Cam p A B B O T E N G IN E E R Page Four Murals of 'Sad Band, Trained For Combat, Is Morale Builder One of th most Abbot, Ore., May 27, 19^ Sack' at 53rd Murals in oil, depicting inc| dents o f a “ Sad Sack’’ from tN time he gets o ff the but i| Klamath Falls to the time ho I shipped out from Camp Abbol soon w ill he completed in th| , mess hall of Co. B, 53rd. interesting One panel depicts tire well known comic character crawM. out of the lin g after Fisticuff«! and another portrays the littiJ fallow in great distress on thJ obstacle course. Other subject! w ill include: “ Record Firing,’j “ Gas Chamber,” "K P ," "Tenl mile Hike,” “ Tank Run,” "Boobjl Traps,” and many more, mak-| ing a total of 26 panels in all. units at an A rm y camp is the post band, fo r in that aggrega­ tion o f musicians the discipline o f the soldier and the self-expres­ sion o f the artist are successfully combined. This is particularly amazing when one considers that while the prim ary purposes of the band are to furnish martial music fo r various drills and pro­ vide entertainment under the Muralists at work are: Pvt.l camp morale program, the unit Thomas R. Merideth Jr., for! also trains for combat and at the mer architect and engineer, oil front sometimes is called upon Shreveport, La.; Pvt. Keith F.f to perform interchangeably as Ripley, form er Marine engineer! musicians and soldiers. and draftsman, o f Billings, Mon-I - T«xU !JP The 362nd A rm y Service — Photo by Signal Corps Photo Lab. tana; and Pvt. Gilbert W. War-1 Forces band o f Camp Abbot, 362nd Arm y Service Forces hand, under direction of Warrant Officer Charles S. spuuling, playing ren, marine draftsman, of Seat-| composed almost entirely of fo r departing troops at Camp Abbot. tie, Washington. form er professional musicians, is engaged in these varied ac­ barracks at Center Street and bunks, policed the area, and un­ incoming groups and dignitaries, band, are under the direction of tivities. Group avenue is set aside as a dergone a period of physical and fills a host o f other assign- Jack HayeSi trumpetpr and we„ Before he took up his A r m y 1 . rehearsal hall. Music stands, a training, a schedule designed to ments. Tw o excellent dance bands;known music arranger, and assignment, W a r r a n t O fficer small upright piano, shelves of keep them in military trim. Charles S. Spalding, director of which are units of the 3G2nc! A S F Agho Tiemann. Have Duties in Combat the band, moved in a world of music scores, a blackboard for Diligent pursuance of the m ili­ music. He earned a Master’s de­ recording impromptu arrange­ gree in music at Harvard Uni­ ments, and other necessary im ­ tary standard of fitness seems versity, and later was attached toj pedimenta o f the organization, rational enough, when one under­ the music division of the Library occupy this section. Beyond, and stands that upon reaching the o f Congress in Washington, D. C. set apart by tarpaulin cloth sus­ combat zone band members will T o this impri'ssive musical back­ pended from the ceiling, are serve as combat soldiers if a ground he has added training at sleeping quarters of two-deck situation requiring it develops. the A rm y Music School, o f which bunks, with the fam iliar bar­ They may be called upon to act he is a graduate. He has achieved racks bag sharing the cubic foot as headquarters guards, mem­ the highest A rm y rating open space allotment o f each man bers of work details, litter bear­ with instrument cases. ers, and as fighters. In the event to band directors. As director, Mr. Spalding is Happening into this atmo­ the latter exigency develops, also company commander o f the sphere in the middle o f the they are likely to leave the bat­ band personnel, and in the bar­ morning ,a visitor is likely to tlefield when the emergency has racks, maintained with the tra­ find either the entire band, or a passed, take their instruments ditional cleanliness and neatness segment o f it, rehearsing, while to the field hospital, and jilay o f A rm y quarters, one sees the other musicians sit on foot lock­ cheering music for wounded men requirements o f the soldier and ers or their bunks enraptured from the same action in which the musician combined so well or visibly critical, but all contrib­ the musicians themselves had that the presence on shelves uting to the performance with taken part. o f drums and trombone mutes their sincere interest. A t the home camp, the band This scene is particularly in­ maintains a busy schedule. It beside canteens and other field equipment does not seem in­ teresting because the visitor re­ plays for parades, inspections, congruous. alizes that these same men have r e t r e a t ceremonies, concerts, been up since five-thirty, have orientation programs, and de­ Soldiers »nd Musicians About half o f the 362nd band stood reveille, made up their parting combat units, meets This is Victory Center in Portland, scene o f W orld W ar II rallies, «h e r e the 362nd Army Service Forces hand has appeared twice. On .May l ”> the band appeared here in a one-hour program in con­ nection «'d ii celebration of the Women's Arm y Corps anniversary, as hundred ol Portland citizens blocked Broadway traffic to hear the Camp Abbot boys do their stuff. Notes From A 55 Privates Rodney E. Openshaw and Thomas A. Johnston will take part in the coming A-55 en­ tertainment at the Cervice Club. Openshaw is a pianist who plays A bove. S ta ff S ergran t A ffilo T ir i— n*l dance orchestra, and b e to n . S ta ff Sergeant Jack H ayes' C am p Ahhot dance orchestra. Botti are units n itim i thè 362nd Arniy Servtee Forces Itantl. t om alin osi en tirely of f or m er profession al musieians. the> maio- cam p dances li v e li a f taira. that he is making good use of to promote teamwork. Private Thomas P. Snyder is tile songwriter fo r Company A. His versions o f “ When the War Is Over” and “ A ll W e Do Is Sign the Payroll” have already been sung publicly, and his “ Lights Out For Tokyo,” sung to the tune of “ Glory Hallalulah," has been adopted as the marching song fo r the 3rd platoon. enthusiastically but with an ut­ ter disregard for conventional music. Johnston s i n g s a n d strums cowboy songs. Previous Some men in the 2nd platoon experience prior to entrance in have found many uses for the the armed forces qualifies them “ helmet liner” . This army ex­ for the job. perience should serve them in good stead in later years. Squad one of the 2nd platoon is definitely on the ball. Winners Turkey is out o f the question of the last half dozen fights in now. Company A prefers g'tose. the fisticuff arena via the quick This chance in diet may be large­ knockout route, the squad also ly attributed to the activities of captured first place in company Camp Abbot’s only Private Gen­ competition for the obstacle run eral, Pvt. General J. Harris. The for the last two weeks in a row. goose mating call, perfected to The boys have developed some the same degree o f technique as excellent teamwork, and say displayed by a finished hogcall- that's responsible for their sue er. is Private Harris' chief stock cess. in trade. He operates particular­ Squads two and three o f the ly well at the theatre, before 2nd platoon are giving squad one training films, assisted by his a run for its money. This week Company A buddies. they finished second and third in the obstacle run. and duplicated Sgt. Lawrence L. Doyle ranks the job of squad one in the ring. high among the accomplished As a matter of fact, squad two bowlers at Camp Abbot. His av­ was awarded the championship erage might serve to bolster a for the week on the basis of few­ few others in match competition, er men lest during the heat. perhaps with the winners of the Camp Abbot Bowling League- The exploits of the 2nd platoon There might be a few other non- lead one to believe that Lieuten­ coms or enlisted men w ho could ant T ard iff has a secret formula give the officers a good match.