Cam p Abbot, Ore., May 27, ' ABBOT ENGINEER Page Two ■ % "4 Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the interests of the personnel of Camp Abbot, Oregon, under supervision of the Public Relations Officer. New» matter pertaining to < amp Abbot u furnished by the Public Relations Branch and ia available for general release. Written contributions, art work and photograph* are solicited and should be directed to the Public Relations Branch. Poet Hdqs. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone Ext-«. The ABBOT ENGINEER receive« material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, War Uep't., 206 E. 42 nd St., New York, N. Y. Credited material may not be republished without permisión of Camp Newspaper Service. Distributed free to camp personnel. Subscription rate to public, by mail: 60 cents for three months; six months, SI.00: one year, 11.60. Abbot ’n Around Entertainment On and O ff the Post fo r the Coming Week TO D A Y Service Club—Open House. Station Hospital— Checker Tournament, 7 p.m. Bend USO— Bingo, 8 p.m. SUNDAY Service Club— Open House; Truth and Consequences, 8:30 p.m. Station Hospital— Band Concert, 11th Gp. 54th Bn, 6 p.m. Bend USO— "Breakfast is served,” 10 a.m. Open house and re­ freshments ill day. Guest House— Classical Recordings, 7:30 p.m. MONDAY Service Club—G I Movies. 8:30 p. m. Guest House Classical Music Hour, 7:30 p.m. Station Hospital— “ Everybody Sing,” and Open Forum sponsored by Bend Kiwanis Club, 7 p.m. TUESDAY Service Club— Bingo Night, 8:30 p.m. Station Hospital— Movie, "Lad y Takes a Chance,” 6 p.m. O fficers Club— Inform al party fo r officers on post, 8:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY Service Club Fatigue Dance, 8:30 p.m. Station Hospital Party, Mexican Fiesta, 7 p.m. Radio Program, K B N li—"Camp Abbot on Parade," 8 to 8:15 p.m. THURSDAY Service Club "Khaki Kapers,” 362nd A S F Band— Everybody w el­ come, 8:30 p.m. Station Hospital— Game Night, 7 p.m. FRIDAY Service Club Make a Record, Free, and Game Night, 9.00 p.m. Station Hospital Movie, “ Thank Your Lucky Star,” 6 p.m. Bend USO Dance class, 8 p.m. MORE ABOUT Reconditioning (Continued From Page One) m erely supplement that care, utilizing the patient's leisure time . i in educational pursuits and phys- " ical reconditioning. The program is divided into tw o parts. Edu- cational and Physical, (.apt. Donald D. F o w l e r has been named Educational O ffic e i. He w ill ho assisted by Lorraine V Anderson and Gertrude Pearl, both of the Red Cross. Lt. Casi- m ir F. Plasewicz, o f Supple­ mental Training Company, has been designated Physical O ffi­ cer. He will work with Lt. Clara M. Andrews, physiotherapist. E very patient entering the hos- l.anguorous Frances Rafferty, Metro-Goldyyn-Meyer featured player, is shown here in a pensil engage in an eight-hour pro­ mood. Fortunes of Destiny are favoring this successful young actress, who is rapidl) liecominfl star in the Hollywood firmament. gram, fitting them to pass a physical test before returning to up for Pfc., provided, of course, j two five-foot uprights and two Joslin, Director of the Trainq duty. Thus, when a soldier is dis­ charged to duty he w ill be phys- the TO will hold still for it. And six-foot cross bars, on which Division. we presume if he is ever award- have been fashioned 16 differ- ically and mentally prepared to od a ROod conduct medal, maybe pm knotSi has been set up I step in whore he left off. L et Your Buddy Read The! they'll toss him a couple o f old ( _ . ... ___ . - - The educational part o f the tin cans in token of esteem. in the office o f Maj. LeCompte I G IN E E R A fte r You’ve Fin new P™ Rram w ill include music appreciation, orientation lec- *'*’ , tures, discussions o f current t0pjCSi films, arts and crafts, (Clip and Save) model building, games and vari- out amusements. Lim ited train- 55th Cavorts in 'Kapers' Show ing facilities, such as rigging ra,,]^ and rifle marksmanship siRhtinK devices, w i„ bp provid. Last week’s edition o f the Ah ed p ians are being made to es- b°t “ Khaki Kapers” show, pre tablish a library fo r tile exclusive rented at the Service Club even use of the four classes. Thursday night, featured talen Physical training w ill be ented members of the 55th bat modified and progressive. It w ill talion. Pvt Jimmy Stilwell, mas he given with a view of exercis- ter o f ceremonies, introduced a ing the patient sufficiently, but variety o f acts, some o f which not too strenuously in view o f were unique in the present pital w ill be placed in a class bis physical condition. "Kapers” series. The show was ranging from 1 to 4, under the directed by Lt. Tip O ’Niell, and new plan. When convalescence featured the music o f the 55th begins, the patient, on recom­ battalion band. mendation o f the ward officer, Anything can happen at Camp The ProS™m included cowboy w ill bo placed in class 4. This class w ill he composed of pa­ Abbot — and usually does. The son8s by Pvt. Thomas John- tients who are still in bod. Their latest recruit, just out o f proc- s' on- who provided his own gui- part in the program will be more essing, is a goat named “ Ponton *ar accompaniment. An unusual on the educational and less on Pete." The boys down around strong man act was presented the physical side. When these pa­ Floating Bridge way decided a by Pvt- W alter Humphreys, tients have recovered sufficient­ goat was just what they wanted. Piano solos by Pvt. George Sol- ly to be up and around, hut are Don't ask why. They wanted a ares, and a comedy rotuine by still receiving active medical goat, period. And S Sgt. Herbert Pvt. Gilbert Larson also were Lee was delegated to go out and features. treatment, they w ill be put in get a goat somewhere. Highlight o f the evening came class 3. This w ill permit them to Now. when Sgt. Lee is sent for with a ballet dance by Pvt. Law- participate in s l i g h t l y more anything, he usually brings it rence Blick. Other numbers on strenuous p h y s i c a l recreation back. order turned out to the show included songs by Pvt. and training be no exception. Nosing around j e r r y Medor and by Pvt Jerry Activity Increased Uonrl Bend In In nnnot quest « of f * information \IOOD When medical treatment is leading to the arrest and capti­ completed, .he patient will be vation of a hollow-horned rumin­ transferred to ward 138, to be ant, the sergeant s m e 11 e d— known as the Convalescent Bar­ rather, heard o f one that lived racks. Here, more fully recuper- at 829 Delaware street. The in- ated. the patient w ill enter class formation proved to be correct. Rigging racks containing ex- 2. In this class, he w ill undergo and when attempts were made amples of knots and hitches re an even more strenuous course to purchase Pete, the owner, quired in engineer training on o f training. He w ill he put on a Mrs. Archie Smith, did a fine the post will be set up in com six-hour activity program to in- thing. She presented Pete to the panv areas at the rate o f on«' elude exercise, drill and recre members o f the Floating Bridge per platoon, according to a plan atlon. Section- free o f charge. worked out by the Engineer Class 1 wilt consist o f men Due to the mascot's excellent Branch o f the Training Division, nearest the point o f complete re- job o f policing up rlgaret butt* Groups will be responsible for covery. Their d a i l y physical around the area. Lt. Richard the building o f the racks, training should enable thorn to Kobel declares Pete is already A model rack constructed of Abbot Face! Each Platoon to Have Knot Racks According Corporal in the K in »* C A M P ABBOT THEATRE PROGRA) TONIGHT HIT NO. 1 HIT NO. 2 TheBlA O u MASSEN SUNDAY — MONDAY Matinee Sunday 2:00 p. m. Niqhtj 6 : 30 — 8:30 gaslight CHARLES BOYER — INGRID BERGMAN TUESDAY WEDNESDAY^ PRESTON FOSTER ANN RUTHERFORD "BERMUDA M YSTERY" Aso-"CONTRARY CONDORI "RADIO RAMPAGE" "BACKYARD GOLF" A LSO — POPULAR SCIENC* M ILLIO N DOLLAR C A T * FOSTERS C A N A R Y COLLtJ THURSDAY . FRIDAY GARY COOPER — LARAINE DAY IN "THE STORY OF DR. W A S S E L L ALSO — LATEST ISSUE RKO PATHE NEWS