Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, May 06, 1944, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Camp Abbot, Ore., May 6, 1944
Abbot lo Have
3 Boxers Reach
Top Brackets in
Post Tournament
o tin n
f l C U r C j C I 11 Q I I U I I
Casual Company forged into
Three champions emerged in
,he lead ln ,ho Post volleyball Camp Abbot’s spring boxing
race this week, lengthening its
tournament at the Post Recrea­
C i l L II I
lead *° five wins and n° losses tion Hall last week, but more
against three Wins and no losses exciting to the approximately
0r the nearest contenders, the
1,000 G I’s at the ringside were
Camp Abbot will be represent- 1 53rd Battalion Officers’ team and a couple of fast and furious
ed in a Ninth Service Command the 55th Bn. Officers,
softball tournament to be held
W o n . Lost
Named champs in the Friday
this summer to determine the casual Co........................... 5
night sessions were Nelson of
military championship softball 55 th Bn. officers ................ 3
Company A, 53rd Battalion, 135-
team of the eight states em- ^
............................... }
pound class; Tolmasoff of Co.
braced by the command, the Spe- C-5S . ............. . .
C, 52nd Bn., 165 pounder, and
cial Service Office announced
1 Lopel, of Co. B, 53rd, who had
this week.
6.4tA ®n-
: ■ !
2 no challenger in the 175-pound
A tournament to decide t he . n-53 .............................. o t bracket.
Post championship team already ! B-li 7
; ; ; ;
¡J |
Nelson took advantage of a
is under way here. Next step is B-53 ............................... 0 2 long reach to defeat banty-sized
a district contest, and then top
Fitzgerald of Co. C, 52nd Bn.,
teams of four district circuits
while Tolmasoff combined ex­
will vie for the area crown.
^6C H o ll
cellent footwork and a neat left
Trophies will be awarded to
to take Martin of Co. A, 53rd.
teams winning installation, dis- |
R G I U D i IU Q S
One of the better semi-finals
trict and area competition, t h e ----------------------------------------- was between Gelmini of Co. B,
Private Smith of Company C,
,‘ S" . vi" Division of thL
Battalion as far as" we 54th Bn., and Vasquez of Co. A,
In \nitna I non
know, has turned in the best per-
The softball tournament is the formance in the current softball
iii'st >.i several such competitive l.'.KUe- The hurlcr went five in-
“ Happy victuals by happy first WACs on the post, and was
a C0UPIe
, P °unders- cooks,” might well be the slogan sent to our own C o o k s and
/ ° Ught
of the Camp Abbot W AC com- Bakers Schobl ,b Prepare for the
"h fo w in f
mess, .h e re Sg,. Lucille
* »
r r ^ r T v " « r t o u ! , 0 fSid.h' S . before »^lowing a hit. The s..i
“ >“■*' “ a bit While, show« abo.e lining a S e r g e »» w hi,e „ „ sh,
sports. Other contests to deter- Part of the affair was he lost more stmg to his punches.
sheet of crusty brown rolls from joys preparing all k i n d s of
— to
, 4 on . account , of .
Brown, ’ of Co. C, o2nd, ’ scored ’ tbe
thp ov’en'
ovpn ls
is i first
A natural
n3tur3l d
d i i s s h
h e e s s Her
Hpr conception
conccotioo of
nf a
mine the championship of the ‘ he
game d
rst cook
cooK A
area will be held in baseball, an error.
Mth fn w L ^ r o t a b l v was the stra'" berry blo,nde- witb “omple- happy life following the period
huskethfii -inri fnr.thaii
o4tb' ln . at Probab‘y was the mentary complexion, she seems known to WACs as the “dura-
viduals will vie for irea hoxinJ
S/Sgt. R o m e r o , an ex-pug roughest tiff on the card. Brown continually to wear her captivat- tion plus six months” is consis-
ch am Dions h i ns*
from Los Angeles who was scored a knockdown in the first ing smile.
tent with this joy in culinary
Pnrnose of the nrnm m
is to transferred here from Alaska, and froly there 11 was a slug‘ j Perhaps Sergeant White’s dis- accomplishment, for Sergeant
develop nhvsical fitness
team has issued a challenge to any ‘ « t until the referee stopped the position is the result of living in White has no hesitancy in ex­
work duick thinkine md sound and all boxers on the Post. In- bout in ‘ he third round. Warren the City of Brotherly Love, for pressing the hope of becoming
judgment imnne enlisted mill- ‘ crested parties are requested to was gamo throughout and want- ¡t was in Philadelphia that she a housewife when she returns
larv Personnel through nirtiei- call the Post Rec Hall, ’phone 64 bd to COn*!"U® the ilght.’ Thc decided last March to leave her to civilian life. Probably few
P iiion in competitive snorts and arrange a bout. Romero, a b°u‘ " a s billed as an unlimited job as an inspector of time fuses women are more likely to real-
Mai Gen David MeCoach Ir ’ member of Casual Company, is weight semifinal.
in a war plant to another civil- ize that ambition, although if
commanding general of the com- »heavyw eight.
n .Ib
Sem.i f m a ’ ian and join the Women’s Army Sergeant White has any definite
Rico of Co. C, 51st won over Corps. Two months later she plans along that line, she isn’t
mand, said.
. . . .
Soler of Co. A, 52nd. S o 1 e r, was at Camp Abbot with the telling.
Contests are being staged in
Judging from sports facilities,
champ in the 127-pound class in
compliance with policies of a ,h‘\ 57,b Ba“ allon ls tbe most the previous Post tournament,
newly -established athletic and » ‘ hletic contingent on the Post.
California Surgeon Heads
towered over the barrel-chested r y
-y .
recreational p r o g r a m of the The unlt bas an outslde boxlng Rico and seemed to have diffi- 1 Oll^lX 1 O £*111(1,
Reconditioning Service
Arm y Service Forces and will rl" g c°m P ete with ropes, an ex-
culty getting the range. Rico’s
Maj. John J. Loutzenhouser,
not interfere with military train-
sof baU diamond and a
gamcness made the bout one of R u t A v i e Rlsi eti’sl
well-known San Francisco orth­
ing. However, if training sched- foo,bal1 fleId’
the closest on the card.
opedic surgeon ,has been pro­
ules permit, athletic competition
The Headquarters o f f i c e r s ’
Ctosest bout in the 145-pound
may be carried on during a por- softball ,eam c]alms |hff distlnc. bracket was between Hernandez
moted to lieutenant colonel and
tion of the training time.
.. _
, . ,
, . ...
tion of Ix'ing the best officer of Co. C, 54th, and Montez of
It happened supposedly dur­ designated director of Recondi­
team e n t e r e d in the current Co. C, 52nd. Rough tactics cost ing the battle of Britain. Fol­ tioning Service for the Ninth
tournament. It is the only all­ Montez a lot of points and prob­
Service Command. As director
ably were responsible for his lowing a Nazi raid, the BBC
officer team on the Post.
of the recently created service,
getting an unfavorable decision.
Beebe of Co. C, 51st, won over were over the London area the aim of which is to restore
Opening contests in Post soft-
Stratton of Co. A, 53rd, in thc and the Home Counties last soldiers suffering from either
ball tournament got under way
other bout in the 145-pound night. Bombs were dropped at physical or mental ills to active
this week, spurred by the prom­
random, causing slight dam­ duty again, Colonel Loutzen-
ise of a trip to district contests,
No casualties have been heiser will be responsible for es­
An unexpected highlight of
Loans totaling $6,348.93 were
sponsored by the Ninth Service
the program was a band pro­ ported." Later in the day, the tablishing the program at all
news in English was broad­ Army general hospitals and
Command, and possibly area made to 130 Camp Abbot sol­ vided by Co. C, 53rd Bn.
by German radio: “The most station hospitals of the
contests, in which miltary con­ diers by the Field Office of the
Referees were Lt. Kulbes and
tingents in eight states em­ American Red Cross d u r i n g Pvt. Sam Little. Pvt. Shaffer Luftwaffe was over England Ninth Service Command.
braced by the command will par­ April, Frank Dunning, field di­ was timekeeper and Cpls. La last night. A diversionary at­
rector, r e p o r t e d this week. Salle, Lino and Fraley were tack was made on London,
while our main force went on
Results this week included: Twenty-five outright grants to­ judges.
“Make a Record for Mother's
B-54, 18, Casual Co. 14; C 54, 10. taling $1,072 were made to sol-
Finals scheduled last night in- to Random. R a n d o m was Day,” seems to be a slogan at
MFs, 0; Supply Co., 12, A-55, 5; diers whose financial status pre- eluded Rico vs. Kitcheakow of heavily attacked and our pi­ the Service Club, with members
H-55, 12, 11th Gp. cadre, !); C-55, eludes the possibility of repay­ Co. B, 54th; Beebe vs. Hernan­ lots reported large fires were of the post beating a track to
0. Headquarters Officers. 8: C 56 ment.
dez, Gelmini vs. Martinez of Co. left burning.”
the radio room to cut a disc con­
The Red Cross unit acted on C, 52nd, and Brown vs. Bryant
4, C-57, 5.
veying their May 14th senti­
867 cases and the Station Hospi of Co. A, 53rd.
Pass The ENGINEER To An­ ments. As in the past, the discs
It’s your life , solitici -IN- tal Red Cross unit on 453 cases
other Abbotman—He’ll Appreci- and services of the operator are
during the 30-day period.
Buy National W ar Bonds Now!
H cck
Softball Loop
Gets Under Way
Red Cross Loans
Total $¿.348
Hen* «re a few of about a doten murals which decorate thc walls of the mess hall
In < opq>an> C, ,Y»nd Battalion. First (from the left) Is a scene hy Pvt. William
sheker depicting construction of a pontoon bridge; second Is a study hy Pvt.
4 liarles f reeman of what the Engineer may or may not think about (depending on
the soldier), ami third is a scene of an Engineer blasting an obstacle in a roadway,
by Pvt. F. A. Lai kner. There are other scenes which bear a close relationship to tlie
subject in the center and others depicting training, but vou'd better drop by and
see them for yourselves. After all. we have to send the paper through the mail.