Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, June 10, 1944, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Camp Abbot, Ore., June 10, 1944
Page Four
Four Softball
Games Wind Up
Play at Abbot
Combat Rations
Include Sponge
Soldiers subsisting on the 10-
in-1 combat ration in areas re­
mote from organized messing
facilities are finding a small cel-
j lulose sponge packed with the
ration fo r assistance in cleaning
their mess equipment.
About the o n l y noticeable
The 10-in-l, containing rations
change in the standings of the
1 fo r 10 men fo r one day, consists
post softball tournament as the
o f carefully selected processed
result of four games played
i foods. They are packed in five
this week, is the fact that Serv­
different menus and may be
ice company is now tied with
Leaten without cooking. The ra­
C-58 for top honors in the A m er­
ft ion also i n c l u d e s cigarets,
ican league. W hat with “condi­
matches, water purification tab­
tions" and all, future ball games lets, soap, and paper towels.
w ill just have to wait until
everybody gets up to— you know
where. Scores in the final A b ­
bot games were Service com­
pany, 55, B-58, nothing; B-55, 18;
Supply Co., 3; A-58, 9, C-56, 0;
B-54, 9; Hdqs. Officers, 00.
The final standings at Camp
Abbot are:
American League
Service Co...................... 5
....................... 3
....................... 3
A-5 6 ..............................3
B-67 ............................. 3
C-57 .................................................. 1
A-r,7 ..............................1
B-56 ............................. 0
National League
C-64 ............................. 6
B-55 ..........: ..................r>
A-54 ............................. 4
C-56 ..............................3
Supply Co...................... 2
B-54 ............................. 2
Htlqs. Officer« ................0
A-56 ..............................0
Ree Hall
Lt. Butz of basketball, volley­
ball, and softball fame, dropped
into the gym Thursday and
passed out those good two-for-a-
nickel cigars. Occasion: A cer­
tain bouncing seven-pound boy.
The newcomer has the same
color hair as his father.
Feeling a need for exercise
the other day, an energetic duo
from Service company, Sgts. Joe
H arty a n d
skipped m errily down to the ob­
stacle course hand in hand,
only to discover the course just
ain't. It was "struck” last week.
Undaunted, the non-conditioncd
government issues ran up Lava
Butte non-stop, as a substitute
(it says here).
Pvt. Pease, 59th battalion, an
exceedingly s l i c k boxer, sur­
prised everyone by defeating
Pvt. Ankcrman in the table ten­
nis tournament this week. An-
kerman was a strong favorite.
Abbot, Costello
(Continued Ft-om Page One)
fered to lend the camp free of
Buster Keaton, co-director at
the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer stu­
dios, was another Hollywood
figure who extended a friendly
hand, agreeing to lend his assis­
tance where contact with the
studios would help.
Hollywood Film Enterprises,
Inc., offered the camp at no
cost, use o f it» collection o f
Keystone and Christie comedies
and other old timers. Ed Low-
rey, head o f the Victory Com­
mittee, expressed willingness to
comply with any request ap­
proved by the Ninth Service
Service Command.
In his meanderings about H ol­
lywood and visits to movie sets,
Sergeant Hyde met many promi­
nent figures with whom he had
worked in his civilian days, in­
cluding Fred Astaire, Marie W il­
son o f the Ken Murray radio
show, and Sam Hayes, networks
The D u ffy p i c t u r e , built
around a character resembling
the conductor o f the Toonerville
trolley w ill be shown at the
Service Club Monday evening at
Guest House to Close
Refunds at Service Club
The Camp Abbot Guest House
w ill close at noon June 19, the
Special Service office has an­
nounced. A ll men who have
made reservations subsequent
to that date w ere advised to call
immediately at the Service Club
for refunds.
Save for Security! Save with
Let Your Buddy Read The E N ­
Security!—Buy BONDS!
G IN E E R A fte r You've Finished.
The Wolf
by Sansone
« by C m » » Her « » « W w—
■— Photo by Signal Corps Photo Lab.
Speaking of pin-ups! Don’t stop to count ’em, but there happen to be exactly 273, including the one
Sgt. Itaoul Mound is thumhtacking here. This limitless sea of pulchritude is located in the sergeant's
quarters at the Post kennels. But the latest addition is not Lana Turner or somebody like that . . .
it’s a picture o f Mound's only son, aged 4 months.
Hughes Paddles
Our Attitude Is,
Hauser; Hubby- Fort Lewis Trek They’re All Good
Wife Win TT Set
(Continued From Page One)
Last week we published a pic­
overseas assignment.
ture o f officers and cadre of
Immediately upon receipt of
offical word o f the transfer, ci­ Company A, 58th battalion, with
Out of a field of 28 entries, 18- vilian employees at the post, a merit plaques, battalion colors,
year-old Thomas M. Hughes, great many of them wives of
and other unit identification
company A, 56th battalion, of trainees, started preparations
Racine, Wisconsin, won the lo r their remova' ->'so. In an banners generously displayed,
men’s singles portion o f the sec­ effort to place as many of them and made the rash statement
ond annuel Post table tennis ac possible in other Federal po­ that A-58 was the first company
to win all three o f the Technical,
tournament by defeating Sgt. sitions and assist them in mak­
Administrative and T a c t i c a l
Hauser o f the Provost Marshal’s ing the transfer with the least
plaques in a single month.
office in titf-ee out of five games possible inconvenience, Lt. Col.
The E N G IN E E R was still
in the semi-finals at the Rec hall ( R. D. Turrill, personnel director
dizzy from its ride through the
last Tuesday night, Sgt. Leo o f Camp Abbot, and J. J. O’Don­
press when a company officer,
Frizzo, athletic coach, has an­ nell, chief of civilian personnel,
who came to talk fo r the men
have been in touch with various under Capt. Jack P. Burch, com­
Hauser displayed considerable W ar Department agencies.
manding officer o f Company C,
improvement over his perform ­
A complete list o f civilian em­ 52nd battalion, dropped in to in­
ance in the last tournament, and ployees who wish to transfer to
form us that that company not
was expected by many to win. Fort Lewis has been submitted
only had held the three battal­
But Hughes' “ cut” and “ kill” to the civilian personnel office
ion plaques since its sixth week
proved too devastating. The W is­ on that post. It is expected that of training, but in addition had
consin won the YM CA Junior all can be absorbed there, and received the M ay mess award
singles back in 1939, 1940 and definite requests for indiivduals in the 11th Group.
will probably be received within
Before w e had thoroughly
PhyllisHubbard took the wom­ a week. Their civil service em­ masticated the words w e were
en’s singles tne same night when ployment will be considered con­ thus forced to eat, a company
she emerged victorious over tinuous.
officer appeared in behalf of
Helen Souhrada in three games
Lists have been submitted also Capt. Warren J. Neiman o f C-57
out of a fast five. There w ere six
to various other Government and his command. From him we
starters in this field.
agencies, including the civil serv­ learned that the form er incre­
Mrs. Hubbard joined her hus­
ice office and the Bureau of Rec­ ment of that company had held
band, CpI. Harold Hubbard of
lamation in Bend. These agen­ the three plaques through its
Service company, later in the
cies would place personnel in the 14th to 17th weeks, had won the
e v e n i n g to win the mixed
battalion fisticuffs champion­
I immediate vicinity o f Bend.
doubles. This came to pass when
ship, and had held the battalion
Names have been sent also to
the husband-wife combination
obstacle course pennant through­
defeated a team composed of the Portland A ir Base, and rep­ out the increfnent. Furthermore,
Miss Souhrada and Sgt. Ed Char­ resentatives of that installation we were told that the new incre­
w ill come to Camp Abbot to in­
les o f Supply.
ment qualified one hundred per
The evening was not to slip terview- prospective employees cent in its first record fire.
into history, however, until Hel­ at their desks or the Civilian
Personnel office.
en Souhrada had tasted the
Fort Stevens, near Astoria,
sweet nectar of victory. She and
Mrs. Helen Smith, her vocation­ Oregon, and the Seattle port of
al associate at the Service Club, embarkation, have also taken
trounced Mary Bender and the lists.
Sgt. Bert C. Cole o f Holly­
Thomas W. Craig, assistant di­
Hubbard lady to win the wom­
wood, who recently returned
rector o f the 11th Civil Service
en’s doubles.
from a Special Services post in
In the he-men doubles. Cpl. Region. Portland, visited the the China-Burma-India theater,
Fred Higginbotham and Pvt.
has been assigned to the Spe­
Sam Rosenstock, both of Service civil service representative, to cial Service Branch Mere as a
company, defeated the Charles-
talent scout and program direc­
wish to find employment in Ore­
Hauser combine.
gon. and will make every effort
In the overseas theater. Ser­
to place them in similar jobs in
geant Cole supervised a num­
the Bend and Portland areas.
ber of entertainment projects
Transportation o f those trans­
in cooperation with Anglo-Indi­
ferred on request o f Fort Lewis
an and British organizations.
w ill be paid by the Government.
Regulations in effect at Fort
Until illness forced his transfer
Camp Abbot headquarters has
Lewis at present prohibit enlist­
to a less strenuous branch of
wired the Secretary o f W ar in
ed men not in the first three
the service. Cole was assigned
Washington. D. C „ to ascertain
grades from living o ff the post.
to the Chinese Training and
whether their household goods
Maj. M. J. Cuadra, headquarters
Combat Command. Prior to en­
can be shipped at the expense of
commandant, announced t h i s
tering the service, the sergeant
the Government also.
week. The ruling will apply to
was an announcer and script
enlisted men leaving Camp Ab­
w riter fo r Hollywood broad­
bot for Fort Lewis, he said.
Buy National W ar Bonds N ow ! casting studios.
O'Seas Show Man
To Produce Here
Only Staffs Up
To Live Off Post
Cty CLvDfr A 8 **K
•W fc— A l i
"You play « pr»tty l»tt