The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, October 11, 1902, Image 1

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    VOL. I.
f VT If 1 1 » o r - . . — . a .
Miss Minnie Birdscng Is Injured
Census Department at W ashing­
Branch Office,
Echoes Along the Deschutes«
•I. W . Hop ;»s i as
vibe the 1 ir-»• i >!
I*'. 11. Mai
from i*
Inisiness trip to Priin ville.
M. K. Brii.k
i :i * • i*ne out from
FrinevilU* tin* i. .*
i» a
*> locate on it
tiadier elaii
V/hile Riding Through the
Requests Reports From
tli • week.
Brink was an. i.*lii;: t.■ business
Those Engaged in Irrigation.
1’erei I'in i - a n - o\er from Sisters the’
Miss Minnie Birdsong was pnin-
fully injured Monday afternoon by
being thrown from a horse against
a tree.
The voting ladv was with her
parents aim a party ot young peo­
ple and was returning from an out­
ing up the Deschutes river when
the accident occurred. She had
ridden ahead o f the wagon in which
the party was riding and wn>
aboitt to go around a tree win n tin*
horse suddenly shied throwing tin
rider against the tree with terr.ti,
force. Tin* young woman received
the full force o f tlu* blow across the
pit of her stomach.
A carriage was s«»nt from the
Bend and the injur»d girl brought
down as comfortably as possible.
No holies were broken and unless
there are internal injuries nothing
serious will result. Th»» young
lady was confined to her bed for
several days but was wdl enough
*n leave the Inst »if the week for
la*r home unit Plinevillp*.
first of tin* week
husiness mailers.
This office is in receipt of the
following communication which
Ml*, ami Mis i.itoeli t'yn is ami Mr
g«K‘S to show the thoroughness
ami Mrs. t ieorwe Taylor of Sisters were
* with which the government is pre­
in Beni! Salur.lay attemling to laml
paring itself I k * fore putting irriga­
1 keep a full line of all ueiv.v-ku'y blank4 for the purchase of gov­
.Mrs. I*,. It. Riley lu.s lease,i tin* Pilot
Washington, Sept. 2(1. 11)02.—
Butte Hotel ami will open it to the
ernment lands under the Timber and Stone Act, as well as
The growing demand for water
pubhe ilie lirwt of tin* week. I'a rp eu '
other law of the United States, and naving had many years experience for irrigation purposes emphasizes
ters have I rumi al work on tin* liuililing
(he need of more detailed informa­
«luring tin* past week iimkiug «.»me im
am entirely familiar with the mode of procedure to acquire title to
tion concerning the results aid
provemeuts ami athlitious.
»«me, and also to all classes of State land; will make all original ap­ methods of irrigation from artesian
and surface waters. The census
Postal luspeetor Ball was out llu-
plications and proofs. Special attention given to Homestead entries
of 185)5) showed that (lie at‘<*a irri­
lirst ol tin* week to look into affairs at
gated from wells is greatly in­
tin* BemI postolfiee.
and tl.enurehase of Desert, School and other lands.
creasing, and that tin* results in
\\ . 11. Slants Inis i lie plalis .Ira k ii fo*
most section« of the country are
a new toiirteen room InuiiliiiK, eoiistrm*
eminently sntis.aetory. Approxi­
lion work oil wliicli will begin dm
mately 18b.(XX) acres were ifrig, t-
mg the coming week. Tin* new “ slim
| ad in that year from wells, tin
iiii'i* h otel" will he Imilt on the hank ei
Valuable information furnished regarding most prom ising oil value of the irrigated crops rang-*
the Heselmtes liver near the | ost-otliee
| ing from $‘>() to ♦10L0 per acre.
ami w lien eomplete I will he one of tin*
prospects yet found in Oregon.
In the humid dates well iiriga-
ilnest huilditigs in Bend.
j tion is utilize,« to sli| | ienu lit <la
j insufficient Fit in tall during early;
1*5.1 Dorgon was an Albany visitor tin
spiMhg and summer. In the west
li 1st of I In* week.
, tilt* water pumped Bom w*. lis in­
II. \V. t'nrlin anil wife. (i. \V. Null
sures the home g hlvn anil the PRECIOUS STCNEs IN HARNEY.
Aiilies nhd htiilihjf ¡»tbit'k bought ¡tiki Soldi facilities lihexcclleil
and wile, and f . B*. .loluison were ove*
from Sisters o.i Tuesilny to make limt*
for handling same-.
thmugha rainless season.
proof on their timber clnims.
In California. Colorado, Louisia­
na, Florida and several otlu r stati .- A»ch Field ( kfw cd to l ave Tern
Pinnk I lo Ison left \\ »*.lm*s.|,iy *’%
<l»‘ waters of flowing artesiai
» isit with relatives at Si«t *rs.
wells are successfully appliid to
lotr.don Crane Cieck.
\V. II. I was
An extensive list of real estate, consisting of tuw'.i b'ts anil h'uises; large area-’ or are used to augment
Thursday on his way to his home al
the shortage in the streams during
farms, improved and unimproved; stock ranches; lands of all kind« in
A report comes to Fend fri m l.nva. lit» has just returned from In
the irrigating season. In order to
dependence, Oregon, where he lias lice*'
tracts large or small.
Options given and tak-n- ft yon haVo pf-'perty obtain the important facts relat­ Burns that lì* S. Rutherford and
superintend!ng a large hop-held. Mi
ing to irrigation from these sources tore»» other men lonnecteu with
for Mile or if you wish to buy, * ¡ill Or write.
I lollmshead says the I i i i I k ot the hop
the Census office will soon semi out ; lu* C. B. A’
li. li. while excavat­ in 11 in t vieinity have heen contraeteo
! inquiries to irrigators fr»>oi wells,
ing for fire-clay oil Collie em k for at - - rents per pound and that !l»a
whose names were reported by the
struck a bed of rhyolite tuff in price of the |>r. m liii*t is likely to in» eon *
enumerators. A-this list i« not
sidcrahH inixeess of ttei» hgiirn *>. •
complete, the director ask* that which were found sapphires, mm n-
lore the season's yield has he.*» entire!,
Mv office in FiitioViU'e is th*» h»*ot equipped Law, Land and Beal irrigators wb»*il<> not receive these stoiics ai d other precious stones*. sold
ioquiries will s«*nd their na»l*es to
Tin* Lakevie.v Examiner in com­
lists«te office in Eastern Ofegon. ahd consists of a suite of font large Mr. L. (*. I’oiV"'-. Chief ^Matistl-
menting on the find says: " It is I The rortter St'»»!« to *lu* *«*«• d*str;' *
r o o m s that have been fqtbciitlly furnished and fitted for the comfort eian, Census Office, Washington. told on the streets of Boros that seliool In'ose was laid Wednesday after
D. ( ’., and blanks will be mailed
Work on tin* new building wih
one of the specimens wa« «old in
Of patrons and fdr tile convenient transaction of business •Persons to them at onci*.
I k ; pushed as rapid ly as possible until
it i- nl«o told
It is n qtiesti*' 1 that ail w 1 1 1 * rr- New York for $J">.
eompleted. It is expected that the new
intending to locate Ob lahtl? i»i ( ’rook county are itivilvd to call and ex­
eeive the•sc impiiries a»!*»wt r t I m that Tiffany, the reuo*u**<i Ni w seats and lix lm es w*H lie here in plent,'
amine my maps and pint*— the latest and last. Str ingers coming to same as fully :tml neeuFateiy ¡1*“
't'ork ji-welh r had b»*i*tt ealled to of time so tlmt mi delay will ocelli’ I >
l 'rook county to locate Will I k * cordially Welcomed and any assistance
u t th«*se stones and *h * In* pro- thr«*,\ imr open the l.iiilding to t h '
the ( ’«it» US tiff¡1*1
uoiinei'd them genuiio». -Most i f pupils st the heginliinv of the w h ite'
hccc-snry always cheerfully fend« red
term wliieli n.InliiHliu*« the sei*bml wee.
the stories that have |*>«»n found
O il Lands.
Minss and Mining Stocks*
Real Estate for Sale.
Latest Sorli lilt»
Bend Office.
Ileinl's**t * ir I.*? (« "\Ve Walkwl
Ilni'lc Htinit* tii (I Ihist’ e* Bliag ia a
ilaet bv Ms* \V. II. Sta«** ami Mrs.
This office i- the nearest Land (iiTn'R to tin* U'lti.ei iifelts of Crock AI1 i '* h BemiSr \\ «•«ln»»"'»l»>y* »iff«»: nomi
tlu* ( vii hai»*- wei.t >bivinti <ilt!i a team
und Klamath counties. I.o*,« t e i ‘ tUi’l Btlief:* «Billing to Bend nlwavs nf hlgh-liVe»! aio al«. Tour lyiies oli
ia tln-il<*si*rt they tifi tiii* li*irsi*« t»> a
make this office their headquarter?-*;»*» invitation is s*»|»erfiuou«.
juniper ir-*i* ami -at down a 'hort dis-
tjimi* nwny t*i ia «y t)i<» rno| Uri* -re ni
tilt* alterno, m an-i t•-11 «{..rii*«aÌM.'»i *li»*iV
msighbdrs. Tlii ir |K»iu*i*fui rert w». -
linikeii Iute t»i«fort» mauy inliiat.*« Rad
j.;f-f | l.v ti.«» tram beeakimr tic* l.n'ter
Unit the niiove'.namcd nfitci's ¡ire th»* pined e-h» r** tie* LAND ropettmi n.Hktnv a r»1a far liomc, wWI**
BUSINESS of (Took county is transacted nitty p «>li!y la* d»*inon-trat-
* d ’ v one glance af M»*» new«}»*«js*rs of Uiodk ctiuhHy*.
. c. P a l m
filin i ¡111(1 flit l!«* * ril*« of * * \ \ II« «I ' U l C
h u r le I a g a in -t thi* r 'iK iik • »f • iis-t
«l< m t 7 '. ih I. . M •» flin t e v e n in * **»»•
m *àrlil«.rs ii«**tr t*.** Sta«** re-».t-*m*.*
W.-re a-ti»iii«l.'**l to l.'»tr in tln» d a rk in«**
« im lodi»»*»« aio» a m i «< iirn n o r i e h e '
w h ic h n»n I*k** t ih*
lO'nr* r»,ml»*r 1 » *» !»'*'«»■ *.» <»«r li«*m«.i'.
Wt’rl l»u*»xrT !■'■* »... tiXk.l ..«* «
U. S. Commissioner arti Attorney-a, LavV.
W .'r * ...r iiliit « I ih» » h i -
Two ; •»étions of land
I hcii located by ih" orighinl qctir-
tet Of diO'in *»t»**n» ”
The ( ’»dnmbis S»»uth»»r»i engineers
li rusted in th** field it •- »/»me ¡nst
to | iif* **t the organization of a,
company which will lint** a e.ipit-
work on *l.e per iiihik - ii I t.«*atioii of tlu-i’
jierteit *tie work
A tart»«* and
I’*«* *l**triet in
nr»* at *
>>rk ¡ « a rich
w » re found *li»*r<* »” nn*
li en
ts a sapr.ltirt» valrn-d a*
which s,..nis* «»»>nu *'h:it
fa ir y -lik e
m a y have a mon* solistai tini fiain-
• I k * on than is «■ n*»ntlly
*ia *
during the past
M** 8 ta«t* gixes mit tha*
overall« or pant-.
In* <t««*“ i i ’t kn»»w n nii'li. tuis «!*»> take*»
off with a nnmlier »»f ehM'ken*.
an d opals
n*e l.irg.»st sfitJHf taken Or|t »o
tak in g
I»» eompleteil I
cr»n*snme sen-otter
a laml-otter wearing
w h i'f*
is .*»
taken half ad..«»*n »Itoroiiwlihrisf .♦•*• L *
few nortit“ .
in *)n* f'ir»ii»*raiii e *if exten­
.his |>o»nt l»v He* tiist »if N'lvemher
aiaatb'M sufiieient to m»*»** all ii. -
sive operations
extension to Bend, are workfi*g several
miles srtntli <*l ('rooked river.
it is «aid that me* of th** men bi­
f*f a lue. i n II,
I «Vr ncHitlly Imo Irti*., i « » Ir— ..»«*•
are simili, hut they are el**ar
A. ( ' Hampton has | m *»* o
the east week in Priueville attemling
the teacher« iunveiithiii
.l»na»s Vi l i r e , m t n g and wife o f Th-
I hill'»«. w*r*» le'r*' » I m * la«t .a the we»»k t •
l.«*a*^ Hn t*nili**r elain.s.
Kr«r*t; /«»II ha« ri*tiirm»d from a hn-i,
lie«* trit* through the northern portion*
of »'¡»|i|,.ri**a