Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, May 13, 1944, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    MP Unit Takes
— S P O R T S —
Casuals to Win
52nd Bn. Fighter Takes Volleyball Loop
Post Heavyweight Title
Brown of Company C, 52nd
B attalion won a technical knock­
out over B ryant of Co. C, 53rd
Bn., in the first round last week
to take the heavyw eight cham ­
pionship of Cam p Abbot and
wind up the Post spring boxing
tournam ent between units of
th e 11th Group. O ther bouts on
th e Post Recreation H all card
i n c l u d e d one championship
m atch in which M artinez of C-52
decisioned Gelmini of B-54 and
a series of nine exhibition tiffs.
Champions in the v a r i o u s
w eight classes, four of whom
gained their titles the preceding
week, include: 127 pounds—
Kitchenakow, B-54, and Andrico,
C-51; 135 pounds—Nelson, A-53;
145 pounds — Hernandez, C-54;
155 p o u n d s — M artinez: 165
pounds — Tolmasoff, C-52; 175
pounds—Lopey, B-53; unlim ited
weight Brown. Hernandez, who
w as scheduled to m eet Beebe of
C-51 Friday night, won when the
la tte r defaulted because of a
hand injury. Kitchenakow and
Andrico tied for top honors in
th e ir class when both defaulted
because of injuries.
Team scores a t the close of
th e tourney w ere: 52nd Bn., 18
points; 53rd Bn., 16; 54th Bn., 12,
Top Kick Sports
Nine Hash Marks;
Joined in 1907
Camp Abbot, Ore., May 13, 1944
Page Four
and 51st Bn., 7.
In the shortest bout of the ex ­
hibition variety, “W hirlwind”
Joslin of A-57 knocked out M ar­
row of C-57 in 50 seconds of the
first round.
In other exhibition bouts:
Ames of A-57 won a TKO over
Plutarco, A-57, in the first round.
Montez, C-52, decisioned Welch
of the 53rd Battalion. Welch,
ju st out of the hospital, w as not
in top form . Montez, who lost a
num ber of points in an earlier
bout because of rough tactics,
fought an unusually clean fight.
H ernandez, C-54, and Berios,
C-52, fought to a draw.
O’H agan, Casual Co., deci­
sioned Scalph, C-52. Unable to
land a glove on his opponent in
the first round, O’H agan got his
range in the second and began
to accum ulate points.
Jungle, A-57, fought Salas,
C-52, to a draw.
Cabuto, C-57, decisioned Bat-
tialigia, A-57.
Vaiz, C-57, won a slow fight
over McCaslin, C-57.
Lopey, w i n n e r in th e 175-
pound class two weeks ago,
fought to a draw w ith “W hirl­
wind” Joslin, in a two-round ex­
The Post cham pionship volley­
ball crown w ent to a""dark horse
W ednesday night w h e n MP
Com pany w rested two straig h t
gam es from Casual Co. in the
to urnam ent finals. Scores in
both contests w ere 15 to 6.
In the semi-finals, the MPs
took th e 55th Battalion Officers
15 to 8 and 15 to 13, and Casual
Com pany won its shot a t the
title by defeating the 53rd Of­
ficers, 13 to 15, 15 to 8, and 15
to 6. Elimination* of the two of­
ficer team s cam e as a su rp rise
to sp o rts fans; both had show n
pow er earlier in the season.
Casual Co. w as handicapped
by the absence of its s ta r player,
Sgt. Casebeer.
Originally scheduled as a dou­
ble elim ination tournam ent, the
playoff w as changed to single
elim ination by agreem ent be­
tw een com peting teams.
Service Com pany has chal­
lenged th e cham pionship MP
squad to a contest at the Post
Recreation Hall a t 7 p.m. Mon­
day. L oser will buy fo u r cases
of beverage.
Clarinet Player
Wants Fish Club
Rec Hall
Cpl. Mildred Robichaux, check­
ing h er w rist w atch in front of
the road sign in H eadquarters
Circle, isn’t contem plating a
journey to the capital city of
either of our enemies — yet.
Right now she is in o r near
Memphis, Tennessee, having left
her desk in the Special Services
branch a t Camp Abbot to join
the contingent of WACS accom­
panying an A rm y Service Forces
exhibit through the F o u rth Serv­
ice Command.
Corporal R o b ic h a u x , who
comes from Chauvin, Louisiana,
is, as h er nam e suggests, of
F rench descent. Slender, with
dark, curly hair, laughing eyes,
and an unusually placid disposi­
tion, she finds ser social engage­
ment calendar unusually crowd­
She will re tu rn to Camp Ab­
bot about Ju ly 15.
Pvt. R alph M. Kenton, clari­
netist in the 362nd A rm y Serv­
ice Forces band, who claims th at
as a basic here he knew nothing
In the softball gam e between about fishing until “a few tro u t
B-54 and Casual Company, the com m itted suicide on my line,”
first four men from B-54 to is w illing to spread the gospel | 15 New Classical Music
reach the plate scored home , of his la ter e n l i g h t e n m e n t Albums Available at Club
runs. B-54 won 27 to 2. Casual am ong aspiring anglers. T rain ­
F ifteen new album s of re ­
Com pany has since announced ees interested in form ing a fish­ cordings—all opera and classical
it w ill w ithdraw rrom the to u rn ­ ing club, to exchange pointers —w ere received this week by
am ent.
on outw itting th e inhabitants of the Service Club, it has been
the Deschutes and swap ac­ announced. The disks are played
None of the th ree 58th Bat­ counts of th eir exploits, can con­ in a reg u lar scheduled concert
talion team s entered in the Post tact P riv ate K enton at band at the G uest House every Sun­
softball tourney have been de­ headquarters.
day evening beginning a t 7:30.
feated to date. Coach for the
In general, fishing this week In addition, interested persons
squad is L ieutenant Baird.
has been good. Lt. Jam es R. may draw out any desired selec­
Rodgers probably snared the tion at an y tim e and the record
The boxing bout between E n ­ prize catch. I t w as a 15-inch will be played for them.
riquez, Post cham p in th e 165- silver fish w ith a few black
Recorded dance m usic and
pound class and O’H agan, run- spots on each side and m eat the popular num bers may be played
nerup, is off tem porarily. E n ri­ ' color of salm on. It was des­ at the Service Club.
quez, on bivouac when O’H agan patched a t the Rodgers table be­
issued his challenge, now is on fore identification.
T he open forum on “T he W ar
T he com bination of P rivate
I Kenton and Cpl. Jess Castio —Brought Up to D ate,” post­
If fights last week a re any in­
poned because of unforeseen cir­
dication, Camp Abbot is due for have had notable catches of Ger­
cum stances th is week, will be
som e bang-up boxing cards in m an Browns and Loch Levens
held at the G uest House Monday
the n ear future.
inches. They find the river above evening at 8 o’clock. Pvt. Samuel
F o u r ta rg e ts now a re avail­ the ponton area the m ost pro­ Finifter, form er WMCA new s­
caster, will lead the discussion.
able to the potential “Robin lific.
Hoods' of the Post. T he equip­
m ent has been installed in the ed to have caught 22 German
The Wolf
drill field northw est of the ob­ Browns last week-end.
add fishing story
stacle course.
Lt. H. L. H ansen of the Spe­
Leading exponent of th e “back cial Services branch is try in g to
to n atu re" cult at Cam p Abbot secure a num ber of fly rods and
is Pfc. F red C herry of Service reels. If he is successful, the
Company, form er sta ff w riter rods will be m ade available to
for the EN GIN EER. Low tem ­ enlisted personnel through the
p eratures are no obstacle to the Rec Hall.
i n t r e p i d journ alist when it
comes to sleeping under the
T Sgt. Robert Meador, as­
signed this week as a first ser­
geant in the 12th Group, is the
object of reverential glances
from post trainee's. Sources of
in terest are the nine service
stripes extending the length of
his forearm , and a gold clasp
over his good conduct ribbon a t­
testing to his having qualified
fo r th a t recognition m ore than
Sergeant Meador, who came
here from the U niversity of
Idaho, w here he was an adm in­
istrative assistant and tau g h t in
th e ROTC for seven years, en­
listed in the A rm y at F ort Moul­
trie, S. C., in 1907. A fter two
hitches, he left the service. Be­
cause of his " e s s e n t i a l w ar
w ork” w ith the H ercules Powder
Com pany during the first World
W ar, he was unable to get into
th a t fight, but in 1919 he took
th e first opportunity to reenlist.
H e has been in alm ost continu­
ously since, his total num ber of
years in the service being 28
From 1925 to 1927 Sergeant
Meador served in Manila, P. I.
R eturning to the “S tates,” he
passed through Japan. Asked
how the Japanese im pressed him
a t that tim e, he says, “I never
did like the Japanese."
Of the WACs at Cam p Abbot,
he had this to say : “I think they
an- doing a fine thing, and be­
lieve they are m orale builders
ju s t by being around."
Cam p Abbot men from Brook­
lyn will be interested to know
All “C” com panies on th e post
th a t Sergeant Meador w as sta ­ a re in process of becoming spe­
tioned at F ort H am ilton in 1912, cialist companies, Capt. W illiam
probably before most of them S. Roberts Jr., personnel assign­
w ere born.
m ent officer, has announced.
T rainees destined for specialist
Teaneck, N. J. (C N St—A pa­ schools on the post will be tran s­
tient in a hospital here found ferred during th eir first five
th e bed too short for his six foot weeks.
Selection of tentative special­
fo u r inch fram e so he bought
one to fit him. W hen he was dis­ ists is made by interview on the
charged he left the bed behind— basis of education o r training,
for the use of futu re oversized civilian occupation, hobbies, and
other factors.
Specialists to
Form 'C* Units
Dogs Available
A t Post Kennels
T hree dogs will be given to
any individual o r organization
interested in picking them up.
the Post veterin arian announced
early this week. Dogs were de­
scribed as: (1) Black and w hite
m ale te rrie r
(m ixed); (2) black and white,
smooth-haired m ale te rrie r; (3)
d ark brindle m ale bull (m ixed).
New owners m u st have dogs
vaccinated for rabies before ta k ­
ing them from th e P ost dog
pound if the anim als are to re­
m ain on the Post. Persons in ter­
ested are urged to call th e vet­
erinarian, 'phone 111.
Softball League
Anybody's Race,
Standings Show
T hree team s w ere tied in the
N ational League and five in the
A merican League th is w eek as
Camp Abbot’s softball to u rn a­
m ent got under way. Tied for
top spot in the N ational w ere
Supply Company, C-54 and B-55
w ith two w ins and no losses
each, and in the Am erican C-51,
A-57, A-58 and B-58, each w ith
one win and no losses.
Two units, C asual Com pany
and 11th G r o u p Cadre, an ­
nounce they would drop out of
th e running, S /S g t. Leo Frizzo,
coach fo r th e Special Service
Office, said.
Scores fo r th e w eek In th e
A m erican L eague w ere: C-58,
15, Medical D etachm ent, 0; B-58,
5, A-56, 2; A-58, 12, B-56, 4; C-57,
5, C-56, 4; A-57, 10, C-56, 4 and
A-56, 10, B-56, 6. In th e N ational:
B-54, 27, Casual Co., 2; C-54, 10,
MP Co., O; A-55, 5, Supply Co.,
13; B-55, 12, 11th G roup Cadre,
9; C-55, 9, H eadquarters Offi­
cers, 8; A-54, 18, Casual Co., 14;
Supply Co., 23, B-54, 10; B 55, 13,
C-55, 7, and A-54, 2, C-54, 12.
Standings am ong team s not
tied for lead positions:
N ational League
Won L ost
C-55 .................... ...... 1
A-54 .................... ...... 1
B-54 .................... ...... 1
A-55 .................... ...... 0
Hq. O fficers .... ...... 0
MP Co................. ...... 0
Med. D et............. ...... 0
Service Co................. 0
Am erican L eague
Won Lost
A-56 .................... ...... 1
B-56 ........................... 0
C-56 ........................... 0
B-57 ........................... 0
Officers' Club Calendar
Lists Concert by Band
Selections from th e program
to be presented by th e 362nd
A rm y Service Fores band, under
th e direction of W a rra n t Officer
C harles S. Spalding, at the Vic­
to ry C enter in P o rtlan d Monday,
will be heard in a concert to be
given by th e band at the Cam p
Abbot officers’ club from 7:30
to 8:30 T hursday evening.
O ther events scheduled for th e
club a re the form al dance to ­
night; inform al dance, May 20;
“P a rty fo r Guys and Gals Who
Live on the Post," May 23, and
form al an n iversary dance, May
P ass The EN G IN EER To An­
oth er Abbotm an—He'll A ppreci­
ate It.
by Sansone