tn t e o f M i t l l l . , s w o r n stute- above-described lami* arc rc«{iic«ted t.‘ * t ie i n g i o » Territory, as extended lo all thr puidic rljtitn t o nnbl hiiul l*ef«jre A. C . Rulm ur, L .
L Y u n in U aion e r,
At I U q i I
extendtsl to all the jnildic land states by act of nit?lit N o . l i l i l í f o r t i l t purcluis e o f th e thpir claims in thU office mi .*r l»eiorc «ntdltrd land states by net uf A u fu t i I. | 8V2. the M b » *
day of Dec., UhrJ. >;. M. B u r n ì » , KegUtrr.
August 4, 1*92, the following named pernon* neW M*c 1 1 . t o i l s, r 11 e.
ih riratr ont « " u i r n a . C ! ’ U
“ "»
» 5t h d * y o f N o v . . 1W02.’
( t i l l k -rt E. M c K a y , o f R e d w o o d Fulls,
have thin «lay filed in thin office their «worn
John W. cualek of Albany, county of t.inn.
H « n * i n e * aa
w i t n e s s « « » : Jwb
county o f R e dw ood ,
s ta te
of M in n .,
statement«, to -w it:
state of Oregon. sworn atatauirnt No. |i*i*> for ‘ Hogue, Is»uis M . Atnjuraou, Frank F.
Thomas .1. Hammer, of Portlaud. 1« nvj K Wash­ » w o r n » t a t e m e n t N o. 11**4 . f o r t h e p u r ­
the purchase of the e1, 01 e*-,. ae<-30, to Ji (, r'.i
,r Jt
ington St., county of Multnomah, state of Ore­ c hase o f t h e i i w ‘ 4 si-c 13. t p 21 », r 11 e.
Ikigue , « i e o r g e I\ S l y , o f K u alau d, Ora-
T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E .
O t t o I,. D n r n l i e r g , o f R c < l w o ( » l F a lls ,
gon. sworu statement No. linó, for the pur­
I'nited Stales I.and Oftli-e. I.akeview. Ort-gon,
Vice a Conili», of Sirtlnnd. couuty of Mutino |H'll.
chase ot*tlie
uwl 4, ncl 4 nw*4. nw' 4 ne’ 4 sec c o u n t y o f R e d w o o d , s ta te o f M i n n . ,
Any nini ull iieruoiiii cl»i ini ug ad verna) »
s w o r n » t a t e m e n t N o . l i d o , f o r t l i e pur- A u » 1J. li**J: Notiee l* hereby ({iv*n that in mah, state of Or.< km | i . sworn statomeli! So. like,
2">, tp 21 s, r i l e .
compllii.iee wlth thè |irm iaiiiiis of thè a c i n i fnr thè purehase of thè e'^ ne'4. m -< MI. » 1, th o alaive-iJem-ribed ltlllds Rre r«H|Ue»ti«l
Mary T. Walker, of t>:t N lith st.. l*ortlaud,
t o file t h e i r c l a i i n s In f i l i » office oli o r
J o h n C l a r k . J r ., o f R e d w o o d F a l l s , l'ntigresa of J.ine M, ISTli, entitu.-d "A u set ter l‘ W>4 see «t. I|*2I a. r !• e.
county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, sworu
(he sale of timber lauds ill the states of c * l i
Owcn H. Cj rus. of Scio, couiity of Liuii,
»tatement No. lltat. for t tie purchase of the i'1 c o u n t y o f R edW * hk 1, s ta te o f M i n n . , »W o r n
lorn in. Orcgou, Nevada. mii «1 Washington Ter state of Oregon, «worti statement No. 10*'»1. for, Infiora imi«l I M I » d a y o f N o ? e t n b e r , h*0 2 .
w 1,, st1, tie1, , w Jli, u n ' i • » ' sis- -ió, tp -ji s, ; » t a t e m ......
en .
t x N . o . . I«,*,!
l i m i , * to r - *i
t h --
e purch
a s e of *
K. M. B k . v t t a i x , U^giailffr.
" as extended to all the piddle laud thè purebase of thè Iota 3-4-J-6, a«c 18, tp j i n, *
tin* e 1., 8IVV4 , s>\ i 4 s\\ *4 , sec 24, s e l _
r 11 e.
states by act of August L 1S»2, Harlan P. <MK»d- r 11 e.
Kohert .1. Walker, of 83 N 8th M.,
I'ortlaud, » e 4 -4 sec 23. t p 21 » , r 11 e.
T IM B E R L A N D N O T1C B .
Frank Morris, of Melo, eounty of U n ii, «late
Joint C. Bntinerd, of Bluominir Prui­ man. of Whitewater, county of Walworth, state
eoutitv ol Multnomah, state ol Oregon, sworn
Minn., of Wisconsin, liasfhis*lav tiled in this office his of Oregon, sworn statement N«.*. in.'>2, n»r tU««
sta erneut No. 1107. for the ptirchaseof the e 'a n e, county of Steel, state of
statement No. UW. tor the purchase of pur«-base of thè loia 11, 12. 13, 11. se«' IV. tp 24 *.
t*id to*l State« Land Office. Ì-akoTlow,
sworn »tatement No. Ilio , for the pur­ sworn
UW1,. w1, tie',. see 28. Ip 21 a. r 11 e.
the se*., ii * a |4, w l # nw*4. t i « 1, sw l-4. sec 22. tp AS
Anna t’. Haiumer, of lt»rj K Wash tu»! ou st.,
t Oregon, Auguat H , 190i?:— NotlcoÌMliv‘r^-
► . Kauge No. 12 K. W. M.,
nli«l w ill
offer r U v
T h at th ey w ill offer pna»f
to s h o w pn»«»f to a)u>\v that the land sought is more
fiirtland, county of Multnomah, state of Ore­
• *»v K>v.*t. t bst ¡.m .m p l.H .K -a w ltb tb o p rv
gon, sworn statement No. 1WK. for the purchase th a t t h e la n d s o u g h t is m o r e vah n th lo valuable for it* t iinber or stone than for agri­ ■ >f Ori noti sworn stHlt-tiK-nt No. i„vt. ó,r
l>iir* li«w ut tlu- lotx7, In, 11, ttf, s,-<- 7, tj> *5 », vistoti» nf tho aot of June 3, 1S7H, «ta­
f o r its t i m b e r o r s t o n e t h a n f o r a g r i c u l ­
of the e '2 sw'4. w>a se 14, see 28, tp 21 a, r 11 e.
cultural purposes, and to esiMhlish his claim
titl.-.l “ A li Hot fo f tlu* sh I s of timbor
That tliev will offer proof to show that the t u r a l p u r is m o » , a n d t o e s ta b lis h t h e i r to said land before A. ('. Palmer, 1’ . S. t'oinmis- r i l e .
laud sought is more valuahle for its ttiulieror
A.lti» m p«fry. ..f s. io, roiiuty of Mini, si»*,- himls in tlu- stot«;s <>f California, Orsgon,
siotier at Prim ville, Oregon. on Tuesday, the
stone than for agricultural |«irpo«-s, and to C . S. C o m m i s s i o n e r at P r i n e v i l l e O r e ­ 2Mh day ol Oi l., 19trj.
ofort-g-oti. •»un* sim.-inriit No iii.t, tor ij,.- N svail», nini Wnsliington T flfrlto ry ,1'
estalilisli their elaiin toaahl land la-fore A. I'. g o n . on S a t u r d a y , t l i e tlth d a y o f P e c . ,
, 11, ss*- 7, :r- -'** *•- I as t-xU-lidod to illl tini pltblio land »tutsff
He name* as witnesses: Joseph Marceau of l-iin liMke of tlu-loti* .1, U>, !:*►
Palmer, t*. S. Commissioner, at Prinevi)le. HHI2 . T h e y
»" g ia mi. Oregon ; Fra m is ,1. luvlnc. Thomas
Oregon, on Friday, the 24th day of Oeiola-r, C h a r l e s B ee r , A l e c k C l a r k , t ì i l i i e r t E.
' Timi Ih e yw ili.,ff.- r,.ro of to , i , o » th«t ih» >'V *“ 't of Augnst 4. 1HM2, tbs f<dlovrln|
M c K a y . O t t o L. D o r n h e r g , J o h n C l a r k , Watkins, Norton L. Winnurd. ol Albany. Or«*
- Y h ti■ I .oufftit js uiort- v . I uh I i I» for io ttui'n-r or (H-rsuiH lutvt- ibis dav tilo,l in tld » olli*«l
Sr., o f ................1 F a lls, M i n n . ¡ J o h n C. gon.
N O T IC E .
i act of August 4, 1K1»2. tin* follow ing per-
**4*11»; have this day tiled in this onice
their »worn statem ent», to-w it:
Tlii-v name as witnesses: 1-'. 11. Marion,
Istmi« M. Amlcrstm, of l?n*laàinl, Orcgfi»; ! Rn»if»oni,
Thomas .1. Hammer, Mary T. Walker, Kobcrl
af. Wafiler, Auuti <’. Hammer, of Portland, Ore-
Any and all j*ersons claim ing adversely the
above described lands arc renusted to file heir
elaims in this office on or before said l!Itli «lay
o f Oct., 11kri.
K. M. B r i t t a i n , ltegisfcr.
Rlooiiiiìijjf l’ ruirù*.
Any and »ill pi»r>o;in claiming ;»»lvi.*rsc*-
lv tin*al»ove-«li*srriln*tl lamls an* ri*«|iu»st-
ed to liK* tlieir claims in this officeim or
1 h »íori» said <>th day of ¡Vrt»inlK*r, RK>2.
V x itk i * S tates la n d okkick ,
Lake view, Oregon, Aug. *2, l(Hi2.
Notice is lierebv given that in com pli­
ance with the provisions of the act of
June 3, 1S7H, entitled “ At: net for the
sale of tim ber lands in the States of Cali­
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington
T errito ry ,” as extended to all the I’ nli-
lic lamd States by act of August 4. 1SU2,
the follow ing persons have this day
filed in this office their sworn state­
ments, to -w it:
W alter K. Sharp, of Portland, county
o f Multnomah, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No. 110W, for the purchase of
the w l... n w l|, nw*4 sw 1^, nel4 n w ^
see 24, tp 21 s, r 11 e.
James Skinner, of St. Johns, countv
o f Multnomah, state of Oregon, sworn
statement No. 1110, for the purchase of
the sel4 sec 24. tp 21 s, r 11 e.
W illiam H. C'onant. of Portlam l, coun­
ty ot Multnomah, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. 1111. for the pur­
chase of the e\, tie1^', swt^ net^, n el£
sel'( see 25, tp 21 s. r 11 e.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
tim lier or stone than for agricultural
purjsises, and to establish their claim
to said land liefore A. C. Palm er, C. S.
Contmisioiicr, ut Prineville, Oregon, on
Tuesday the 11th dav of Novem ber,
Th ev name as witness«-»-. Francis 11.
M arion, I^ouin M. Anderson, of Kos-
lmuL Oregon ; W alter K. Sharp, W illiam
I I . C’onant, of Port la ml, Oregon ; James
Skinner, of St. John*, Oregon.
A n y ami all |K»rs<ms elaim ing adversi»-
ly the al>ove-<iet<crit>e<l lands are re(|iiest-
o l to tile their claims in this office on
o r befofe said llt li day of N ov., 1H02.
K . M. B h a t t a in , Register.
»toni- ili»a for «grli-iilturni |>tit|»-t'>. nu«l n» j tbsir » » o r t i Statt-tneiitH. to-wit :
claim jug atl
Francis B. Bayn, of Priiuivllh*. ronn-,
versely the above described land* are reitm*.*t- «•►isi.lisi, tiioir ,-lMiitt io »Htd iHuin«-f»fe- a f.|
tyofC rtH ik .statf-ofO rsgon .sw tirttstH ts-
e«l to tile their claim.* in this office on or be­ iit)iiK-r.t . s. t ominisMom-r, «t l'riin viii», Jr»
fore said 2Sth «lay of October. HX>2.
noi, Oli wl.,!,i,.s.i«y III. i.-.ti, (|»y of o, lots-r. i » « ! Im.llt No. IVtiti, for ths piircliHs«t o f tln«
K. M. H r vitain . Register.
K. M . I * » a t t MX. Ri»“ isti»r.
T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E .
M im i.;
L o u is M . A i n l m s t m , ot R o s l a u d , Orearon.
N O T IC E .
Cnitc«! States Laml Office. I.akeview. Oregon
August 2 1H02: Notice is hereby given that in
eompliaiK'e with the provisions of the act «>f
•luneH. 1K78 entitK1«! “ An act i«»r the sale «*f
timber lands in the states of California, Ore­
gon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory,” as
e\ten«le«l to all tin* public land states by act «*f
August 1. 1892, tlie following pers«ms have this
«lay Hied in this office t heir sworn statements
to -w it:
Kliza Jane Sumner, of Prineville, enunty of
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
1111, for the purehase of the uwl4 see 2">, tp 24
s, r 9 e.
Thomas Y. Sumner, of Cross Key>, eounty of
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement X«».
Ill*«, for tlu* purehase of the n e L see 2tl. tp 21 s,
r 9 e.
Anna L. Sumner, of Cross Keys, eounty of
Crook, sworn statement N«i. Ill*», for tlu* pur-
« liase of the w l a sw’ 4 sta* 24, w 4a nw*4 see
21 s, r 9 e,
That thev will offer proof to show that tlie
land sought Is more valuable for Hs tim ber or
stone than tor agricultural purp«».*cs, amt to
establish their claim to said land before A. C.
Palmer, C. S. Connnissioiier, at Prineville, Ore­
gon, on Monday, the 27th «lay of October,
They name as witnesses: John Combs,
John A. Sumner, Kliza Jane Sumner, <d Prine-
ville, Oregon ; Jesse Windoin, «»f llaystaek.
Oregon; Joseph Marceau, of Hosland, Oregon;
Thomas Y. Sumner, Anna L. Sumner, of Cross
Keys, Oregon.
Any an«l ull persons claim ing adversely the
above «U**eribe«l lands are re«|iie.*te«l to file
their claims in this office on or before said
27th «lay of October, 1902.
Tliey naine as witncshca: John W. Cu«i« k. m»L4
»Ji^ fp 2 4 « r H 0.
John .1.1 oliti,». Il,-vitto, of . vii .«tty.
A lice Bavn, ttf Rrineville, cotmty of
nrosoti : m i . N. w Itilo. Joltn t otuim. nf l*rtuo | ( ’ rook. stati* o f Oregon, sworn atattMiienf
\ 11lo, ttrottoli : nuoti II. fyrtt*. Krt.iik Morris.
J-J07, for tlu* |HtrchHS«* of t|lW n itV
o ( So lo , t trottoli.
Culled Slates Land office. Luk eview. oregon
\ugiist tl, 1902. Notice is hereby given that in
compliant e with the provisions oi the m l of
Congress of June 3, IhTS. entitled, **An a«»t «or
the sale of timber land.i ill the states of CalT-
fornia. oregon, Nfv.oln, an«l Washington Ter
ritory,” as extended io all the public laml
states, by act of August 1. 1892. John Birming­
ham, of Chicago, "47 Washburn Ave.,county <»f
Cook, stuit* of Illinois, has this «lay tilc«l in
this office his sworn statement No. 11-M. for the
purchase of ihe e 12 ne11. Id. 21, 11. lib, nw' 4 of
section N<*. 18. in towiiahip No. 21 s. r No. 12 K.
W. M., and will »>ffer proof t«> show that the
land sought is more valuable lor its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, mid
to establish his claim to said land before II.
(l, ni
r y
Any Htt.l »11 |.or»oit»olHÌmiiiK Htlvotxrl» Uto j That they w ill ofTttr proof to s ilo «
Hltovo-.lo», rtl.o.1 I h liti» «ro ro.,tto»lo,l to lilr that tlu* land songlit is moro vh I mh I.1«
their o I hìiiih in tilt» oltloo oli or la-toro Miti for its tiin ls'r or stono tlian for Hgrirtil-
i-'tli iltty otOot. Iut*.*.
turai purjMtsos ami to establisli their
h. M. U h atta tv lttgi»n-r. , ola ini to »aiti land liefore A . C. Palmer, l*.
S. C'ttniniissioner at
*■ ‘
j oli Momlay, thè 3rtl ila y o f N ovem W r.
T liey lumie as witnesses. Francis II,
l nitt*d Sttttcs Lami OfTice, Lakeviow, : Bavn, Alict* Bavn, «,<f 1‘ rinevUle, Ore-
Ori-gon, .f ni v 17, 11M»2.— N o ti«* is lietvbv r g o ti-, Francis.!. I levine, T lu m a s Wa\;
witli ; kilt», of Albnny, Oregon ; Josoph M ar­
ni , coati, of Ruotami, Orc-gon.
A n y a m i all jH-rstnts c l a i m i n g ntlvorsr»;
for the
salt* of titulK-r lands in tin- states of Cal- l y «In* al»»vt--<h*scrilt«*il l a m ls a r s r « :
H rock, if, >rnia, Oregon, Xt-vada, ami Washing
i|ticsttvl t o tile tln-ir c l a i m s in th i s u i l i c «
W. Heed, C. S. Commissioner, at Hem!, Oregon. Jtint* 3, 1873, entitled, “ An net
«»n Monday, the 27th day of October, 1902.
tiHiiit-» tts wit „»»»»•*; wmiHit,
Charles Hroek, of Heml, Oregon ; William Mill
<tn tir Itt-fort- salti 3 rd d a y ttf N o v . , 11HI2 .
hall, of Sioux City, low a: W illiam I*. \’ h ml». ton Tt-rritory,” as t-xt«*Nilcil to all tin*
K . M. B h a t t a in , R egister.
|ntltlit- lami state» l*y act oi August 4,
vert, of Lava, Oregon.
Any ami all persons claim ing a*lve*sely the 181(2, tlu- follow ing (H-rsons itavi* this
above «described-laml.* -ire re«|Ueste«t to tile
day lilt-tl in tliis offici- tlu-ir sworn state­
their claims in i his office on or before said 27th
ments, to-wit :
day of Oct., 1902. K. M. H r a t t a in , Keg’ ster.
Emma Dove, of Huim ko, ,-oimty of j j^ p a rtm e n i of Uie In terio r, U m l
Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn state- a l Lakeview, Oregon, August 2’J, H*t)2.
n,«*nt No. 1U17. for tlie purchase <.f tlie
N „tic e is liercl.y given the fol-
n e '4, r*2 nw ' 4 »*•<• 3J, tp JJ s, r !• e.
low-ing-niiniod sottlt-r lias filed noticu of
< ieorge Moglie, of Rosland, county of i hi.s i llt(.llti((n
pr.s.f in st.|e
■filiteli state» l.Mi.'l Dfftt-»*, T.nki \i**\v, Oregon, ('roo k , stat«- o f Oivgt.n, sworn state- ^
o f |,|M ,.lain ., ami that said proof
July al, 1UU Xotk-e is hereby given th«t in nient No. 1018, for tlu* purcliusn o f «lie j , vi|j
^*. palmer, C. S. with tlie provisions of the He. of sw '4 sw *4 . sec 28, I.
„ « ' 4, aw»* l.w'-4 ( - „ „ . „ . ¡ „ m ÌO » ^ lit lU*nd, O nduli. Oil «><-;
June d, 1878, cntitlcd “ An act for thè sale of, tp — s, r 0 e.
«„la . r 18, 1002, viv : Joseplt Mnvtlel<|
W illiam H. Ilollinsltt-ad, of l a v « , H. K. 233(1 for tlm «1** 1 1 »^ , s w L n w ^ ,
gon, Neva«la. and Washington Territ«»ry,” as ex- county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn ||m. ^ HWii t H,.r 4,
o4 H> r y K
W M.
K. M. H rattain , Register.
ten.te.ln.Hll the puhth-
stHtes hy
of stat.-mcht No. 1010, for the purchase
M,. „an .es »In* follow ing ... ............
August 1. IMK!; the follow ing persons have of tlie w •„ s w s e c 21. n w>4 n w ‘ 4 sec 28, 1 lin ,v|. hi„ ,.o lltinllo„a residence upon
this .ley Hie.l in this offi.-e their sworn siate- se>4 s e ^ , see ¿0, tp TJ s, r 0 e.
and cultivation o f said loud, via :
T IM B E U L A N D N O TH ’!?.
meats to-wit:
Ella riollinshead, of Luvu, eounty of
Kil|i„ M ayfield, W illia m H. Mavtield,
Finora C. h’ lng. of i-rinevitie, eounty of Cr.s.k, state of Oregon, sworn statement , , t.lirv .stllivi,r , |>avi«l A F in d e r , all of
l'iiitt-il States I.iiiid otflee. InikevU-w, Orv-
gon, August 2, 1902.—Notice is hereby given (Took, State of Oregon, »won, statement No. No. 1020 for the purchase of the n e '4
losa, for the imrelmse of the se1, se' 4 see ¡M.
IgaW Im , I)r8|.in
I that in com pliance with the provisions o f the s', , w '„ in-1, s w «•«■
K. M . B k a t t a in , Reglsler,
tp -J3 s, r H e.
. i
, , 9* ~~ H’ r ” e ’
T I M B E R L A X I ) X 0 T IC E .*
Daniel F. Powell.of Prineville, county of Crook j SnnU* ( . ( niypool, of Si«t(*r«, county
act of June d. 1878, entitled “ An act tor the
riilti*«! StHtcì« IsHiid office. Lnkcview, Oregon, sale ot tim lier lands in the states of California, .*tate of Oregon, sworn Ktateineiit N«». 1U84, for of (Vcnik, Htalti* of Oregon, HWortl HtatP-
Augu*t 27,
Nnfi«*e is licrcby glven timi in i
the purehase of these» 4 see 28. t p its , r 9 e.
im.nt No. 1022, for the purrlia.«»» of* the
conipllMni c witli tilt» pmvisions of tlu» wct of : Oregon. Nevada and W ashington Territory, as
Delrner A. Howell, t»f Shaniko, countv of
Jum» a, 1H7K, eutitled “ Ali act for tlu* sale of ' extemled to all the public laml states by act of ...
e 11
, .
. V
8 12 H\vl4 , 11 wb- HWl 4 HOrJJ, I l f '*4 HP .* >M»4*
C x i T K i » S ts t h m L a n d « I r r i t a ,
tim lsT lami« in fin» stati*« «>f r «H foru ia . Ore-
gnu. N cvm «1 h ami Wasbingtm» T*-rrit4»ry ," a* August 4, 1892, the follow in g persons have th is, 1U8-"», for the purchase of the sw’ 4 see 29, tp 24
X|> 22 h , r D C.
Lnkcvinw, Oregon, August U, lb02.
eNtemled t « » all tlu» public lumi stauv by a«t of
s, r9 e.
W illiam E. ( ’layjMiol, of Sistem, m ini-
Notici* is lierebv given that iu eotn|.li-
August 1. ISffi, tlu* fnllowilig l«ersnn*i Ila vi» day tile«1 in this office th eir sworu statem ents
Thoina* Henncghan. of Shaniko. c.mnfy of ty of ( ’ rook, Htatf of On»VOtlt HWoril glHto- ittKV witb the provisions of tin* art iff
tliis «lay fìletl iti Ibi* ofllce their s\v«»ru state­ to-wit :
ment«. ’to-wit :
J n tir# . 1878, untitled “ An net for tho
Wrtsc*«», state of Oregon, sworn statement N«>.
ment No. 1023, for tin* purehase of the
John K. Whiteliead, o f ‘JftiM Fulton fft.. T«*le-
Harry Shultz, of Shaniko. eounty «>f Was« «», 108ÍI, tor the punchase of the e 'a iiw ' 4, ii’ js w ^
rnl«* of tlmls*r lauds in the States of Cal-
tlt», cniinty nf Lucrts. state of», sworn state­
lot 1, see 4, tp 23 s, r !• e ; e ‘ a s e '4 , sw«4 | ||V,rn¡H, « »regon, Nevada and Wnshing-
ment Nt».*l27t>. for thè purehase ni thè sw14 set* state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 1112, f«»r se«* 31 2, tp 21 s, r 9 e.
ton T errito ry ,” tts extended to all tlift
12. tp *27 $. r 12 e.
Jesse K. Meeker. «*f Hlianiko,eounty *»f Wnseo »0*4 see 33, tp 22 », r !• e.
the pun*ham of the s1^ «>f s1^ see 10, tp 24 s. r
I/OUiP A. Kisher, of i'iuirle* <"ily, eounty <*f
state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 1UH7, f«»r
ls-ntt F. ('laviMNil, of Sisters, iN.iintv I’ ablie Land States by act of August 4 ,
Fh»y«l, state «>f I owh . swnrn Rtatenielit No. 1271. 11 e.
the pure liase of the s’ 2 of s>2 see 'JI, tp 21 s,
’ 18U2, the follow ing ts*rsons bava this
fnr "t he purehase «»i the n w' 4 sec 1». tp 27 s. r 12 e.
of ( rook, state of Oregon, sworn state- )lj|V ñ M
t l,|p
tlteir sworn state­
Samuel !.. Perkins, of Shaniko, eounty «>f r 10 v.
Ida M. Thonm.*. of Charles City, eounty of
Klnyd, state of lnvxa. «worii statement No. Wasco, state o f Oregon, sworn statement No.
William Khn h’irt. of Shuniko. eounty «»f ment No. 1024, for tin- purchase o f the menta, to wit :
1272, fnr tlie pur» base nf thè sw’ 4 ne^, n1^ fi»1 ».
Samuel It. Johnston, of l*ortl«ty>|,
se*. *e*4 sec 14. tp 27 *. r 12 e.
llld , for tile ptirchaseof the n’ y m*'4 see 1», Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn sfnteinen t No. » ' , se'-4 , i iw '4 s e '4, lie*4 s w '4 , sec 32,
r iia r k s ÌJtnz. ttf Filarle* Fity. «*«oiiity t»f
1088 for the pure*base «»f the w’ a ne’ 4 sec Ji’», ti> 22 s, r i l e .
: com ity of Mult nomai., state of Oregi.ti,
n w !4 nw (4 sec* It. sw1., sw1, se«-11, tp24 s, r i l e .
Kt«»yo. state «»f I«»wa. sworn stutement No, 127".,
,,r , .
, «.worn stateti.eut No. 1188, for the ui»r-
s’ 2 se1 4. sc*«* 20. tp 21 s. r 10 e.
they w ill offer pr.sif to show {.h^ |(f t,|e ^ <|f
,H t ,, ^ £ r
fnr the pur» ha*e nf the nt*14 nv.^, nì 3 nei4,
That they w ill offer proof to show that the
Oust ha *«» H«*hini«it, of slianik«», county of
M*11 n e L m»e 14. t p 27 s. r 12 e.
laml sought is more valuable tor tts tim ber or Wasco, stale «if Oregon, sworn statement No that tin- land sought is more valuable p_*
Anna L ll«»rt«*n. t»f Charles City, eounty nf
Klnyd. state nf lowa *\vnru statement No. 1274, stone than for agricultural pur|n»*es. «m i t « » 1089. f«»r the purchase <*f the e1^ of el^ se«1 .'Ft. for its tiniU-r or atone than for agrienl-
W inifred A. W alters, of Portland,
fnr thè purellHse «*f thè *wl 4 see la. t)» 27 s. r 12e. establish their «daim to said land before A. C. tp 21 s, r lo e.
turai purposes and to establish their county of Multnomah, state of Oregon,
Albert B. Fha*e. nf fìnbleville. e/»lintv nf Vali Palmer, F. S Commissioner, at Prineville.
• , ,
. i ,
i, i
sworn statement No 11811, for the pur-
Sarepta Hamilton', of Antelope eii.intv of
Hureii. state ofV ie h ig a n . swnnistatement No.
claim to said and before A. ( . rain ier,
127"». fnr thè purehase nf tlu* *e*4 see 2Ti. t p 27 .*. Oregon, «»u Wed lies« lav, the 22nd «lay of Oc­ W asco , sfate «»f <)reg«»n. sworn stat« -ment No.
, ,
. .
chase of the ne V4 se' I see 18, w ' t ,
tober, lt«2.
r 12 e.
l . S. Com m issioner,at Bend,Oregon, on
a,vt4 oce 17, t p 2 2 s ,r 12a.
Lyman W. iVuuis. of Chicago, 14t» Winthnip
They name as witnesses : K«1 N. W hite. John s, r 10 e.
Saturday, the lHth day of Octols-r, Hsi2.
Lli/ala-tl) II. Harmon, of Portland.
Ave., countv «»f i '«»ok. «tate of Illinois. .*w«*rn
Matcmcii? N*«». 127*’. f«*r thè pur« ha*c «»f thè e1* Comía». Daniel F. Powell. W illiam M»*c\*. « * f
James M. Hamilton, of \nt«*l«*pe, eounty <>f
Th ey name as witnesses: Joseph H. 1*- U. Box !••>, county of Multnomah*
PrinevilU*, Or**g«»n ; Thomas Watkins, Fran cis, Wa*«'«*. state'of Oregofs, sworn statement No. in- ,,
li**» i *e«- 2:1. \x uw1, *»e< 24. tp 27 k . r 12 e.
i li i
state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
Ilarnbl 1*. Tb«*mas, of Charles City. c o«tlt y of J I»evine. J*>1 Porgan, of Albany. Oregon;
, „ iri.h „s„ ,,f
a * '4
91, f«»r tlie pnrclmse «»f til«' iiw ' 4 s«*«' 17, fp 2*3 s. Hauer, I-rank H.-Ison, of Bend, Oregon ; , m K , „ T
l ’ inyd. state «»f I«»wa. « w o m statement N<» 1277.
Emma Hove,
Shaniko, Oregon;
|<*, u t, nw ' 4 , n e '4 nw ' 4
2<*, tp
for thè pundiase ni thè svvt^ s u 1, se« 24, n ' a
r lo e.
llam ilt«»n. o f Antflnpc. Oregon.
im >4. sa-1, nw1. S4*<* 2-V ti* 27 *. r 12e.
Anna Marks, of Prineville, county of Cronk. «ieorge Bogue, of Roslat.d, Oregon ; AN il- 22 ». r 12 e.
Sehmldt. <»f t harles City, eounty
Any ami all persons claim ing adversely the
Eddie L. Harmon, o f I'ortiaial, i-»a|t,-
.wrerii »tntement S<*. » » . ‘ for lium II I l<>lliu»li«*:ul. <*« laiVH, Oregon
i*f K1«*V«1. state «*f l*»wa. »w«»ru stnteiueut N«*_.
.. ,,,
i ,
tv of Multnomah, state of Oregon,
127«. fnr thè purehase «»f thè ne‘ 4 «<*«• 2
- i*. tp 27 *lmve-«tescril»e«l lam ’ s ar«- re«|»ieste»i to file th«* purrlias«* «*f the sw* t **♦•«• 14, tp 24 s, r 9 c.
Lena r .< a v p is i, of Ssters. Oregon.
. .
. .
? ...
th eir claims in this <»fflce on «»r bei«»n- 8ai«l
e, r 12 e.
• *
sworn »tatem ent No. llt fl, lor the pnr-
William Marks. «*f Prineville, county «*
ih a t tliey wiìl «»ffer pr«»«*f to *-h«*xv that tne 22n<l «lay of tic tôlier, 1992.
lami si'iight is finire valuable for its timber *»r
K M. Bn err aim . fUfisur.
►tniH* tliaii for agriciiltural tmrp«*ses ano t<»
lo9:*, f«*r th«* pur«'ha««* **f th•• c?2 tie*4. lie*4
t ly the alsivesli-serilssl lands are ret|iiest- sw ' 4 »*•<• 2<>. tp 22 s, r 12 »*,
«*ta ldi*h their «daini fa » *ai«l lami ladofe C II.
ed to tile tli.-ir claims in this uffiri- on or
\1liert J. «« glters, of Portland, coti-i,
Withr»*w, C. S. Cnufmissinlier at Klamath
tv o f M'iltn*#miili, state of
Sarah J. Marks, «»f Prineville, e«»unty <*f
Kalls.Oreg«»n. «>n M»*n«lay. thè 17th day of
lialore said 1 Ht 11 day o f «Yet., 1(8 Kt.
s a lir t i s ta te m e n t N o. IIW 2, f o r th o |sir-
NoveniLer, 1!«»2.
Cr«a*k, stat«* «*f Oregon. *»v%««ru stHtgiu<*ut No.
They nanu* a* x»itn« «ss*: Jotio H. Whitehea«l.
F. M. B h a t t a in , R«-gi»ter.
Cnite«l Sintes U m l Office, lak evlew ,O rego n . tool, for til«* purcliAfK* of tiie uw*4 sec Id, tp 21
ei^aee i»f t b « « ' « n v '4 , n«% 841*4
#»fT«*ùtlo. O lil o; Louis A . K h l a r. bla M Th**m- Sept. 1! Ifkri. N«»ti«-e is hereby giveu that i*i
I p 22 s. r 12 * .
a*. Charles l^ uz. Anna !.. Il orto il. Ifarnht ! ’. is»mp lia iícw with the provision* <»f the a d ol s, r V e.
T h a t ttn-y tr fll o f f u r p r< »»f t o s h o w
Thomas. Charlr- <». S<S»mi«lt. nfChar-e* City, Jnite d. I«78. entitle.1 “ All a«t for f II* *ab* nf
TliHt th#v griff offer proof to sliow that the
lowa ; AllaTt IL Cha***-. of liobelv il lr.
Mieli-, tim ber land#* in the
laml -ought is more valuable for it- limber or
th a t «Ite la n d «e a ig h t ip m o r e v a lu a b la
T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E .
n f C alifornia
). v ot imi W U-iinis. of l*hii*ago. J11.
Oregon. Nevada, ami W a«hingtnii Uprritnry." stone than for agru iilfural purpo-es. am! I<*
1 f o r i l * t im lw r o r s to lte tin n ì fo r n g rie u l-
Any aud all |M rs«ms claiming wdveraely tlu- a* extended to all the l»ul»llc land -late* by act
f nite»| M o ti » l a t a ) i Yffii-e, N i k . - v i s » . (.tr a i ptirpoe»**, an d t o i-s tg b lis h th n ie
^b«*x< -«U”M r 11a*«l lauds are re^nr^te«! t<» file nf August 4. 1H92. the fn ilo u in g j*-r*.« iiik have establish their« laim t«» sai«l laud l*ef«*rc \.
tlwir « laims il» tliis «»fllcr **«i *»r l»*f«*re *ai«l this day filed iu this o ffi«e their sw«»ru siat^*-
\. < Palmer. C. H. < «*inmi*-i«»ii« r. at Pruwvtlb*. < » r e g o li. J tily 31, l!4tr2,— N o ti*-« i » her**by e ia )in t o s a id la n d b e fd n » A. ( . I '« l i n e r , V ,
|7th «lavi»! Nov., 1***2
ineuts. t«*-wit :
Oregon, op We«itMf9«lay, tlu-22n«1 day «* f Oct . g iv e n th a t in c o m p i i * lic e w itli th è p r o v i-
* o m m is s io u e r at l'r in c v ille , • tre g o ti,
K. M. Ha \TT %IN. Kegistef.
i »4-«»rge M. f «»riietf. «»f I ’fU e v ilU , county «d
c r««*k .-fa te <»f Oreg«Hi. sworu »tN len u gi No.
» Mi. Ut9 (lie pur« hase ni tlie -w »4 *r< 19, tp 2* s.
r 12 r-
Julia K M clb itiirL ot Prin eville. ciMintv of
c’fiaik. ntate o f Oregon, »worn -tauoiwnt No.
nn'*. (nr Ihe lairthese o f H e tpw’ 4 mp « I V i p i *
r Id e.
Charles t %. ('« m e lt , nf PriuovilLr. conn i y «*f
C fs ik . state of « >rvg«i0 ew««ru «rateo,, »if No. j
hub . fnr th r 4>nrehase o f tlir s a *4 se« 19. Ip2»» *
C n P s tl S t a t i * len iti O ffice. It«i.t*- i s * .
O rr-gon, A c g n 4 7. litoti^—N.itic«* i» ltsre-
b v gìvett th a t In «»mjtlhtiM-** «rW t th è
|troviaiatns of t lt * a*-« <tf J u a s 3. 1378. «tu r U
B. C«*cfu*t!. nf PrifM-villr. enm ity *»f
t itle d . “ A lt act fnr 111» sale of t im ìw r
Mate ment V«».
lam ls in tlu- »«««•*• «U Cal|«<*rnia. O r » * » » , c'r«»«*k -tale «»f ttmgim.
4*9, /«ir ! he ja jfc h a -» nf T|»e iim 1, ne* 4, ui ’ ,
Nevio la a m i W ash in g to n T e r r itu r v .* * as gw1, lot I,
-■» «w * # -»•' t
l#*. I p 2T» ». r 12 e
That ,b*o g j | a i r f i f * « / lo <-Ima t h * i fht
pAtcmJ'*d te a ll «l«*- M j M» c lata! * ti»r*> Itv
tim ber lamls in thè states of ('alif«»rna,
Tligy name as w iloe**** : f>|. N. M'hilc
J'*iu» c«m »b*/Dniit«'l f P«»\«r11. W illtn m Mark)«.
«ti Prim eviIU». 4 )r»*r ««9 < Th«nu4i* w « i k i « f , fr»«i»
. ,,
.. 1M-„
stonati t lt e .c t o f J m . m » 9, Ui<».
' ‘ A ll ^«*t U)V tlu * n a lu n i t i f i i l i ^ r
t f t ir
tf4 4 * n li f u r n | # # O r« fp # n , X«rvg<U
r i » J iHeviiie. VA fN *rg*tt.*»f A lb n n y . *)fa*g«*u:
a m i ^ 4 , a l ‘)«i 4 ttO >i
Jesae u M 4 . k « r . . . f S h a u ik » . 4 ir . g . . „ ; J . i . u ,
M ll*UM)lt«*y . uf A^!fl«if>ir, Pnff*»u.
Aay « l e i all
«1 n i « n i i | «« I n r i r l ) * tlig
a . i t o a l l th è p o M u
• hnyr-t’iepcniinl I mm • I» *r* #f«|iuF«t#<1 in file
their «lui nm in thD «*€i« e «> m *»r Uri ore ««cl lUv I
■I hj 44« «P I-, « b
t m r«*tt»is
Tnasdav. thè IHt. dav of Nov.. |18|>.
w-Rnesses: F r .» l« ’ . ,
W f iit t « * ! ) . u f U V « « liy w ii, f i r ^ f O t i ; S à n i*
|i#*1 R-
W li|lfr« * « l A . \N 'ftlt» .r%
*u* a g itili» !
l a i s l «4»ts» b y a c t M
A u g n s t 4. 18142, .«lls -rt K , J o f o i» » » " ot
H unson, c o u iit y o f S w ifi. s ta te ,,l M in -
i l o - i t a . bus ib is d a y fils>I iti tliis ottici»
b is »w o »4 i s ta te m e li« N o . IIOMC». fo r tl.e
pun ha*»»of H»e
01 ,
5, * e '4
l i . Ì L ì F im o d .
O r .^ o n
I,«i«! i »•
IL if -
,,o f* 8 in l»
A n y a n d a ll p e rs o n a rta im ln i^ a d v c rM »--
|v tlu* a ls iv e * d e s c r il»e il la m ls a r e
<|.t > * r t 1 to tile tln -ir *'l4 <bta tu tb iig
n ffti-r h » 4»f lio/ore s a lii I I t l j d a v vJ, Sto-
v r n iU 't
1W Î-
ir.*;.«. Pv-4i/ u t .
«» •