Camp Abbot, Ore., May 27, 1944 Page Eleven A BBO T EN G IN EER Abbot Paper Is Year Old Editors Talk Shop to Reveal ‘Inside The first issue of the ABBOT ENGINEER was dated May 21, 1943. An entire year has rolled by since then. We are celebrating our first birthday with this issue. The original ENGINEER carried a four-column headline announcing the fact that Camp Abbot was 75 per cent com­ plete, and the lead story stated men were enroute to officially activate the post. Two photographs adorned page one: a portrait of Col. Frank S. Besson, center commander, N o te s Fro m and an old print loaned by the “Bend Bulletin” of Brig. B-59 Gen. Henry Larcom Abbot, for whom the camp was BY PVT. O. G. VVHITCRAFT named. Com pany B-59 started training The present editors feel w ith a new ro ster of trainees that some progress has been i • , l . , , .. ,. from all over the United States, m a d e ., in th tio . n Five men in . this . . . cycle . have . . : . e , r i g h t , d ir e c T, had sin c e th , e s h e e t w a s b o rn . I . t . . is form er m ilitary service • . to their " , our aim to publish a paper which crecji(. J meets the approval of all, and: Pvt. H a r o l d J. Donaldson while we know th a t m ay be i m - _* " j . . . . . . served from May, 1929, to June, possible of achievem ent wo ---- ... .. . . _ yet ,we 1931, w ith the 129th Inf. at Rock- shall continue to try. O ur policy ford Field, 111., then a t Luke is to w rite news and featu res of Field, Hawaii, and from May general interest throughout the 1934 to M arch 1935, at Chunte post. The EN GIN EER sta ff wel­ Field, Rantool, 111. comes suggestions of any na­ Pvt. B r u n o R. M arkowski ture. We know the only w ay in served from 1934 to 1937 at which we can please is to be in­ Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. formed of w hat is desired. Pvt. F ran k W. Nolte had one In order to understand fully year at Camp Carson, Colo., with the activity.behind publication o f 1 the 607th Field A rtillery, and the ABBOT ENGINEER, let us' four m onths at H unter Ligget follow a single story from its R eservation in California. source to the printed page: Pvt. Donald L. W illiams has An announcem ent comes, say, been in th e service for some from the W ar D epartm ent, time, including three years with which incorporates an im portant the C o a s t A rtillery a t F ort change in the operation of a ' W arden, W ashington, and two given Camp Abbot function. T h e ( and one-half years in Co. C, Public Relations office is am ong 163rd In fantry, of the M ontant the first to receive the news. N ational Guard. The announcem ent is studied Pvt. F ran k W. Cassinelli has carefully, then the executive of- been in the service for two ficer, or an officer directly in years. He w as w ith a tan k de- charge of the departm ent affect­ stroyer unit at F ort Alix, New ed, is consulted. The story is Jersey, and at F ort Lewis, W ash­ broken down and its local appli­ ington. He also spent 11 m onths cation analyzed. Arm ed w ith the of this tim e in desert w arfare facts, an EN GIN EER reporter training at Camp Young, Cali­ then w rites th e story. I t is fornia. Pvt. Ewell P. Miller has a son checked, then sent to the printer, in th e U. S. Marines, stationed the “Bend Bulletin,” w h i c h handles the publishing on a a t ^ Diego‘ Y 0 u n 8 MilIor yearly contract basis w ith funds joined the M arine Corps on ,ho provided through profits of the l 6,h AP?u T Post theater. Occasionally these drafted on the 6th day of March, v ’A A ( Good nr\H lnnl/ t o h n th r \f trnii 44. luck to both of you. funds are supplem ented to a Pvt. Felix B. Negri, of the sec­ minor degree w ith profits from ond barracks, is bound and de­ the Post exchanges. term ined to give the cam p bar­ Local features are handled bers a good ru n for their money. precisely as on city new spapers, He has started a shop of his through the Post Signal Corps Laboratory in charge of Lt. Clif­ ford V. Eckhardt. The Camp Abbot EN G IN EER is published w eekly under the supervision of Capt. V. G. Hen- derson, Public Relations Officer. The present sta ff is composed of ing up" the ABBOT EN GI­ NEER, as ctpl. Kiehard Shearin observes the set type being placed In m etal fram es, which will then be fitted on the press. Mr. Rice, ad man for The Bend Bulletin the past ten years. Is w ell • known am ong new spaper people on the W est Coast, where he has been connected with printing s h o p s for fourteen years. » « « « >■<>« —-Photo by Signal Corn* Photo Lab. Charles Cotes, Bend Bulletin pressm an, stops press as ABBOT ENGINEER run is completed. Look­ ing over the paper are (left to rig h t): Opl. Richard Shearin, member of E ngineer sta ff until, his tran sfe r to Camp W hite last week; Pvt. R. C. Marcus, present m em ber of staff; Robert W. Saw yer and Henry N. Fowler, editor and publisher and associate editor, res|>ectively, of The Bend Bulletin, and Lt. H arriett M. W hitem an and Sgt. C urt Forem an, of EN GIN EER staff. N o te s Fro m B-58 O ur th ird platoon has added a fine q u arte t to the company. At m any of our song sessions they h ave'led us in some of the well-known Abbot songs and— are very good a t it! The com pany’s softball team, under the leadership of L ieuten­ ant Spradley, and Corporal T ay­ lor, is forging ahead w ith five wins and only one defeat. A volleyball team, and boxing team, are being organized, and other companies can e x p e c t some stiff competion. In the m usical departm ent, the singers have been having reg u lar m eetings, as have the m em bers of the band. As B-58 m arches tow ards com­ pletion of its third week of train ­ ing, the determ ination to be the best in the cam p soars upward. The com petition is running high between the platoons to see which will excel in firing, fisti­ cuffs, and other feats. To date, the first platoon has m anaged to hold th e fisticuffs plaque, and hopes to continue to do so. Many of the fellows looked good in practice-firing, and the company hopes to produce a num ber of E xperts and Sharp­ shooters. luy N ational W ar Bonds Now Trinidad, Colo. (CN S)—Eddie Mantelli, 11, penned this plain­ tive note to the City Council: “On March 16 I paid $1.10 for a dog license. On M arch 22 m y dog died. My m other w on’t let me have another dog. Can I have my money back?” The re­ fund was granted. K ansas City (CN S)—"Look,” the bus driver pleaded as pas­ sengers cram m ed into his ve­ hicle at a street corner, "please don’t crowd me.” The passen­ gers paid him no heed, so th e driver, slightly miffed, climbed out the window, locked the bus doors from th e outside and walked aw ay—never to retu rn . u* h air cuts he is putting out. They sure a re Ultra. Richmond, Va. (CNS)—A se­ rious shortage of grave diggers is the latest manpower crisis precipitated in Richmond by the w ar Lt. H arriett M. W hiteman, assist­ an t Public Relations Officer, Sgt. C urt Forem an, and Pvt. R. C. Marcus. In addition to its own local reportorial staff, the news­ paper has several news service connections. The Public Rela­ tions Branch of the W ar D epart­ m ent, Arm y News Services, American Legion News Service, and Camp Newspaper Service are all news sources from which m aterial may be drawn. The pa­ per is provided with pictorial features, such as cartoons, etc.,, through regular subscription. Various publicity agencies fu rn ­ ish additional pictorial and a rt m aterial upon request. Only one member of the orig­ inal staff remained during the year. But even he is not with us now to share in the celebration this week. L ast Friday. Cpl. Richard Shearin was shipped out. afte r having served on the Father Williams, above, ran swim as well as art. Previously, she was an squatIr star. Now, she one of MGM’s lovely young starlets. We predirt you'll be seeing morr of her as time goes by. EN GIN EER since its inception.