SPORTS 'Thrill' Game Sees 58th Slip In Ball League Sergeant Qets Largest Trout When Coleman (Tracy) Cock­ rell banged out a sizzler over center field for a homerun in Monday night’s softball fracus between Service Company and C-58, a game which had already gone two extra innings in a deadlock tie, he crossed the plate to make it 3 to 2 against the Cee Fifty • eighters, who, until that moment had not tasted de­ feat in the current post softball tournament. Earlier in the game, Cockrell trekked to the m o u n d and pitched the Service gang out of a hole. They had been trailing 2 to 1. On a wild throw from home to second base in the sev­ enth, Leo Frizzo of Service, sauntered in to tie the thing up. This week saw C-54 continued its winning streak by taking Supply Company, 6 to 5. C-54 now has six straight wins and no losses. Results of other contests: B- 57, S) -C-56, 0; C-57, 1 B-58, 5; A 57, 5—B-56, 8; B-57, 7—B-56, 2; B-56, 0 Service, 9; A-54, 3 C 55, 5; A 58, 11— A-57, 5; B-57, 0— C-58, 1. Here are the standings: American League C-58 .................... ............. 5 Service Co.............. ............. 4 A -5 8 ..................... B-68 ..................... ..................... ............. 1 ..................... .............1 .................... .............1 ............. 0 National League C-54 ..................... .............6 H-55 .................... ........... 4 A -54 .................... ............. 4 C-57 A-57 B-56 Supply Co.............. Camp Abbot, Ore., June 3, 1944 ABBOT ENG IN EER Page Four 2 . . .0 ILlijs. O fficers . . . A-55 ..................... ............. 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 0 0 2 2 3 2 3 Ree Hall Ramblings Are you flabby in the biceps? Do your friends snicker when you pull o ff your shirt? Do you want mighty masculine mus­ cles? Then, run, Bud, don’t walk to the Rec hall. They have some Sgt. Rupert E. Fenley of the Training Division returned ta his quarters at the Service Com­ pany Sunday dripping water from the Deschutes but in pos­ session of perhaps the largest fish caught on the reservation this season. Having lured the 2414-inch German Brown, a l i a s Loch Leven, into shallow water in the twin bridge area, Sergeant Fen­ ley found the critter too heavy to flip. The fish darted for deep water, and the sergeant did the only thing a sportsman with too much integrity to report the one that got away could do. He dived in and came up with the prize ensconced in his arms. new pulley weights attached to the wall. There’s been quite a lot of badmintoning around the hall lately. Maybe GIs will soon be giving each other the bird, league style, provided sufficient interest can be aroused. Speaking of batting things back and forth, that table tennis tournament will get under way Monday night at eight. The play will continue through Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Fire Chief Warns Soldiers' Wives Operation of wood stoves by army wives unfamiliar with proper procedure has caused a number of preventable fires in Bend, Chief Leroy Fox of the Bend Fire Department told mem­ bers of the fire prevention coun­ cil of the Bend Chamber of Commerce at a recent meeting. A list of preventive measures, passed along by M. Ray Cooper, council member and lieutenant of the civilian guard at Camp Abbot, includes: (1) Always use a metal container for ashes, never cardboard or wood boxes; (2) Avoid hanging clothing too near stoves or stove pipes. Legal Softball Pitch Defined; Seek Base Rule There’s been a lot of talk around the post about certain rules in softball. For example, there are probably a dozen ways to pitch a softball, and each one of them has. been demonstrated here at one time or other. But it just happens that there is only ONE way, according to the o ffi­ cial rules of the game. Here is the straight dope, lifted intact from the book: “ A legal delivery shall be a ball which is delivered to the batter underhand and with a fol­ low through of the hand and wrist past the straight line of the body before the ball is re­ leased. The pitcher may use any windup he desires providing that in the final delivery of the ball to the batter, the hand shall be below the hip and the wrist not farther from the body than the elbow.” That takes care of the pitch. But what about the backstop rule? On some Abbot diamonds the player on third is not al­ lowed to steal home, even if he has a chance. On others, the steal is perfectly legal. “ What is needed,” said Sgt. Leo Frizzo, Athletic Coach, "is a blanket rule which will apply to every team on the post.” Sug­ gestions are welcome, he said, from all teams. Send in your ideas on this matter to the Rec hall. MORE ABOUT Saving Plan (Continues.From Page One) sonnel, and through that chan­ nel, your deposit may be made with the finance branch. Lt Crisman declared the fi­ nance branch will eventually be operated entirely by civilian per­ sonnel, under the supervision of the finance officer. The present staff includes M/Sgt. Lawrence T. Sinnott, who will retire from the army in September after 30 years’ service, T/Sgt. John L. Overman, and S/Sgt. Leo A. Cooper, both of whom have been Buy National War Bonds Now! with the finance branch since its activation, Sgt. R. E. Laugh- ridge, Fred Higginbotham, and Pfc. Sam Rosenstock. She's iReally A n'Aingeí Tough Going Here, Bud? Take a Look # A C h i r ic o fa v o rite w h o c h a r m s p h o to g ra p h e rs as w ell as ra dio 'a u d ie n r e s is A n g e l C a se y (a n d w h at better nam e cou ld fit so fair a C a s e y ?). S h e h a s been h e a rd on C B S 5 -tim e s-w e e kly B a c h e lo r's L C h ild r r n " and "A m e r ie a n W o m e n p ro gra m s. Trainees who after a four- mile, cross-country hike in dou­ ble time feel that Uncle Sam was getting near the bottom of the barrel when he pick­ ed out their numbers, will be interested in the following ex­ cerpt from an address by Ad­ miral Harold R. Stark before the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, reprinted in the current “ Read­ er’s Digest.” The items also will appeal to men presently on KP, and those who don't think the service they get in the barracks is all it should be. “ When the Italians invaded Abyssinia the following mobili­ zation order was promulgated by Emperor Haile Selassie: “ When this order is re­ ceived, all men and all boys able to carry a spear will go to Addis Ababa. Every mar­ ried man will bring his wife to cook and wash for him. Every unmarried man will bring any unmarried woman he can find to wash and cook for him. Women with babies, the blind, and these too aged or infirm to carry a spear are excused. Anyone f o u n d at home after receiving this or­ der will be hanged." Jap Given Nice Funeral Colorful Rites Mark Memorial Day Services Clark Lee’s “They Call it Pa­ cific” reports the story of an of­ ficer who insisted on giving dead Japs a funeral service, after their bodies had been cleared from a beachhead on Guadal­ canal. An impressive Memorial day Near the end of the service service, in which color guards, one of the Japs who had feigned I buglers and a firing squad from death suddenly stood up, clutch­ Camp Abbot participated, and ing a g r e n a d e . The officer which was attended by post rep­ dropped his Bible and quickly resentatives, was held at the put a slug through the Nip’s Bend cemetery last Tuesday im­ head. He calmly put down his mediately following a colorful revolver and resumed the serv­ service at the high school audi­ ice thusly: torium. “ Lord, I promised I'd give Fallen American h e r o e s — these Japs a funeral, and that from Valley Forge to the lad goes for every last one of them who died last week in Italy— . . . Amen.” were honored in the Memorial 'Conditions' Kill Keglers' Tourney A new tournament series in the Post bowling league met an untimely death this week when league officials announced that “ due to present conditions the bowling league will be discon­ tinued for the present.” Keglers managed to squeeze a single set of games under the wire in the new series. Wednes­ day night, the Quartermasters won two games out of three over the Medics, the Strikers took three from the Wahee Courts and the Wildcats defeat­ ed the Sad Sacks in three con­ tests. In games Tuesday night, Personnel took three games from the Eight-Balls, and the Wood Choppers beat the Screw Balls two out of three. The first round robin series of the summer drew to a close last week with the Sad Sacks and the Woodchoppers in top posi­ tions, with 24 and 16 points, re­ spectively. Houston, Tex. (C N S)—When a couple of prisoners escaped from the city jail, the warden sent a guard and two blood­ hounds after them. He hasn’t seen the prisoners, the guard or the bloodhounds since. Lincoln, Neb. (C N S )— Mrs. Joe Reynolds didn't mind it much when her husband started spending most of his time clean­ ing his collection of shotguns, but when he began taking fire­ arms to bed with him, she sued for divorce. “ They scratched,” she explained. address by the Rev. G. R. V. Bolster, minister of Trinity Epis­ copal Church, at the auditorium service. The invocation was de­ livered by Chaplain Norman M. Goldburg. Also re p re s e n tin g Camp Abbot was Major Ernest W. McNeil, who spoke briefly. Music, provided by the 362nd Army Service Forces band, in­ cluded a vocal number by Pvt. James Stilwell. Chaplain Law­ rence A. Leonard delivered the benediction. Post Chaplain William H. An­ drew presided at the cemetery service. As a feature of this service, a representative of each veterans’ organization of Des­ chutes County, stood at a corner of an especially prepared mound representing a grave. With them stood a WAC, a sailor, a WAVE, and a nurse, representing vari­ ous military branches in this war. Simultaneously from the four c o r n e r s wreaths were brought and placed upon the “ grave.” At this point the firing squad fired three rounds. Meanwhile, at Camp Abbot Memorial day was observed by individual units. At Headquar­ ters Circle, military and civilian personnel poured out of build­ ings just before noon to salute as the garrison flag was raised to full staff, signifying the re­ sponsibility of the living to car­ ry on. At this gathering the 12th Group band, directed by Cpl. John J. Tobias, played several patriotic airs, including “ Amer­ ica.” Rochester, N. Y. (C N S )—A lo­ cal resident has appealed to his ration board for a new set of stamps. He said he inadvertent­ ly destroyed his red stamps while discarding some unneeded blue ones. "I'm color blind,” he explained.