The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, October 25, 1902, Image 3

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    ... .
art of August 4, ISHli. tin* following i>t*r- I miu I s o iiu h i i* m e r i' v a l i i s M c (or ii s u m l '. r o r
sor.s |,a\v this »lay tile«l in thi> office stoni- 1 I ihii tur Hcrii'iilturHl inir|Mi»i-., Nini lo
e s ia lilis l i i h e i r i imìiii to shìi I I s u iM 'i iorv \ >
their sworn statements', to-w it:
l ' . l n u r . t*. s. r e n i m i . s s i o n e r . ni l 'r i i i e v i l l c
Hiatus Lan«] Offh*«\ fjikuvitw. tirugon.
Charles Boer, of K ih 1 w « hm 1 Falls, oonn- < «regoli. e li tVciliii-siliiv. l ll e Uni il»? et I Ini-in
August j. 1‘nrj. N o t h * is hereby driven ijmt in ty of Keiiwiaal, state of Minn., sworn
Thi >: Franci« J H o m e ,
tMimpiiHiit’i* with the provision.«- vf the H<-t f»t statement No. lit»-, for the purchase of et AII iniiv . OrvNeii ; i.eor;:e M fo ru sit, FfTie tt
1 o-Tiell. .tiilm K Mi l'Nmrl. d i a r i « « •. ('u nirli,
June 3, 1H78. entitled, “ A n art f«»r the sale t*f the sw ' 4 soe 12, tp 21 s, r 11 e.
. <ire|iiai.
timber lands in the status of fa lifornia. Ore­
Meek Clark, of Re lwtasl Falls, county el A I l rinevillt
i . « a I nII |ie rs ra i' e l a l m t u x aitrri« el> t i c
gon, Nevada, and Wnshi mooii Territory.” as of Ke«lwo<ai, state of Minn., sworn state­ nbeve òesi ribe.l 'aii«1> arr re-,u .s T I lo rii»-
extended to all the publie land vtHtus t»y net of ment No. 11 Hit for the purchase of the t lie ir 1 I h 11 n> in I l o - e f f e e oli e t b eiu re - nh I r i
iUy et Dee l*,*rj. K ' t B a \rr.vl.v, Kricitni
August I. 1*92. the following named persons se!4 see 11, tp 21 s. r 11 e.
have this day filed in this offTii* their sworn
t»ilU*rt K. M cKay, of Ke«lwoo<l Falls,
statement«, to -wit:
eountv of Ko«l\\i»»l.
of Minn.,
Thoma> J. Hammer, of Portland, tooj K \Y h “I i - sworn statement No. H id. f»»r the pur­
injrton St., county of Multuomah. *tntr «»f Ore- chase of the nw ‘ 4 sot LL tp 21 s, r 11 e.
Ifon. sworn statement No. tin.'», fo- the pur-
Otttt !». |4ornlH»rg. of Ke«.lwoo<l Falls,
Stale.* Fund t >ffir*. T akcv iew . Or*g«>ti.
eha>t «»l the s U nw*^, ne' 4 nu >4. n w 11 m*>4 sec countv of Heilwoml, state of Minn.,
•J*». tp 21 s. r i l e .
sworn statement No. 1185, for the pur­ Vug. 12. 1W2: Notice is hereby given that in
Mary T. Walker, of
N f»th si..
Portland, chase of the sw '4 mv IS, tp 21 s, r 11 c, eompliaru e with ilie provisions of the ncl of
John ('la rk , Jr., of Ketlwoml Falls, Congress of June 3. 1878. entitled “ An net ior
county of Multnomah, state 01 Oregon, sworn
statement No. lit»», for the purchase of the e*2 county of Redwood, state of Minn., sworn . the >«le of timber laibN in the Mutes of m i i
sel 4. se*4 11 **4, sec it'», nw ’ j nw1^ sec 2 >, t]> 21 s, statement No. 1188, for the purchase of fornin. Oregon. Nevutln. and Wakhingtou Ter
the e s w 14. sw 14 >w 14 . sec 24, se14 rifory ” hu extended to all the ptihlie lan»l
rile .
state« by act of Nugust I. 1W*2. Harlan P. tiood
Robert .1. Walker, of M N 6th at.,
Portland, s e l4 see 2*4, tp 21 s. r 11 o.
man. of Whitewater, eeunty of Walworth. Mate
county ot Multuomah, state of Oregon, sworn
•1. state uf
Minn.', of Wisconsin. ha> fl ii*day filed in ibis otflci» bis
sia entent N«>. 1107, for the purchase of the ul o rie, county of
orn statement No. lmt». for the p»»r>-liase of
sworn statement No. lh<7. lor the pnr- sw
11 w* 4. \v** ne* sec * 2 *», tj> 21 s. r 11 e.
:lu * 1 4 n w 1
.,. w ’ . nw 1 n w ' 4 sw 1 ,. h t 22. tp 2f»
Anna C. Hammer, of 10 12 K Washington st.. eiiaseoi' the l-4 »'•«• IS, t p 21 s, r II e.
s. Range No. 12 K. W. M.,
That they will off'jr proof
to show
Portland, county of Multnomah, stale of Ore­
pr«M»f to show that the laud sought i-* more
gon, sworn statement No. 1108. for the purchase
valuabU* i*»r its timber■ or stone tI ihii fur agri
for its timher or stone than for agricul­ enlturnl purposes, and P* establish his claim
of the e *2 sw1 4, w 1 sc* * 4. sec 2»», tp 21 s. r 11 e.
That they will offer proof to show that the tural pur|H>ses, and to establish their ; to said land before A. 1*. Palmer,
s. t'ornmis
land sought is more valuable for its timber or > elaitn to said land liefor A. C. Painter, «ioner at Pi ineville, Oregon, on Tuesday, the
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
2Mh day «1 Oct.. It*>2.
establish their claim to said land, before A. <’ gon, on Saturday, the ttth day of Dec.,
He names as witnesses: Joseph Mareeau of
Palmer, 1’. S. Commissioner, at Prineville. 1902. They
Roshind. O r e g o n ; Francis ,1. hevinc. TI ioiuhs
Oregon, on Friday, the ‘2lth day of Oc tober. Charles Heer, A leek Clark, H ilbert E.
M cKay. Otto I.. Dornlicrg, John Chirk, W atkins, Sort >n K. Wiutiard, of Albany, Ore­
of Redwood Falls, M in n .; John C. gon.
They name as witnesses: F. H. Marion,
claiming ad
Louis M. Anderson, of
Oregon; Brainerd, of Blooming l’ rairie, M in n .;
Thomas J. Hammer. Mary T. Walker, Robert Louis M. Anderson, of Rowland, Oregon. versely the ala»ve-deseribed lands are request^
A ny and ¡ill persons claim ing adverse­ e«l to tlle#their elaims in this office on or be­
.1. Walker, Anna C. Hammer, of Portland, Orc-
ly the above-described land- tire request­ fore said 28th day of October, PX>2.
K. M. B w att ai n . Register.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the ed to file their elaims in this office on or
abov«1 described lands are re-listed to tile heir ; before stiid lit It day of Deeemlter, 1902.
K. M. B katt . vix . R o is te r .
claims in this office on or before said 24th day
of Oct., ltttt.
K. M R rat T. vin , Register.
U m t k i ) S tatkh i . a x u ovcrcK,
I^ikevicw, Oregon, Au^r. 2, 11HI2.
Notice is lterehv ¡riven that in com pli­
ance with the provisions of the act of
June M, 1H7S, entitled “ An act for the
sale of tindier lands in the States of Cali­
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and M'ashinjrtoii
T errito ry,” as extended to all the Pul>-
lic Land States by act o f August 4. 1HD2,
the followiiur persons have this day
tilisl in tliis ollice their sworu state­
ments, to -w it:
W alter K. Sharp, of Portlands county
of Multnom ah, state of Oreyon, sworn
statement No. 1109, for the purchase of
the w 1., u t r 'i, nw '4 sw 1^, nel4 n w 1^
sec 24, 11» 21 s, r 11 e.
James Skinner, of St. Johns, eountv
of Multnomah, state of Orejron, sworn
statement No. 1110, for the purchase of
the set^ sec 24. tp 21 s, r 11 e.
W illiam II. Conant, of Portland, coun­
ty ot Multnomah, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No. 1111, for the pur­
chase of the e'.j ne)^, SWI4 nel^', iie}^
sela sec 2-">. t|i 21 s. r 11 e.
That they will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
tim lier or stone than for agricultural
purjsises, and to establish their claim
to said land Indore A. C. Palmer? I ’ . S.
Commisioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on
Tuesdav the 11th «lay of Novem ber,
They name as witnesses:
Francis II.
Marion, Louis M. Anderson, of Ros-
laiul, Orcjiim ; W alter K. Sharp, W illiam
I I . Conant, of Portland. OreKon ; James
Skinner, of St. Johns, Oregon.
A ny and all persons claim ing adverse­
ly the alnivc-doscrihod lands are request­
ed to tile their claims in this nilice on
or before said ll t l i day of Nov.. 1902.
K. M. B r a t t a in , Rt'gister.
ru tt e d Slates Ijind offlee. I.akeview. Oregon,
August 27. I » « : —Notiee is hereby given that in
enmpllanee with llie provisions of the art of
June :t, W7tt. entitled " A n act for the -ale of
timlier lands in the stales of California. Ore­
gon. Nevada and Washington Territory,” as
extended lo alt the public land stales by act of
I. IM92, llie following persons have
this day filed in this office their »Worn state­
ments. to-wit :
John K. Whitehead, of 2929 Fulton St., Tole­
do. enmity of I.liras slHte of Ohio, sworn state­
ment No. 1270, for the purchase of the sw' , see
12. 11 » 27 s, r 12 e.
[suits A. Fisher, of Charles City, county of
Floyd, state of Iow a sworn statement No, 1271,
for the pun base of the n w ' , see 1:1. Ip 27 ». r ! 2 e.
Ida .M. Thomas, of d i a r i e s City, comity of
Floyd, state of Iowa, sworn statement No.
1272. for tlie purchase of the xw1, ne1 ii*a se'
se1, -e1* see 14. tp 27 s. r 12 e.
Charles Ism/., of Charles City, county of
Flnyu. state of Iowa, sworn stalenient No. 127:1.
for the purchase of tlie n e ' , n w 1*, n1, lie1*.
s«'1. ne *, sec 11. tp27 s. r 12 e.
Anna !.. Horton, of Charles City, enmity of
Floyd, slate of low a -worn statement No. 1271.
for the purr base of the « » '* sec 13. tp 27 s. r 12 e.
Ub e ri I!. Chase, of «¡obteville. eountv of Van
Buren, slate of Michigan, sworn statement No.
T27-». for the purchase of the -e1* sei- 23, tp 27 s.
r 12 e.
I,im a n W. Dennis, of Chicago. I«; Winthrop
Ave., eoiintv of CiHik. siate of Illinois, «worn
statement No. 127* for the pnn hase of the c1,
Ile '. see 23. w * . n w 1 , sec 21. tp 27 «. r 12 e,
Harold P. Thomas, of Charles City, county of
Floyd, stale of Iowa «worn statement No. 1277.
for the purchase of the -w* * sw’ , sec 24. It*a
liv 1 *. «e*, nw* « sec 25. tp 27 ». r 12 e.
d i a r i e « o. Schmidt, of d i a r i e s City, county
ot Floyd, state of lows sworn statement No
127a, fiir the purchase of llie lie1* Sis- 2*i. t|i 27
*, r 12 i*.
lliNttliuy will off»*r i»r«M»f to «lì»»« »..Ht tli**
I n ml «ought is more valuable for its timlier or
stone than for agricultural iuiri«,srs and to
estatdtsh thelri-iaim to -aid land ì e f o n < II
Withrow. C S. Commissii ner at Klamath
F n IN. Oregon, on Monday, llie 17fh day of
Novrniher. lWri.
Tlu-i name as w tlliesss- : John R. W hileliead.
ofTidisln. Ohio ; Isoli« A Ft-her. Ida M Th o m ­
as. Charles tai nz Anna I. Horton. Harold P
Thomas Charles O. Schmidt, o f d m n e « «'itv.
Ii.wa: Albert B. chase, of flotirlvHie,
i.viuatl W m-tints. Ol I hteago. 111.
An»' and all | n - i w i | is rtalmilig adverarle the
al M ne sle i rilieii land« are requested to file
their e l a i m M n this Offlee on or
before «aid
171li d a r of Nov . l>ri.
K M. B rat ta » . Register.
lT iit«-l Sfiti-a U t « l f'ffh e . I .like view .
Oregon. August 7. 19"“ — Notice is liere-
bv given tliRt in coin |*1 In nee with the
¡■roviaioita i»f the net oi June
lfCH. eii-
titles!, “ An ai-t fot the s ile of tim lwr
limile in the atat«*i* id Califorithi. Oregon.
NevitHn anil
¡lahhigtoti Territ»»rr.
fK lv lelv»! to ¡ill tin- |uiblii- In n i
- bv
N O T IC E .
t n\ted States Land office. Lak eview, Oregon
Notice is hereby given that in
ITiitnt Siitles Lainl tlffire. I,«kvview, Oregon August «».
Ausasi J
Xoiii i’ is liervby given Ihrtl in compliance with the provisions oi the act of
compliance with the provisions of the net of • Congress of June a, 18i8. entitled, “ An act for
June 8, W78 entitled " A n net for the km le of j the sale of timber lands in the states of Cali­
timlier Units in the states of California, Ore
fornia. Oregon, Ncv.tdn, ami WaKhington Ter­
S on , Nevada, and Wsshinstotl Territory.” us : ritory,” as e x t e n d e o t o all the public land
extended to all the puldie land stales by aid of states, by net of August 1. 1 Hi*.', John B irming­
August I. tstr.’, the fnllowiny persons have this ham, of Chicago, 8 47 Wa shbu rn Ave..county of
day tiled in this oliiee their sworn statemenls Cook, state of Illinois, has tiiis day Hied in
this office his sworn statement No. UAL for tin*
to-wit :
Klizn Jane Sumner, of I’rineville. county of { purchase of the e 1 ^ ne '4. 18, 21, 11, nb. nw 1, of
Crock, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. section No. IS, in township No. 21 s, r No. 12 K.
1114, for the pu rehas eo f I h e n w 1., see
t)i '-’ l W. M . and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
s, r 9 e.
Thomas V. Sumner, of Cross Keys, county of or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn statement No. to establish his claim to said land before H.
1115. for the purchase of tile ne' 4 see 2:i. tp 2J s, W. Reed, C. S. Commissioner, at Rend, Oregon,
on Monday, the 27th day of October, PJ02. He
r 9 e.
Anna I.. Sunnier, of Cross Kevs. county of names as witnesses; W illiam
Crook, sworn slalemeiit No. Itili, for tlie- pu r ­ Charles Brock, of Bend, Oregon ; William Mul-
chase of llie w 1 2 sw1* see 21, W12 liw1, see 25, Ip hall, of Sioux City. Iowa : William P. Vnnde-
vert, of Lava, Oregon.
24 s. r 9 e,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
That thev wi ll offer primi to show that the
land sought Is more valuable f o r t ’ s timlier or above de«erlbed-lands arc re*jueste«l to tile
stone than lor agricultural purposes, amt to their claims in this office on or before said 27th
establish their claim to said land before A. C. day oi Oct., 19U2. E. M. H kat T.UN, Reg;ster.
Palmer. C. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Ore- ,
gnu, on Monday,
the 27th day of October,
They name as witnesses: John Combs,
John A. Sumner. Kliza Jane Sumner, of Prine­
ville, Oregon ; Jesse Windom, of Haystack.
Cnited States Land Office. Lakcvlew. Oregon,
Oregon; Joseph Mareeau, of Rosland, Oregon;
Thomas Y. Sumner, Anna I,. Sumner, of Cross July ill, PJ02:—Notice is hereby given that in
Keys, Oregon.
compliance with the provisions of the act of
Any nud all persons claiming adversely the
June 8, 1878, entitled ” An act for the sale of
above described lands are requested to tile
their elaims in this office on or before said timber lands in the states of Califorim, Ore­
27th day of Oetober, libri.
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as ex­
E. M. B ratt . u k , Register.
tended to all the »public land states by act of
1 A N D N O T IC I
1 nitvd State» I and office. 1 ak«view oregon,
Jul> 24. V"2. -Noliee is herebv g i v u i that ni
eo m pH ap i* wlth
pruvumue <»f t)*e
ed • An ha t f< r ili* .sale *»1 tiui' er lan 1- in tl.y
sta tei» uf Ca h fo r m a , ori gol» N evada and W ash­
ington Terrttcr> a> et ttnde d t«* aU thè publlc
land States t»v act of AuguM 1. 1892, th* Rdlow
mg ptr»**us ha v* O m day ti l e i tu thi“ «»ffn ••
tlieir suo ni MHtemcntJi. to-wn ;
John \S. Cutdek ut \lbaiiy. e o u m v «>f liuti,
siate of Oreg«oi, sworn Mateuietit No 1019 for
thè purv base oi thè e ' , of e' . sev ÌO. tp J4 ►. r 9
Vieea Combs. uf Portlami, coutily uf Multilo
mah. state of Or.igoii. awuru siateiueiit No. \Wi),
ii»r thè pure base uf thè
u e'4, sec SI,
n w 14 see 82, l p 24 s, r 9 e.
ijweu IL Cyrue, of Sei«», couuty of l.inu.
stale «-•! Oreg«»n. suo ni «tatemeut No. Iii’d. for
t he pur« liase ut thè l«*ts 3 1 -ó-o. se«* !s, lp Jì
r 11 e.
Frank Morris. «>f Scio. e«*uut> of Limi, »»aie
of » ‘regoli, su ««rii statement No. in.'*2. for thr
pureliase «*f lite lol» II. 12. LI, 14, »ve 19. tp A4 ».
r II «*.
Et bel M. Mo rn». «*f Scio, cyuntv of Limi »tal«*
of Oregon, sw orti statement N a >. I0Ó8. for thè
pliruhase oi tilt* lui» 7, 10, 11, IO. aec 7, tp 26 »,
IMI A_| of ARAI loll No »> 111 tzM.nR|iip \
No lif».. I Vi . \l , mt<lu ili nfffir
i- moro a ¡tlmililo
tjm'jwr or Ntoiit«
tliRtt l.,r R u rfu l-
turnl pu '(s+.»i. Htid u> M t«lil)»h Ili»
oltiini tohttid Ulti! bofor* A t Vulm^r. l ' v
S. ComniÌMti.'Usr. at B rih ], Or«von,
»■it Saturday tlic l&tli d a ' of Nyv., I9HF
Ile n a n i» rr wUttOMfit.s : Job
BotfUf, l out« M. Audornoii, P rim i P.
BoKtif, Ct'or^o T. Sly, of U or I rik I, Ora-
6« Hi.
Any and nil |>orNoiia idnimlu¡{ mlrurfiolr
ilio » I io y o - i I i ' m . t ì I k 'U I rih U aro roquoNto.1
i lo filo tlioir «'latina iu tbU olile*» on or
Ufurti s.'ttd 17>tl» day of \i»»ont(»or, Ufi)?.
E. M. BnArTRiT. RnjjUU'r.
I n»t«<l Stati»« b u d Dillo». tnik.iTfaw,
Orvicou. August 14. 1902 :—-Notlr«« tu lt»Arr-
ltv givoti tlmt tu .-iun¡>1 ÌHnot* R iti» tbu p r ò
j visions of thu ttct of Jutt« 3, 1B7H, au-
| tith-J “ Alt lift for tin* *isU o f titnls»r
r 11 e.
AJ i I h M. l'i-i-ry. uf Si-io. i-outity of l imi, stsi.' Uinls in tlie MtRtos of CMli/oriiiM, Oragou,
oi Orritoti, «Morii «tHUinrtit No. 10,0. tur tli«- Novudii. liuti
Wiisliiiigtun T errito ry,*"
furvIiHM- oi Ilio lol n 5, I»,
11. sei* 7. ip *'5 «, ! ns extemlvd to till ilio |>ublir Unti stattw»
r I !
by tu-t of August 4. 1R92. Ilio follttwlnf-
TI ih I I In y « itt oft.-r proni lo show llial thr
I nui I koiikìii i« moli' vnlunhlt' lor il« lìuil'A-r or : ¡t«‘ rHoiis Ita ve this tluy II loti iti this tifllva-
stoni' llisn tur HKi'ii ulturHl t-urposr«. Nini lo | their sworn HtutenientM. to-w it :
('M n M ì s I i f l ui r i 'I hìiii to.ssiii ìhihì lit'forv A. t*.
Frutteis B. Itayii, t»f f'ritievlllo, roun-
I' n I iik r.l . S. l'otiimikKlonrr, h I l'rinrvIIU', >rt- : ty ol Crook, state uf < 'regoli, sworn Ht«te-
ttoti Oli W.'iliii's.lny thr l.'itli .I nv of Ortnher, t»t.’ inent No. UMti, for tho pureliHs* of tht*'
Thcv iiniiii - h > \vitu.'.-«.'.: John tv. l'nsick, ha «C* see “ •>, tj> 24 h . r 9 e.
John J. rolliti«, Friiuris J. Crviiit', of AltiNiiy,
Alice B.-tvti, of RrinovUle, county of
nri Ron: Kit. N. WlilU', Joliu Cimihs. ut I riti»
CriNtk. «tute of Oregon, sworn ststeuomt
ville. Or.'Ron ; O wrn B. l'yru», Frutik Morris, ' No. 1207, for the purcliane <>f the n w ^
ol Srio, Ort'KOU.
see 29, 11 » 24 h , r 9 e.
Auy Mini Rii persons rlHiining mlversely thè j
That they will offer jtrfmf to show
Ht>oY.'-iU'srrili»-il ' lumi« Hr.' reituesleil to file ; thot tht* lami sought is more valuable
tlieir rlHim» iti tltis offl.-e on or liefurr hhìi I for its tim lier or atone than for agricul-
15tli iluy of Oet. l'Jtrj,
| turai pur|M>MOH anti to eatuhliah their
K. M. B r a t t a i k , lìiRister.
claim toenid lauti (««fore A. C. l'aim er, I.’ .
S. Conm ii««ionor at
on Mutulny, the 3rd day o f Xovrunlwr,.
They name ns w itnesses. Francis H..
Cnited States Land Office, Lakeview, Bavn. Alice Davit, of I'ritievillc, Ore­
Oregon, Jnlv 17, 1902.— Notiee is hereby gon ; Francis J. l*evine. Tinm an W at­
with kins, of Albany, O regon; Joseph Muts-
ot ceau, of Rofilntnl. Oregon.
A ny and all persons claim ing advA'rse-
June S, 1878, entitled, “ An act for the
sale of tim her lands in the states of C al­ ly the aliove-ih'serihed lands urn r»«-
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and W ashing­ queste.1 to tile their claims in this otficu
ton T errito ry,” as extended to all the on or before said Hril day of Nov., 19(42'.
K. M. Ba.ATTAtN, Register.
public laud states by net oi August 4, 1
1N92, the follow ing persons have this
day filed in tliis* office their sworn state- j
metits, to-wit :
Emina Dove, of phunikn, eountv wf De jmrtment of the Interior, I .and Ottico
Waseo. state of Oregon, sworn state­ ¡it I.akeview, Oregon, August 22, 1902.
ment No. 1017, for tlie purchase of the
Notice is hereby given that the I'ol-
\vl o n e 'i, e l* n w 1-* see ¡12, tp 22 s, r 9 e. lowiug-named settler has tiled notice oC
( ieorge Rogue, of H(island, efunity of Ilia intention to make linai proof in sup­
I Crook, state o f Oregon, sworn state­ port of his claim, and that said proof,
ment No. 1018, for the purchase of the will he made Ixq'oro A. O. l'aim er, t*. S.
sw l4 s»vl4, s e e 2S, 11 C n%vU, su U nw *-4 Commissioner at Rend, Oregon, on Oc-
see H.'l, tp 22 s, r 9 e.
to ls T 18, 1902, viv : Joseph llnytiolifi
W illiam II. Ilollinshead, of Lava, H. K. 2880 for the n*L, ttw1, ,
n w 1» ,
county of Crook, state o f Oregon, sworn 11 w *4 sw ' 4 , see 4. tp 24 *, r 9 K W M.
statement No. 1019, for the ptirehase
lie names the follow ing witnesses to
August 4, 1892, the following persons have of the w U s «
see 21, nw t-4 itw'-^ see 28, prove his continuous residence npmp
this day filed in this office their sworn state­ .«e^ s e ^ , st*e 20, tp 22 s, r 9 e.
and cultivation of said land, vis:
ments to-wlt :
Fd la Wollinshead, of Lava, county of
Finis M ayfield, W illia m S. M ayfield,
Klnorn c. King, of Prineville, eounty of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
filiteli Stales l a m i Offlee. I.akeview. Ore­
H enry Shiver, David A Findley, all oft
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. No. 1020 for the purchase o f the uej^'
gon, August 2, 1902.—Notiee is hereby given
Rosland, Oregon.
1088, for the nurehase of the se ‘\ se14 see 84,
st*e 29, tp* 22 s, r 9 e.
that in compliance with the provisions of the
K. M. Ba a t t a in , Register.,
s*7 sw*,. ne* x sw'4 see
tp 28 s, r i> e.
Susie C. Clay|MM»l, of Sisters, eounty
act of June :i, 1H7K, entitled “ An act tor tlie
Daniel V. Pow ell,of Prineville, county of Crook
«alt* ot timber lands in the Mates of California, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 1081. for of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state­
the purchase of the se’ 4 see 2H„tp2t s, r it e.
ment No. 1022, for the purchase o f the
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, as
ltelmer A. Howell, t»f Shaniko, county of
extended to all the jmblie land states by act of , Wasco, state of Oregon, «worn statement No. s' j sw <4 , nw ' 4 sw (4 see38, tie'4 sebi see
I* n itr ii S t it k s L a m i O s t ic i ,
August 4. 1TO, the following persons have this ins:,, for the purehaseof the sw'*4 see 2D, tp 24 82, tp 22s, r 9 e.
Lakeview , Oregon, August H, 1902’ ,
W illiam E. ClavjMiul. of Sisters, conn- j Notice is h(»r«*hy given that in compii-.
dfty tiled in thi« offlee their «w o rn statements s, r 9 e.
Thomas Henneghan, of Shaniko. eonnty of ty v of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state- ance w ith the provisions of the act of
Waseo, state of Oregon, sworn s.atement No.
, 1 .O', t
t .1
June 8, 1878. entitled “ An act for tho
< . No.
Harry Shultz, of Shaniko, eountv of Waseo, lust), tor the purchase of the e*a nw^, n1^ sw1^ m
1028, for the purchase of the w|1(j ( f fim ,wr U n ,ll( in „ ,,, states of Cal.
state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 1112, for; see 82. tp 21 w, r 9 e.
¡fo rn i». Oregon, Nevada and W ashing.
Jesse R. Meeker, of Shaniko,county of Wasco si'1^ s(*e 88, t ]• 22 s, r 9 e.
, tini T e r rito rv ," as estendisi to all tha
the pun base of the a1* of sh, see 10, tp 24 s. r
state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 1087, for
Lena F. Clavpool, of Sisters, eounty Ruhlie latini States l*y aet of Augufit 4,
: 11 e.
18*T2. thè follow ing iiersoiis hnve tliis
tlie purchase of the sbj of s'2 see 2A, tp 24 s.
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state­
Samuel L. Perkins, of Shaniko, eounty of r lu e.
1 day tiled in this otflee tlieir nworii state:
Waseo. state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
William Rinehart, of Shaniko, eounty of ment No. 1924, for the purchase of the ; menti*, to w it :
Samuel R. Johnston, of Rortlitti'l,
111:4, for the ptirehase of the u l 2 ne’ 4 see 1 •">, j Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. sVj s e '4 , n w ,4 se'4 , u e'-4 s w 1-*, see 82,
1088 for the nurehase «*f the w*a ne’ 4 see ;io, tj> 22 s, r 9 e.
■ eottnty of Multnomah, state of Dregutt,
mvk4 n w »4 see 14. sw *4 sw*4 se<* 11. tp 21 «, r 11 e.
1 scurii statement No. lina, for thè por.
M*' »• M
e«- 2b, tp 24 s, r 10 e.
they w ill offer proof to show
That they will offer proof to show that the
duine of thè s'-p of sbj, see 18, tp 22 s, f
enslave Schmidt, of Shaniko, county of
lam! sought is more valuable tor Its timher or Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn statement No
that the land sought is more valuable 12 1*.
stone than for agrieultural purposes, and t o ' 1089, for the purchase of tlie e'^ of e\ se<* :kr», for its tim ber or stone than for agricul­
W in ifred A. W alters, of I'ortlaud,
establish their claim to said land before A. C. tp 21 s. r 10 e.
county of .Multnomah, state of Oregon,
Palmer. F. S Congri¡»«loner, at Prineville,
I sworn statement No. 1189, for the pur­
Sarcpta Hamilton, of \utelope. eounty of
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 22nd day of Oc- i Wjmco, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. elaitn to said land Imfnrc A. ('. Rainier, chase of the iie '-4 hc ' 4 his ' 18. w
sw 1*',
iolier, 1002.
1090, f*»r the purchase of the lie 1 » see 17, tp 2o C . S. Commissioner, at Bend, < tregou, on seV4 sw ^ sec 17, t }• 22 S. T 12«.
They name a» witnesses: Kd N. White. John s, r 10 v.
Klizals'th II, Harm on, of Portland,
Saturday, the IHth day of October, 1902.
Combs* I>aniel F. Powell. William Meeks, «»f 1 James M. Hamilton. **i \ntelope, eountv of
They name ¡ts witnesses: Joseph II. R. O. Box 9», county of Multnomah,
Prineville, Oregon ; Thomas Watkins. Fra tiei* Waseo. state of <ircgop. sworn «talenient No. lo-
state of Oregon, sworn statuiiisnt No,
J. Hevine. Kd !>organ, of Albany. O r eg o n ;! 91. for the purehaseof the uw'4 see 17, tp2f» s, Hatter, Frank Ihslson, of Rend, Oregon ; 1 1199, for the purchase of the se1* n e1*.
Jesse R. Meeker, of Shaniko, Oregon ; James M.
Emma Dove,
Shaniko, O regon; «ec 19, w ' e i i w ' 4 , ne«* n w '4 »er 2", t[»
r 10 »*.
Hamilton, of Antelope. Oregon.
Anna Marks, of Prineville, county *»f Cr**«»k. ( ieorge Rogue, of Rosland, O regon; W il­ 22 s. r 12 e.
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the •tale <*f Oregon sworn statement No. 1092 for
Eddie L. Harm on, of Portland, rot*t,-
liam It. II olliushcad, of l.ava, O regon;
rtbove-desrrilwd lands are requested t«» Hie the pnri’hase **f the sw1 % see 11. tp 21 s. r 9 c.
ty of Mtiltuoiuab. slate of Oregon,
their elaims in tliis offlee on or before*»aid
sworn statement No. 1191, for the pur-
William Mark«, of Prineville, county o
22nd day of October, 1ikt2.
A ny and all persons claim ing adverse­ chare of the w b, uetg, s e 'j n w '* , mt'-j
Crook. *tate of Oregon »worn statement No.
K M. Ba \TTAIK. Register.
lot» », for tlie purchase of the e’ 2 ne'4. ti« 1 , se14 ly the alsivc-dcsi ribed lands art* r«*qiiest- sw ' 4 sec 29, tn 22 a, r 12 e,
A 1 l»ert J. W alters, of Portland. co»m •
*»***• 11. ii w' 4 -w' , sec 18, t P 21 “. r 9 e.
t'd to tile tlieir ehtims in this office on or
' ty of Multnomah, state of
Sarah J. >fark“ oi Priiievf 11«^, eounty of Indore Sitid IKtli day of (let., 1992.
sworn statement No. 1192. for the pqr-
Cnaik.stMti «»f Oregon, sworn «tatement No.
E. M. B h a t t a in , Register.
cltase of t he e hj litt * 4, It (g si“^ sec 20,
P lifted States l>and Offlee, I.akeviewOreg«ni.
1094, f«»r the purchase of til* iiw *4 see 18, tp 24
Sept. 11. P.s J Notiee is hereliv given that in s. r 9 e.
t[» 22 s. r 12 e.
compilan»** with i he provision* of the «• i «>i
That they will offer proof to »how
That they will offer pnaif t• * show tiiat the
1«7 m . entitle»! An a* t for the sale oi
timber lands in the
of Ca li fo rn ia. land sought i« more valuable f*»r U* timber **r
that the laud »'Sight i/ more valuable
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory.'* stone than for agricultural purposes, and t*»
(or its titulier or atone than for agricul­
a» ex tende«! t»» all the nil bib* land “tales by a» t establish tiieir claim to sai*l !at»*l l*cfor* \.
Cnited Stales I .and Oftin*. Lake) iew. tural |>ur|sises, mid to establish their
of August I. P W . thr following p»-r»oiis have
\. C I'alfper. C. S. Commissloiief. at Prineville, Oregon, July 81, RfifiJ. — N otice is hereby claim to s si'l I * im | Isifore \ .C Ralm «r. I .
tlii* 'lay filed in this office their sworn »tat»
inetit«. to-wit :
Oregon, «»u Wednesday, tin 22nd «lay *if o**i.. given that in compliance with the provi­ 8 . Commissinnor at Prin eville. (Jr“ ff"u,
i Jconr* M. Cornett, o f Prineville, county *d I*» n.
on Tuesdav, tlie 11th day of Nov., l'fi*?.
Crook, »tat* of O r e g o n , sworn S t a t e m e n t No.
They name as witnesses: F.*l. N. V ’ll He. sions of the act of June 8, 1878, entitled T h « v m im «
witnesses: Fred C.
flU2. for the pu reliase oi the sw**4 “ei It», tp '4*> - ,
r li e.
J«»hu Com lie. Daniel P. Powell, William Marks, “ All act for the sale of tim l«*r lauds lit W h itten , of W issMawn, O regon; Sam­
Julia K Mi*fh«ui*!, of I'rin* ville. i*oiit»ty of of Prineville. Oregon; Tlmma* Watkins, Fran
the statin of California. Oregon. uel It. Johnston. W in lfreil A. W*lt<-ra,
cr»*oh. «fate of Oregon, sworn «lafetnent No
Wv*». fur the pur» ha «e of the ®w *4 se* Î0 tp 2ft a. cl» .1 Ilevin«*. Fd l8»rran.«*f \ll»any. "n f..* ', and Washington Territory.** as exten d ­ Elifialmtli II. Harm on. Eddie !.. lia r-
r P* r.
Jesse R Meeker, of Shaniko. Oregon; Jam* “ ed to all the public hind states by act of nmn. Alliert J. W alters, of p<>rtkw»|,
ch u rl *» ii. Cornett, of Prineville. eoutity
M Hamilton, of \i»te)o|**. Mr*r*wt.
Cr**ok. »tat**»f Oregon, sworn statement No.
An> siel all persons rU nm ing » '1 ^ » » « -
fo r t h * ptin liase of the * w *4 se* If». Ip 2* s
Anv and a!! j»er*«»ns • laiming a»lTrmelv tb* August 4. I8'rj. A II s t i N . Jnbn-oii of
r M e.
ala»\e-desi r1la*«l latnl* ar»* re»jue-te»l to ffle Henson, county of S w ift, stale >.| Min- lv tlie aliove dcscrilied lands are
Kffie H Cornett. **f Prineville. eonnty oi
to tile th eir r ia tti'« in t l i i «
Cr*»»*li, state »*f *»r*g**n “worn statement N.». their elaims hi tht • *»ffi* e **n **r lefiif»- “aid 221»*I n'';t has tills i|^\ tiled ¡11 this office qttestrd
fiii9. f*»r the purr ha“» .»f the nw*, tie* 4. ne14 •laj of O« t., p«rj.
In« sworn statement No. |ilfij, for the office on o f before *ai-4 llt h day of N»*
H « ' , l*»t I. -e* *» “ W ‘ , - e * , -e. |W. 1 1 . » .
f I *
j «ru le r. I«**2.
} M K iim i* I *|i«trr
p*tf' l a o of »be
| .»s
‘A. 4, .^, s.»1^
r i m i tb *N « it » » H e f p r t « » f
H 'f
I M p mi T t i K