Or>rr~.M - t í t t LIBRARY Hooray! Happy Birthday To w Keep Remember the Habit 5th W ar Loan Go to Church Drive Begins Tomorrow Next Month- Voi. 2 C A M P ABBOT, O REG O N No. 2 M a y 27, 1944 Therapy Cycle To Begin Here Memorial Day Rites to Be Observed Abbot War Bond Council Sets Mark in Drive HOSPITAL INAUGURATES NEW RECONDITIONING PROGRAM “ An idle brain is the devil’s In observance of Memorial day workshop." “ Keep ’em interested and you’ll next Tuesday, Camp Abbot per­ keep ’em happy.” sonnel will participate in two These are not slogans for the special services in which the new Convalescent Recondition­ memory of Americans who have ing Program at the Camp Abbot ■ died in the service of their coun­ hospital, but they might well ho, try will be honored. “ One hundred per cent par­ for that accomplishment is pre­ At 10 o’clock Tuesday morn­ ticipation by military and civil­ cisely what is being planned with a new cycle of therapy, accord­ ing, in the Bend high school audi­ ian personnel here in the pur­ ing to an announcement this torium, the Rev. G. R. V. Bolster, chase of "E ” bonds through pay­ week by Capt. Joseph J. Tuby, roll deduction to the extent of medical officer in charge of the minister of Trinity Episcopal 15 per cent o f earnings.” That new program. Church and form er RAF pilot in is the mark set by the Camp Past experience has s h o w n World War I, will share speak­ Abbot War Bond Council, Major that it is not enough for the ing honors with a Camp Abbot Arthur Davidson, co - chairman, medical officers to aid and pro­ official—as yet unnamed. Appro­ has announced. mote healing. “ As an example," priate music will be provided by The group met Friday for the Captain Tuby suggested, “ take the 362nd Army Service Forces purpose of appointing members Pvt. John Doe. He remains in the band under the direction o f War­ of the Minute Men’s Committee hospital about a month, say. He rant Officer Charles S. Spalding. from among officer personnel, does no strenuous work com ­ The service will be attended by and for establishing a cash sales parable to basic training. His chaplains from all veterans’ mark for the drive. Col. Frank condition goes down. He gets groups of Bend. Pvt. James Stil- S. Besson, Post Commander, is soft. And when pronounced cured well, vocalist, is scheduled to ap­ chairman o f the council. and discharged from the hos­ pear. In anticipating keen competi­ pital, he goes back to training Immediately following this tion among groups and com ­ service, a ceremony combining panies, and perhaps even pla­ only to find to his surprise that the rituals of the various veter­ toons, Major Davidson reminded he can’t ‘take it.’ He is cured, to -— P h oto by S iR n al Corj»« P h oto u ib . be sure, but he is not ‘tough.’ ans’ organizations will be held Col. Frank S. Besson, CE, commanding officer of Army Service personnel that they are not giv­ at the cemetery. This service Forces Training Center at Camp Abbot, first anniversary of which ing their money. “They are lend­ In other words, his stay in the will be in charge of Chaplain was celebrated this week. ing it,” he said, “ at good inter­ hospital has set him back.” Pvt. Doe’s c a s e multiplied William H. Andrew, Post Chap­ est, and will get it back after the war, when prices are lower hundreds o f times is exactly what lain. The groups are to assemble and the same amount will pur­ has been happening. “ We intend at the cemetery flag pole, where chase more than it will today.” to stop it,” Captain Tuby con­ a color guard, buglers, and a fir­ cluded. ing squad will honor the fallen Leisure Utilized A new combat uniform for heroes with the traditional mili­ The new system, set up in ac­ tary salute. A representative of Battlefront action in World troops recently has been put to cordance w i t h the army-wide each organization will advance, War II has already disproved use on the Anzio beachhead in program of reconditioning and Italy, it was announced by Am­ in turn, to the flag pole to place the old wheeze that high rank rehabilitating soldiers, will in no a wreath in symbolic tribute. carries with it a correspond­ erican Legion News Service this way interfere with or replace ingly high degree o f personal week. the medical care patients are The uniform consists o f dark' safety. now receiving. Instead it will Since December 7, 1941, two green water-repellent trousers (Continued on Page 2) United States general officers with large pockets on each leg have been killed in action, and a paratroop style short jack­ At a colorful retreat ceremony eight more have died as re­ et, with drawstring instead of Abbot GIs who stand in line sults o f their military service, belt and having two upper and Wednesday, which was attended at the Bend spirits dispensary, nine have been wounded, six lower pockets, and buttons under by a large number o f visitors, finally nudging their way to the are still listed as missing in flaps so they will not catch on Major Walter L. Roche, repre­ counter to plank out good, hard- action, and 19 are prisoners of objects while the wearer is creep senting Major General David earned sheckles for their fair war in Japanese prison camps, ing. It includes also regular GI McCoach, Jr., commanding gen­ share of giggle juice, may be in­ the War Department has an­ brogans w i t h six-inch leather eral o f the ninth service com­ tops so that trousers can be mand, presented the Treasury terested to know that, according nounced. tucked in, in place of the canvas Department’s “T ” flag to Col. to a recent United Press dispatch Frank S. Besson, ASFTC Com­ leggings. from Egland, a character laid mander, in recognition o f war A meeting o f all members o f The new uniform is now in use five hundred and four bucks on bond purchases through regular the Masonic lodge stationed at on all fighting fronts. the line for a bottle of rum. payroll deduction by civilian cm Camp Abbot will be held Mon­ The stuff was said to be 199 ployees at this station. day, May 29, at 7:30 p. m. in the years old, and was "believed to In his presentation address, court room, building 202, accord­ be the oldest rum in existance,” Maj. Roche urged increased and ing to an announcement today the story said. "This rum,” said continued buying of war bonds. by M/Sgt. W. R. Shaefer. a yellowed inscription on the bot­ A new entertainment feature The 362nd Army S e r v i c e "Our troops will soon go over It was stressed that the meet­ tle, "was brought to England in was inaugurated at the Service Forces Band will be presented the top in the greatest invasion ing, the first of its kind here, is 1805 by the late General King­ Club last Sunday night when in a concert at the Service Club in the history of the world,” he open to officers and enlisted men ston. It was then 60 years old Thursday, June 1, at 8:30 pm .. said. "It’s our job to back them alike. The purpose o f assembl­ and the choicest the general Cpl. Samuel Finifter o f the Warrant Officer C h a r l e s S. up in the greatest war loan in ing on the post, Sgt. Shaefer could obtain during the 14 years Special Services branch present­ Spalding, band director, has an­ the history o f the world.” said, is to determine the num­ he was governor-general o f the ed Abbot’s first Truth or Con­ nounced. Officers, their wives With reference to the coming ber that are here and determine sequences show. The presenta­ West Indies. It was resealed and and friends, as well as enlisted fifth war loan drive, the Major the plausibility o f forming a recorked by the late Lady Caro­ tion is modeled after the radio men and women, will attend. added, "Americans will be asked club. program o f that name, and calls The program will include a line Morrison and her housekeep­ to do more than they’ve ever In the event a club is organ­ for extemporaneous audience trumpet s p e c ia lt y , "Loveless done before.” er in 1837.” The blue and white banner ized, it was pointed out, It will The bottle was sealed and participation. Questions are ask­ Love,” by Cpl. Jimmy Weiler; function in the promotion of corked again in 1884, and in ed various contestants, who a Glenn Miller arrangement of was accepted in the name of social activities, and will not en­ 1924 its third owner, Basil must pay the consequences If the Anvil Chorus; Washington civilian personnel by Colonel ter into ceremonies of the fra­ Leakey, reopened it and sampled they give the incorrect answers. Post (m arch); "Gloria” (m arch); Besson. It was immediately car­ ternity in any way. The }tanx Overture; "Pop Goes ried to a new flag pole near “Consequences” consist o f im­ the rum. He took only a tea­ For the benefit o f interested spoonful, but friends say he still promptu comedy acts by the the W easel;” “ Valse Triste;” headquarters building by J. J. persons, it is pointed out that O’Donnell, Civilian Personnel "La Cumparsita” (tango); Pre­ participants. talks about it. It is planned to continue the lude, by S h o s ta k o v ic h , and chief, and raised to the top as the court room is situated in the Proceeds from the auctioned • tear of the Post bank. drums rolled. "Over There Fantasie.” series on Sunday night. hooch went to the Red Cross. Qenerals N ot So New Uniform for Safe in Battle Combat Soldiers Presentation of T Flag Made By Major Roche Bottle of Rum Sells for $504 Masons on Post To Get Together; May Organize New Feature at Service Club Post Band to Be Heard in Concert