Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, April 29, 1944, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
3 Teams Tied in
Volleyball Race
Three teams, the 53rd O ffi­
cers, Casual Company and the
55th Battalion Officers, were
tied this week for first place in
the two - weeks - old volleyball
tournament with two g a m e s
each against no losses.
Won Lost
53d Officers ......... 2
Casual Co.............. 2
55th Officers ... .... 2
MB’s ................ .... 1
C-53 ................. .... 1
C-51 ................. .... 1
Service Co......... .... 2
. 1
A -53 .................
B-5f ................. .... 0
A-55 .................
Supply Co......... .... 0
B-55 ................. .... 0
C-55 ................. .... 0
54th Officers .... ...... 0
A-51 ...................... 0
B-53 ...................... 0
Two teams, A-51 and B-53d al­
ready have dropped out in the
double elimination tournament.
Rec Hall
Private O’Hagan, former 55th
Battalion hoxer who lost to Pri­
vate Enriquez in a preliminary
bout in the Post boxing tourna­
ment several weeks ago, wants
another crack at the man who
cooled him. Enriquez, who now
is on bivouac and could not be
contacted, went ahead to take
the Post championship in the
165-pound class, a title which he
still holds. Should the battle ma­
terialize, it will be held next Fri­
day and should be one of the
best to date.
Advance boxing dope: Boxers
from the 57th Battalion boxers,
guided by Lt. Kulbes, have the
next Post boxing championship
all sewed up.
Horseshoe pitching is making
rapid gains in popularity, espe­
cially in the Service Company
area. Shoes can be heard clank­
ing from morning 'till night—
that is, of course, during off-
duty hours.
Best volleyball set of the cur­
rent t o u r n e y was Thursday
night In'tween Company A, 55th
Battalion, and Casual Company.
Casuals took the first round, 15
to 8, but A-55 took the second,
15 to 10. The final game see­
sawed for 20 minutes before
Spiker Casebeer got his range
and pulled his team through for
a 15 to 13 win.
San Francisco (C N S )— Fifty
policewomen have been assigned
to San Francisco’s downtown
night patrol to curb drinking by
juveniles. "W e seem to calm
them down l>etter,” one police­
woman said.
He'd Probably
Been Qetting 'Em
On The House
A "jo b board" in one of the
better beer establishments on
Bend's p i c t u r e s q u e “Skid
Row "
w as
great a temptation for some
self-appointed G I chalk artist.
The hoard, installed for the
convenience o f
set forth the typo of laltor. the
rate of pay and the employer.
Under "labor the dogface had
listed: “ H I* , excavating, tun­
neling and replacing tractors
out o f gas." Under "w a g e s "
w as listed, "R oom and hoard
with deductions," and under
"em ployer” — "Colonel Bes­
Camp Abbot, Ore., April 29, 1944
Sad Sacks Lead
In Bowling Loop
Boxing Results
In Next Issue
Our Friday noon deadline
makes it impossible for us to
The Sad S a c k s took two
publish the list of winners in
games over Wahee Courts keg-
the semi-finals of the Post
lers this week to break a tie
spring boxing meet held last
with the latter unit and forge
night between units of the
into the lead in the Post spring
■ 1th Group, but a full account
b o w l i n g l e a g u e . In other
will ap|H*ar in next Saturday's
Wednesday night contests, the
ENGINEER. Finals are sched­
medics won two games over the
uled at the Post Recreation
Wildcats, the Strikers defeated
Hall Friday night.
the Headquarters Hotshots in
two contests, and the Neophytes
won two from the Quartermas­
Sad Sacks ................... 9
Wahee Courts ............ 7
Strikers ...................... 7
“I think that from now on
Medics ........................ 6
we’ll have pretty good fly fish-
Neophytes ................. 6 ; ing,” is the encouraging note
Wildcats ..................... 5
sounded for Camp Abbot week­
Hdqs. Hotshots ........... 4 enders by Don H. Peoples, sec­
Quartermasters ......... 4
retary of the Bend Chamber of
In Tuesday n i g h t contests Commerce. In his own expedi­
Personnel won three straight tions to the Deschutes below
over the 11th Group, the Pin Bend, Mr. Peoples has founnd
Splitters took two out of three during the last few evenings
over the Screwballs and the that trout will pick a fly off the
Training Division won two con­ surface. He said that reports of
tests over Palmer’s Pups.
good fishing had been received
from below Camp Abbot also.
Points As the reservation lies between
Personnel .............
4 the two points, post fishermen
Pin Splitters .............. 3
are expected to snare a few
Training Division ....... 3
itinerant trout.
Screwballs ................. 1
The most common bait used
Palmer’s Pups ........... 1
by experienced fishermen here­
11th Group ................. 0
abouts are grey hackle, mos­
quito, and bucktail coachmen, al­
though worms and salmon eggs
are bringing in some catches.
Outlook for Fly
Fishing Is Good
If reports of Axis dead with the initials “ H. .1. L.” punched in them
begin to filter back to the United States, you'll know that Pfc.
Harold .1. Lindquist, former instructor for the Weapons Branch and
top ranking machine gunner at Camp Abbot, is on the job. Lind­
quist, a resident of Berkley, Cal., left Wednesday for Camp Reyn­
olds, Va., an ASF replacement unit. The unorthodox stance is no
handicap to this expert.
22 Teams to Vie
In Softball Loop
Twenty-two teams have been
entered in the Camp Abbot soft-
ball tournament slated to open
Monday, Sgt. Leo Frizzo, coach
for the sports department of the
Special Service Office, has an­
Entries have been divided into
two leagues in the round robin
affair, and winners in the two
groups will meet in a t h r e e
game playoff series the latter
part of June.
American league entries are
Service Company, the Medical
Detachment and all three com­
panies of the 56th, 57th and 58th
Battalions. Under the National
league banner are Headquarters
Officers, 11th Group Cadre, Sup­
ply Company, MP Co., Casual
Co., and all three companies of
both the 54th and 55th Battal­
Model Builders
Here Challenged
A challenge to model builders
of the training center here was
issued this week by Mrs. Helen
Smith, director of the Service
“ The club has nearly 100 fly­
ing model airplane kits of vari­
ous types on hand as well as a
number of aircraft carriers, and
so far no one has attempted to
assemble one,” Mrs. Smith said.
“The club would like to have
someone build one a i r p l a n e
model and one aircraft carrier
for display purposes to stimu­
late interest.”
Models of jeeps and tanks also
were regarded apathetically by
club patrons until someone fi­
nally assembled models and
placed them on Mrs. Smith's
desk. Once soldiers saw com­
pleted models, the demand be­
came so great the supply soon
was exhausted.
Soldiers are permitted to keep
the models, Mrs. Smith pointed
A call for soldiers' wives de­
siring employment was issued
by the Service Club this week.
Persons interested in applying
for work are urged to contact
Miss Helen Souhrada. cafteria
hostess. Several positions are
open, Miss Souhrada said.
Boost in Archery
Interest Seen
Archery was expected to rise
to prominence in sports circles
this week with the completion
of stands for targets on hand at
the Post Recreation Hall.
Twelve sets of archery equip­
ment, including excellent Pear­
son bows and arrows ,are avail­
able at the r e c r e a t i o n hall.
Equipment may be checked out
by contacting Sgt. Leo Frizzo,
coach for the Special Service Of­
The targets have been placed
in the 55th Battalion drill field.
Gl's Neglecting
Personal Affairs
Soldiers destined for overseas
stations were warned by the
Judge Advocate’s Office this
week to place their personal af­
fairs in proper order before
leaving the Post.
The warning was an out­
growth of complaints by per­
sonal affairs officers in various
staging areas that too many
service personnel arrive at stag­
ing areas without having com­
pleted arrangements for insur­
ance, allotments of pay, ma­
ternity care for the wives of
service personnel and family al­
New Commissions
Opened Overseas
Warrant officers and enlisted
men serving overseas in non­
combat assignments who have,
demonstrated outstanding qual­
ifications but who cannot be re­
leased for O f f i c e r Candidate
Schools because of the impor­
tance of their work may now
be appointed second lieutenants
Eighteen men not affected by
by their commanders, the War
the personnel rotation policy be­
Department has announced.
cause of age, physical disabili­
Although overseas t h e a t r e
ties, or previous service overseas
com m an ders had previously
and nine WACs will receive
been authorized to appoint of-
good conduct medals (ribbons
i ficers from the ranks for com-
until medals become available)
MUSIC PROGRAM SUNDAY ' bat leadership, appointment of
in the near future. Post Head­
Recordings of classical music officers from the non - combat
quarters has announced.
to be heard at the Guest House categories was formerly subject
Sub-allotments of medals to
from 7:30 to 8:30 Sunday eve­ to War Department clearance.
organizations are: Service Com­
ning, April 30, under the aus­ In general the new appoint-
pany, five; Supply Co., four; MP f
pices of Special Services, have j ments will be limted to filling
Co., one; Medical Detachment,
been chosen to appeal to varied positions of a command nature
three; 11th Group, two, 12th -
tastes. The program follows: or those which require special
Group, two, and 362nd Army
“ Cappricio Espagnole,” Rimsky- technical or professional skills.
Service Forces Band, one.
Korsakov; Symphony No. 5
On receipt of the ribbons, a
( “New World S y m p h o n y ” ),
New York (C N S )— Sol Bau­
special ceremony will be ar­
Dvorak; “Tale from the Vienna man, 65, was a r r e s t e d in a
ranged for their presentation, it
Woods,” Johann Strauss; Con­ church on Easter Sunday while
was announced.
certo in A Minor, Grieg; “ Show- praying vigorously. Detectives
boat,” Scenario for Orchestra, spotted him p i c k i n g another
i worshiper’s pocket.
Conduct Medal
Quotas Listed
Abbot Wacs Will
Recruit for NSC
The Wolf
by Sansone
The Camp Abbot W AC com­
pany, u n d e r command of Lt.
Patricia E. Elwell, had the honor
this week of contributing three
of its members to represent the
Ninth Service Command in con­
nection with the Army Service
Forces exhibit.
The trio, who left Friday to
report at Spokane, included Cpl.
Mildred Robichaux, Pfc. Jane
Ellison, and Pfc. Rita Zeringue.
According to S p e c i a l Orders,
their itinerary will be within the
Fourth Service Command, em­
bracing southeastern states, and
require their s e r v i c e s until
July 15.
Terre Haute, Ind. (CNS) —
Fabian Sevitzky. director of the
Indianapolis Symphony Orches­
tra. was about to start a concert
here when he noticed that his
cellist was missing. A search
disclosed that the missing musi­
cian, enroute to the concert hall,
Pass The ENGINEER To An­ had taken a wrong turn and
other Abbotman— He'll Appreci stepped — cello and all — into a
ate It.
swimming pool.
Yo u re p retty good at making passes, aren't y o u ? ”