The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, November 01, 1902, Image 1

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    The DesChutes Echo
VOL. 1.
Echoes Along the Deschutes.
NO. 23.
H. M. Helms of Tacoma was
here the first of the week to locate
on a timlicr claim.
F. M. Ernest was here from
Portland this week to file on a tim­
ber claim.
Town property in the new town
of Deschutes, on the Deschutes
river, is on the market. The lots
are meeting with a ready sale and
already a large number have been
George Sly and wife were here
sold and contracts made for others.
Anyone wishing information or de­ from Roslund the last of the week.
siring to secure a choice piece of
Charles Graves was a business
i property in a town whose future
1 visitor from Odell the first of the
real estate values are assured should
i xveek.
address A. C. Palmer, Bend, Ore­
Permanent location of the ex­ gon.
W. \\\ Collins who has been
tension of the Columbia Southern
here on timber business for the
railroad into Crook county was
M. J. Scanlon of .Minneapolis, past two weeks will leave Monday
j completed to
Thursday Minn., has been a business visitor for his home in Moscow, Idaho,
I morning.
finishing the during the past week.
1 work to this point n preliminary
John Newsome who has been
line was run across the Deschutes
h»>re for several days in charge of
I keep a full line of all necessary blanks for the purchase oi gov­ river and extended for a mile up Wednesday to look after the tim ­ tli ■ surveying erew which has been
ber business of Ailingham and Poin­ at work on the town-site left for
ernment lands under the Timber and Stone Act, as well as
any the west side oi the stream. The dexter.
Prineville Friday.
crossing was made near the bridge
other law of the United States, and having had many years experience on the road between Bend ami
F. H. Marion left the last of the
The schedule time of the stage
am entirely familiar with the mode of procedure to acquire title to Sisters.
week for Portland and his home in between Prineville and Bend was
The preliminary work on the
tin* Willamette Valley. Mr. Marion changed the first of the week. The
same, and also to all classes of State land; will make all original ap­ line was commenced about the
lias successfullv located a large stage now leaves Prineville at 7
and locating
. .. '
plications and proofs. Special attention given to Homestead entries middle of A Januarv
( * numner ot persons on yellow pine a. m., arriving at Bond about one
started in May. The distance lit tracts along the Deschutes during
o’clock instead of 2:30 as hereto­
and the purchase of Desert, School and other lands.
tween Shaniko, the present termi­
the past summer. He will return fore. The change is one which
nus of the Columbia Southern, and
in November to remain during Un­ has been desired for some time and
Bend, by the way of the new line
win ter.
is greatly appreciated by those who
as surveyed, is ninety-seven and
been compelled to wait at
one half miles or about the same
0. G. Richardson of Minneapo­
until past the middle of the
' distance as is covered by the stage lis, Minn., is in Bend attending to
afternoon for the mail.
business matters.
Valuable information furnished regarding most promising oil lines lietween the two points.
I Definite information ngarding
W. H. Hollinshcad was down
prospects yet found in Oregon.
The United
the construction of the road is
I from Lava Wednesday oil a busi­ Weather Bureau for the month end­
I lacking, hut the
ness trip.
ing Nov. 1 reports the following
| charge express the opinion that
October: highest
I actual construction work is not
Z. M. Brown was here attending
! far distant.
to business matters the first of the temperature 77; lowest tempera­
ture 20, during the night of the
Mines and mining stock bought and sold. Facilities unexcelled
1st; rainfall amouoted to .11) inches;
Three months ago it was said number of clear days, ID: twenty-
for handling same.
all the desirable timlicr in the one days the maximum tempera­
Timber land notices of the fol­
valley would lie located ture ranged from <>() to 77 degrees;
lowing persons have been received
in this olliceand will receive pub­ by the first of September, hut since five days during the month were
that time timber locators have cloudy and six partially so.
lication in due time:
An extensive list of real estate, consisting of town lots and houses;
Avery G. Scoggin. Henry Keene, been coming at the rate oi seventy-
.Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Donkei
five or one hundred a week and
, and i unimproved;
i . stock
i land.»ot
, l *• nil
,n Kinds m Nona P. Donlev,
farms, improved
.. • William H. Prose.
Miss Iva Donkei returned Fri­
Henry C. \\ ilhoit, Mary F. \\ il- there still seem to he vacant tracts
tracts large or small.
Options given and taken, I f you have property hoit, Don E. Rockfellow. Elizabeth which are eagerly filed upon as day from Portland where Mr. Dun-
Matlock. Lillie McIIargue, James quickly as a trip to and from the | kel has been employed for the
for sale or if vow wish to buy, call or write.
past year by a lunilier company.
W. Fisher. Robert Rea, (Belinda yellow pine belt can he made.
They left yesterday with 8. I*.
Templeton, Minnie M. Whitsett.
Now that the rainy season has Donkei for their home at Lava.
; Homer Harrington, Herbert W.
set in it is not probable that the
Cooke. William Holder, Elias L.
Irrigation association
M. J. Scanlon, the Minneapolis
Johnson. Agnes Harris, \V. Lou-
when it makes us investigation of ^,ini*M‘r,,ian
^,ls been here
Mv office in Prineville is the best equipped Law, Land and Real tlian Harris, George D. Taylor. Crook county will say verv much ^ur' n^ ’ I“ “ l”1** week and who
Enoch Cvrus, Sarah E. Tavlor.
in favor of ii'n artificial water sup-
tlir""h'1' l»wer Klamath ami
Estate office in Eastern Oregon, and consists of a suite of four large
Marv Cyrus, Etta Bottcnlierg.
Lake counties, says as an evidence
rooms that have lieen specially furnished and fitted for the comfort Julia Cvius, William H. Cyrus.
of Portland’s enterprise
L. D. Wiest was in Prineville eights of the business from the
Lilia M. Hale. Wave Morris. Max
of patrons and for the convenient transaction of business. Persons Xurss, Roy Nurss, D-nora M. this week on nusiness.
southern country goes to San Fran­
intending to locate on lands in Crook county arc invited to cull and ex­ Hulse. Charles G. Hulso. Lewis 1).
Edwin Brock came over from
Holder. Minnie D. Holder. .James
.Sunday to spend a few
amine my maps and plats— the latest and l»est. Strangers coining to H. Smith. Della M. Ehi, Charles
The report of The Dalles land
weeks on the Deschutes.
which was published last
Crook county to locate will he cordially welcomed and any assistance E. Ehi, William F. Johnson Lil­
F. L. Bramble of Watertown, week showing a volume of htisi-
lie E. Fulton. Ginctho J. Huriiv.
necessary always cheerfully rendered.
Dakota, was in B. mi this , ness greater than any previous
Charity Wilson, Bernard Gormlev.
quarter in the history of tic
Eliza K.(Poiudexter. Janies N. Poin­ w-ek to file on a timlicr claim.
i office speaks pretty well f<*r tile
dexter. Eva I Mule, Marie Spin­
Samuel A. Craig and wife and eastern part of the state. Prcfci-
ning. J. Frank Spinning. Irwin D. Miss Rodgers of lirookville, lYnn.,
ciiec lias been shown of course for
Pike. Alice M. Holder. Ncllv Z. took timber claims Saturday.
timber lands, which were the fir-t
This office is the nearest Land Office to the timlicr belts of Crook Pike. Hot hide C. Dove. Fred Davis
start the rush into Eastern Ore­
Georg«* Bogtie Was down from
Dotv. Charles K.
hut the agricultural lands
and Klamath counties. Locators and others coming to Bend always McDowell,
M>- Rosland thi- week attending to
have not 1 * 1*11 slighted and as a
Dowell. Eliza E. Mat tin,
Wil- business matters.
make this office their headquarters— an invitation is sii|ierfluous.
result thru* hundred and twenty-
liert J. Martin. Lerov H. Martin.
John Birmingham arrived from
three |N*rsons have taken advan­
The dates set for final proofs on Chicago on Monday to make final
tage of the homestead laws to gain
the nlmve an* in February, with proof on a timlicr claim.
possession of a quarter section of
the exception of a few which are
This report is exclusive o-
set tor the last of Januarv. 1 DO.).
That the almve-nanied offices are the places where the LAND
management of Mrs, E. R. Rilev, all the tilings which have lieen
Forty acres of town property ad­ has lieen thrown o|* n to the pub­ made in the Lakevicw district, hut
BUSINESS of Crook county is transacted may readily U demonstrut
joining the town-site as filed by lic. The hotel lias I n ch refurnish­ it is probable that the volume of
ed by one glance at tin* newspapers of Clunk county.
the Pilot Butte Development com­ ed throughout and is a commend­ business transacted at the latter
pany wcr>* thrown o; on to pur­ able addition to the business enter- of’ ire is somewhat ill excess of The
Timber and homestead
chasers thi- week. Tlx* land is pri- s which are springing up grad-
-Branch Office,
Columbia Southern Engineers
Finish Their Survey to This
Oil Lands.
Mines and Mining Stocks.
Notices Received.
Real Estate for Sale.
Prineville Office.
Bend Office.
Proof Positive.
A . C. P A L M E R ,
- -
U. b. Lomrrujsioner ana Attorney-at Law.
contiguous to the original town-
site of Bt ml and lias lieen siiledi-
vidi*d into lots. A. ( ’. Palmer has
the handling of the pfO|s*rty which
is expected will meet a ready sale,
uidl-X *n B^nd.
filings arc still lieing made and tin
Mr. ami Mrs. C. K. McDowell of report foi the next quarter is liki
Prineville s|s• 11 1 the f**re part of ly to show as much activity us ba­
the week in Bend. They were on lieen recoidcd during the past three
their way to Silver luikc.