The Deschutes echo. (Bend, Or.) 1902-19??, September 06, 1902, Image 2

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    D E SC H U TE S
And again, in j mchusir.g tim-
iff, n ie
• I
i I
g t r c iu l. v
\\ lint *
foremost consideration.
tlifferencc tin* same match would
A. ( ’ . P A L M K R .
make if it wore a p p lied siniultai.e-
on hoth sides of the (Jas-
I). P.
i'.ll.M Kit
M a . n aokh c.oles. The loss of tinih.-r in w est­
ern Oregon, if the fire continued
The T'esilir *os Kollo is entereil at tlie unchecked. would run into mill­
jMietofflee in Henil, (iregou, for trans­
mission through the I . S. mails u- ions. while on lids side about the
.• e a
. ! ? i
second elass matter.
I i ni.lSIIDl» KVrirY
• ' 'uiltsl
Il Ut** I >|*|
|,j| II I Olii e. IjtlifVicu-, Ore*,HI.
Au*.-t ¿ i i > ¿ N.*»!«-« s ei«i>y «i y-n ii.ui «
I on. ¡linin' <• V. I h I In- |'|I.\ 11111111 ni I lie Hit ol
J h in- is:.-,, «ni i .i"..' .'u »n air il. r .-«li- " i
I i in in in i V j lt iiu- M tilts* ni ('nI|foruÍH <J r%;
li a > i-VHiíH m i. Wie icrmii Territory,” s» ex-
A ' s ^ ' V 1,m r l waì:»mU,1h;im KhH .r oí
nw ‘ 4 sec 24, tp 23 s, r 15 e.
John ( ieiger, of I*riut*vi 11**. fUUIltV •>(
^ ’rook .state n i Oregon, sworn state-
nient No. 728 for the pnrehuse of the
nw *4 see IH, ip 2.t s, r 15 e.
C l* rh > * II. IValy, of 1‘rii.eviüe, conn-
Tinteti States Ottiee, Iaikeview
() retro li Am'uot 14 190’>
wregou, .tufosi it,
Notice is hereby given that in foni­
pia nee with the provision* of the act of
j,<lle ?, 1S78, entitled “ An act for the
i.i"“ V’o,-y-,av !i-i 'nM
|,lfilils »«See
<.T ( Irejru»
,,f timber lands in the States of
ufTice h* lii ' ,y ,rf ‘ '" " J * ^ U e
xwvrii «iHleiiii ni N « ». 1-«*•. lor • lit* piirtliMKi* m statement No. t2sl, for Mie pu re luise ol ( ’alifori.ia < liegen. Nevada, ami Wash-
til** **$•• j,' S**' . >** 11. -T 1 j 'NN*.i- v*'c !-■ i l " ' 1,
it i’ton le 'n ifn iy " as extended to all
lu* . MM II. lit towosl'il* N«». the ne ! 4 see 85, tp 21 s, r 15 e.
H K. W.
Amanda Dealv, of I'nneville. county t)ie p„h|i.. |4I1|(| states hy act of An-
Mini %viil «»ft*« J.ronl I « > s h o w I IlH I tlu* lull«*
«oliti hi i> mo it- v.i i mi 1 » I«* i r its tim I»«-r «»r siom* of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state- gust 4, 1892, the following persons have
I linn ftir iijf ririilm 1 .1 |*i* ¡ I «* » s- * d «I •“ cs i.h meat No. 7:40 for the purchase of the this day Hied in this oil ee their sworn
listi liis rittiin hi >.ii«J am! l>*T"i. A. ('■ I’ h I iiuw .
«»li M « * fi - n ' a nw l 4 , w la lie *4 see I , tp 11 s, r 15 e. statements to-w it:
E. S. ('ninni "ioiit r n; I ni
lint ICI il blr pliiM't \\ Olliil' In* «I <ia>, (lu* Kih tut} «> : Nm t ¡nhcr. 1‘hiJ.
. • i t
. i
t .
Utilités ...................
ti- \\ i '• liesses : - l>n«lley
MnyHeM. .That they will offer proof to show j
I.ela K. Portei, of Silver Lake, eonntv
, trc>h and ¡>r«»e¿|»i*nuis g ro w th m .V ttTi 111 . E. M h \-f
Hit hi 1 . Ma.vl.tM, «*i (hut till» lunU
is more valUilhlH . , ,
«-ake. state ot Oregon, sworn stt:*e-
Ini nell grass the t e a r fo llo w in g . i¡ 7 Y¿Y.n
- - -r
, -
. v
. ,
w,,v Hiri .el | , I- IK < iHimiiiif HUversety iIn- tarai pnrp.«ses, and to establish their ment No. 1204, tor ti e purchase ot the
, Tlie fact that a fire which is now H . i m , ; . ; .11
ure .e.,ues¡*Hl I" lilv i l.iiinia sai l land hefore W. A. Hell, T. U tj, H l4, St c Hi *4 see Iti, sw «4 su l 4 see
11 ei r rlai nit* iii i li . j * . iio’" " " r
S. Commissioner, at lTim nille, < )re;'«m , 1 a.^ tp * h s r f ' e ‘
i I nk Y kau
i:'M. ifiierr.iiN, II ik s u t
on Llinrsilay, the ISth day of Septem * ’
S ix M onths
Iter, 1002.
Hainnel I,. I’orter, ol Silver Lake,
and w hich h. s spread ovt r 100
T m HKK M onths
They name as witnesses: William j county of Lake, state of Oregon, sworn
s jitare mill s of territory and dam­
riMxJER L A N D N O T IC E .
K. .MeFailaud, Lizzie (ieiger, .feitnie statement N*o. 1^05, for ti e purchase of
aged only a few thousand feet of
United states La; d Office, Lakevieu . Th'.vpool, L-oso Lawson, John (ieiger, ! the sek 4 s w ^ . u h, seV4, 35-10-12, nw *4
timber apl.d.s for itself. Oregon, June 1<, loo 2 :—Notice is here- Ciiarles 11. Mealy, all of I’ riaeville, net^ see 2, tp 27 s, r 12 e.
i|Uentiy .-o far as bine rihhon tire hy given tiiai in eo.npliaiHV with the Oregon.
That they will offer proof to show
Any aiul all persons claiming adverse-! that the tatal sought is more valuable
T L K C O N ’S Y K L L o W PINK.
risks offer induci*ments for invest­ pi'm isior.s ■>: the ait at J ime 3, 1-S75, en­
titled, • An act for tlie sale of tim b e
i leseri 1 >ei 1 la m Is ¡•re fur its tind er or stone titan for agri-
the a Is i ve—
ment, the yellow ¡line il.strii t in lands i i the states ol v ailfoniia, i »re­ requested
to. Hie tl.eir claims in ultnral purposes, and to establish their
eastiUM Oregon is f r ahead ofaiiy- gi«.,, Neva la and Wuscii gton Terri­ this othi e on or betöre said lhth day o’
tory,” as extended to all the public
claim to said laud before A. ('. Maimer,
Tlu* person who l.i.d |ii|lasiei ! tiling wliieh call i»e o fered on the la d states in act ol August 4, lh'.»2, the, Sept., HM2.
T. S. Commissioner at fiend, Oregon,on
K. M. H iiattain , Register.
lollov. log p "síe s iiave tilis day filed il:
a few mnnlhs ago that this entiri e > ist.
the 17tli day of November,
tins oih. e t etr s\.oru siatemeiits, to - ¡
lfit of timber lying east of tin
Jhit over it all.the fact eaunot la w ii :
They la m e as witnesses*: (¡eorge
Katherine M. H.irrett, of Alhanv.
Cascades in the I esehutes valici disputed that yeiiow pine is of
( ’lntrles Smith, of Summer Lake,
Would he filed oil la-fnrc tall W olili latter «pialitv and grade tlu.n fir
Lake'. iew, Oregon, August 19, 1902.
Oregon; Tnnieis J. Devine, Thomas
statement No. .s7:>, for die purchase of
Notice is hereby given that in eom-
have 1 ad a large ip.n~tinn marl and the two cannot he classed to-1
Watkins, of Albany, Oregon.
■c2>, ti» 24
tl.o s 1., Itw
With the provisions of the act o
An etistern
eastern t timber
] laced a fter the ii of h * 'j g em
er. .-\i>
in t iv i- in ni i r ^
Any and all persons claiming adverse-
June H, 1H7H, entitled
act I for
ien “ . An
ini i tin
ni . ,
, ,
e ip '¡lih rilh iu
w .isu’ i l,n - put h im se lf on record as s a y -j
Louise M. Mcliee, of Salem, county o.
, •
I v the above-i lesen l>ed lands are request-
lie ot timber lands in the states ot l ai-
, . , .
. . . . . .
I to nie their claims in this oline on or
it asonahle tu l i lit ve t l a t such ah in ; tiiat the person w io houls on to ! Marion stele ot Oregon, sworn stato-
iforuia, Oregon, Nevada ami Washing­
enormous strip of yellow pirn • ii • \ en o w pin e cm .m fo r a lew O'cnt No. S74, lor the purchase of the ton Territory,” as extended to all tin before said 17th day of November., 1IK/2.
K. M. Hu atta i X, Register.
sc 4 see -5, tp 24 s. r 10
Public Lami States by ai t of August 4
wliieh had been standing idle foi years w ill never have to do uli\ 1 7,,.
. ,
Unit they will oiler proof to slum 1892, the following persons have this
veals would he taken as rapidh more work. And ms assort, on has that the land sought is more valuul»le.
timl»er or stone than for agricul- dav filed in this otiiee their sworn state-
a s it has. T h ere were no railroads 1 heett ju stified . Back in M in n eso- | f*’r
tnral purposes and to establish then meats, to w it :
T nitui » S tatus L and O kkick ,
in sight and o n ly one was promts- ta the lu m b erin g nrms arc cu ttin g , claim to s.,i I ¡and before A. C. Palmer.
A I jò I W. Morford, Jr., of I'rineville,
Lakevievv, Oregon, Aug. 19, 19(12.
l oniiiii.-.-ium i ,
Sisti ts, , ,.(,unty of Cnsik, state of Oregon, swori
« d. Consequently the prospcc'. trees that will square four niches I
.Oregon, on Momlav, the 15th d a v o !'
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
for an outlet was anitlurg hut on- on the carriage ami a claim ii: September. 1992.
statement No. 123o, fur the purchase ot
ance with the provisions of the act of
i oev name as
David the nw \ sw \ see 25, ebj sel4 , s w lj se l 4
that state which runs a million
June 8 , 18 7 8 , entitled “ An act for the
But a few weeks wrought a mar- feet is worth from six to nine I lorosurg. oi Si io, Oregon; John W. sei 1 2l>, tp 2 ! s. r 9 e.
-ale of timber lands in the States of
Sarah W. Wirnlom, of Culver, eonntv
Young, of Crabtree, Oregon; Daniel
vc Ions change, and tin ; ctivity thousand dallars— stump.,gc value. .McDonald, of Albany, Oregon ; Herbert of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state-j California, Oregon, Nevada and Wash­
ington Territory,” as extended to all
witnessed in tlie buying of ccmst
So taking it altogether the man J. .»owning, <>l Lebanon, Oregon,
meat No. I2!4(>, for t'>e purchase of th* |
the I’ ublie Land States by act of August
t iiul i r till ring t lie past few months with tin- vcllow piiieclnim in hi
Aavandall persons claiming adverse nb, svv'- 4 , se '4 svvl4, n vv '-4 seb 4 see 29 t,
L 1892, tlie following persons have this
24 s, r 9 e.
...... ........ i'«>r « ;,n r . " ■->-!««... ■
........ ..... i « m ; s,ivk-
day Hied in this otiiee their sworn state-
That they w ill offer proof to show tlia' 1 *ments. to w i t :
go­ cn ns he might lie. lie h is . i iuni| l»el.»ri* said 15th day of Sept., 1902.
new locations which has been go
the land sought is more valuable for it
....... j tuou.-aml
.......... i i dollars
■ m i In.-
K. M. B uatt A ix , Register.
Jacob Hilveti, ot Jordan, county of
ing on in this district east of flit , oi <• several
timber or stone than for agriculture
state of Oregon, sworn statement
mountains. The steady influx m keeping if he handles it properlv
purposes, and to establish their claim ti No 1252, fur the purchase of tlie w h,
I neuters makes it rather difKetilt and it rcm uins ;o he seen w ln thei
saiil laud before A. C. Maimer. T. S 111 T 4 , s (-1 4 ncl 4 ,si l 4 nw ¡4 see 15, tp 25
at this time tt> estimate the num­ he w iil rea lize its in trin sic value oi l Cnited States hand Office, Lakuview t'ommissioner, at Bend, Oregon, oi s, r 1 2 e.
ber of acre- which have imssid inti ■ •I it pass from his hands for a Oregon, June 29, 1992.— Notiee is here Monday tiie 17t 1 1 dav of November, 1902
Nancy K. Bilvcu, of Jordan, county
They name as witnesses:
, !>f Idnn, state of Oregon, sworn state-
thc hands of individuals since at- trifle more than he puhl for it. fi *»>*
tiiat in compliance with the
Ed Mot
, ■ . i
i ...
t ..
provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, en­
>igan. of Albany, Oregon ; Join j ment No. 1233, for the purchase of the
t i l e locatin g began, hut a coiiscrv- the hitter proves to he the e.i-i*
. «
111 titleil, “ All act tor tlie sale of ton bur - 1 Sumner, , Alici W. Morford, Jr., of Mrinc ,
nee 15, tp 25 s, r 12 e.
utivc* estimate places it at KiO.UtK w ill have abu ndant o p p o rtu n ity in hinds in tfw states m California, Oregon, ville, Oregon : Sarah \\ . Wirnlom, Jcssi
Mary F. Hilyeu, of Jordan, county of
acres or almut seven townships. tile near ftltlirc t > g lid e s o fllv in to Nevada and Washington Territory,” a- W indoni, of t ul\er, Oregon.
i Linn, state of Oregon, sworn statement
It is safe t• » a- unie that this activ­ a dark co rn er am i kick h illlself. extended to all the pnb'ic laud states hy
Any and all persons claiming ad- No. 1224, for the purchase of the w b,
ity will not seca let-up until even Seventeen or nine w ords to the ! a,'t " [
!ollo.'vi" K ! K‘ r' versely the above-described lands are |.se '4 sec 15, nvrt^ ncL4, neL 4 i.vv l4 sec 22,
sons have this day tiled in this office requested to Hie their claims in this tp 25 s, r 12 e.
quarter section of vacant timber is wise man is o v c r lv sullicit iit.
their sworn statei cuts, to-wit;
oHice on or before said 17 day of Nov. j Tliut they will offer proof to show that
tiled mi. Even now the claims
Marion M. Loosley, of Fort Klamath. P.HI2.
the land is more valuable for its timber
which were at first passed by a-
eounty of Klamath, state ot Oregon,
E. M. B kattain , Register.
or stone than for agricultural purposes,
S en ator Sptm ncr is lik e lv to al- sworn statement No. , 8 iit(,
for the
second class arc being picked up
and to establish their claim to said
W b.
land before A. C. Maimer. I'. S. Com­
hy those who conn1 too late to get ways he reelected to his present l,llr,,t,f*M
T IM B E R L A N D N O T iC E .
14, tp 25 s, r 7 e.
Oregon, on
the cream of the ucsirable claims. position, lt is said that the attor­ sw *4 i.e l4 . sc l 4 nw (4
United States Land office, Lakevievv
Joseph \\ . McCoy, of Fort Klamath,
; Monday, the 17tli day of November,
And lion the tilings have Inch ney general of V\ isconsin w ill re­
county of Klamath, state of Oregon Oregon, August 19. 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli­
made and tlie til ta I proofs are oi quest thi' legislature to pass a law sworn statement No. 819, for the por-
; '1 bey t ame as vv itiiessi s : Michael Coetz,
their way to the various lam allowing tlu' women to vote.
eluise of the sw bj see 14, tp 25 s. r 7 e ance with the provisions of the act o Jr., of Jefferson, Oregon; Joseph Mni-
Solon o. Shat ruck. of Fort Klamath, June 3, 1878, entitled “ ail act for tin ceau, of Koshmil, Oregon ; Jacob Hilyeu,
ollices the individual clainiant.-
county oi Klamath, state of Oregon, sale of timber lands in the states of Cal­ Nancy E. Hilyeu. Mary F. Hilyeu, of
ure speculating as to whet iter tlieii
ifornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing­
Jordan. Oregon.
L .timer.
ot sworn statement No. 811 for the pur-
yellow pine holdings are or evei
ton territory,” as extended t*» all tin
Any and all persons claiming ad­
South ( 'andina,*who is in the ace
Public Land States by act of August 4
will he valuable as they first slip
nw ‘4. sec 14, tp 25 s, r 7 e.
versely the above-described lands are
tor the senate, is said to he «hi
That they wi'l offer proof to show that 1.892. tin* following persons have this requested to Hie tl.eir claims in this
I o-ed. The question is easily an­
the land sought is more valuable for its day Hied in this ottiee their sworn state­
choice of Sem.tor Tillman,
oHiie on or before said 17th day of Nov.,
timber or stone than tor agricnlturu! ments. to w it:
likely to wind up the ti
Last wi ck tin eastern firm bcgai
.lames W. Moyle, of Al]s‘ iut,county o'
to said land lieforo J. II. Driscoll, Coun­
K. M. H kattain , Register.
with such hacking.
the expenditure of half a millioi
ty Clerk. at Klamath
Falls, Ore- Alpena, state of M idi., sworn statement
go: 1 , on Thursday, the 1 St h day of Scp- No. 1237, for the purdiase of the
dollars in western Oregon, in pur­
tenilxT. 1992.
C mtkd S tatus L and Om eu,
chasing fir claims. They arc pay*
They min e as witnesses: Joseph \V.
.M r. Brvan’s speeches do not
Lakevievv, Oregon, August li, 1!>92,
Meter McClorg, of Alpena, county n
ing for these Claims approxiimitclv ' ,l;IVt. ils „,^1, ,,f > H v , ,. rill}i t„ Met iiy, Marlon F. 1 oosley. Richard M.
N otiiv is hereby given that in com­
Alpena, state of Mich., sworn statement
pliance with the provisions of the act of
$•20 per acre, or »dÜRO for eael ,hem as tl.ev did six veins ago. Morgan, \ddie S. McCoy, Tessie .1. Mor­ No 12 3 8 for the purchase of the sVj o June
3. 1878. entitled “ All act for the
gan, Clin lies M artin,all of Fort Klam­
s«v, see 2.3, tp 24 s. r 9 e.
quarter section. This is a decide. Mis r m .|lt l,u„¡ia>Ss 'enterprises
sale of limiter lands in the States of
ath. Oregon.
Frederick I.. Collins, of Alpena, eonntv California. Oregon. Nevada, and Waslr-
a d v a m e o v e rp n .e s in vogue » nave raked in a little too much
m 11 «I
«91 ; e r - o n s r l « l i n l l i g
Htlvcr-vly l li r
rtlMive-t'esi'nl r«l I h u «I s sn * rsiiiriilt'il 1 .» rile
year ago. As tin- timber grow* ^0|«I for tlint.
1 r . I; i m« ln i Ills i .««I i- .ai nr liefer«' shìi I lsili
scarcer in th ad t! e west» rn pro- 1
■ la> .«( Svi.l.. U»r.>.
K VI. r . m m i . N . Iti g l -i c r.
duct advances steadily in value.
The recent ml va nee in the eoasi
I he Minneapolis mail elerk w!m
til -p :ik- w ell for the y e llo w
-tole ten thousand letter- from the
io eastern O regon for the la t h r i
|H.-t «»Hire in that c ity i- lik e ly to
m ore v .iloid dc in prop ortion (Inn m ake the a cqu ain tan ce o f a n oth er
the form t r.
out— the le tte r o f the In vv.
>n ■
■ ,
, ,
lin* point ma v In* contcndci 1
that . hums on the West side oi th.
I l t l m N eva,In congressm an get-
Cascades w ill run from tw o to thret 1 :o the senate he w ill p io h a h iy -et*
lim es the q u a n tity of t i l i i l i T o' .0 it that som e unire New
liny yello w pine elaitn on this -idi
hut tlie fact should a lw a y s W kept
in ih w that y e llo w pint-
fin ish in g Im nU r and i U h *9 not
lon g t f»«h c sam e class o f
products as tir.
I h
It is o f far
q u a lity lim i brings in the m arket
p r i . f far ill excess o f that deni.Hid
C on sequ en tly
d a in i wi t h three lim es the i|tiauti
t v of tiiulm r un
vh»iin o f yellow pine :s not in
►t'nse o f the wmU w orti:
tin market,
m ore
T I M B E R L A N D N O T IC E .
Uniteli Stai»*» Ialini (»(Wet*. la»keview.
Oregon. June 10, ltKtt ¡— Notice is hereby
given that in compliance with the pris
vision« of the net of June 3. 1878. e n
titled “ An aet.for the sale of timls'r
. . . . .
lauds in the states ..f I iiliforiiia. Oregtui.
\>V:,.|1. und Washington Territory.” as
extended to nil the publie lami states
by act of August 4. 1892. the following
liiivt" this Via v filed in tliis" office
on, statements tmwit :
of MrineriUe.
»5 1111 . imi It
u McFarland,
Yit*rarruiKi, mi
i rinrvnir.
iunntv of i'nmk,
of Ur^inii, n*«»ni
of A l,*
_ ,.» . state , of M , idi., sworn
1V“ ’ V"
, 'u ‘ "i Lands
‘" ’V ' States
! T ? liv te,,,.lwl
1 nnlle
act of / '!L
ment No. 1239. for the purchase of tin • u«t 4, 1892, the fol'ow ing persons liaCe
-vv (4 sw
sec 29, 11 b. nwL4, i i w 4% ne *4 this day Hltsl in this utlice tlu*ir sworn
see 35 , tji 24 s. r 9 t*.
statements, to-wit.
John J. llealy. of Alpe.m, eonntv
• state .9 M idi., sworn state-
ment No. 1240. for the purchase of tin
sw S, iiw >4 . w K - w A -4 3 .V 2 4 - 9 , Lot 4
- ; ^ .. ” ^ ' ; ; ’, " ; ^ . '
M artinl iilligau. of Alpena, eounty of
AlpouM, state of M idi., sworn state-
nient No. 1241. for the purchase of tin
ne «4 see 3. tp 25 s. r 9 e.
That they will offer proof to show
, il*‘h‘ " I- Stevenson, of Eugene, .oun-
tv of lotue. stati* ol Oregon, sworn state-
n',ent No. 1 152. for the pnrt ha...... . the
l» 'tt lit *4 st t- 30. sb, si ' 4 see 19, tp 23 s,
r 9 e.
Jacob 0 . Stevenson, of Eugene, txnut-
tvoflain e.sta te< if(»regon .sw u rn state-
melit No. 1153, for the purchase of the
nw ' 4 see 3H. tp 23 s. r 9 e. •
Tiiat they will offer pnsif to sliowr
that th<* laud sought is inore vuliuihle
for its tlmlier or stoiie than for agricul­
«»"“ ‘ be land song],t ,s „.on* valuable tural pnrjMiees. and to estuhlisli their
an* throw n tqien to irrig a tio n
* ''[
' ' n , W r ,,r
U ' r “ ^ * claim tu said land Is fore .1. ,1. Smith,
'-«‘ '« '‘ nd pu rp-cs,
and to establish tlieii County
Clerk, at
Priueville. Ore­
to said
liefore A. C. Palmer.
1 In* rlioltT .i w liii'h ¡.«* r«i\ i.*«liinp
*u I laud
gon, 011 Moiiilay. the
dav of
iHiinissioiier. at Bend, Oregon
I ; | m
Novomlier, 1992.
ic O rien t has p l n i i d pull-; w a v statement N<>, ^24, for the pnrehuse of •,,,SMtirilTv" tl
the 15th dar of Novene
4 1 i 1 i J
J 1 i o v t r a thousiiiitl (. loii.n im n «he nt ^ sei 14, tp 23 u, r 15 e.
They name as vvituesses: ,1. II. Han-
tn-r 19tr*
l.i/xie (ieiger. of Priaeville. county of
; er. Frank Uislson. of Bend. Oregon;
o t far.
Cn-.k, state of Oregtm. sworn state-
T'jey name «s whinwi-. : Kd Morgan N
N illiain 11. liollinsliead,
of Laya, Ort- _
meut No. 725, for the |nirvliase of the ., . ,ub '- ' r' 8on. . «»•« pii . lanvun. ot j,,,,. .ivcoh U. Stevwuson. of Eugene.
I. 1 ntl 1. 1 1
1 I f A«rt
I* i i-t t.d
C oll!.... .
A t-te n -tio n ! M ore earth qu ak es. -WV 4 se e 1 . tp 2.3 s. r 15 e.
1° r‘V , n ;
,,**Mkk ' ' ’dligan Oregon; Helen I. Hterensiwi. nf Eugene,
’ ¡tiae*ns o f the 1 ‘ h illip p im s , right
Jennie ClavpHd., f Mrinev ille. tvuntv,
•,‘ a,n J- M**aly t »regoli.
of ( r*»»k. stats of .. ............. won. átate- 1 Ct**r ' M U“ »*
ilstUt face— M a n I.I
Any and al) petoona clsimiug a.1-
ment No. 72o, for the j.iirdutse of the
A n j and at |s*rswna d.dining adverse* Vt-rsely the aljovt-slew. ril>e*l lands are
e 1# of e 1* »ee 4«. tj> J« s. r 15 e.
*•' «**e alHivoileserilit.wl lamia are n-* re*|iiested tw tilt» tlieir chtitns in this n i
The war game on the New Eng-
•l««‘»»tsl to (ile their cluin.s in ofii. t ho- .ai ..r Iwfoix* sufi ltlth day uf N.*-
LriJOe lotws aq
oi pi l ’ri iev ilio, .smnty of
Mild const Utorttu the squadrons fr,*.«
of Ortqpai. smini stale- «**• *»r liefore said dav of Nuf-, lt*»2.1 veuilior, IviM2.
j , a-sed off rather quietiv,
, msnt No, 727 tvr «U« purvhase ot thè;
L . M. Ua.wt.ux, Regwter, I
B ma I t . m n , Registor.