Camp Abbot, Ore., May 27, 1944 ABBOT ENGINEER Page Seven Notes From B-57 Remember those singin’ Sams in the mess hall the other eve­ ning? They represent the first contribution to your musical education. Frankly, if t h e i r voices get any hoarser, w e’ll call ’em our “ donation” instead of contribution. From left to right, they are: Corporal Bollinger (note the guitar), and Privates Skeele, Harris, T r o x e 1 and Harvey. Pvt. McGuirt, the long Louisi- anan, seems to rate top honors fo r good luck these days . . . his w ife's in Bend fo r a visit. How about that! AI h )V(> is a recent picture o f the W A C company at l amp aniKit. in e Iirst memoers o f this unit ar­ rived last May when Camp Abbot was beginning to be developed, sharing with the men the incon­ veniences of those early days. Since then more than thirty VVAC’s from Camp Abl>ot have gone over­ seas, and some replacements have come in, although not enough to fill the requests for VVACs by branch heads. First Lt. Patricia E. Eltvell, company commander o f the unit, is seen to the right o f her company. Promising Song Written By 61 A new song, “ Those Fighting Abbot Engineers," written by Pvt. Jerry Castro o f Company B, 54th battalion, w ill be featur­ ed on the Camp Abbot w eekly radio broadcast Wednesday eve­ ning at 8 o’clock' over station KBND. This and other numbers will be played by the 362nd A rm y Service Forces band under the direction of W arrant O fficer Charles S. Spalding. The new song has been well received on the post, with indi­ cations that it might develop into a marching song in the near future. Here are the words: Proudly acclaimed as the one and only “ possible" shooter to W e’re engineers, the best in all date Pvt. H o w a r d F o s t e r the army. cracked o ff a 45/45 the second W e’re < ut to fight and that is no time out on the range. Ba-larney. W e’re going to win this war, just The barracks has quieted wait and see. down a little o f late since Pvt. W e’re going to fight with all our “ Big Tom ” W agner and his co­ might, no matter what the hort, Pvt. “ Sunny” Summers, odds may be. have eased o ff on the tall tales W e build the roads, the bridges o f life in the woods. M atter of and the air fields. fact, the first day or so during W e lead the way, no one w ill T M A week, they had the boys in make us yield. stitches with dialect yarns of W e’ll raise the flag o f everlast­ lumberjacks. ing cheers— W e are those Fighting Abbot En­ Pvt. Albert Rubalcava, the gineers. short gent with the long punch, claims someone is trying to make him take up K P as a ca­ reer. Post Cafeteria Gets New Wing A platoon o f Company A, 56th battalion, executes “ Quail Cadence,” fo r T/5 Cora t pi. Kathleen Rogers, passing VVACs. A t the command, “ Quail Cadence— Count!” Alton White, the unit took a half step backward and one forward, then bowing helmets, at the same time pursing their lips for a shrill whist'/} on a rising and They finished o ff with an approving “ M y, m y!” pany. The men have been invited Notes From B-55 to submit pictures of their favor­ ites. Three girls are to be select­ By Privates Billings and .Shores B Company is leading the 55th battalion in training efficiency, as shown by the plaques present- de by Major Brook for the first six weeks o f training. The plaques will be re-awarded at the end of the tenth week to the company leading in each o f three categories, the third one being for Administration. The men of B Company are showing a spirit which makes them the odds- favorites for winning the plaques again. The company's softball team is imbued with t\je same -spirit, having won their first two games and are all set to break the legs of A Company in their third game of the post softball tour­ nament. Manager Corporal Samp is confident the boys will be in on the trips to district contests which will be sponsored by the Ninth Service Command. Another event taking place which is proving interesting to every man of B55 is the series of murals being drawn on panels of the mess hall Walls by Pvt. Heisler, depicting operations of Engineers in-the field. The mur­ als are being done in pastels with a protective coating of transpar ent fixitive. Pvt Heisler suggest­ ed the intriguing idea of placing a glamour girl in a panel here and there. The girls are to be friends of the men o f B Com­ of having their picture done in ed by popular vote for the honor a color mural. When finished, Nell Wilson and delivered by Sgt. low, doffed their descending scale. Laundry Workers Win Bond Plaque Employees o f the Camp Abbot I laundry were presented a spe­ the mess hall, will make a beau­ cial award by Col. Frank S. Bes­ tiful and informative display to son last Thursday m o r n i n g , both, visitors and the men of the when he handed a plaque to company. The work has the all- Ernest W. Rüden, laundry su­ important professional touch of perintendent, at a meeting of all civilian personnel held to extoll Pvt. Heisler. The boys are still talking the employees fo r outstanding about their party held in the achievements in the purchase of war bonds. company mess hall. Proceedings o f the gathering A ll in all, the boys o f B-55 are revealed that the employees of feeling pretty cocky these days! the Abbot laundry bought 35 per cent o f all bonds sold here for Some vicious individual, in a cash. In addition, these same particularly dastardly mood, tied people purchased bonds through Pvt. (Louisiana) Black’s training payroll deduction in amounts ag rope to the back of the seat in gegating 10 per cent or more of the theatre. Black, completely their pay. absorbed in the movie ( ? ) of The meeting, w’hich was at­ course never noticed. The lights tended by Capt. Russell C. Az- went on. leaving Black turning zara, director o f district 3, civil­ on his bench like an octopus ian personnel division o f the ninth service command, was shaking hands with himself. opened with a brief statement by Lt. Col. Russell D. Turrili, Private Blick of the first pla­ who introduced Col. Besson. He toon was a student o f ballet in turn presented the plaque. It dancing. Now he finds splendid was immediately given to Mrs. opportunities to practice while Daisy Hale, supervisor o f the on our forced marches. On the marking department, who ac­ last m ile o f the ten miler his in cepted it on behalf o f the per­ terpretation of the last struggles sonnel. of a wilted radish was superb. In making the presentation, Col. Besson remarked that such Pass The E N G IN E E R To An accomplishments "show that ci­ other Abbotman—He’ll Appreci vilians are doing their part in the war effort.” ate It. the murals covering the walls of Qualifications fo r the para­ troopers are claimed by those who have experienced Pvt. Jake Wintrop's tank destroyer punch fillin g a s o r e l y - f e l t need, in the sawdust circle. One sock kitchen facilities o f the cafeteria and they just float through the at the Service Club were ex ­ air. panded this week by addition o f a new wing in which additional “ Button, button, whose got the equipment was installed. The al­ button unbuttoned! Fourth pla­ terations were made necessary, toon trainees and cadre must the announcement said, in view pay a fine for each button not of an increased volume o f busi­ resting in its proper slot while ness. in rank or drill. The assessments Tw o new dressing rooms fo r w ill fatten the platoon “ K itty” kitchen personnel were provided, for Record Day “ Hot Shots.” and space was made available for a s e p a r a t e dishwashing “ M aggies" undergarments on room. Additional baking facili­ the breeze means a dime per fan ties were also installed. now when the fourth platoon is These alterations constituted on the firing line. Just more the second enlargement of the “ K itty” cream for Record Day. Service Club kitchen, Post Engi­ neer Zack Beiser said. Lieutenant Brooks, o f the Chemical W arfare Department, has really made good believers out o f some o f the men here at Abbot. Pvt. Hollis Gill o f Hq. Barracks, B-57, is very much so, It is now possible to stretch as he has been seen fo r the past that three-day pass into four few days with his gas mask on, days and legitim ately accord­ wherever he goes. ing to a recent administrative Our s o f t b a l l team really memorandum from post head­ looked good in our first League quarters. Previously, it was impossible Game with A-57. W e took them into camp to the tune o f 3-1, to issue a three-day p a s»to begin with our second team playing on Monday or Saturday, but that most o f the time. A fte r a little provision has been amended to more practice, our club shouldl read that one 3-day pass “ may be be hard to beat by any team on issued to holder o f Class A pass the post. The attendance in the to precede or follow Sunday or bleachers for our first game was any single holiday.” a little light, so how about a little more support at our next game fellows? Speaking of athletics, why not schedule a volleyball game be tween the battalion officers' Receipt o f a large shipment team and our company team. o f books, including works on en­ The officers « r e reported to gineering and mathematics, as have a smooth-working aggrega well as new fiction, is announced tion, but with Pvt. Carl N ew of by Miss Alm a Halvorson, assist­ the 2nd platoon, who towers ant librarian and acting post li­ close to 7 feet, spiking them at brarian in the absence o f Miss the net for our team, we should Caroline Paddock, who is on be hard to beat. leave. Am ong the fiction are Lillian S m i t h ’ s controversial “ Strange Fruit,” "Th e Fall o f Parts,” by Ehrenberg, and "Good Night, Sweet Prince," biog­ raphy o f John Barrym ore by “ Camp A b b o t on Parade," Gene Fowler. Wednesday night radio feature broadcast by the Public Rela ten by Sgt. Hayes, including tions O ffice over station KBND, “ GI Jump” and “ Kicking It this week presented the music Ligh tly” were heard on the pro­ o f S Sgt. Jack Hayes and his 15- gram. A special dance arrange­ ment. the Hayes version o f “ T o piece orchestra. Several original numbers writ- a W ild Rose,” was also featured. G Is Benefit By N ew Pass Rule M ore N ew Books A t Post Library Hayes Orchestra On G l Air Show