D E S C H U T E S ECHO. ¡ninni! tlio-e regions into a fert empire. ITItMSlIKI» KVKHY *ATrKI>AY hv Let the ax fall, Let it fall A, C, PALM KR, heavily; chop up political mediocr- itv into political ohlivion and give I). F. Srs.VTW E n rrn it some abler man a chance. The K. W. Hi t.i illetl . I a V u . mì , t t)_ wiM not )oS(. nor t|1(. j,,.,,,,],. Morrow comity w ill reap a great harvest from the development of Storyettes. Out Of the Onion Sack. these mines, [t is an industry " h .c h will net nmfe to the promo* “ i am going to give up being tt rs and he of- far greater benefit good Matured,” declared John \\\ j to the state than if it were newly The man. with along nose Ought to Oates, mantling his jovial face discovered deposits of gold or otfi- I k * able to gather in the scents ami get with a frown. "W hen Louisville rich in a hlifrV. Kntcred May 31. 1!H)2, at Itemi, < Ire» in ¡t. hilt on the other hand w i i l . ' f plocious met a Is. anil Nashville was going up under I, as scorimi che-» matter, «linier Act of he far better off in its stride« for r|list at present the greater por­ . , Medicinal pills sometimes have sad pressure ot my buying a speculator : thnn|llltB roll0(1 ln!si(ltl ((f thl,m. OongresH of Marcii 3, ln7it. tion of eastern Oregon's popula­ snj n ttiaey with a fair, just and came to me and said: ,t .u . . r . Ik-ruin r> 1:1 r‘‘>‘l*‘‘'t* rag carpets heal impartial sen :t >r engineering the tion is de| endent it pore the forests .say. (o.tes. I want loOOO. I ’ve striking similarities to boarding hoiuw S C R S C K II’TKIN RATES. for its f'ael supply, hut the time is wheels of government. got a sure thing.’ | hash. coming when that sou foe will he IN All« \N< K “ ‘A11 ri«ht> ^ivin« Some men's ti.miglits don't give them cheeked. A coal mine even now *> nk Y kar . 1 .«HJ my check. : much time to think. MORE SCALD BOUNTY TRO C - with the proper transportation fac­ S iv M onths "Next dav he puid the loan re-, .... (' iikkk M on T iis i l i t i e s into districts in which wood , . , . o hen a man shakes hands with a R LE. marking that he had put up the j i l M i p e r t o r , u . i8 l V e l i l l ( , o f is being burned would be a paying S A T U R D A Y , OCTOBER tl> IfKJU. money as margin and cleared near- ,,neof ITu-le Sands eyes. ,, . . . , proposition and Morrow county in ,ake enuntv is all ablaze with *. ... , . . . * I Please Do M ay and Let Him Sleep. time will probably he called upon 1' —-d(H), " ‘ What did you buy?’ I asked.! indignation oyer the recent at- j . . , ' . . . , L E T T H E AX FALL. to supply that demand which is Styv! •L and N.’ he answered with j tempt of its county court to reduce constantly increasing. My name's D eer— a grin. exj discs by setting aside the state The very least that the discovery I T. T. (le e r; scalp bounty law and issuing an . . . , , , - j “ Hang me if he hadh’t bought and development ot the beds can , • , . . Rather queer t ! bVerlibr deer’s political aspira­ order to the county clerk to discon­ .. . . . . .. , the stock with mv money, held it * , * You didn't hear tions toward a scat in the senate1 tinue the issuance of scalp war­ accomplish is the building of a 'against me, and , made me pay two railroad, which in itself will aid Of me arc tilsud as high as they could lie rants. points more for it, taking the $2 - materially in advancing the coun­ Before, findet- the circumstance*. The people of the county believe 000 right out of my own pocket-.” ty’s interests and make of her a I'm governor of the state, I he full reolizntion of hi* am- the court has exceeded to a mark- quit of envy for the other counties # Don’t have much weight bitious dream* Will probably I k - a [ degree its authority in the mat- which do not own a railroad-tie oiC With things political few notches lower, ter and mandamus proceedings are depot or even a water-tank. ! Civil service examinations are Any more; Just how he view* the situation j .¡kely to lie instituted before the - - _■ sometimes thesource of no little But this I ’ll state: himself is :t mattef for conjecture. , ,„.xt session of the circuit court. For Sali— A large and selected There was a test of When the lunatics at Salem meet I’rolitihly he is self satisfied, d ill - 1 As time goes on and the quest ¡tin I'll be there with wariliy he app-ars to he. Per­ of ri pealing the bounty net in or.« variety of Nick Carter’s Hair- ! caml,,laU‘s for the position of park haps he thinks that the letters ad­ form or auother is agitated, tbe raising Detective stories covered grass cutter. The first paper the Both fe e t! A d -! l‘xaminer l,icked 11 ^ «■•oniaiino.l this dressed to - feels safe in a-mn.iug that a j T |u, rt.svl|tf* ,,f the law have hem something in the line of crash j one day when there camtf a chip of j Maybe I'm asleep satisfactory outcome will I»*-the j f»»lt in a lit-iu-lieial manner and uli* gnt>ds. - | distant thunder. She dropped I About this job, But I allowed «ulte of the ««orte he will urn in til such time when it outlive« it« — ------------- ----- i everything and scudded into the The song I ’d *ing gaining the desired end j usefulness it is the desire of t i e j'la- stringency of the money house hut the rain failed to come, j To t*t>t>)iL> that it remain in full force market in Wall street is likely fu | After waiting till she became im- trancing they may h e at present to i on q,,, statutes; Would be l>e relieved somewhat when Russell pidh'iit she went to till* door, look- the possessor are likely to receive' Consequently “ do way hack and f t . '1 Crook county's Sage buys ids new fall hat— ii he td il^ ^*e clouds and called: a hurst of pertinent light when the But now that I think, md likely to adopt the , (j ((0S j ‘-If you’re going to rain why legislature meets. The represent­ Maybe I won't. I same methods of procedure in re-; | don’t you do it? I ve been in la-h- atives there, il is to be Imped, will dueing expenses as has been the Maybe not— ~1 ------------ {t,n minutes!” he tin- exponents and voice of th e' ease in tin-county to the south of No spot A report from Mississippi s tate s1 * * * people, Is a dead sure liiteh us. It may I k - that there is more j that a negro who confessed to an I ,M lid l h in i j ' 1 \ \ And the people of the state as a stlH.k in Crook county which needs ! ,,M crime was burned alive hut mb* arc tired of the political idric j projection, or i, may* be that the was dead when they buried him. of governor t i e r, As the chief ex- ,.olintv rourt a triHl. lnor(, U.vt., ! •* veutive he has served his time R„t either «me wav or! ------------------------ mme too well, The republican tV.»ok county’s people <*........ :*«.:* m - - - ««*:n:....... Stay with it. Mayor Willi aim party is also tired of him, It was want w a |p |aW |,.ft to work there are some interior towns • he political nausea in that purty ! it8 ,.llljr< j llst as it p and as which would be decidedly Letter • e-lilt ing from an ovetMosc of the i , 1U ......i:„ „ ,, ». i . . ,. , . . . ‘ . . . . ...................... long is tbe county continues to he with a little of your whitewash. t u-er "dmiliistratiOn wh.eh aided tlu. Lirtb-plaee of thè father of tla ìnaterially last Ju n e in the elee- |aw their wishes are likelv to U liou of a d»-m«H-ratie g.ivenmr. j nH.llgnizl.tl llluJ reganb*«,, * Portlaml’- coat of whitewash is Now dtK-s flint quali!» increiist- ; ________________ being painted over some black twofoldat bis efforts to rise from -pot««. A ¡rood disinf«*ctant would ,i po-ition la- doe- not tit (•» ime MORROW’S GOAL KIELD*5 lie!]» some. too. • *ut of all proporlion to bis politi­ cai a b ilito sag.teitr and dis- eernim-nt. The diseoverv ,.f coni ili Moriofv The National «Salt company hn- Oregon i- just mUi »-llleiing eounty Hith the -ubseqiient l-stah- ” >ni-into liquidation. (Liglit tola* Upon an era ofgreat ad vam-etueiit ; - LshmHit bf developnu-nt wot k itti a a Lie to buy tbe stuff, at dissolved britmi and extelisive enterptiso s >uud ba-'i-' i- likelv to mark tbe prices iuAv. and iu-w imliistries art* a boli t to o.-ening of a great future foi hoth ----------------- I k - developed; tbe eoutitl'v i* on tlu-distriet itself alni tbe colmir\ tbe v« rge of tbrowing open it- adtoinitìg SM far v«-ry little bis t h e earthquake* down in Mex- ,loor> to tlu- otit-ide world. and in | l»e u publi*»!ii*«l regarding tbe lui* •eo m a v h av e a te n d e n c y to setti«- c.m>«-qu«-net tbe people of tla* state i mensity of fbe deposits wliiell are Ha- unstaple voinlition of their sil­ «vantali ihle re prese» tu tive il» tbe just lH-gÌ!illib|i to 1 k - htleart;,, d; ver tuotiev: semit«— a perso» urlio dt»e* not and it is filli pfobaLle Hl-tt nnlny -t<**q> to politicai smallm-ss. jH-r-'Otis t'Viili*«- «vita! itti etiMftnous * --------- Above all tblligs T 1IK Y WANT bed of fitel Ras L«-Hi ilis« Mvefiàb The j>i- libs carili Vili bad a larg«- A MAN. A coni moduli ex|>eM who bas aHemiane«« of summer squa-be- Tbey want a >e»at««r wln» «vili I k - cii ov«-f liu- fichi <-tintale-« a «le- Kork for tlu- people « ho indir«-« t jmsit itf twcntv Lvo niillion top* to ami ve liow )tenti «ni pumpkins. 1« ci«-« t bini to uHicc, onc whowill tilt* a»'Fe. and ÌR« f:l* t (Hat lite Nel.l t*»- untiring in lo- « tì'ort- to s,-rv« far as ¡mliealiHtfs show eov«-rs Dtli Ila- easti-rn and an area m-arly six mill-s sqmov. or ««<-so-*ti portions of tbe state; and over twcntv thre«- thott*and acre.*», going to , iit off alii^Jetber from itt ' ' ^ e two army olhee.s are to­ * ‘ther th*re ,s a story Until 1m I the civil war furnished the basis for nearly all the stories, and the 1 wat with Spain filled a long felt want in opening a new field ofan- i-ctlote. One story told at General Shatter’s expense is related hv an „• officer on duty at tin- headquarters of the army of invasion, just after the landing of tin- American forces in Cuba. The troops with all their pai- aphcfnalia of war had landed and were awaiting tbe order to advance on Santiago. Staff' officers wen- busy carrying out the details for the advance and everywhere there was hurry and bustle: Shatter was 1\ ing in a hammock in front of bis headquarter- at Sibom-v. while a hundred yards down tbe road ,h‘‘ m" n ' ” u‘ “ w-,r cor^ Wt‘ri\ ’«»Homi p n p . u i - And a cinch Kora fellow I'nless he doe*» Sit On it, Any way i Some day I'll think some more Before The legislator« meet, So please go way And let me sleep Kn.il then. When. I'd wake up and find Myself an “ it " Again.— Bv hen' D. F. S. silk siipjtl'li i)„ It. They are telling tit*? storv at the Reading Room at Xewjkirt : One of the tory to inakm* the firs* t e n s i o n . m,„t „nviahD .Va,eheH;: the country Without warning, til»* fop-s vWte(, „manw, rutllt,r ^ r)v om. which held tt raptire parte,1 and momi.ijf |rt{e1f Beingmindtte.1 to the tbe ballo«m, Ralf inHated and look- cottage, the Ì„lpetno,W young man m- t,>r Wl ’d brushed aside thè butler rtnd railed ii|>- and legs of it gigantic fat man, s t a ir­ ti starieti d«*wn tlo* forni toward San- «* I Vri,- von tlu,n; i,eilcld|ie'? Her lingo. There w,t« ju«t ‘ nRugll gas i3lp> 1Vlleh.,V. in it to keep it upright without t., Y es" c.dtti* the liukwer, tf,S’lr . fr*,in e n tire ly c le a rin g tb e f»thund, and the nn^ . n {^ir ^ it went teibbituf alh n g. up and -Thr.i lii.rrt , U „ Ptairs. dear girl ’ dow n, a - though i* w.-re w alkin g. “ Oh, Ned,Re," site replied. :-ì cant a** A n e g r o s o ld .i t pasVih^ ài Ing at lU„ „ n(hf. I !„, lWt itt h, t tuh.. th at m om en t M t Mm fa llite ti am i ,.slip M *Vr|W ^ { hot « ho after -am tioiuiig tla- jfiV»-s nxini fMf *Mtt»e i-x?» R-tivc ?!„• i-ovotc Ibüihfv iaw 'L-velopm^ht of Ma* gn-at arivi di-- iiguflhg as lo tht- ¡itiiOMbt «*f eoa! tr a ts « ili Li- HtAucncv to « Lielt «an l«e tal»*-M Ruf and tla- si,o u te,l at the tR|l t*f hi# rb .e e : „„ns on a„K Rl.i ,h i„ g. Luhditap -«t»*| rsf.lrd tla- indu-tri.il length oftirn»- il M-ltlsiipplv all tla l-nMll lalc-t i>pRfl* tb« c v a l. " H i , d a f! MtieW Nffl Hiu*’ lw t J f „ ,ic .nie * « ■ _ " »nOTswiSUt* gb|sl» Vi)) r» - d»-ninnd- liiMft il- . »Hilt* litis nh*dd MtFfifti lt-»i( hilt. nian prin’ fur do front*” j l-*>k M iffed oil the top Step.— Ev* u h - t