The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, September 13, 1902, Image 7

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    111-1. for the purchase of the ne14 sec £ 1. tp i t »,
r » ».
Anua L. Sumner, o f Cross Keys, county of
. CriNik, sworn statement No. Ilia, f ir the pur*
f i l i m i State* Lami Offici*, LaUevlew, Oregon. disse of the
sw*4 sec i l , w|, Iiw 'j sec 3.1, Ip
Augast 1903.—NiK lee i» hereby given lim i in i l ». r » e,
«••>n>i>liHiit'e w iih llir |itiiVi»liiiN ni tin-m l nf
That thev w ill offer proni lo s h o w that the
.lune a. 1H7H, eulitUM, “ An m l inf the »nie :i( laud sought Is more valuable for '*» urli her or
tinitier lauds in (h e « » w nl ('H llfn w in. Ore­ stone m an lor agricultural purposes, ami 10
gon, X ivaila. mill W M hiligtolt T e rrito ry ," ns establish their claim 10 said land,!*efore A. C.
externlM to « I l the public lumi «im e » by mt of I'almer, 1*. S. Commissioner, at Priuevtlle, Ore-
August 1, lsiiJ. d ie billow in g named p in o li» gou. on Holiday, the i f i l i day 01 October,
have till* <Uy lileil in tilia ofiiiu th iir » « o r li limi.
They name as witnesses: John Combs,
» I « I ein H it», to-w ll :
'filia n «« .1. Hammer, nf rortlHtirt, inni K W h *I i > John A. Sumner, Kltxa Jane Sumner, o f Prlne-
Inguai 81., I'ouniy of M iiliuoniah, »la ir of Ore­ villc, Oregon : Jesse Witldom, of Haystack.
gon. »w orn Ktiiteim-ut No. 1W1, for the pur- Oregon; Joseph Marceau, o f Itoslaiiii, O recoil ;
i-hase ol liie »'-, liw 1«, iie*4 n v ) p ñv» *4 lie '* see Thomas V. Slim Her. Anils !.. Sunnier, o f *¿*0«»
Keys, Oregon.
2. 1 , Ip 'il », rile.
Mary T. W a'ker, of ikl S’ filli at., Portland,
Any aud all persons claim ing adversely the
eouuty nf Multnomah, Slate of Oregon. »w orn alto ve described lands are rcquesnil in Hie
»taleinelil No. limi, for t ill purchase of the e ', their elaints In this office on or before said
Se'4. se 4 ne* ». »ee ili, nw' 4 »w *4 sec ill. Ip i l », 37th .lay of October, 11«
K. M. Ha iT T . u a , Register.
I- 11 e.
Kolierl J. Walker, of lUI N nth »I.,
com ity ol Multnomah, »tate Of <lre|p>li| sworn
sta einent No. 1107, for the purchasettf thè e*t
tn v'4. w '.j lie1., sec ili, tp i l ». r 11 e.
Hammer, o f lin i K Washington sto
Port lami, <nunty o f Mult nomali, state of Ore*
r o ii , sworn ataieineut No. ling, for the purchase
nf the e*.j sw*4, w ' j sc V,. »ec üi, tp i l s, r 11 c.
That they w ill offer proof in show that Hie
lami sought is more valuable for its tim ber nr
Slone III 111 for agricultural “purposes, ami to
establish their claim to salii Inibì before A.
Palm er. I*. S. Commissioner, at P rin eville,
Oregon, on Friday, th ei4 th illly of Octoberi
Th ey name as witnesses: F, II. Marioli,
Louis M. Anderson, nf Bnaland, Oregon:
Thomas J. Hammer, Mary T. Walker, Hubert
if. Walker, Anna C. Hammer, o f Pofllttild, Ore­
Any aud all persons claim ing adversely the
above described lands are requstpd to tile liclr
claim s iu this office on or before said i l i h day
o f Oct., listi.
K. M. linvttAta, Register.
T im nun L a n d
n o t ic e .
I’ nited States I-and office.
U k e r it v .
August 2, 11*13.—Notice is hereby given
that in com pliance with the provisions o f the
act of Ju n e1 8 7 K , entitled “ An act for the
i sale of tim ber lands in fhe stales of C alifornia,
, Oregon, Nevada and W ashington Territory, as
extended to nil the piddle land slates liy act of
August 4, i*!*2, the follow in g persons have this
day Hied ill tills office Iheir sworil statem ents
tn -w lt:
Harry Sliiitt», o f ShatilkO, county of
" »fa te of Oregoll, sworn statement No. 1112, for
the purchase of the s ', nf »1, sec W, tp 24 ». r
• 11 e.
Samuel L. Perkins, of Shnhiko, county of
Wasco, state of Oregon, sworti statement
111:1, for the purchase of the n 'j
nw*4 m v*4 sec 14, »w *, « « • ', sec 11, tp 24 », r i l e .
f ilit e l i States Land Office, t.akbviy.v, Oregon
August i li»ri:—Notice is hereby given that in
com pllailci. w ith thé provisions of ih e act of
June :l, 1878 en litlcd “ An act for flic sale of
tim ber lands in the states of California, Ore­
gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as
extended lo all Ihe publie land stales by act of
August 4, 18U3, the follow in g persons have this
day Hied in tliia office I heir sworn statement*
to-wit :
klixa Jane Sumtier. Ilf P H n eville. county of
C, slate o f Oregon, sworn Statement No.
1111, for the purchase Of the Uw ' 4 sec Üb tp 21
s, r !> e.
Thomas V. Sumner, of Cross Keys, coil in y of
Crook, slate of Oregon, sworn statement No.
Virra <\>!nbs, nf INtrllrtil'l, rnnntv nf Muìtun -
mali, stali*ni Or.)gnu. swortistulviitrul No.
fnr tlu* purrlmst* ni tilt» i*1 a in** t, sor rii, w )v
ttw1 * m * :t2, tp 21 k . r *.» r.
Owi»n li. C’yrim, nf Svi**, rnuuty nf Lim i.
<’oUKr%*** «»! JlllH* J, 1H7R, t*litilU*«l “ An ttcl fnr
Mlatr nf Orrgnli. Bivnrn stHtrmvnt No. 1U51, ini
ih r Rrtlv nf tim lmi«U in ih r *t«u**i»f i ' m Ü-
tlir pntrhrtPr nf thr loti)
m v Ih, lj>24 s
fnmiH, Ort^nn, S>VM<lrti h ii «1 W e llin g to n Tt*r-
rilnry ** mt rxiruriisl in h II tlu» pwblir lun.l r 11 r.
Frank Morri*« ni Sviti, roiinty nf L in o , stai*
*tatr* by m t nf August I, 1*92, Harlan 1'. < huk I*
man, of Whitewater, county of Walwor:h. »¡ate nf Orrgnii, N o n i al Mirili flit No» 111**2. fnr tlu
of Wise..usili, lia» this day Hle.1 ill this ortî.-e his I'tireliase of the lois 11, 12, 14, 11, .ve li*, Ip 21
sworn statement No. UBS, for ih e pur. base of r **
Kthel M. Morris, of Scio, county of Linn stat
the s’ .4 tie' 4 , ue*, se' 4 sta- 11, »W* , IlW*4 sec I I. ip
No 21S. Range No. H K. IV. M., and will . tfftr of Oregon, sworn statemeut No. lala, fur tlu j
posit to show Ihal the I m lid sought i* more purchase of the lots 7, lo, II, 10, sec 7, Ip 21 ->
Any ami all ( « tsphis claiming diversely
the aUivc-doecrilpcil lamia are r»>.[iieste«l
.ip tile their elaima iu tliia ortiee on oi*
H'fure «.till l.vth day of Novemln'r, UK*2.
pun-base of the e ^ lie14, i:i, 21. 11, 11L. n w ^ 01 ;
I ’ n it e il S ta te * Littnl O ffic ii, L u k c v ic w
section No. IS, in township N«). 21 s, r N»>. 12 K.
J u ly 17. IIH12. —-N o tic e is h e r o ic
\V. M , and w ill offer pr« O! to show that tin*
laud sought is more valuable 1«*r its timber g iv e n
th a t
con i|iliu iu 'c
w it!
or stone (bait for tiHrietillural purpose^, and.
th e
th e
to establish hit* claim t<* said land before II.
W. liee«l. r . St C onim iwioiier, at Heitd, Ureaou, J u n e 3, 1H78, e n t it le d , " A n net fo r tlu
011 Monday * thU27ih «lay of October, linn.», lie 1 s ale o f tim b e r la n d s in th e s ta te s o f I 'a l
names as witnesses; W illiam
Ilroek, 1
ifo r n ia , O r e g o n , N e v a d a , a n d \\ ¡is liiii“
Charles Ilroek, of Mend, O regon; W illiam Mnl-
hall, of Si«*nx City, Iowa : W illiatn I*. Vamle- to n T e r r i t o r y , " as e x te n d e d t o a ll tic
p u b lic la n d s ta te s h y net o f - A u g u s t I
vert, of I»ava, Oregon.
An y and all persons elnitniiitf RdVeMely the 18W!i, th e fo llo w in g (m rson s h a v e tlii
almve «lesiTlhetl-lamls are re«iueste«l t«* lilt*
d a y tile d in th is o ttic o t h e ir s w o rn s ta te
their elaima ill this office on or before S»ii«l 27th
n ie n ts , to -w it i
day of^Del., 1902. K. M. B h i + t a i N j Keg’ stej.
K tn ti a D o v e , nf H a in ik o , c o u n ty ot
l »02.
N O T I l ’ K.
rn ltts l Staus I« hu «1 Ottht*, Lakevivw, Ort-gon,
Auir. 12, Ift ttl- X o llr i' i* h%*rt*by givt*n thnt in
<*<»m|ilinm*t* witli tlu* |»rovi*i«ni* nf tli«* acl nt
W hen in need of Drugs, Stationery, Toilet A rti-1
ic ie s, Furniture,
W a ll paper, W in d o w $
I shades and House Furnishing Goods, send your |
I orders to or Call on
I C. I. W I N N E K , M ’gi*.
-----------------------P R I N E V I L L E , O R E G O N
Fine Wines, Liquors and
i gars.
Bat Brands of Goods Always in Stock.
The largest and test equipped hotel in Crook county. Electri: lights, bath-«
rooms and all other â:comodation« n ■.caj«iry to th: traveling public.
Headquarters for C om m ercial T ravelers'
and Tourists*
s ta te m e n t
(>f t i,r
Commodious Club Rooms.
O regon .
k «
N o.
101», fo r
th e
p u rch as.
s w 1^ see 21, m v * ^ m v b4 s e e 28
Daniel F. IKwcll, Willmi.. Mark*. wi,,n« ,,f
Krali „ .
O th
o r hct«»r«-**Hi«l 22lnl
k fllílíp ih P
. ..
*• « j .•/*
* *
B E N I ) .......................
I’ l.ACE
to «noi
PaMilti,illly liS'ated Oli ili.* Di'sehllte.» (
fur tin
Ine tìahlng; |«#turflee; stag,, office oil
th is
1 V*nr««fvi, rnmity «»f Swift, **t;»t4*
i nSRftHi h a i tliia d a y H l e i
‘An iict f'lr the sale nf timla-r lands n
. . .
the »trtte» of ( alifornia, Oregon, Nevadi
“ "'I " *•'’! ington Territory," as exteml
ed tit ¡ill till* public land states hy act o
August 4; )M»2, Allmrt X. Johnson ..
5, w «¡,
Prinevllle-SilVMr fgtke ftiiiie,
M # l ( «*f I*4*rti«lfl N o . It, in fu w n sh i|i Nip. 21
X oTH f ;«
E. M, H kattaix , Hegister.
f It«* get of June 8, 1878, entitle.
•: rillig e N o . 12a, K . 'V . M .,t tn * lw i l l u f f e '
I nite*1 Htste« f u d offí. l* fákrrlpw. »«reifMh. p ris if
July 31. t!*ií -KiiliF* i* he>t.T gir Ml I h«l In
p «.it.|»iSasn.-P
lie names the following w it nesses to
prove Ilia cnntiimnus resilience upoil
¡ml cultivation of sniil land, viz:
Finis MayliidiI, William S. Mayfield,
lenrv Slover, Dtlvl.l A Fimlley, all of
«oalaml, ( iregon.
w ,(. 20, t p » 2 s, r » e.
Klnnra C i King, nf P rllievtile, ron llty o f )
K n u H o llin s h e a d , o f I.a v a , e o u iit v o
Cr.sik, State lif Oeegon. sworil statement No. .,
. .
HIS:;, for the purchase of the se>. se>4 see lit, !
* U lU '
0 n V " " * H" " r ,‘
» » , MW*,. ne' 4 sw'4 see nr,, tp-j» s, r » e.
! N o . 1020 fo r th e p u rch a s e o f th e ne*
Dtiniel F. Powell of P rim V in e, isnntty e f rrnoH see 2 », tp 22 s, r t l e.
state of Oregou, sworn statement No. losi, for j
S u sie C . «'Ia v p .a 4 , o f S is te rs , c o u n ti
tilt* pure base «d the st> 4 st*<* 2H, tp 21 s, M» i*.
.. g%u ,
e . xkA
.a H
, ow ell,
,, of I ci
SltHlilKo, eo iiiiiy o f J of ( rm*k, MlMtd nf O reito
^ n , ’ s w o rn s ln tr
W hsco , strtlc of Oregon, sworn stateno-nt N«»i j hiCMt N o.
lo r tlu* p u rclu isc o f tlu
ins.*», for tlu* piircliaBe o i the s\v! , sec 29, tp 24 s'u * n 1 , nw *.4 stv *4 sec 88 , ne *4 se *4 si
s, r!i f.
82, tp 2 2 s, r !i e.
Thoituis lleiuieirh.'Ui. of sltHtlikot county of
\\ i11 in 111 K. Claypnnl, of Sistc*rs, ecittn-*
Was«*«», state of Oregoil, swofti fitrtteii'hlit N’ t*,
lust», tor the purchase of tht*e, 2 nw,4, ll^ n w 1., ty of Chaik, state of Oregon, sworn state­
BP«* H2| tp 21 s, r 9 e.
ment No. 1028, for the purchase of tin
J« *Pl* IL Meeker, <»f SliiilHko. eoutitjr«»f Wasco lot 1, see 4, tp 28 s, r » e ; e*s se*4, sw L
state of Oreffon. sw«»rii siwtenieiit N«>. D»S7, for
sek -4 see 88 , tp 22 s, r » e.
the purehafcP «»t the
of BLj spe 2'», tp 21 s,
Lena K. Clavpiail, of . Sisters, count)
r lo e.
W illi m t RiileHitrt, «if S lliillk o, county of of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state
WitSeo, state of Oregon, Bivortl statement No. tnent No. 1024, for the purchase of tin
loss for the i*urchfse of t!ie w1^ n e '4 se<* :;.*>,
s '-9 se' 4 , mv *'4 se*^', ne *4 sw * 4 , see 82
se»4, it»«- 2»», tp 21 s, r it! e.
tiuKtave Sc'liitiidt, of Shaiiiko, county of tp 22 s, r » e.
>VaP*co, statw of f)re>r«»!ij sworn statement No
That they will offer proof to shov
lllK9, for the purchase of tne
of e*2 see ;l'», that the laml sought is more valttahl.
t p i l f t , f lot*.
for its timlN*r or stone than for agricul­
Sarepta Haniilton, of Antelom*, county of
Wasco, state o f Oregon, suorn statement No. tural purposes ami to establish theii
Milo, for the purchase n f the ne 1 * se.-17, tp 25 claim to said hind tiefore A. ( ’. I'almei
s, r In e.
l'. S. Commissioner, at lien.I,( Iregoti, 01
James M. Ham ilton, «»i Antel«)pe, county of
Saturday, the 18th day of October, l’*0L.
Wasco, stale «»f Or«-g«»D, sworn stat«*inent No. 1t>-
They name ns witnesses : Joseph I!
91, for the purchase «>i the nw14 se«* 17, tp25 s,
Ilaner, Frank ll.slson, of Mend, Oregon
r 10 e.
Anna Marks, of rrin e v ille . county «»f i ’ r«n«k
limmti Dove,
Shaniko, Oregon
state «»f orc(f«*n. sworn statement N«». hr.rj for
tieurge Hogue, of Uosland, Oregon; Wil
the purchase of the sw' 4 *e<* 11, tp 24 s, r 9 e.
W iiliam Marks, o f Friiieville, county o liam II. Hollinshead, of Lava, Oregon
rriwik, state of Oregon, sworil sfttteiiu'iil No. i ' s ' iiii I'. ( layjMiol, of sisters, Oregon.
low, f«>r the purchase o f th«* e’ 2 n«*1*, n • 4 se,.l
Any and all persons claiming adverse
se«- II. nw*4 sw*4 see !:t, tp 24 s. r 9 «•
ly the aliove-deserihed lands are reipiest
Sarah J. Marks, of Prim vill«*. <*«»unty of
rn*«»k, state «>f Oregon, sworil stMtemeiit No. ed to tile their claims in this office on o
U»9L f«*r the pur«-hase «)f the nw1, m *<* I t. tp 21 liefore said 18th day ofO rt., 1!HI2.
s, r 9 e.
K. M. I1 i ; v < t a i .\, Hegister.
That they w ill offer pro«»f to show that th«*
land sought is more vnluahle lor its tim ber or
stone than f«»r agri«*ultural purp«»^«-. ami to
establish th eir «-1,-iim to s ii<l hind before A.
A. r . Palmer. 1*. S. ('onunissiotier. at Prineville,
I ’ liited Stilfe« Land Office. Lukcvicw
Oregon, on We«!mrsday, the 22n«l «lay of Oct.,
Oregon, July .11, 1!M2.— Notice is herein
They name ns wltnc'ses:
K«l. N. White, given that hi l:*tlllpliin»ee with the provi
F. M flH i t t vili, l: 'g it i« r .
iepartment of the Interior, Land OHiec»
.t I.akevieW, Oregon, August 22, 1 !H> 2,
Notice ia hereby given that the fol*
owing-named settler has tileil notice of
pis intention to make timil proof iu sup-
«irt of his claim, and that said proof
vill he made la'fore A. «'. Palmer, l'. S.
‘itinmiaaioner at Ik'iul, Oregon, on Oe*
niter 18, 11 H 12, viv ! Joseph Mayfield
l. E. 288(i for tlu* n*v nw * 4 . aw *4 itwfj,,
tw*4 aw * 4 , see 4, tp 24 a, r » E W M.
see 80, tp 22 s, r 0 g.
ibis day H id in ihistifficl. th eir Sworn »late-
T IM IU :n
sw orn
m e a t N o . 1018, fo r th e p u rch a s e o f
p u rfh a ffp o f tin*
Liquors and Cigars.
p r in e v il l e
O r e g o iii
hin *w »*rn 8t*tKm **nt
SMITH & CLEEK. Proprietors.
s\v*!, s w ‘4 , see 28, n ‘ g 11WV4 ,
August 4, IW*2, Hie fallow in g person» have
( i e o r g e Itog u e, o f lto s la m i, c o u n ty
C ro o k , s ta te
cl« .1 Deviiir K.I Is.rxHii. nf Albi.ny. oregn h ;
, ,
, 1
.le-«e R. Meeker, .if Slianik.i, O regon; JaMeS
M. Hamilton, of Antelope, orrfon
Anv ami all is-rson» claiming ««Iv* r»ely the
also., .le*. rtbdl are .... ..
m file
p u rch a s e o f
s w o ri
th H r « iniiii^ I:» t b > «»ffi p
K. ^l. H ha T t a i \, Hegister.
Wky nt, l -4', e l .j n w l4 see Hg, tp 22 s, r !l e
meins tn-w iti
i hey name us witnesses, Franeia 1 !,
¡avn, Alice liayn, of Prineville, Ore-
on ; Francis J. Devine, Th imaa Wat*
,ii.a, of Albany, Ofegon { Joseph Mar*
•eau, of Ifoaliind, Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming adverse*
v the ahove-deserilted lamia are re*
pleated to file their claims In ibis oilin'
in or before said 3rd day of Nov., I»d 2 ,
sta te
W illia m
11. llo U tn s h P a d , o f
Icn .lcl m «11 the public Intel siHtes by net of | c o u n ty o f C ro o k , Htiltu o f O r e g o n ,
¡d s r o lO r i., i » 4
In en t N o . 1017, f o r th e
sw orn
iroti, Neviula.and Wrisbillfft«>n T erritory,” as ex*
of I’rliK Vlile.; Tlmui»» Watkins.
P. B. P O I N D E X T E R . Proprietor.
O ri*gon ,
11« 1
J..I 111 .......
AMERICAN PLAN $1.25 per day and upward.
IV ilse o , s ta te o f
tim ber lrtinls in the States of ('alifurthi,
® m
Fnited States Laud Office, l.;ike\ ii'V»,
iregon, August 14, HH12 :~-Notie«> ia herv-
•y given (hat in com|p|ianee u ith the pro-
iaioiia of the act pp ! June . 1 , 1878 , en*
valuable for its tim ber or slotie than for agri­ r 11 e.
cultural ]>ttr|u>ses. sud to establish hi* claim
itled “ An net for the aale p.f tindier
Adda M. Pcerjr, of Kein, county of Lim i, stai
to said laud before A. C. I'alpier. I'. S. i'emmis o ( Oregon, sworn statement No. m il, tor 11.
anda in the «tat, » of t'ulii'orniu, Oregon,
sinner at P rin eville, Oregon, on Tuesday, the purchase of the lots 1, 12, 14. II, »ec 7, I), 21 -
and Waahiiigtou Territory,"
2Hh day of O. t.. n»i2.
r 11 e.
to all the public hind atatev
lie names as witnesses: Joseph Man . an of
That they w ill offer proof to show that tit
•y net of Anguat 4. 1 S»2, the following
Koslutid, Oregou ; Frauda .1. Devine, Thomas lami sougiit ia more vghial.le tur its tim ber .>•
Watkins. N.ot-.ti K. Winnard, of Albany. Ore­ stoue tliau for agricultural purposes, and t.
aeraona have tlda day filial in thin olliee
estuldish tlicir d a in i tu said land bciorc A i
heir aworn aiatement«. to-wii :
claim ing ad
Palm er.!'. S. Ciiiiimlstlloiicr, al Prlnevtlle, )r.
Franeia H. liayn, of Prineville, eoun*
Verst l.v lite alane described lands arc request­ goti un Wednesday ihe tMli day <>f Oetober, li»'
tv oi Crook, state of Oregon, aworn atate*
ed to Hie th eir claim s Iu lilts office on or !*•-
The.v natile as witnesses: John W. Cusick
ment No. 12* » 0. for the purchase of tin*
fore sitili 2t*t li daV of October, l!»r2.
John J.Collins, Francis .1. Devine, o f Alliany
K. M. I'.K a TT a IX, Register.
ie *4 sec 20, tp 24 a, r » e,
Oregon; K.l. N. Whitc, John C.iinbs, of Prilli
Alice liayn, of Prineville, enmity of
ville. Oregon ; Owen li. Cyrus, Frank Morris
rook, atate of Oregon, «\\pprn statement
of Scio, Oregon.
lo. 1207, for the pureliaae .if thenw*.,
I ’ h IU m I S ih U k Lain l off let*« I«aki»Vil»\v. Oregon
Any and all persoli» claim ing advcrsel) ih.
19ir2.—Notiep i* hereby ffiVini ilmt in
«ee 20, tp 24 a, r » e.
eoinpliHnee w ill» the j»i*oVisions o i tlu* net of ul.ove-descril.ed land» are reqiiestcl lo HI.
That they Will offer proof to allow
('on giesK of Junes, IMS, entitltMl, “ An m t ior tlietr daiiu s iti ibis office mi or bciorc san
hat the land Nought is more valuable
tlu* sale of tim ber land.* in the Ntatt»* oi i ’al:-»
Mi li day of llct., li» 12.
ur its timber or atone than agneiil«
ornia. oititotii Nev.oln atul \Va.«diin)f:on Ter­
K. M. H h attain , Ktgister.
ritory,” a b ext elide« i »o all tlu* publie land I
oral purposes ami to establish theii 1
«tatew, by ae! o f AugiiKt I, 1KJI2, John Hirming-
'lailli toa.iill land liefoie A. C. Palmer, ,
ham, of C'llieaffo, SI7 \Vashbiiril AvtL.enbnty of
«. Commissioner at
Hend, Oregon.
Cook, state of Illinois, has this «lay tiled iti ,
>n Monday, the 8 rd day ol Novemln'r,
this offlee his sworn statement N«>. 11AI, t»*e the !
That they w ill offer proof to show that the
i land sought Is more valuable llir Us tim ber or
I stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
| establish th eir claim lo said lathi before A. C.
' Palmer, C. S Commissioner, at P rltlevllle,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 2Uhd ii»v of Oc­
tober, 1903.
| They name as witnesses* Kd N. W hite. John
Combs, Daniel F. Powell, W illiam Meeks, of
Prin eville, Oregon ; Thomas M alkins, Frau ds
■I. Devine. K.I Dorgatl, of Ail.HIly, Oregon;
Jesse It. Meeker, lit Shalliko, Oregon ; Janies M.
Ham illon, o f Antelope. Oregon.
Any and all persons elaiiniu g adversely Ihe
Cnitpd Htates Laml Ofllee. Lnkevlew, Oregon-,
: above-described lands arc requested lo Hie
:il, 19»r2J—Nuilee in lit*Why f f i m i t111*t it!
th eir elaima IH this office ou or before said
complittnce with the provisions uf the m-t of
22ml day of October, iistU.
K M. IM. it t a IK, Register.
June ii, 1M7S, entitle«! “ Ait net fofr thh Bill!* «»i
K . iM. H h a t t a I n . K e g la te r .
« n ig h t
tb e
1 st ».
H . • \rt a ri M * ih e «*n<-if t ia r * T Isrcls In fl.c
»Uli 7.if^f * llf..ra i«,.iré »..H . N * ''».l« «lid Wash
tim e r
iMg't.itt T»rrtt«fjr. «» rxien-id l««ll 'he |>nM|p
Is lei »Pairs tp? act p>f Augnai 4. Mri. I I pp * fwllnw-
li. t |«-r«..n« have tbps piai fini la Ihl« >pfflr.
f Í.. pr •«••ru «tatriaeii « k >-«| i :
l.iiiu W « iwtrk
1lbaay,.iHi*ty ppf Uaa,
a*is,'M Pfrrt>Pi. PSi. n -i«is ii!t-»l Xn. H i* f..r
ti p |.nr» h ««e«»i i l » r*
«». »p f|p3i », r f
in u re
ato m i
th a t
th e
v a lu a b le
M ian
fu r
lam i
fu r
ks —~
a g r ie n l
tn |iur|»p«es, a m i
t>i c t a h l i n h h i.
,.|*¡,¡, | u -a M lan d l* *fo r v A . ( . I ’a llii.T , F ! Isiitril. f j **!* wiq*!i
C um m inaium *r.
H end,
O n *gon
M «¡»Hi
■ Hun*.«, td hat' Mvt'7 nigiif
1,11 8« to It lay tile 11th play *pf N« p \., D*12
He lianpHa na »Itlirsses : Juli
8 I lor««-* Hi M r 40*1 gf.ilip
lUpgiie landa M. A ih I pmsppii . Frank I
_. . . T w,„
•«BV*m, ( a ngi r. . ly, of L*sslan<l, »8 *
I W : f t f*T A A t * * » ................. tylfl*
' |p»ti.