. . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . *xSXSxl>«XS>Sx3Xl>>> E i, A D K IN S' Ti 1 '. '• [* TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ... u i Q. . , , , . . Orcein, Jun e 21, 1!*>2.—Notice is her»- by given that in coiniiliance with the provision, nf the act of June 3, 1878, en- | extended to all the public land states by ¡ac t of August 4, 1892, the following l^raons have this dav hied m this office * ,t,,r »worn statements, to-\ut: John If. Barnett, of ( olfax, county of 1 Vn act for the sale of timlier t Whitman s‘ ate of , Wash., «won state and Bath- * . ' titled, lands l,i the states oi ( a', forma. Ore-; ,, ¡: eon. Neva-la, and Washing on Territory, » ‘« « t .No. 1040. for the purchase of the Rooms. tii | as extended to all the public land states n.($ ne *4 see n 1., mv *4 see 4, tp 23 s, \ Barber Shop * }. • by act of August 4. 1892, the following r 0 e. It St of acoom odutiom ; a n d s a t - ! persons lim e this day tiled in this office , w-m- \ Barnett, of Colfax, countv their sworn statenienfs, to-wit : .... . ... . (• Joseph Worrier, of Crookston, county ,,f " hitman, state of W ashinjrton, sworn i facto ry serv ice. * of Polk, state of M in n .,. sworn state- ! statement No. 1041 , for the purchase of j inent No. 838, for the purchase of the the n e 1 1 110*4 sec 31, " l,> nw*> 4 , nw *4 Next door to Poindexter's Hotel (£ see 2. 1 !».'-/<rfl'e '1' ' ^ "**' ***' 27’ tp ' » hw « '* -, r 32, tp «»' 22 -- s, s- r r !)e. ® PRIN H V ILLE -------OUKfiON. That they will offer proof to show that Salem Mngeau, of Crookston, county of Polk, state of Minn., sworn state the laud sought is more valuable for its ment No. 830, for . , » . , » 4 1 • ..i , the . . . purchase of the timber or stone than for agricultural IIW}* SW i^, s w i i n w M s e e 27, lie *4 s e ^ , purposes, and to establish their claim to sel^ ne1^ sec 28, tp 22 s, r 0 e. Richard K. White, of Davidson, couti- said land before 11. W. Heed, I . S. j tv of Polk, state of Minn., sworn state- Commissioner, at 'T e n d , Oiegon, on j ment Ny. 840, for the purchase of the Monday, the 13th day of Oct., BH)2. I s s u *4 sec 27, i i *2 nw '4 sec 34, tp 22 s, They name as witnesses: W illiam TIMBER LAND NOTICE. , r 0 e. II. Hollinshcad, of Lava, Oregon; | Francis M. Sexton, of The Dalles, l Tiiiteil Slates I.aml Office, Lake county of Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn Frank Hudson, Joseph II. Hauer, of v iew , O regon, J u l y 12, 1 9 0 2 :—N otice j statement No. 841, for the purchase of Bend, Oregon; W illiam A. Barnett, is h ereb y g iv e n th a t in c o m p lia n c e H‘$ sel^ sec 28 , n*-j ne.t^ sec 33, tp John 1!. Barnett, of Colfax, W ashing w ith th e p ro v isio n s of th e a c t o f ' ““2?,’ I / T ' „ . . , 1 •> .-.i ii<*. . e That they will offer proof to show ton. ,Junc* J, . X 1 8 , entitled An net for that the land sought is more valuable Any and all persons claim ing adverse the sale of timlier lands in the for its timber or stone than for agricul- ly the above-descrilied lands are re states of California, Oregon, Neva- tunil pnr|sises, and to establish their quested to tile their claims in tins office da, ami Washington Territory,” MS to said hind liefore A. (’ Palmer, F. ’ , 1 , 1 , 1 i- ‘ 1 , S. ( oiiiiiiissiouer, at Prineville, Oregon, on or before said 13th day of Oct., 1902. e x te n d e d to a ll th e p u b lic la n d Monday, the 10th day of Nov., 1902. K. M. IJ hattaix , Register. s ta te s hv a c t of A u g u st 4, 13112 . | They name as witnesses: David II. th e fo llo w in g jierso n s h av e th is j Owner, of I,ewiston, Idaho; Frunk Holi d a y filed in th is office th e ir sw orn 1 " ’V* •’ '"'.'T1' IL ,la t!"T: -*f »e*,<l. Oregon ; ’ •' . , Salem Mageau, ot Crookston, M inn.; s ta te m e n ts , to -w it: Itichard K. W hite, of Davidson, M inn.; TIMBER LAND NOTICE. Jothaiii J . Barnes, of Scio, county of ■ Francis M. Sextyn, of The Dalles, Ore- United Stiites Dual Ollice, Lake view, j Linn, state of < >regon, Hworn statement [ gon. mi . ¡173, for the purchase of the lots ti, ! . •\11.v u.n,l *dl 1> < rsons claim ing adverse- Dregon, Ju ly !7, 1 !M> 2 . Notice is lierehj j ly tin* a ls n e dcserilHil lands arc request- given that in compliance with the pro- ■7, 10, 11, sec 31, tp 24 s, r 11 1 ». ed to tile tli ir claims in this office o.i or visions of the act of June 3, 1878, en-| Joseph M. Morris, of Scio, com ity of before said 10 thidav* of November, 1902. j tjt, , ,.A a(.t for the Pale of tim ber l.inn, state of Oregon, sworn statement lands in the stiites of ( aliforina, Oregon, >o. ¡174, for tin* purchase of the lot 13, Nevada, and Washington T erritory,” a s 1 sec 31, tp 24, s. r 11 e, j extended to all the public land states by j Jots 5, 0, 7, sec ti tp 25 s r 11 e. John S. Morris, of Scio, county of TIMBER LAND NOTICE. I act of August 4, 1892, the following Linn, state ot Oregon, sworn statement rnlf.M l S t a te s I« h fi<! office, Lnkcv le'V , Oregon, j persons have tliis day tiled in this office! : Not le e is h e r e b y tfivcii th a t in j their sworn Htatements. to-wit: m i . 975, for tin* purchase of the lots 8, J u n e 21, eoni)»liitnee w i t h the p r o v isio n s of t h e net o i John J. Collins, of Albany, county of ,), 15, lti, see ti, tp25 s, r i l e . J u n e tt, IM7H, e m i t led " A n act for t h e stile of l i m h e r I hik I x in t h e s ta t e s of CaliforuiM , ore- W illiam C. M iller, of Scio, county of ifoii. N e v a d a . »tint W a s h in g t o n T e r r i t o r y , ’ * a s | Linn, sfiite of Oregon, sworn statement e x t e n d e d to a l l t iie p u b lic l a n d s ta t e s b y a ct No. 10J3, for the purchase of the sw '4 j l.iiin , statu of Oregon, sworn statem ent of August I, 1SD2, t h e fo ll o w i n g p erson s h a v e 'o . 978, for the purchase of the lot 17. ll iis d a y filed in t h i s office t h e i r s w o rn s t a t e sec 21, tp 24 s, r 9 e. e n ts t o - w l t : yec ti, lots 2, 3, 4, see 7, tp 25 s, r 11 e. m Thomas Hattie S. Cyrus, of Culver, county of V. Taylor, of The Dalle«, county of That they « i l l offer proof to show Wasco, state of Oregon, sworn statement No. Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state for th e purchase of the st.^ seV,. i i w 1., se‘ 4 {hat the land sought is more valuable H12, ment No. 1314, for the purchase of the seett, and n w l 4 lie* 4 see 10, ti» 22 s. r 0 e. Kockey Kohinsou, of The Dalles, c ou n ty lor its tim lier or stone than for agricul *f Wasco, slate w*X n e ‘-4 lots 18, 15), sec 7, tp 24 s, r 11 e. of Oregon, sworn statement No tural purposes, and to establish their Hitt, for the purchase o f the n 1., n\\1,, hw ^ n w l 4 Omar M. Cyrus, of Culver, county of 10 and lie' ^ lie' f see ft, 1 1* 22 s, r ft e. ,-lnim to said land l>ofore A. C. Palmer. see That tliev will ofter proof to show that the Crook, state of Oregon, sworn statement laud sought is more valuable for its timber No. 1015, tor the purchase of the kw ^ S. Commissioner, at P rineviile, Ore or stone i I ihu for agricultural purposes, and to gon, on Thursday, the 9th d ay of Octo establish their claim to said land before A. set^ lots it, Pi, 17, sec 7, tp 24 s, r 11 e. I'alnter, S. rotninlssioner, at 1‘rineville, ber, 1902. They inline as witnesses; Oregon, Warren D. Cyrus, of Culver, county on Wednesdav the lath dav of October, John Combs, Joseph 1\ Hunsnk- Iftoi. They name as witnesses: Joseph II. Hauer, of Crook, state of Oregon, sworn state 1 rank Hudson, oi Bend, Oregon; David H <r, of I’rinevilk*, Oregon; Jothuni and llaner, of Lewiston. Idaho; Thomas A. Taylor, ment No. 1010, for the purchase of the To and from Shaniko in !2 hours. wtfc set- 4 , swk 4 ne* 4 , lot 2, seed, tp 24 s, Hockey of Tile Dalles Oregon. J. Barnes, Joseph M. Morris, John Auy and Hohinsoti, all persons claiminjr adversely the [ r 1 1 e. land« are re«iuested t«» file Shortest and best route to the Railroad. Comfortable coaches and p. Morris, William C. Miller, of above-described I heir claims in this otth e on or before said Patrick C ulligan, of Alpena, county I ' M ti day of oct., Iim 2. fieio, Oregon. Any and all jiersons of Alpena, state of Michigan, sworn, careful drivers. Passenger and freight rates reasonable, K. M. H rattain , Ke^is er. claiming adversely the uUive-des- ' statement No. 1025, for the purchase of4* PNSi HKm i.K: Leave m Prineviile 1 P. M. Arrive Trineville (5 A. M. j the lots 2, 7, 10, 15, sec 18, tp24 s, r 11, e. ! gribed lands are requested (0 fib That tliev will offer proof to show that ” Shaniko 6 P. M. ” Shaniko 1 A. M. their claims in this office on before the land sought is more valuable for its «¡lid Ot 1« day of October, nineteen- ! timlier than for agricultural purposes, Q. M. CORNETT, Manager. hundred and ifintv-two. | and to establish their claim to said land Ollice, A damson it W ixnkk V .Store------- - - Prineviile, Oregon. K. M. B 11 attain , Register. before A. C. palm er, l ?. S. Conimission- | er, at Prineviile, Oregon, on W edneday, | the 15th day of Octolier, 19v)2. — tin to— They name as w itnesses: Omar M. TIMBER LAND NOTICE. ; Cyrus, H attie S. Cyrus, Warren I)- I'niteil Stntes La ml Office, i.ake- , Cyrus, Culver, Oregon ; John J Collins, * tiew. Oregon, Ju ly 12, 1B02.— No ; Francis J . Devine, of AU niiiv , Oregon; tice is hereby given thnt in eomjili- Joseph M arccau, of Roslaud. Oregon. ^nee with the |novisions of the net I Anv and all |H*rsons claim ing adverse pf June 3. 1S7H, entitled, “An act ly tin* above described lands are r e -: for the snle of timU r hinds in the 1 /"* k Q t t o s \ tv j quested to tile their claim s in this ollice j «t-ates of California, Oregon, Neva-1 ^ ^ f l ^ 1 U E<« on or liefore said 15tli day of Oct., l!H!2. da and Washington Territory.” ns E. M. B kattaix , Register. This Space Reserved. E L K I N S & K 1 N G . PRINEVILLE, OREGON. PRINEVILLE-SHANIKO STAGE LI NE FOR GENERAL MERCHANDISE SANFORD’S Taking to the Tall Timber? HAMILTON STABLES extended to nil tin* jmhlic hind states hv net of August 1. IS!)2, the following jH-rsons have this day filed in this «Jilee theiraworn state- pients. to-wit: (ilenadii Templeton, of I’rine- > ilie. county of Crook, state of Ore gon. sworn statement No. 5170. for (he purchase of the sel I see 24. \j» 2S s, r 10 e. Minnie M. Whitsett, of Prine viile, eouutv of Crook, state of Ore gon, sworn statement No. 071. for the purchase of the nwl-4 see twenty-five, tp twenty-eight s. X 10 e. Arthur L. Templeton, of I’rine \ iilt*. county of Crook, state of On gon,-worn stati nient No. Nine hun dred nuil seventy-two for the pur- * base ot the -u 1 l -el I >ee t\Velit\ three, n half nel-4. sel 4 net-4.see '¿ti. tp twenty-eight s. r 10 e. Ami The Best GOODS at the Flitted States Lami Office, Lakeriew Oregon, Ju ly 10, 19)2:—Notiee is here by given that in eompliance with the there for vour monev. provisions of the net of Jun e 3, 1878, en titled “ An net for the sale of tim ber lands in the states of California. Oregon, Nevad«, and Washington Territory, as extended to all the public laud states by- SHANIKO .... OREGON. act of August 4, 1892. the following persons liavo this day tiled in this office NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. their sworn statem ents, t**-wit : Mike II. Festina, of Spokane, state of Pc'mrtincnt of tlie Interior. W . ii gtoii. sworn statem ent No. 1007, I Mini I DI ¡ice at laikeview, Oregon. .1 illy for -ilie pnrchnm* of the se l4 i\w l4 , s 1.. •Jiith, 1902. Notici* i- hereby given that tin* following iiannil settler lias tiled ne '4 si*e 24, tp 21 s, r 11 e ; s\vl4 nw' . notice of bis intention to make final tee 19, tp 21 s, r 12 e. Frank R. Iblei, of Feriiwood, county proof in support of bis elaim, and that **f Koot-eiiai, »tilt»* of hi.ilio, sw-*rn state -ai l proof w ill lie made la-fore A. C. ment No. 1(108, for fin* ptirebase of the Palmer, F S ('o m m i"io n e r at B,*nd. That tlie v wi l l offer jiroof ti> 1 Oregon, on September 13. 15K)2. viz: J. 1114 i .«*l4 s»*e 24, tp 21 s. r 11 e ; nw *4 nw - -how th a t the la n d so ugh t is m on F. Hardy. Il F. 2511, for tlie ehi sw *4 '4 se»* 19, sw ' 4 sw *4 s»v 18, tp 21 s, r X tlu a h le for its tim lie r or stone -e»' 3. A e *4 nw *4 see 10. tp 23 n, r 10 e. 12 e. th a n for a g r ic u lt u r a l |.urposes an d He n am e-th e following w itn es-is t<> That they will offer pr»*of to show that \o cK tahlish th e ir e la im to said prove Ins eoiiiiiiuous resi*leuce iqion and thè I.nel sought is unire vabmlde for its la n d Is fore A C I 'a lm e r. I S eultivation i»f -;ii*l land, vi -: W illiam tim lvr or stolte tinnì for agricultural V o m inis i*m i. at I rim i i l l e . Ore Mayl.eld, 5|iebuel M av'ield, \\ dilani pur;**>>(■!», and toestabbsh th eir d ain i to *<*n. on I", u r s d a v , th e P*h d a y of Bogue, Frank Bogue, all of R oh I niii I. s: ni l a I In-fon* A. C. Palmer, F. S. Colo in issjoner at Itemi. Oregon, 0.1 V 'etels i. 15*02. n e\ n a m e a s w it- ( frego li. >atu*..ay, the lHtli dav of Ovtolier. B*02. y e s - c ': ( i ie n a d a 1 1 i: pit t>m. M m- K. M B bvttvix . Register. riiey iiMme «s witne—,*s : W illiam y ie M W h its e tt. A rth u r L. T m - Br*s k, ( liarhs* Hrm-k, Ik'iid. Oregon ; ' I deton.of Prim vill«*. Oregon; John il.M HCR LAND NOTICE. V » diiam I*. Vamlevert, of la n a . Oregon ; telfrivli. Jacob Stroud, of I,n- I nlteil States Lim i O-ti. e, l.ikeview Fnit.k K. Bnel, **f Fernwia«!, Idalio; gionta. Or. gon. Any and all ji rsoiis claiming advarselv Oregon. Ju ly 23. Hirj •—Not 1 . 0 * is hereby Mike il. Lestm a. of Spok ane, W ashing- tin ahovi discnlnal lands are re- given that in eompli.iiice with the pne ton. Any ami all p»* rsons eia in ing a*l vers,“- %Uw»tcil to tiie thvii i l a i m s in this v isions of the act of June S, 1H7X. en- tifio* un or Is fore >..id ifih ds\ of tith sl "An act for the vk* of tim lier Iv tlie .ila n t s im r ilie l lu.ols arv r»- tan.Is in the »tan*** * »! California, Oregou, qii»*«te.| t>» hi«- their « lain.s in tlns otf.n» CxVAs r. 15*0 2 . on or U lore s;ii*l lXth day of Oet., 1902. Ne\a* Li and Washington D rritorv. ' t . H U(t v ir u s . R e g iste r. fc. M. I l u m i x , K«*gister. 1 PRICES. You get REDBY FEED BARN TI MBER LAND NOTICE. Full ---In Prineviile— Are Directly on Your Route. A. C. Sanford, T ravelers and T ourists Conveyed to all Points. Fine Saddle Horses and L ivery Turnouts. Hcrses Boarded; Eest Care Given to Stock. BOOTH & CORNETT, >• ì . . . i Proprietors. ................ ... ................ ... . , ¡NOTHING NEW UNDER THESÜNÎ Except j ! In O vr Store W here T here is a Complete Line of D ry | Goods, Tods. Groceries and Everv-thir.^ in use About the H ouse.! Step P aying Hijfh Prices and do Y our Trading W ith a Firm W hose Prices Just Fit the Pocketbock. J. F. MORRIS rRINEVIU.E. OKEliOX. w