The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, September 06, 1902, Image 3

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Monday, the 15th day oi Septem­
Uniteil States Land Office, Luke-
name as witnesses; Frank
vit w, Oregon, June 6. 1902:— Notice
is hereby given that in comidianee Harrett, Edward J. Barrett and
with the jimvisions of the act of Daniel McDonald, of Albany. Ore­
June ;>, 1x78, entitled “ An act for gon; Herbert J. Downing of Leban­
the sale of timber lands in the on, Oregon; John \V. Young, of
states of California, Orgon, N eva­ Crabtree.
da, and Washington Territory,” as Horsburgh, Seio, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming
extended to ali the public land!
the above-described lands
states by act of August 4. 1X92,
to file their claims
the following persons have this
day tiled in this office their sworn in this office on or before said loth
day of ¡8opt., 1902.
statements, to-wit:
E. M. B r a t t a i x , Register
King, of
P rin e v ille ,!
no .
(02, for tlu> purchase of the of Lake, state of Oregon, sworn state­
ment n o . SOI, for the purchase of the
nb. sel4 »h, m*4 sis-. 10, tp. 25 s. r 8 e.
Charles D. Sessions, of Eakeview,
conni y of Pake, statt* of Oregon, sworn
statement no . 802, for the (»urdíase of
the sw 4 see. 10, t p. 25 s. r 8 o.
That they will offer proof tosliow that
the laud sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than tor agricultural
purposes, and to establish their claim
to said land before Register and Receiv­
er. IT S . Land Office at Lakeview, Ore-
g o :, oil Friday, tin* 12th day of Septein-
b, r, 1902.
They name as witnesses : Charles I).
Sessions, Jennie M. Sessions, W illiam
il. Dairymple, Charles H. Palyrmpie,
John Westlake, all of Lakeview, Ore­
gon ; Michael Culkeen,of Fort Klamath,
( ^ rosoti.
Any and all persons duimingljadverse-
ly the above described lands are re­
quested to tile their claims in this office
on or before sai I i2thday o f Sept.,*'liKKi.
E. M. RìtATTAi.N. Register.
r U l r d i b U » U u i l Otll e. lakeview, Oregon, s,\ t4 see 2U, tp 22 s. r 1(5 e.
June 10, 1*12: Notice ;• h .Tc1 y given lit:,; ; »
WaiiVii (¡l.t/.e, of Prineville, county
compliance w iih the provision» of the aci of of ('took. suit** of Oregon, sworn state­
June!!, IS7K, entitled “ All act for the1 mm I.- of
timber lands iu ilie *lato> of <'..lifornia, Ore- ment \o. 643, for the purchase of the
gou, Nevada, «a<l Washington Territory." a» se'4 see 29, tp 22 s. r It* t*.
extended to all llie public laud stales l,v art of
America J. Crooks, of Prineville. coun­
A u g " ( 1. 1st'.*, the (nllowiug i•<••».>»* have this ty of Crook, state ot'Oregon, sworn state­
liay hied in tlilsolUve iheii worn slut* mem.-,
ment no . (541, for the purchase of the
to - « i t :
William II. Parker, of Jrinevntc. county of ln v 'j see 81, tp 22 s, r 1(5 e.
Crook, state of Oregon, «worn - .c, ment No. To,»,
Minnie Crooks, of Prineville, county
for the purchase of the nc', n*1,
of Crook, State of Oregon, sworn state­
n w >.4 auit n w '4 lie1* sec gT>, ip J s, r l 'i e .
John W. Wilt, oi Sisi, r>. county of Crook, ment no . (>4e for the purchase oi the
r Iti e
state of Oregou. sworn stan o ui No. 710, ior sw i see 81, tp
the Iurchase of the w 1 a Of cCsec 1:', 1 j> g ; s,
Edwin L. Bennett, of
r 15 e.
county of Crook, state of Oregon,
Joseph T. Creamer, of Sisters, county of
646, for the purchase ni
sworn statement No. 6(55, for the j
( rook, state of Oregon, sworn staid.o ut No. statement n o .
38, ip 22
of w '.
r Iti e.
Til, for the purchase of ll»e sc1, ?.*■, 14, tp «3 s. the w
purchase oi ioe iie| sec li, tp 26
I Tilted States Land Office, Lakeview, r 15 e.
s, r 12 e.
Harriet It. Wilt, of Slater*, county of Crook, Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement
, Oregon, June 10, 1902:— Notice is here­
E lla Cram, of Prineville, county
by given that in compliance with the state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 712, for \o. 647, for the purchase of the sv. l4
the purchase of the u e t, sec 24. tp J.i s. r 15 c.
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn |
provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, en­
Uiuevra Creamer,
of Sisters, county of see 32, tp 22 s, r lit e.
statement No. tititi, for the purchase
titled “ An act for the sale of timber Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
Marion 1!. Elliott, of
of the sej sec 2. tp 26 s, r 12 e.
lauds in the states of California, Oregon, 713, for the purchase of the vvq of e1, see it. county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
J. Frank Spinning, of Prineville,
tp 23 8. r 15 e.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as
Nauev J. Wilt, o f Sisters, county of Crook, statement n o . (148, for the purchase of
county of Crook, •state of Oregon,
to all the public land states by state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 714, for the se'4 sec 31, tp 22 s, r 1(5 e.
sworn statement No. 6713, fo ra tile
4, 1802. the following per­ the pureliase of the se' 4 sen 21. tp23s, r 15 e
Mattie Elliott, of Prineville, county of
purchase of the sw l sec 18, \rtw7t :Ut °*
Leander N. Liggett, o f Prineville. eounty oi
sons have this day filed in this office
ship twenty-six s, r 18 e.
Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn statement No. ('rook, state of Oregon, sworn
their sworn statements, to-wit :
Marie Spinning, of Prineville,
715, for the purchase of the sw' 4 sec Jl, tp 25 ment n o . (»49, for the purchase of the
county of Crook, state of Oregon,! G illian, Arnold, of Prineville, county s. r 1j e.
sw l4 see 30, tp 22 s, r 1(5 e.
sworn statement No. 074, for the ° K ru“k* «‘ate <.f Oregon, sworn state- Janus A. Mofflt, of Prln tville, eounty of
\\ illiam T. Fogle, of Prineville, eounty
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
purchase of the n w j see 18, town- ment No. 740, for the purchase of the 711, for the purchase of the ue , see 27, tp j j of ('rook, state of Oregon, sworn state­
ne'4 sec 14, tp 22 s, r 15 e.
ment n o . (550, for the purchase of the
ship twenty-six s, r 18 e.
s, r 15 e.
James 11. ¡Smith, of Prin eville,' Zilpha llines, of Prineville, county of Mary K. Mnfflt, of Prineville. eounty of se‘ 4 see 32, tp 22 s, r 1(5 e.
Crook, state of Oregon sworn statement Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
That they will offer proof to show
county of Crook, state of Oregon,
No. 741, for the purchase of the s L of 732, for the pureliase o f the se , sec 22, ;p '¿2 s, that the land sought is more valuable
sworn statement No. 678, for the.
r 15 e.
purchase oi the nwl-4 swl-4 sec
s, t lo t,
Jackson May, of Prineville. county of Crook, for its timber or stone than for agricul­
of Prineville, slate of Oregon, sworn statement No. 733, for tural purposes, and to establish their
twenty-seven, e* sel-4 see twenty-1 lhon,aH J' 1 W !1 '
, ' .).>
|>onntV of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn the purchase of the liw1, sec'J1. tp .s's. r 15 e. claim to said kind before \V. A. Bell, l ’ .
eight, and m l -4 ne 1-4 sec
Mary V. Troth, of Prineville. eounty of
! statement No. <4-, tor the purchase oi
twenty-three s. r 11 e.
i Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon,
the sel4 see 10, tp 22 s, r 15 e.
tp-M s. on Thursday, the llt li day of Septem­
: 731, for the purchase of the sw1, sec J
W illia m H. Brock, of Bend,
I.ettie A. Miller, of Prineville, county r 1» e.
ber, 1902.
county of Crook, state of Oregon,
of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state­
That they will offer proof to show that the
They name as witnesses: Marion R.
sworn statement No. (387, for the
ment No. 743, for the purchase of the land sought is more valuable for its timl er Elliott, William T.
purchase of tlie s4 of nJ sec 81,
I or slone thalt lor agricultural purposes, and
i s\v‘4 sec 11, tp 22 s, r 15 e.
to establish their claim to said land before ( l o o k s , P r i n c e J. tihl/.C Edwin E. Ben­
tp twenty-five, s, r twelve e.
Amanda J. Powell, of Prineville, W. A. Ilell, C. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, nett and Eli S. Dobbs, all of Prineville,
That they w ill offer proof to
county oi Crook, state of Oregon, sworn Oregon, uu Thursday, the liitli day of sopm j Oregon.
Timber Land Notice.
show that the land sought is more
statement No. 744 for the purchase of
valuable for its timher or stone
the sc'4 sec 11, tp 22 s, r 15 e.
than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish their claim to said
county of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn
hind before A. C. Painter, U. ¡8.
statement No. 745, for the purchase of
Commissioner at Prineville, Oregon
18th day oí the itw 14 sec 14, tp 22 s, r 15 e.
on Thursday, th
Emma Lane, of prineville, county of
September, 1902.
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state­
They name as witnesses: Jennie
King, Ella Cram, J. Frank Spinn­ ment No. 746, for the purchase of the
nwl4 sec 1, tp 22 s, r 15 e.
S> swJi,
ing, Marie Spinning and James
Joint Arnold, of prineville, county oi
H . Smith, of Prineville, Oregon;
W illiam LI. Brock, of Bend, Ore­ ('rook, state ol Oregon, sworn statement
No. 747, for the purchase of the ne34
see 2, tp 22 s, r 15 e.
Any and all persons claiming
Richard M. poweil, of prineville,
of ('rook,
state of Oregon,
lands are requested to file their
sworn statement No. 748 for the pur­
claims in this office on or before
chase of the xe‘-4 sec 2, tp 22 s, r 15 e.
said 18th day of Sept., 1002.
E. M B k a t t a i n , Register.
1 ¡surah A room, oi prineville, county of
('rook, state of Oregon, sworn statc-
! ment No. 74.4, for the purchase of
e.4 nw l4 sec 11 and e,4 sw.l4' see 2, tp 22
United States Land Office, Lake- j s, r 15 e.
view, Oregon, J une 6, 1902:— Notice
That they will offer proof to show
is hereby given that in compliance that the land sought is more valuable
with the provisions of the act of for its timber or stone than for agrieul-
June 8, 1878, entitled “ An act for i tural purposes, and to establish their
the sale of timher lands in the : claim to said land before \V. A. Bell, D.
states of California, Oregon, Neva­ S. Commissioner, at prineville, Oregon,
da, and Washington Territory,” as on Saturday, the 20th day of Sept., 19 )2.
extended to all the public land
They name as witnesses: Rickard M.
states by act of August 4, 1892, poweil, John Arnold, Emma Lane,
the following persons have this Amanda J. Powell, Lottie A. Miller and
day filed in this office their sworn William Arnold.
statements, to-wit:
Any and all persons claiming adverse­
W illiam A. Barrett, of Albany, ly the above-described lands are re
county of Linn, state of Oregon, quested to file their claims in this office
sworn statement No. Bill, for the on or before said 20th day of Sept., 1902.
purchase of the
sef, lots 9, 10
E. M. R kattain , Register.
t ni lisi States Lauti Ottico, Lakcvtcw, Orcgnu,
Judo in, l*.»n 2 . Notti'«* ia tiereby given tl.ut in
t nin;.¡iliaco »vitti ilio firevis.iuis of Ilio aot of
.limo 3. 1878, cntllleri, “ All aot for tho auto of
Uni ber land» in thè Ninfea of California, Ore­
gon No vaila alni Washington Territory,” a» cx-
telidcd lo all tho pulilio Inni) ataloa by aot of
Aiigtial 4, 18H2, filo follouin g |ioraona ha ve
tliis »bay tìlod iu ftits otlloo tlioir sworn aiuto-
molila lo wil :
W illiam R. MoKarlninl. of l ’rinovitlo, ooiiuty
ol Crook, aiuto of Oregon, sworn atatomont
No. 724, for filo puroliako oi ilio no1, noi) 14, tj*
23 », r 15 o.
Lixxie (iotger, of l'rliiovllto, oounty of Crook,
sialo of Oregon, sworn statement No. 725, for
I lo* iMirclnisc of t he sw' 4 soc 11, t |i 23 s, r 15 e.
Jenny Ctay|»iM>l, of l'rinevillo, ooiiiify of
Crook. sialo of Oregon, sworn statement No.
7-0. l'or tlu* piirclmso of Ilio o‘ a of c 1, avo 23, l|i
s, r 15 o.
» r,,sy t,aw son, of t’ rluoville, ooniity of Crook,
UN 13.
Any and all persons claiming adverse­ ai« *' "t Oregon sworn stnioniout No. 727, n»r
They name ns witnesses: William II Parker.
t Ilo i ircliaso o l i ho n w >4 sor 24, t|> 2.1 «, r 15 o.
Leauiler X. Liggett, Jackson May, an.l Mary ly the atsive described lands are re-
Jonn Ooigor, of l'riiieviIle, oounty of Crook,
K. Troth, of l ’riueville, Oregon; Joseph T. | q u e s t e d t o tile t h e i r c l a i m s in th is oltice
alai* of Oregon, sworn statement No. 728 for
(.'remuer, Nauev J. Wilt, of Sisters, Oregon.
on or Indore said lltli day of Sept., 1902. tho imrclinsc of tho nw ' 4 sor t::, |p 23 s, r l i o.
Any ami ali persons claiming adversely the
Charles II. Doaloy, of l'rinevillo, oolinly of
E. M. Bit attain Register.
above-described lands are requested ;o file
Crook, aiuto of Oregon, sworn statomonf No.
their claims in this oiiiee on or before aid
72P. lor Ilio purchase oi Ilio so‘ 4 see :.», Ip 21 s, r
lath day of Sept., 1902.
15 e.
K. M. IS r a t t a in , Register.
United States Land Clliee, Eakeview,
Amanita Doaloy, of l'rinevillo, oounty of
Oregon, June (», 1902:— Notice is hereby Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
n« 4
j given that in compliance with the pro- 7311, for tho ptircliaao of tho u.4 uw14,
soc 1, tp 22 s, r 15 e-
Cniteil .Stales Lamí Ofliee, Lakeview, Oregon, rixiouH of thè uet of .lune 3, 1878, en-
Timi llicy wttl offer proof tu show tlmt tho
June 10, UM3 N odi e is hereby given thm in titled “ Alt uet for thè (tale of tiuibcr (and soliglii ts inoro vnluiihle lor Ha Umhoror
comtuiiin e with tile provisions cl the net of lundg in thè state« of California, Oregon, alone lhitu lor agriciiliural piirposos, ami lo os-
June 3, 1878, entitled " A n act for the sale of
Nevadu, and Washington Territory,” | latitisi! ihoir clalm to sai*! lami ho loro W. A.
timber taints In the states of California. ( lo­
| Boll. ('. S. Commlssionor, al l'rinoi Ilio, Oro-
gon, Nevada, and Washington 'Territory,” as as extended tu all tIte jiulilic land States gnn, ou Ttmisiluy, Ilio tutti ila.* oi s«'piomhor,
extended to all the (mblle laud Stales by an bv act of 4, 1892, thè foliowilig l'.H »2.
of August 4, 1802, the following persons have persons bave Ibis day lìled in tliis odice
Tboy nume as wilnossos: W'illiafn R. Me.
Karlaml, l.izzio (¡oigor,
tliis day filed in this office t h e i r ,sworn state­ their sworn statenients, to-wit :
ments, to wit:
Lroso Law son,.lutili iii'.ger, ( Imi ics li. lata l o , '
Leo l'olten, ni Albany, cnunty of all of l'rinevillo, Oregon.
littll.e Whitmore, of Prineville, eounty oi
Croo,., siute of Oregon, sworn smtemeut No Limi, state of Oregon, sworn statement i Any nini all persona chitmlng aih crsely thè
7iw, for the purchaae of the se' 4 seu 35 tp 22 No. (»7*5, for thè purchase of thè se'4 j abovo-iloscrllioil tallita aio re<|iicstcd lo (ilo
s, r 15 e.
their cluimslu tliis ottico oli or Indoro salii
see 27, tp 25 s, r 12 e.
181 h day ol Scpicmhcr, HOJ.
Roma Whitmore, of Prineville, eounty of
Michael li. Tracy, of Albany, county
rt'riaik, state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
li. M ItiuTTAlN, Roglstor.
701, for tile purchase of the eC of e ' a see 1. of I.imi, state of Oregon, sworn state­
11> 23 s, r 15 e,
ment No. 677 l'or thè purchase of thè
J olí ti R. Clark, of Prineville, eounty of
nel4 see 27, tp25s, r 12c.
Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn statement No.
Charles K. Clark, of Eacomb, county
702 for the purchase of the sw' 4 see 35, tp 22 s,
Cniteil Stales l and i »titeo, Inkoviow. Oregon,
of Einu, state of Oregon, sworn state­
15 e.
Kmily J. ('line, of Prineville, i-onutv of ment No. 689 for the purchase of the Juno lu, l'.Nij. Nolte** is hereby given toni in
t'ompintm o w iti» flu* faiiyisious of ilio act of
sworn •ititemeul No.
Crook. - ate of ( »r e g ­
33, 1
sw *4 see 4.3,
1> » 2
-> s, r 12 e.
Juno 3, In78. outitloa " A n aot lor the sale of
/‘i., ier ne purciiì
the nw ’ vot .0, tAi Lg
Henry Keene, of Stavton, eountv of tim».or lands in the stales of California, Ore­
,s r 15 e.
Mattie Davis, <»f Prineville. eounty of Crook, I Marion, state of Oregon sworn state- gon, Nevada and Wasiiinglon Territo ry," as
stnte of Oregon, sworn statement No. 701, ior : ment No. (591 for the purchase of the extended to all ilio pillili«*
by aid of
August I, ism, i;,«, following
the pureliase oi the sw*4 see ::i,tp 2Is, r 15 e ! lots .5-45-11-12 sec 1. t p 26 s, r 12 e.
John It. Itrown, oi lluystaek, eounty of Crook,
John !.. Ray of Ee!>auon, county of ibis oltice luoirsworu Kinicmcnts, lo wli :
stale of Oregon, sworn statement No. 705, for
William B. K i telling, ol t'liiiovillo, oifiiuty of
the pureliase of the n w »4 see ::5, ip 21 s, r 15 e. Linn, state of Oregon, sworn statement
llouier It. Davis, of Prineville, eounty of | No. 6HH for the pureliase of the lots 5-6- Crook, slate of On g .n , sworn siuicmoiii No.
<45, lor tile pureliase oi the n.4 " 4 see 14, In 22
Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. 11-12 sec 3, tp 26 s, r 12 t*.
s. r 15 o.
7ts;, f,,r the pureliase of the se’ 4 see 34, tp 21
That they will offer proof to show
W illiam W. Collins, of l'rinevillo, eounty of
s, r 15 e.
William H. Davis, of Prineville, eounty of ; that the land sought is more valuable Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn slaloment No.
sec 5, tp 26 s, i 12 e.
Frank Barrett, of Albany, county
Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn Oateipem No. for its timher or stone than for agricul­ < ■*.. lor ilio purchase * * I the nw fc*see 15, ip 22 s,
of Linn, state of Oregon, sworn
707, for the purehane of the sw1, see. 35, t p 21 tural purposes and to establish their r 15 o.
I*. ni lu a K itching, of l'rinevillo, eounty of
I nited Stati*s I.ainl Office, Eakeview. s, r 15 e.
statement No. 6<>2, for ttie purchase
claim to said land before A. C. Palmer, Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn statement No.
Join» Chambers, of Prineville, eounty ol
of the n l s j st c 81, tp 25 s, r 12 e Oregon, May 31, 1902 :— Notice is here­ Crook,
stale ot Oregon, sworn statement No. C. S. Commissioner at rinters, Oregon, 737. tor the purchase *»1 flic sw ‘ 4 see 1.4, ip 22 s,
Edward J. Barret, of Albany, by given in compliance with the 70S, for the pureliaie of the lie1, see 35, tp2l mi Monday, the 15th day of September, r 15 e.
Rob ert i. Kitetiiiig, Ilf l’ rinevillo, county of
county of Linn, state of Oregon, provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, en­ *, r 15 e.
-inie oi Oregon, sworn statement .Vo.
sworn statement No. (768, for the titled “ An act for the sale of timber
They name as witnesses: Leo Cohen, < 8 for the purchase oi the sc' 4 see 1.5, tp 22 s,
land sought Is more valuable for its timber or
purchase of the s j s$ sec 81, tp 25
stone than tor agricultural purj seii, and to Michael 11. Tracy of Albany : ( buries E. r 15 e.
Nevada, and Washington Territory,” as establish their flat in to said Inn I before W. A. Clark of Encomi»; Henry Keene of Stay-
s. r 12 e.
Marga ret ti* Collins, ni l'rinevillo county of
A lbany, ’ extended to all the public land states by Hell, l*. H. Commission* r, at PrineTiPe, Ore­ ton ; John E. Ray of Lebanon, Oregon. i rook, stale of Oregon, sworn sintemeiil No.
John J. Barrett, of
for ilio purchase ol the ue'4 see 1.4, q, 22 s,
county of Linn, state of Oregon, act of August 4, 1892, the following gon, on Monday the 15lb day of Sept., titty, Any and alj persons claiming adversely 7.ill,
r 14 e.
f - They name as witness*»: Hattie W hitmore,
sworn statement No. 664, for the persons Lave this day filed in this office ¡John It. Clark. Mattie Davis, William !l. the above-described lands are requested
I laviti A. Sears, of I'rlnevtlle, eounty of
purchase of the lots 5-6-7-8 sec 5, their sworn statements, to-w i t :
‘ I »avis, amt John Chambers, of Prineville, Ore to file their claims in tins office on or Crook. state of Oregon, sworn statement No.
tp twenty-six s, r twelve e.
Amanda Elkins, of prineville, county gen; Join» B. Brown, of Haystack, Oregon.
Udore said 15tli day of Septc*mU*r, 1902. < *i, lor tho purchase of lite se' 4 see I p 22 s, r
111 e.
Herbert J. Downing, of Lebanon, of Crook, s’ of Oregon, sworn state­ Any anil all persons claiming adversely tin:
E. M. B k a t i '. i n , Register.
Hannah A. Sears, of t’rlm v ille ,eountv of
I above-deHcrtlast lands are retpitslel to file
county of Linn, state of Oregon, ment No. 555, for the pun base of the their claims in this ttfllea on or before said
('rook, slate of Oregon, sworn ktaleineiit No,
751, for Ilo* purehaae of the s q s w q, w q s**'4
sworn statement No. 667, tor the lots 17-18-19-20 see 18, tji 24 s, r 11 t*.
I 15th day of Sept., lik»2.
sei I, Ip 22 s, r t i O.
purchase of the sW^ sec 12. tp 26
(ic.rg e W. Jones, of prineville. county
K. M. R kattain , Register.
William J. O'Kelly, of I'rlnevtlle, eounty of
s, r 12 e.
of Crook, state of Oregon sworn state­
United States Land Office, latkevicw, Crook, alate of Oregon, sworn statement No.
Oregon, .lum1 19, 1;(02 :— Notice i- here 7 Vi, f'»r t h«* purciiMM• of 1 li«* 81 j il«* 1 1 ne A m * t
John W. Young, of Crabtree, ment No. 557, for the purchase of the
■), n i» 1 j ii
1 1 p i l », 1 .1» «•.
I'nitcil States Land Office, Eakeview by given that in compliance v* *t » t: ■
county <>f Linn, >t ie of Oregon, lots 1-8-19-2), see 19, tp 24 s, r 11 e.
provisions of tin* act ol June 3, I «« n , c:»-
»li, ol rti -ici 8, eounty i» ('rook
sworn .-i.m ini nt No. 668, for the
Annie Sharp, of prineville, county of Oregon, June 5, 190*2 :— Notice is hereby titled, "A n act for the sale of timU-r
»tat «•oí O r « v » i i , m worn HlMteineilt No. 7'»f, for
purchase i f the n w j sec 12, tp 26 Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state­ given that in compliance with the pro­ lands ill the states of Caiiiornia, ( t n - tlo* piinfmxe «4/ the Il ;v11A lie* 4, Il * j 11 W ' 1, AW'^
s, r 12 e.
ment No. 554, f »r the purchase of the visions of the act of June 3. 1H78, en­ gì ni, Nevada and Washington Terri­ nw14. «IS «, ip• Z i », r l*> <L*.
Kinina J l uter, ol l'ortlam l, eoiinly o f Midi-
David Horsburgh. of Sein, county lot* 1-8-9-16 sec 18. tp 24 s, r l i e .
titled “ An act for the sal* of tim)n*r tory,” as ex le tided to all the public
land states by ait of Angusi 4, IS'.rg, tile I
MiHit'ni O r*K 'ii, »Mrorii Mint cm«* nt Nc».
of Linn, state of Oregon,
That they will offer proof to show that la in Is in the states of ( 'ali fori »¡a, ( >rogoii, following persons have tliis day tiled in
• *i, i«/f tiu- i*nr*
«»1 tili' lie*4 «ec tp ‘ZI
statement No. 669. for the pur- 1 the land sought is more valuable for its Nevada ami Washington Territory,” as this office their sworn statements, to- r l*i
chase of the w-J e j sec 12 tp ‘2 o 8 ,1 timber or stone tlmn for agricultural extended to all the puhlir hint! states by w it :
Timt t?»ey will ofier i*r*H»f to h I iow timt tl*«*
Jennie M. Sessions, of Igikeview. Irtii'l 8(,up||( | h nit»re VüSiiftMe für tix tnnixT or
! pur|*>s**s. and to establish their claim to a<*t of August 4, 18‘.r2. th<* following
r 12 e.
Daniel McDonald, of Albany, said land before A. C. palmer, U. S. jiersous tiave this day filed in this office county of L ik e , slate of (fregoli, sworn Klon«* » iwn ior H^rD iihnrnl purp*)■*«•««, nnd tn
D*h tiieir c I m I iii t*»Hi*j#f I hii <I i»«*i*»r«* W \.
statement no . 762. for the purchase of
county of Linn, state of Oregon, Commissioner, at prineville, Olegon, on sworn statements, to-wit:
Hell, I H. r«unini**ion«*r, « t I rin«*ville, Ore
Kate E. l.iggett, of Prineville, county the se 4 s<*c. 9, tp. 2 *s, r 8 e.
sworn statement No. 675. f*>r tin Wednesday the 17th day of Sept., p.srj.
K*>n, *>u l iidHy, tlie lutli «l«y «»i hepiember,
Charles H. Dalrymple, ol latkevicw, r»rj.
purchase of the swj sec 26, tp
They name its witnesses: Amanda of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state­
Tii« y nHin«-
w it im - ho . : WilliHin it Kttrh-
twenty-five s. r 12 e.
Elkins. Oeorg** W. Jones, Annie Sharp, ment no . 640, for the purchase of the county of laike, state of Oregon, sworn
it>K* W i i II hdi W . foIlitiA, M nt ^ h r«*it«* t't/lltim,
That they will offer proof to Mathias C. Adkins, and Roliert ;*. Har­ ne'4 » m ' c 31. tp 22 s. r l6e.
«ii'l I k vd I
s« «r», «*f l'riii«7vtlle( Orrfitu:
Roliert I.. Mc.Murtrey, of Prineville, the if' n 1 „*<•. », tp 25 i r 8 t*,
show that tiie land sought is more rington. all of prineville. Oregon.
Mnrrti« i . Will, of Hinter*«, Orepfoii; Kmnm J.
valuable for its timltei or stone than
Any ami all persons claiming adverse­ county of Crrsik. suit-* of Oregon, sworn , William II. Ihilrymph*, of Lnkcvk'W, I'tiier, of I' rlinii'l, Ori'KOH.
Any ntoi nil | k rMoiii« < Intminir N tver*»« ljr the
for agricultural purjMwe-. and toj ly the above-described lands are re­ statetiH’ iit n o . (541, for the purchase o f eounty of Imke. state of Oregon, sworn
h I kiyc (It ii rild'il I k ir I n Nr«* >e*|iie«>tf*il to tUe
establish tiu ir claim to said land quested to tile their claims in this n:lirc the ne14 «t*r 32. tp 22 s. r 1<> e.
HtatsnM'iit n o . h < k ) for tin* purr base of the:r «'I n I iiui in tli«K nflii «• oti or beittfe « hd I l'Jtii
1« fore A. C. Palmer, I". S. Com-j on or Ix-forc -aid 17t!i day of Sept.. I".wr2.
Prince J. (»l i»*. of Prineville, county the nw >4 -ee. 10, tp. 25 s, r H e.
•Uy «»f
J o h n M 1 - t l . i k e , of L l k e v i e w , eolllitv
K M.«. Register.
of Orook. s ta te of Ori*gon, sworn «tatc-
itiD-ioiter at Sisters, Oregon, on
K. M. H kattai . v , Register.
Timber Land Notice.