The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, October 04, 1902, Image 2

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    D E S C H U T E S ECH O .
1). F. S t i: K f a .............
K. W . II K l . M UI II
uriti products.
cümplote developu. . - !
'> m
Il i 'Vili
Granted tlif fuir Is a success this rrii part of the conritr;
will in all probability he establish- j where now only
Congress of Milrih 3, 1S7W.
, .
amount ought
to be worth
. ....
.7 5
.................................. 5o
been government'.-
the irrigation, in
opportunity to arouse outs id
! terest in the countv
ii>*; consolation
it' government n
R A T I’ RIJAY, OCTOIlkit I, 100*2. marketable goods lies now in the pace but evei
¡hands of thus • who have rnerchan-
Twentv vi­
li ise and livestock to exhibit. I'p- Iru.nt cousin ;i
; on tin* exhibitors depends largely reservoirs we-
i tin- succi'sV or failure of the enter- progress, bat tl,
Tliat contingent of the democrat­
ic party which is sharpening its , l"'1'*'-
•ix on the trust ipicstion, expecting!
¡’ lock raisers especially are prom
to do Pome slashing effects in the to think that perhaps their stock
next national campaign is likely lias not been fed and fostered long
to receive a decided set-back if the
enough before hand to make a goon
present ruler of the ITiitcd States
showing. Tin* idea is erron-oiis.
lias a voice at the time when tin
republican “ platform is adopted. ^ ^ b e general showing
1 rum his i ■< i- 1 .t speeches, ami wanted. The exhibits of five dozer
tival m tne vieinitv
* of her
the the day to p:
j displayed to advantage and
piown reader
."oe hail valiantly boasting
The pawn-shop keeper is very partial
r' ‘d- oi the manifold advantages of be-j to men who have redeeming traits.
,j,t longing to her family, and had
managed to hold her own against; i tHa wise digestive apparatus tha<
1 uc vainglorious and ingenious knows how to handle green cucumber.«
. discourses of her companions, j satisfactorily in hot weather.
im t’iiev had gone from clothes to
■‘ U:e appearances, then to iu­
The average mother-in-law generally
te! ioi furnishings, then to the num- ( reaches for a dictionary ami looks up
i rn- lu r ot t:)11> of coal consumed »tl the the WOnl grandmother when her daugh-
ami , iiome of each during the last win-1 ter gets married.
ter and finally brought up at par- ;
" i-ntal dignity. The ministers little ; “ Willie,” said the anxious mother
com- jriri boasted!
I to her live-year-old vvlio was troubled
■ ii be
"livery package that comes for ! with weak stomach, ‘‘Papa wouldn't
like to have you eat all those apples.”
r, and my pa puis marked '!). D.
“ I know it,” said Willie, “ he’d like
lili the
“ Aid every package that comes
The products and stoca- of nus results to i
this county have never yet
Six M o n t h s
T ukkk M on t hs
Out Of the Orion Sack.
,. ij, ' iuva:-. iiiadc by a tot of the fam-
mau daw a in Cincinnati named
r_ i>v \\ i.o was one of a party l'f lit- Naught has put himseif on record as
tie g:r,.~ ala recent strawberry fes- ¡faying that there is nothing in a name.
E ditor ed with Crook county as the center ; of life e*ist.
ll w
M anaokh ot operations,
A o.««-
Entered May 3l. l!i»2( ut Head, tire, means an annual appropriation of the east,
feiln, ils second c U ish mutter, under A‘‘t of trnm tl.t* state of 91500. This
It st erns .......
O xk Y kah .....
nV year a new agricultural district make homes for
pleted in ; ni- - •
in s v sterna .a
tin- results - ;i
!11( t angiui.
of the . r U1.v l,ilP:l i-- marked 'M. D.,’ ” to eat them himself.”
¡reiorndtlie daughter of a physiei-
present time.
“ I notiee,” said the stranger to tin-
I an of the neighborhood.
farmer who was the proud father of
I 1 lien came a fine snort of con-
tempt from the heroine of this an- fourteen sons, “ that each of your sous
.St 1 >I >! Colorado cciiote.
“ Huh,” she exclaimed, lias the initials of E. P. U. Barnstable.
judging, too, from the disposition j stockmen whose eattle and sheep
"every package that collies to our ! " ill you kindly enlighteu me regarding
fxpresssed by the various |lfu ft triJ1(l |a.|ow t|„, USUi,l stan­ lest, tin- will of 'O. I 1 1 ■ multi-mill- 1 house is marked ‘C. <). D.’ There ! :1‘e peculiarity.?”
ninnili- fatlu e i t - • ■ -editors will 1
cam state conventions during tin-
“ Nothing easier,” said tiie mail of the
dard will speak better for the coun­ pay him the -m* < one million -
past few months it looks as it the
soil, “ they all have the name of E.
ty and make a better showing t!i 1 I I loi la rs. lie oil., ,t to in­
King Edward, Wh'h- staving as Phinlms ITium Barnstable.”
republicans iln-niselvcs will be ful­
ly capable of handllhg this ques- merely the exhibits of a few who .- -ret through the coming winter on |n guest at a certain country man-
amount without suffering • sion a few months ago entered
tion to the entire satisfaction of Un- stock is fed and curried for him liiut
Wonder if She’d Ever Be Long?
] the villag» school one morning
American people.
A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mrs.
quite unexpectedly, and in his B. Short hist Sunday.— Klamath Uo-
In Ids speech
at Providence,
Let every stock raiser and :gri-
usual pleasant way asked the chil­ publiean.
R. I. last week the president said:
culturist in the county contributi
a few questions.
Hr. Littlefield of Virginia has
“ The corporations, and, there­
“ Now my young friends,” said
discovered a .. saline powder that
fore, those great corporations con­
will bring the dead to life. That's
Now do we life enjoy again,
taining tendency to monopoly,
which we have grown to speak of eiiee and aid which lie lends t Ili.- very good, doctor, hut some of say some of von can tell me the And pleasure in things take,
hither loosely as trusts, are tin- year will revert to b ii- own good in tin m are better off where thev are. names of a few of oar greatest The buzzing sounds of warmer days
j kings and queens, eh?”
treat u res of the state, and the state t lie future v. hen the annua! fairs
Are left in summer's wake;
With one accord they cried out,
Dot only has the right to control
, if’
can be bandied on n larger and
“ King Alfred and Queen Victoria, O n » more our nerves all quiet get,
them, but it Is in duty bound to
It is said that an air ship has
broader scale vv ith a sufficient iip-
control vln-ni whenever the need
The tanglefoot is “ nit,”
1 ii'i-ii sailing over London the past
Just then a tiny slip of a boy We do not now the children tell
lot- sut'li eontrol is shown. There
few days, but no one can verify the
to whom the teacher had whisper­ “ Be careful where you sit.”
is clharlv a need of supervision. sure success.
intiment oii'lieeount ,of the fog.
something, stood up and rais­
Tile slltlieii-nt Warrant for it is to
be found over and over again in
Once more we sleep till late in morn
The Chinese Boxers have again
“ I)o you know another, my boy?”
any of the various evil? •c'Hiltihg
ROSi-.S IX 'i'll i: HESE RTS.
Then peacefully eat and sup,
, taken up the manly art of self de­ asked the king.
from I lie |,resent system, or rather
| The chiding blasts of autumn days
“ Yes, your majesty— King Ed­
fense. So far they have succeeded
lack of system.
I Die ¡lies have all “ friz” up.
m putting about six hundred of ward V I L ”
" I believe that the nation must
Answers to Queries.
His majesty laughed anil again
assume this power of control by
There is some satisfaction in their neighbors out of the ring.
M. P>. If.—This column cannot gUv
asked: “ What great act lias King
legislation, ami if it becomes evident noting the fact that the fund with
for face washes except plain
Edward V II, done, pray?”
that the constitution will not per­
And the railroad— well, the lost
which the Rational government
The hoy lowered his head and
mit needed legislation, then by
is to carry on its Irrigation dt vel- contracts, tor the return of which stammered out: “ I don’t know,
constitutional amendment.
the reward of a doughnut was offer­
It. W. (».— No. Shakespeare neher
your majesty.”
immediate need in dealing with ' pnieiits in the arid Ha t. rn dis- teli, haven't been found vet.
“ Don’t lie distressed, my lad, I chewed his cabbage hut once, hut we
trusts is to place them under the riets has already reached the sun,
don’ t know, either,” said the gra­ find on looking the matter up that he
real, not nominal control of some of eight million dollars. This
had sour stomach as a result.
cious king, smiling.
sovereign, and in my judgment amount has l>een derived from toe
The lone robher who blew up the
this sovereign must be the nation­
sale of the government domain liana m Mtaguav and accidentally
A member of parliament is said
(L H. F. (Not a girl.;—Stand on your
al government.”
since tin- Ni'vvlalids hill went ini<- (win d himself ev¡d en tally d id n ’t to It- circulating about the Lon don j head und shake yourself real well and
The trust question is about tin*
tauu on the "s a fe ” side.
J clubs a type written copy of an ep- the fifteen cents you lost uiay drop
ttillv question upon which the dcin- effect, and will steadily increase,
__ _____________ itaph which he solemnly swears is out.
Hehits Have built any hopes of cur­ Oregon just now adding large stuns
intended for John Pierpont Mor-
b in g mil a successful campaign each month.
Csa/.ovinni Sprazzignzki, a Pole j uan, nmi shriuld be taken by him
J. A. S.—W e don't know for sure
two vents* hence, ami from the pres-
—t l i v i n g
in ( liicugo, I.***
*ei.t to L , „ w a rn il.* not t„ » .¡» l, 1.1» I » l * , l * , , 1 .« „ „ „ ouM
t-nt position and attitude of the re­
the insane a.-y u.m.
N o wonder, world grahhing enterprises too far. | you might ask her sister ami find out
publicans it looks as if tin* latter taken m the construction of reset* with
a name I ikc that.
voirs, and canals is rather difficult
The epitaph is as follows:
what the temperature of your stand in
vv ill have the tinner hold of the two
‘ Here lies his head at lust upon register«,
w ben it comes to being elected to
this earth;
active and definite moves for the that there are field parties in thir­
No o i h ' s kicking against the :
He now belongs to what he made
M. A. K.— ’les, as a rule uniat of men
suppression of the evil, »'o far tin teen of tin* western states. Pro­ weather now except the man who,
his own;
ú*\e a great ileal of n-.-qiei-t for a mule’s
republican party is the only one f „ >or y H . Nowell, who is ibì- ■ .-ells ice and the one compelled to
He bought the world for what he ( bbvis. Especially tf they are behind
which has attempted to handle tin-
liuv coal.
chief engineer in charge of the re­
thought it worth,
monopolistic tendencies in the
clamation of the arid lands, sui­
I'nited States, and presetit Indica­
It’s a possibility that la*ef is n*
ning tilings alone!’1
SulmerilH-r.— You were mistaken. D
tion- do rot point toward a trans­ tin' examinations and surveys
I k * many
's \er> iuqiolite to use a corn-knits
It is told of former governor
fer of the argument into the hands which have been made the past
eattle down at the countv fair.
Hogg, of Texas that he had a fav- ‘ * " * v* tiu* corn frb,n tlie
bf the democrats.
summer will be submitted to tlie
orite waiter in a Washington hotel >
secrctary of the interior for trans­
inquirer.— We ,1„ i„,t know of any
Speaking of irrigation in Crook and always gave the black a dollar
irrigation t-onipunies in this vieinitv
mittal to congress in December, and
countv, it's about as drv a subject after eating. Hi* missed Kani from
«elling watered stin k. The iiiet is they
that actual construction wo rK ,f> . s the desert itself.
| behind him ont? evening, at dinner .
. .
liave nt enough
nough whter to float ten cents
likely to la-gin next year.
which was served by a (thing? ne-
worth o* st.s k to say nothing of water-
He Udieves that the Inm!» to be
gro. As Hogg pushed Back his ing it.
Attention lias been called by the
reclaimed in the west which are
^ 1 ^ ‘ ker Henderson must W i chair, indorsed the Cheek fhr the
tmijority ••( tlie county newspapers
■ ,
. ■
sorrv bv this time that he ever meal and reached into Ids pocket
,, .
now worthless will ultimately U-
* *
I. («. k.—If you have that recipe f..r
to the necessity of a good sKiwInC
for a coin, he if«kM ♦Id- waiteri
. , „ . 1 , Iron. 1 « .
♦ 10 »
» 1 . 1 . 1 , .ill ,'U - da,.
"Whete’s Siiitli?”
at the county fair which M il be
»ml that the |m»l.<«-t‘ will mc . i . ».>■
" • ' done
■ ' ' i lh-'
. J yo’ • sali.”
• ••
A**1“* " " “ iU
“ Sani’s
held in Pfinevillc the middle of
The president’s calf which was
sent in.
aide the settlers to nav off the cost i
, •
. ,
"L o st nié,” saiU Hoçg. bew jlder-
1 •
tnjim-il in the street-car accident
tin bihtith
Further urging hi ♦he
j N. M. L.— If von will say aloud D»
i*.,,,.,* to
*.» ieri w
liiftttt t shonhl U- uiinee»-ssary if , ix-r
1 acre for ret tarnation, although
*he me f»ti f^am played ymirseff, ‘ g.s»-t morning, have you used
wj.. » „
- • .
. ;
government will ernnt them h
the l'rrqs-f mnount o» interest is I
poknh las night
^*ain w us a-los i n IVar's wüp ' xiUp u ..ridi g ut*.i'Haing
taken toe tlio.-e who vidi MeriH-the ; 1*
lt n .',ur' ,n whi» h to . .in-
dt*a the pn-sldent.
anil finally w*-ii* hrok'*. Dt-n lie it will gne _\<-h tiie <1 «iris! sunny di«*
must giiiid till* th*. bulk hi the ad-
vertising wliii-H ’'^.' h at» exhibit
Will aive *h tl *
•ievea if the Scheme is sueee-sfullv
admlt»istfcreti *t kill ?s*hit in the*
\ o *
says to «»•-. he’d jù s’ Het yo ’ against I js.snMd h-r « '
twiwdolluha«wuth of chij»*, sali;
ffhd the jwoplo
! Sam — well Sam jus’ dhne lo*’
Mtefgh H . « ’1
h vm. pin.
.i y g