Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, May 20, 1944, Image 1

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Dedication of
5th War Loan
Drive Begins
Tomorrow at 11
Next Month
Voi. 2
No. 1
Celebration Week to
Herald Anniversary
New Set-Up in
ASF Training
Plan Revealed
-S ig n a l C orps P h o to Lab.
N o five o’clock w histle is needed to tell these w ives of enlisted
m en that their husbands m ay he through training for the day. Each
afternoon bus load after bus load of w om en arrive, m any with
children, to spend a few hours with their husbands who are pre­
vented by training from visitin g their fam ilies o ff the Post. The
picture above show s a typical group greeting husbands at the bus
Abbot to Have
At Bond Meeting
You Ccui Slick
Up Noiv, Joe;
QI Trim Is Out
D oes your GI haircut make
your head feel like a cocoanut
Officer and civilian personnel
on tusplay at Slut/.’s m a ik et?
from this station will attend one Do you take cold behind the
Of the six regional War Bond ears? D oes your best gal look
conferences to be held by the at you and snicker and say,
Ninth Service Command W ar1 “You poor darling!” ? Is your
Bond* Officer, Maj. Walter L. noggin som etim es m istaken
Roche, when a meeting concern­ for a shoe brush? W ell, dry
ing this area is called in Port­ your tears, dogface, for Fate
land Tuesday to discuss Camp has m aneuvered the inscrut­
Abbot’s participation in the able elem ents into a happy
Fifth War Loan Drive, it was event that will please you like
announced today by Lt. Thomas all get-out. A t Camp Abbot,
P. Kruzie, Camp Abbot War the GI haircut is no more!
Bond Officer.
Y essir, out o f a clear sky,
The conference, which will be Col. Charles S. Baish, in his
attended by Maj. Arthur David­ capacity as Post Commander,
son, Post Inspector, Lt. Kruzie announced that from now on,
and J. J. O’Donnell, Civilian they w ill be know n as “m ili­
Personnel head, is being held tary haircuts.” Specifications
for the purpose of discussing for the new sh in glin g job in­
ways and means of inducing augurated Tuesday night at
civilian employees at military Y'e Old P ost Barber Shoppe,
Installations to increase War are: 1) Clippers all around—
Bond purchases during the not too high. 2) Sides and
drive. (It was pointed out, how­ back w ell tapered. 3) Hair on
ever, that civilian personnel at top trim m ed so that it w ill not
Camp Abbot are already signed fall below the eyebrow s. (2 to
up for payroll deduction one 4 inches.)
hundred per cent.) Promotional
“A s far as possible,” men
ideas will be exchanged, and m ay select their own style,
members of military stations parting the stu ff w herever the
(Continued on Page 2)
urge urges, or straight back,
the announcem ent said.
A s far as w e’re concerned
personally, we'll just continue
to comb our glisten in g dome
with a w ashrag. Ho h u m .. .
Newshawk Flies
Off to New Nest
As news editors, we have oc­
casion to hammer out all kinds
of copy, but we must confess
that tear-jerkers are definitely
not our specialty. The present
time is extremely appropriate,
however, for the entire ENGI­
NEER staff to feel a bit sad.
For yesterday, Cpl. R i c h a r d
Shearin, one of our most valu­
able men (and one of the best
Joes who ever donned ODs) was
shipped out.
We don’t know where you’re
going, Dick, but wherever it is,
we know you’ll click. We know
other people will be knowing
you and liking you as we do.
And we know that one good
thing about the Army is — you
meet such swell people.
Thirty, Richard . . . and good
May 20, 1944
PX Envisions Shortage of
Watches, Fountain Pens
Due to urgent overseas needs,
no fountain pens or njechanical
pencils will be allocated to the
Post exchanges at Camp Abbot
or other domestic exchanges in
the United States during the sec­
ond quarter of 1944, the
Army Exchange Service has an­
Domestic a l l o c a t i o n s of
watches also will be drastically
cut. Camp Abbot will receive
no watches during May and
thereafter will receive only 30
assorted watches monthly. All
three items will he available in
staging areas and Army general
hospitals, however.
W h y w as th e official d e sig n a ­
tio n o f C am p A bbot ch an g ed
fro m E n g i n e e r R ep lacem en t
T ra in in g C e n te r to A rm y Service
F o rc e s T ra in in g C e n te r? W h a t
is th e new A S F set-up, and how-
does it e ffe c t th is sta tio n ? W h a t
does it all m e a n ?
T h ese a n d o th e r q u estio n s
h a v e been p e rs iste n ly ask ed
a ro u n d ca m p sin ce it w a s r e ­
vealed sev e ra l d ay s ago th a t a
c h a n g e w a s in th e offing. B ut
to d a y th e e n tire p ic tu re w as
g re a tly c larified w hen a d irec­
tiv e fro m P o st h e a d q u a rte rs,
se ttin g u p th e sp ecialist tr a in ­
in g schedule, a n im p o rta n t p h ase
in th e p lan , w as issued.
T h e A rm y S ervice F o rc e s
T ra in in g P ro g ra m is b ein g e s ­
tab lish e d Tn ali'T n 'sta ila tlo n s o f
th e N in th S ervice C om m and a s
a u n ifie d tra in in g schedule. In
all sta tio n s, th e p ro g ra m w ill be
e sse n tia lly th e sa m e in its basic
asp e c ts. T a k in g C am p A bbot’s
new set-up a s a n ex am p le, th e
tra in in g cycle w ill follow th is
g e n e ra l p a tte rn :
T h e co m p lete tra in in g p ic tu re
is divided in to th re e d istin ct
p h a se s: 1) Basic. 2) T echnical
an d T actical, (o r) S p ecialist. 3)
T h e tra in e e w ill firs t u n d erg o
a six-w eek basic tra in in g period.
(Continued On Page 3)
Goal for Fifth
War Loan Set
At S16 Billions
A goal of S16 b illions h as been
se t fo r th e F ifth W a r L oan drive
fro m J u n e 8 to J u ly 12, th e
T re a s u ry h a s announced. In
liftin g th e a m o u n t ask ed fo r $2
billions above th a t o f th e fo u rth
d riv e a n d SI billion above th e
th ird , th e T re a s u ry h a s o u tlin ed
a p ro g ra m th a t w ill call fo r
m o re in ten siv e e ff o rt th a n a n y
of th e p rev io u s cam p a ig n s.
'Open Camp,' Parade, Tour of
Sites A m ong Events Scheduled
Sunday, May 21— Dedication, Post Chapel, 11 a.m.
"Monday, May 22—Open camp, 1:15 to (1 p.m.
Conducted tour of training areas, 1:15
to 3:45 p.m.
Conducted tours o f hospital, 3:45 to
5:00 p.m.
Retreat parade, 5:311 p.m.
W ednesday, 'la y 24— Retreat cerem ony—award o f
Treasury Hag, 5 p.m.
Form al dance. Service ( lull. 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, 'la y 27— Formal dance, O fficers (lu b , !> p.m.
Sem i form al dance. Non-com ( lub, 8:30
A week of celebration to mark the first anniversary
of Camp Abbot as a training center will begin Monday,
when “open camp” will exist from 1:15 to 6 p.m. During
those hours the public will be welcomed to all but a few
restricted areas, and tours are being planned to facilitate
inspection of points of particular interest.
Special events Monday will close with a retreat parade
at 5:30, in which the participating units will be the 362nd
Army Service Forces, and 11th and 12th Group bands, 53rd
to 55th Battalions of 11th Group, 56th to 58th Battalions
of 12th Group, and Service,
Supply and WAC companies.
Col. Charles S. Baish will be
commander of troops. The
parade will be reviewed by
Col. F. S. Besson, Center
Commander, and his staff.
From 1:15 to 3:45, a tour
of training areas, under the A t 11 a.m . to m o rro w , Col.
direction of Maj. LeC'ompte F ra n k S. B esson, P o st C om ­
Col. Besson to
Cut Ribbon in
Dedication Rites
Jo slin , h ead of th e T ra in in g D i­
vision, w ill be m ade. B ecause
of th e d ista n c e s involved, the
to u r w ill be p racticab le only to
th o se g u e sts h av in g cars. The
head of th e line w ill form in
fro n t o f H e a d q u a rte rs A nnex
"A ,” facin g w est, an d extend
dow n C e n te r S tre e t. D u rin g the
period of th e to u r o th e r g u ests
w ill bo a d m itte d to th e v a rio u s
re c re a tio n a l b u ildings on the
post, such a s th e S ervice Club,
O ffic e rs Club, N on-com Club,
G u est H ouse, Rec H all, an d b a t­
talio n re c re a tio n room s.
B a r­
ra c k s w ill no t be open to the pub­
lic. A lth o u g h g u e sts m a y visit
c o m p an y m esses, th e y w ill not
be p e rm itte d to e a t in them .
T h ey will, how ever, be ab le to
p a tro n iz e th e c a fe te ria in the
S ervice Club.
R e g u la r v isitin g h o u rs w ill be
m ain ta in e d a t th e post h ospital,
w ith conducted to u rs fro m 3:45
to 5:00.
W ed n esd ay also w ill be a n im ­
p o rta n t day, w ith h o istin g of the
new T re a s u ry flag to proclaim
p a rtic ip a tio n o f a t le a st 90 p e r
cen t of Civilian p ersonnel in re g ­
ular bond buying under th e p a y ­
roll deduction plan to th e ex ten t
of 10 per cent or more of th e ir
While the new goal is well be­ earnings. The ceremony, begin­
low the $18.3 billions actually ning at 5 o’clock, will be fol­
raised in the third loan, it is lowed by retreat. A formal
within $1 billion of the total of dance for enlisted personnel of
non-banking subscriptions re­ the post and their guests will
ceived in the fourth. Moreover, be held Wednesday evening at
the drive will come at a time the Service Club.
when most of the cream of bank­ The officers club and non com
ing funds which could be allot­ club will hold their anniversary
ted for the purpose already has dances Saturday evening. May
been skimmed off in previous 27, the officers' formal and the
non-coms semi-formal.
Main feature of the F ifth War In anticipation of assembly for
Loan drive will be the concen­ the parade at 5:00 p.m. the train
tration on sales of Series E ing program will be advanced
bonds. This means it will be an hour Monday by elimination
necessary to plow deeper into of the first period. Noon mess
the great mass of small indi­ will be from 11:15 to 12 o’clock,
vidual savings, Secretary Mor- and supper immediately follow­
ing the parade.
genthau has pointed out.
m an d er, w ill c u t a
s tre tc h e d acro ss th e e n tra n c e o f
th e Post C hapel to ded icate th e
C am p A bbot s tru c tu r e . T h is w ill
im m ed iately follow the colonel's
dedication p ro clam atio n , w h ich
he w ill d eliv er a t the door, the
C h a p la in 's
B ran ch
M aj. Zack S. B eiser, P o st E n ­
g in eer, w ill give th e k ey to Co).
B esson, w ho in tu r n w ill h a n d
it to P o s t C h ap lain W illiam H.
A ndrew . A t th is point, th e
C h aplain will fo rm a lly ded icate
th e chapel.
T he re m a in d e r of th e serv ice
will be held inside, the an n o u n c e ­
m en t said. T he 11th G ro u p B and
will provide a p p ro p ria te m u sic
fo r th e occasion, in w hich a ll
C h ap lain s w ill p a rtic ip a te . C h ap ­
lain A ndrew w ill preside. .
D ate of th e dedication, lo n g
delayed because it w a s d esired
to aw ait th e a rr iv a l of a n o rg a n ,
expected w eekly fo r se v eral
m o n th s, w as set fo r to m o rro w
w hen recen t d ev elo p m en ts re ­
vealed th e in s tru m e n t w ill n o t
be av ailab le u n til som e tim e in
Ju ly .
T he d edication p ro g ra m w ill
th e
re g u la r S u n d a y
m o rn in g P ro te s ta n t service.
7 Officers Here
Gain Promotions
Promotion of Capts. Robert
H. LaBree of the Medical Corps
and Robert T. McClure of the
Corps of Engineers at Camp
Abbot have been announced by
the War Department.
O th e r promotions:
To captain — Lts. Harold A.
Rhodes of the Corps of Engi­
neers and Darwin E. Smith of
the Medical Corps.
To first lieutenant- Lts. Gene
D. Foley-Gilmartin, Army United
States: and Frank M. Pease and
John C. Steighner, both of the
Corps of Engineers.