Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, April 15, 1944, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Co-Champs in
Hoop Tourney
Awarded Plaques
Foot S ign al Photo Lab
( ’ h o lo g ra p h shows the Chilian Personnel Firemen basketball (earn
which finished the season as eo-ehampions with the team from
Company A, ."ilith Kattalion in the Camp Ahlxit Baskethal.l ¡/«'ague.
Two champions are hetter than one, we always say. Members of
tlie team are, left to right— Bottom row : B. Douglas, and Marshall.
Top row: De (tree, Russell, Chief Van Sickle, Johnson, W. Douglas.
Four Teams on
Top as New Pin
Season Opens
lltH GrOlin W ine
■ ■ ■■■ w t u u p
* * III»
Camp Abbot, Ore., April 15, 1944
Headquarters o f Co. A-56 and
Civilian Personnel Firemen, re­
spectively, were enhanced today
by the plaques presented last
night by Col. Frank S. Besson
to the co-champions of the post
basketball league.
The plaques are o f wood, in
the design o f a basketball. In the
center o f each is an eight-by-ten,
glass-covered photograph o f the
team whose accomplishments on
the floor of the Rec. hall it ex­
tolls. For the sake o f posterity,
there is the legend, “ Basketball
Champions 1944, Camp Abbot, And here are some more champion basketball players. These lads
make up the team from Company A, .Kitli Battalion. Not being con­
tent with sharing the league championship with Civilian Personnel
Firemen, they are taking on the llth Group Officers, winners of
the Post tournament, Monday night. Bottom row, left to right:
White, Saruk, Casciato. Top row: Herbst, Jansen, Lt. Federico,
Bilyeu and Harden.
Rec Hall
If clear weather holds out, the
clank of equestrian footgear on
Tournament heard
'he rich
Gl7 on sod
around camp. Sgt.
V-Ball Slated
Red Cross Aqua
For League Play ¡Experts Teach
Gl's Combat Swim
It s all over but the shouting Frizzo A t h l e t i c Department
and here that is: In a hard- coach, has a limited supply of
fought game Wednesday night h o r s e - s h o e equipment, which he
A round-robin league, in which
hall, the llt h Group w jjj hole out on the first-come-
each participating team will play
1 Officers defeated B-59 team, 45 iirst.served basis.
every other team, will open the
I to 36, to win the Camp Abbot
Fishing season o f f i c i a l l y
America’s fighting men are
Wednesday night marked the basketball tournament. The B-59 opened today, and Lt. H. L. Han­ volley-ball season next Wednes-
opening of the spring season o f bunch made several bids but the sen, Athletic Officer, opened his : day night. Outfits with teams rapidly becoming amphibious. In
ready to prove their survival as
the Abbot bowling league series. ■ brasshats stood too tall.
, heart with an offer to instruct the fittest are A-51, B-51, C-51, the larger training centers over­
The winter season just closed
^ ere„ ar?
anyone interested in learning the A-53, B-53, A-55, B-55, C-55, 55th seas—in the British Isles, the
found the Medics tied with the tournament:
finer points of fly-casting. This
Caribbean area and the mid-
QM crew for top honors. But
B-52, 43—C-52, 18. Civilian Per- column plans to publish weigh­ Bn Officers, Co. A cadremen,
Pacific islands of the Hawaiian
when the pins stopped falling | sonnel Firemen, 41—B-53, 19. ing-in results o f catches, and as Service Company, MP Company,
group — thousands each month
Wednesday night QM was down ( B-59, 40—C-53, 22. Service Com- no credit will be given for the
are mastering the skills of com­
a notch while the sick-call coun- pany, 32—A-52, 17. Supply Com- ones that got away, Lt. Hansen’s I A rumor of uncertain source
bat swimming, devised by the
selors still perched comfortably pany, ____
21—B-52, 28. Civilian Per offer is expected to have wide is going around that the 55th Bn
, Water Safety Service of the
in the more elevated brackets
sonnel Firemen, 28—llth Group aDDea]
ffir tn v t"
C* . . __ __ 1 . .
ball championship. F o u r t e e n American Red Cross.
Other top crews turned out to j n Officers,
u p p 1 y
Although boxing regulations
How to abandon ship and re­
be the Sad Sacks, Strikers and Company, 2 12th Group Offi- permit trainees to compete only other teams have been seen vio­
main afloat without orthodox
Wahee Courts. This all came to cers, 0— llth Group Officers, 2. against each other, some cadre-
life-saving devices, how to swim
pass when the Strikers took the Service Company, 24— B-59, 28. men are determined to maintain and laughing up their scivvy
in full uniform and with equip­
Neophytes for 2 out of 3, the Sad B-52, 27 llth Group Officers, their r e p u t a t i o n as men of sleeves.
ment, how to swim through
Sacks beat the Wildcats for the
36—llt h Group Offi- brawn as well as o f loud voice.
burning surface oil, how to sw'im
same figure, Medics l i f t e d a cers, 45.
An all-cadremen boxing tourna­ Camps Doing Great Job,
silently, how to swim though
couple of games from the QM
Individual high scorers:
ment will be scheduled if enough
wounded, how to save others in
Lt. Gent, 12th Group Officers, entries are received. Those inter- j Says Chaplain's Friend
outfit and Wahee Courts won
Major Earl B. Clark, Post danger of drowning—these are
two out of three from the Ildqs. 63 points.
ested can get their names on the
Chaplain, revealed the receipt a few of the skills learned by
Lt. Butz, 12th Group Officers,
by caning Extension 64.
_ ______ ___________
this week of a letter from a life­ the Armed Forces in Red Cross
Here are the standings, based 56 points.
long friend in Long Beach, Cal­ courses conducted at the request
O'Boyle, B-59, 38 points.
on points, after the first games
ifornia. It was a personal mes- of the military.
of the new season:
In the Hawaiian Islands, men
but one paragraph struck
the mobile forces, navy units,
the chaplain as genuinely ex­
Sad Sacks
. 3
pressive o f what any army coast artillery and infantry re­
Strikers ............................ 3
For Guest House Concert
camp means. The paragraph fol­ ceive instruction under Red
3 More than 20 albums and nu­
Cross field men. Here the em­
lows :
Wahee Courts .................. 3
merous records have just ar­
“How interesting you make all phasis is primarily on debarka­
rived to add variety to the re­
Neophytes .......................... 1
the camp actiivties seem. But I tion and landing techniques,
Hdqs. Hotshots ................. 1
corded classical concerts in the
can see beyond the camp. I see though the basic swimming and
Wildcats ............................ 1
Guest House every Sunday eve­
weak bodies made strong and life-saving skills taught are the
ning, it has been announced.
Quarterm asters.............. 1
yes, stubborn .self-willed minds same.
All interested persons are in­
In both Great Britain and the
being made pliable, and most of
Alberquerque, N. M. (CNS)— vited to spend a quiet evening
Two special classes will be all, reliable. And the false pride Hawaiian Islands the military
City Manager Charles Walls has listening to Bach, B r a h m s ,
asked the OPA for ration points Strauss, Kern and others — a held this week, one by Sgt. Reese of some made humble in the has issued directives requiring
to buy meat for the city's rats. combination o f which goes to a* the h o s p i t a l , an advanced knowledge they are a part o f a swimming ability o f all ground
The meat will be poisoned, he make up the world’s finest mu- course in gas mask drill (the in-j great machine that will cleanse forces. In the Hawaiian Islands
structor has not fully recovered | this world of the pests that walk alone, more than 20,000 men
--------------------------------------- -----------from his first class) the other at noonday and the snakes th a t. have already been taught com­
by Sgt. Lawrence consisting of crawl in the night. Yes, the | bat swimming.
Notes From
The Wolf
>*•« w
"Your taco isn't familiar
by Sansone
. but your lino' is!"
an egg hunt drill. Rumors say camps are doing a great and fine |
the sergeant was still looking job o f making men of yester­
It’s your
SURE i t :
for those simulated Easter eggs day’s boys.”
long after dark with a flashlight.
The Texas members o f “ B”-52
have recently spoken to the sup­
ply sergeant, reserving a co m -.
pass and brushhook fo r their
coming furlough.
W hy shouldn't he smile? Pvt.
Joe Parks has just received his
first Father’s day card.
The third platoon was sur­
prised to find that it has a wolf
in GI clothes by the name of Pvt.
Joiner Pruett. Just ask the wait­
resses at the Service Club.
The B-52 basketball team won
i their second tilt o f the Abbot
tournament. Cpl. G i b s o n and
Pvt. Quintana weer high scorers
for the home team. Pvts. Bowler
and Madodx were outstanding
on defense and offense. Final
score: B-52, 29 — Service Com­
pany, 2 1 .
Our team lost the third game
by a close margin. It was nip
and tuck throughout the contest.
The officers finally edged out 58
to 24. .
soldier— IN­