Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, May 13, 1944, Image 1

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V? 1 ,s 1944*
It's Your
Life, Soldier,
Insure It!
It's Also Your
Duty to Vote
Voi. 1 No. 52
Abbot to Get
Coveted Bond
Flag May 24
The coveted “ T ” flag,
awarded by the Treasury
Department to arm y instal­
lations in which civilian per­
sonnel payroll deductions for
w a r bonds total 90 per cent
participation, with 10 per
cent deduction, will be fo r­
mally presented to Col Frank
S. Besson, Post Commander,
by M ajor W alter L. Roche,
War Bond Officer for the Ninth
Service Command, at a retreat
ceremony at 5 p.m. Wednesday,
May 24.
Lt. Col. R. D. Turrill will act
as master of ceremonies. The
362nd Army Services Forces
band, under the direction of
Warrant Officer C h a r l e s S.
Spalding, will present a musical
Special arrangements are be­
ing made for bus transpor­
tation for civilian personnel in
view of the large number ex­
pected to attend the ceremony.
Each civilian employee will be
presented with a handsome pro­
gram, a memento of the oc­
The flag, a beautiful blue and
white banner, will fly from a
new flagpole which is being
F uh I S i g n a l i ' li ot o
erected for that purpose at the
southeast corner of headquar­ Photograph shows United States Senator Rufus C. Holman,
member of the .Military Affairs Committee reviewing with Col.
ters building.
Frank S. Besson, Post Commander, a retreat parade, staged by
Since winning the Treasury eight battalions in the Senator's honor recently. Other state and
award, civilian employees of this
local officials were present at the ceremony.
station have increased war bond
purchases through payroll de­
duction to one hundred per cent
and 11.1 per cent deduction of
A Mother’s Day breakfast, to
be served at 9 a.m. tomorrow in
the parish hall of Saint Francis
Next time an officer gives you
of Assissi in Bend, will be the the proverbial bad time about
first of a series of a f f a i r s
that snag in your pants or the
planned for Camp Abbot sol­
button o ff your shirt, don't
diers by the National Catholic
bother, brother, to offer an ex­
Community Service USO Club
Forecast of frozen - h u ma n - and Knights of Columbus, W il­ cuse — because there isn't any.
spare-part banks and of new liam Frey, director of the Bend The C & E Repair Shop, building
miracles wrought by the drug, USO, has announced. An enter­ 325, will make all the necessary
penicillin, was made in a recent tainment program is scheduled minor repairs on GI duds—and
issue of the Department of Com­ following the serving of break­ for free. The alterations include
shortening and le n g th e n in g
merce publication, “ Domestic fast.
trousers, shirt sleeves; sewing
Tickets for the breakfast may
Medical banks will become be obtained from Mr. Frey or buttons and chevrons; reducing
commonplace, supplying hospi­ Catholic Chaplain Camille J. B. or enlarging waist sizes and re­
pairing small rips and snags.
tals with frozen human parts Chasse of Camp Abbot.
There is one way and only one
fo r surgical emergencies, Eve­
way for the soldier to avail him­
lyn Schwartztrauber of the de­
self of this service. First, he
partment’s drug and pharma­ First Military Personnel
ceutical unit, and author of the Arrived Year Ago Monday should gather up everything he
wants repaired in one batch—
article, predicts.
A year ago next Monday, a not in dribbles—and turn it in
Penicillin holds the key to “a
nucleus of 243 officers and 1,253 to his supply sergeant. Then all
new world of mold therapy," she
enlisted men arrived at Camp he has to do is wait a couple of
writes. Such new strains as pat-
Abbot to begin establishment of days. The stuff should be clean,
Ulin, clavacin, actinomycin and
administrative and tactical units naturally. Unnecessary altera­
fumagtin have been laboratory-
in what is now one of the most tions, such as streamlining OD
proved as great killing agents,
important Army Service Forces shirts, will not be made. The
and it is not too great a stretch
training centers in the nation.
service is available to enlisted
Of imagination to envision “ a
Two troop trains traveling a men only.
whole new series of mold deriva­
day apart brought the pioneer
tives specific for a great num­
contingents from Fort Leonard
ber of disease causing infec­
Wood, Mo., where Camp Abbot
Hostesses this week for the
Headquarters had been activated
She also noted the possibility
several weeks earlier. A couple regular tea-bridge of wives of
of substitutes for blood dona­
of inches of snow covered the officers stationed at Camp Ab­
tions after the war, mentioning
ground, and the camp was less bot were Mrs. D. H. Griswold,
that beef blood now is being
than 75 per cent complete. A chairman, and Mrs. J. R. Meeks,
considered as a possibility.
skeleton force of Ninth-Service Mrs. Phillip B. Ribbeck and Mrs.
Command Army personnel had R. J. Sammarco. Playing begins
Camp Abbot is now officially been “ running" the camp until at one o'clock, and tea is served
Known as an A r m y Service the Engineer officers and cadre at four, each Wednesday after­
Forces Training Center.
USO Program for
Mother's Day Set
Spare Parts for
Humans Foreseen
Shop Fixes Gl
Clothing Free
May 13, 1944
GI Instructor
Course Set Up
Assigned Personnel to Undergo
One Week’s Class in ‘Quidance’
A rm y camp training will pass from the little red school-
house stage at Camp Abbot Monday, when the new In­
structors Guide Course set up by the W a r Department for
all Arm y Service Forces posts is inaugurated by the Spe­
cialist Branch of the Training Division. Instruction will
be started with approximately 20 enlisted men from the
Training Division, and eventually every assigned officer
and enlisted man on the post j---------------------------------------------
will complete the one-week
course covering 48 hours of
On the theory that every mili­
tary person is liable to some
teaching assignment during his
Army s e r v i c e , Capt. Smiley
Raborn, Chief, Specialist Branch,
stated Friday that the purpose
of the course is to inculcate in
as many as possible the proper
Camp Abbot entertainers will
principles and methods of Army make their second appearance at
Building 861, now partially oc­ Portland's Victory Center Mon­
cupied by the demolition and day when members of the 362nd
clerk schools, will house classes. Army Service Forces Band and
Such almost unheard-of-features several well-known soloists par­
in post schools as sound-proof­ ticipate in a program devoted
ing, fluorescent lighting, scien to the Fifth War Loan Drive and
tific heating through circulation the second anniversary of the
of air, and student chairs with I Women's Army Corps.
The program, sponsored by
desk arms, have been provided.
“ No stone has been left un­ the War Finance Committee,
turned to make conditions ideal will be presented from 12 noon
for learning,” Captain Raborn to 1 p.m. at the center and will
said Friday. "The Commanding i be broadcast in part by tran*
Officer of the post, the Director scription over Station K A LE in
of Training, the Post Engineer, Portland i 1320 kilocycles) at 3
and many other officers have i or 8:15 p.m. Monday night.
Featured in the W AC portion
contributed to b r i n g i n g this
the program will he Lt. Har­
The plan is to house members riett M. Whiteman, assistant
Public Relations officer for
of future classes under one roof,
Camp Abbot, and members of
as it is thought this would fa ­
cilitate study. “ We want to give the corps from Fort Stevens and
them the most perfect set-up the Portland area.
possible," Captain Raborn said, i The music portion, in charge
The class s c h e d u l e w a s, of Warrant Officer Charles 3.
worked out by Lt. Elwyn J. Spalding, band director, will in­
Fonk of the Specialist Branch, clude “ El Capitan,” march; a
who has had many years of Glenn Miller arrangement of
teaching experience and w h o ! "The Anvil Chorus;” "Sam You
(Continued On Page 3)_____
will be the sole instructor. Basi­
Post Talent Has
Leading Role in
Portland Show
cally a breakdown of the five
training methods: preparation,
presentation, application, exam­
ination, and discussion and cri­
tique, the course will include
such subjects as selection of ma­
terials for instruction; how t o ;
study; psychological and physi­
ological aspects of learning:
public speaking, and use of
visual training aids. At the con­
clusion of the instruction stage,
ten hours will be devoted to
practice teaching of the class by
Nationally known commercial
artists from the training aid
shop are producing an elaborate
training aid in the form of 29
colored charts six feet by 42
inches, which if produced com­
mercially would be valued at
about a thousand dollars. The
artists are Sgt. George D. Ter­
rel, Cpl. Raeburn W. Rohrbach;
Pfc. Harold F. Marks, and Pic.
Bruce D. Baumberger.
Help! Well Need
It For Our Huge
Birthday Edition
News e d ito r s are usually
meek, timid little souls who
seldom call for help, but mere­
ly sit and suffer tile whole
thing out. The time lias come,
however, to emit a few loud
and lusty .veils. We're getting
out a hirthdav issue May ¡7
whirl! will he the b i g g e s t
ENGINEER ever published,
and as we have only two
hands, maybe some kind per­
son with journalistic inclina­
tion* will lend theirs.
Human I n t e r e s t stories,
news items of general camp
interest, and p e r s o n a l i t y
sketches are needed. Also, de­
partment heads are invited to
submit brief summaries of
any interesting aspect of their
department's function.
The editors can't guárante«
Perhaps the first actual ring ;
to p u b l i s h v our piece, hut
ever used in boxing will be tried they'll try. And please don't
out May 18 in Civic Auditorium, fret if your story is edihsl
San Francisco. The circle, rigged somewhat. All stories should
up within the regular canvas, he an brief as possible, and
square by the use of rope and i . . . please . . . PLEASE . . .
guy wires, w as tested by w rest- j let's don't polish any apples.
lers last month.