Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, May 27, 1944, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Camp Abbot, Ore., May 27, 1944
Page Three
Training Fitted to ASF Plan
54th Sponsors
Live1 K.K. Show
Cycle Here Is
Streamlined •
One of the liveliest "Khaki
Kapers” shows to be seen and
heard in the Thursday evening
series at the Service Club wms
sponsored this week by the 54th
Battalion. I.t. Zellman Steinberg
and Sgt. Buddy Hyde were in
charge of production. Cpl. Allen
J. Showers served as master of
ceremonies. The battalion band,
directed by Pvt. Neil F. Stahl,
Sr., accompanied the performers
and presented several numbers.
Other features were old time
songs by a "barber shop trio’’
that included Pvts. Johnnie F.
Cox, Sr., Travis F. Hair, and
Arthur G. Anderson; g u i t a r
solos by Pvt. Andrew B. Matte-
son; a hilarious Sad Sack skit
produced by Pvt. Roy J. Pet-
socci; an act by Cpl. Paul Strin-
metz, former professional ma­
gician; song impersonation!? of
Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra and
other popular entertainers by
Pvt. Nadeau A. Bourgeault, and
a classical piano solo by Pvt.
Jerry F. Castro.
From biscuit baking to bridge
blasting, from grammar to gre­
nades, from power shovels to
physical e x e r c i s e — the new
s t r e a m l i n e d Army Service
Forces Training program, put
into operation here by Col.
Frank S. Besson, ASFTC Com­
mander, incorporates a sweep­
ing departmentalized schedule
designed to train soldiers more
efficiently and in greater num­
bers, a c c o r d i n g to an an­
nouncement this week by Maj
LeCompte Joslin, training direc­
Photo by Signal Corps Photo Lab.
In the basic phase of the new In the above photograph. Col. Frank S. Besson, center commander, was snapped observing the prog-
plan, the trainee receives in­ ress of a squad practicing rifle marksmanship, an essential part oi a combat engineer’s training.
struction in general m ilita ry _________ _ _ _ ___________________________________________________
subjects Map reading close or-
augmented frequently,
The clerk’s course might be jects more military in character,
der drill, rigging, hand to hand
a complete Army admin­ and is designed to prepare the advertising a g e n c y . He just
combat, orientation, night oper-
soldier for combat and for en­ missed his chance to photograph
ations, hand and antitank gre- struction in purely military sub istration course. The trainee is
gineering projects in combat Veronica Lake, Loretta Young,
nades, interior guard duty, de- jects, such as map reading, ori- taught typing, correspondence,
areas. He becomes part of a and Barbara Stanwyck for one
fense against chemical, air and entation, close order drill, 30 grammar, spelling, supply and team that will build bridges, un­
of the company's clients.
mechanized attack, anti-aircraft
, .
, ,
JSB der fire perhaps. H trained
. . .
caliber machine gun, and physi Training—H TK
Private De Vaney comes from
firing, f i r s t aid, camouflage,
, . . .
stock records. He learn sthor- in village fighting, obstacles, Joplin, Missouri. Prior to entry
. , \
, .
. cal training. .
boby traps and antipersonnel
oughly the organization of the
mines, safeguarding military in- The sawmill couise teaches Army and hQW departments field fortifications, crew-served in the armed forces, Private De
weapons. He learns laying and Vaney worked on the super fort­
formation, rifle marksmanship the trainee how to operate a f unCfjon. Under the leadership
passage of field mines, combat resses B-19’s.
— in fact, all basic subjects, are sawmill of moderate size, such 0f T/Sgt. J. B. Gatlin, the fu-
principles of squad and platoon,
Pvt. Dick Beilfuss from A l­
covered in the initial six-weeks as those set up in theaters of ture Army clerk undergoes an
demolition, engineer reconnais­ bion, was a machinist in civilian
training period.
operations. He learns logging, intensive study of Army regula sance, camouflage, technique of life. His job was to assist in
Any qualified trainee may be ineluding the felling, skidding tions. When he has completed fire. In addition, he learns gen­ making torpedo test stands for
selected for specialist training* and ]oading Qf logs. He learns tlge clerking course, he is able eral construction. He learns to the Navy.
at the expiration of the basic to o p e r a t e the carriage and ft) perform any clerking job in manage with whatever facilities
Pvt. Theo Brown from Flint,
period. In that case he will be edger. jp short, he is taught to the Army.
are at hand. He is trained to Michigan, was a checker for a
given instruction in one of eight mj]] lumber to transform nat-
GI cooks are trained in regu- build and fight, to prepare the spark plug company. He had
courses. These are carpenter’s ura[ timber into building mate- lar training company kitchens, way for troops. This phase of charge of shipping material all
course, sawmill course, demoli- rjaj
sawmill course and the working with assigned mess ser- training is of eight weeks’ du­ over the United States and to
tion specialists course, clerks carpenter's course are both un­ geants under the supervision of ration.
China and Russia.
course, cook s course, automo- der the operations section, su- Lt. K. W. Beardmore and Sgt.
Pvt. Thomas Dirven, Weslaco,
The third and final stage of
tive maintenance course, motor pervised by Capt. John V. Banks, Rudolph Petaja. They l e a r n
the Army Service Forces Train­ Texas, was assistant manager of
vehicle operator’s course, and
The d e m o l i t i o n specialist menu making, baking, elements
ing program is a three-week pe­ a large food canning factory.
h e a v y equipment operator s course teaches men the "art" of of nutrition, meat cutting, de­
Corporal Porter, who comes
riod spent in the field. It in­
course. All are of eight weeks destruction. Paradoxical as it hydrated foods, and theory. The
cludes marches and bivouac. from Spokane, Washington, held
duration. For their operation, might seem, it becomes neees- student divides his time between
During this phase, the soldier the position of material clerk
Specialist Branch has been set sary at certain times to deliber- the kitchen and the class room.
lives in the field. He sleeps in for a r a i l w a y company. His
up, w'ith Capt. Smiley Raborn ately disable Army equipment, He spends much of his time in
foxholes. Conditions here paral­ work took him all over north­
assigned as branch chief.
This ¡s done on occasions where practice cooking.
lel those of the combat zone, and west America.
The carpenter's course em- it appears likely the equipment
There are three courses under he learns security and means of
Pvt. Jason F. Bony of Mon­
braces a wide field of instruc- might fall into enemy hands, the motor transport section in protection from the enemy.
roe, Louisiana, was sanitary en­
tion. Here, the trainee is taught Trainees, therefore, learn to dis- charge of Capt. James W. White,
gineer for the U. S. Engineers
blueprint r e a d i n g , measure- able rifles, weapons of all kinds, The a ut o mo t i v e maintenance
in Central America. He was also
ments and layout, estimates, pre- trucks—anything. They become course instructs the trainee thor-
director of malaria control and
fabrication, surveying, packing experts in explosives. They are oughly in the care, maintenance
| sanitation on the Pan American
and crating, l i g h t carpentry, taught to blast any kind of and repair of motor vehicles. He
bridge carpentry, and the use of structure — steel, wood or con- is taught the use of all automo-
Pvt. Lee Byars' home is in
all carpenter tools, including Crete. In addition, these trainees tive hand tools, nomenclature,
Berkeley, California. His occu
hand and power. After the pre- are given a thorough course in and function of parts, chassis,
pation in civilian life was that
Congratulations are in order
liminary stages of training he booby traps and anti-personnel He learns carburetion, electrical
of a Government engineei, sta­
is assigned actual construction mines. The course is directed by- systems, trouble - shooting, en- for Lt. Earl S. Wilson. The lieu­ tioned on Ohoa in the Hawaiian
tasks, where he gains practical Lt. W. S. Tuttle, with Sgt. Harry gine t u n e - u p . In short, the tenant is the proud father of a group.
experience. This course, how- B. Ross instructor.
trainee becomes a mechanic, baby boy, named Earl S. W il­
Cpl. Orren Nesset from Bel­
adept in motor vehicle recovery. son Jr.
lingham, Washington, attended
Arriving at the Abrams home Washington State College, ma­
The motor vehicle operator’s
The Wolf
by Sansone course
teaches the soldier to in California this week a baby joring in Civil Engineering.
drive properly. He learns road girl. Congratulations Sergeant
rules and regulations, hand sig­ Abrams.
Speaking of chow hounds. Pri­ USO Seeks Names for New
nals, the details of motor con­
voys, blackout driving. He is vate White wins top honors! Army Wives Organization
taught to operate a winch. Also, Last Sunday w hen our neighbor­
Plans for e s t a bl i s hi ng an
the trainee learns lubrication ing company blew its whistle for "Arm y Wives Club” to provide
breakfast, our friend came out additional activities for soldiers
and preventive maintenance.
The operation of bulldozers, of his barracks like a fire horse, and, their families in Bend have
air compressors, motor graders, only to find that his own com- been announced by the Bend
and power shovels is taught in already had f i n i s h e d chow USO. As a step toward organi­
the heavy equipment operator’s almost two hours previously.
zation of the unit, the USO has
course. Here, the trainee learns
expressed a desire to obtain a
road building and excavation.
list of enlisted men’s wives, their
Here in B-52 we have a cross- 'phone numheis and addresses.
He learns to operate earth aug­
ers and road rollers. After the section from civilian life men Married enlisted men on the
first four weeks, the student is who have come from all profes­ Post are urged to file the infor­
dispatched on actual projects. sions and all branches of indus­ mation with hostesses at the
He learns, also, maintenance of try. These are just a few:
Sei-vioe Club.
Pvt. Alfred M Lutinski who
his equipment and lubrication.
The Army S e r v i c e Forces hails from Plymouth, Pennsyl­
Los A n g e l e s <CNS) Mrs.
Training program is divided into vania. Prior to the war he was Earl Bonton left a street car,
three phases: basic, specialist
then discovered she had left her
lor technical and tactiali and neering firm. While working on purse behind. She f l a g g e d a
field. Basic and specialist pe the Isle of Trinidad, " P a r t y passing motorist, overtook the
riods have been described. Now, Chief" Lutinski killed as high as street car and recovered the
if a trainee, at the end of basic, 16 Cottonmouths in one day.
purse. Then she discovered she
Pvt John Laurie comes from had left her fur coat in the
is not selected foi specialist
’ If you «pent loss tim* m bed n more time study in .
training, he advances to the Excelsioi, Minnesota, where he stranger's car.
you d make PFC too 1
held the position of art director
technical and tactical phase.
This period is devoted to sub- and lay-out man for a national Buy National W ar Bonds Now!
Notes From
B - 52