Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, April 15, 1944, Image 1

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    Vol. 1
No. 48_____________________________________________ CAMP ABBOT, OREGON
April 15, 1944
Post To Build
Combat ‘Sets'
Two complete typical war-zone villages, each compris­
ing 20 full-sized buildings including homes, stores, a school-
house, shops, barrooms, cafes and a city hall will soon be
built in the Camp Abbot training area in the manner
of movie sets, according to an announcement today by
Major Le Compte Joslin, Director of Training. The village
will furnish a realistic setting for men training in the high­
ly technical skill of street- ----------------------------------------
fighting, routing snipers and \
general mopping up opera­
Orientation for
Gl's Extended
Lt. Raymond J. Sam m arco,
who has been assigned to con­
duct the novel training program ,
already has a model of the vil­
In accordance w ith th e W ar
lage, c o m p l e t e in m iniature,
which shows clearly the entire D epartm ent’s policy to teach the
lay-out. The buildings are being A m erican soldier why w e a re
pre - fabricated,” he explained.
‘‘Sections will be hauled to the fighting this w ar and som ething
site on trucks and assembled.” of th e racial characteristics and
political philosophy of o u r ene­
I t is possible th a t even some fu r­
mies as w ell as difficulties pre­
n itu re m ay be placed in the
sented by the geographical enor-
buildings. If so, he pointed out,
they will only be salvage pieces. ™ !y ° f 0Ur s tu r^ - ,h e ™ en-
T h P i idea
hp »
( .r im K
a t « villages'
n i o c r o c ' 1 tatlon Program a t Camp Abbot
of “ ‘‘com
is to be revised and extended to
Pont S ig n a l P hoto L ab .
w as originated by th e arm y to
reach as m any soldiers as pos- j C a m p A b b o t YVACs a r e ta u g h t e v e ry p ro te c tio n u s e d in th e fie ld rig h l a lo n g w ith th e m a le so ld ie rs .
give the soldier practical experi­
1 sible w ith a clearer and more P h o to g r a p h s h o w s W A C s a t th is s ta tio n a s th e y a p p e a re d re c e n tly b e f o re g o in g t o a n in c e n d ia ry
ence in th a t type of com bat un­
o n s tra tio n . In a d d itio n to th e r e g u la r m ilita r y d u tie s a s s ig n e d e a c h W A C , s i t e is a ls o i n s tr u c te d
interesting overall picture of the d in e m
s o m e o f th e fie ld p ro b le m s o f w h ic h D e fe n s e A g a in st C h e m ic a l A tta c k , M ap R e a d in g a n d M a la ria
der actual battle conditions.
C o n tro l a r e o n ly a fe w .
S urprises in Store
‘‘T here will be a lot of su r­ W orld W ar II.
The average trainee, f r e s h
prises for th e boys w hen they
attem p t to ‘ta k e ’ the village,” Lt. from m ufti, has not been su ffi­
Sam m arco said. T argets rep re­ ciently inform ed in the vast ram-
senting th e enem y will bob up ificatiions w hich branch out in
in th e m ost unexpected places every facet of the w ar. This situ ­
and a t th e m o s t distressing ation exists because a concen­
tim es. T rainees will use live am ­ trated form of th a t inform ation
If a soldier received a check each month for the amount
m unition. E very building will be has not been collected fo r civil­
cleverly boby-trapped and snip­ ian use. Therefore, he comes to obtained by the salvage of Abbot messhall grease he would
ers will be concealed alm ost any­ the arm y know ing only th a t we get more money than a colonel. If, in addition, he got paid
w here. ‘‘It will be ju s t like the a re fighting a w ar fo r w hat we for waste paper which is baled and shipped to reclamining
Cam p Abbot Wacs are aw ait­
know to be right. But, perhaps, plants each month he would receive more pay than a major
real thing,” he added.
ing w ith g reat expectations the
The village problem requires it is not exactly clear to him p re­ general. Or, if our hypothetical dogface drew down the new tropical w orsted uniform
entire amount saved every month by Abbot Quartermaster which the W ar D epartm ent has
one platoon a t a tim e w ith a cisely w hy w e are right.
N ew O rientation Officer
group assigned to each side of
i salvage, his salary would be decided to issue to enlisted per­
The new educational program ,
th e street. Stone w alls afford
twice that of the president sonnel for sum m er w ear. The
some cover and concealm ent but which will be reorganized under
of the United States. Rut— m aterial, form erly restricted to
th e mission is to fight through
officers, combines an appearance
he w as a movie sta r
th e town, arriving finally at the O rientation Officer, will utilize a
of sa rto rial elegance with mili­
earning $1,000 a week and re­ ta ry crispness, and carries out
city hall. H ere comes the coup variety of unique m ethods to ac­
de m aitre w ith th e capture of
quired to pay the laundry bill in light-weight g a r m e n t s the
as they stand a t present and as
enem y headquarters.
the salvage w arehouse. He dressy appealance of w i n t e r
they develop in th e futu re. The
In addition to officially listed
exact n a tu re of these m ethods USO ju n io r hostesses and wives wouldn’t h a v e enough gettus
It is hoped that post WAC unit
w as not revealed.
of soldiers, girl-friends of Abbot left over to bounce for a short will be enlarged as the resu lt of
The present orientation sched­
an appeal made over the radio
ule calls fo r the Abbot soldier’s i G l’s a re now eligible to free
These facts—o r th eir equiva­ last week for Bend recruits. This
attendance of th e “W h y W e tran sp o rtatio n on special buses
is in line with the new plan of
F ig h t” film séries, and la ter in to and from Cam p Abbot dances lent—w ere revealed today by
(Continued on P age 2)
his training he is presented w ith • chartered especially for the pur- Capt. John C. Burgeson, chief
a program of an analysis of th e 1 pose by th e Service Club, it has o i lhe Salva«e Branch " h e n he
current news and other films de­
disclosed th a t salvage a t this
signed to fu rth e r his m ental con­ been announced.
is saving the governm ent
It is necessary, however, that
A two-fold purpose—inviting a ditioning tow ard m aking an effi­
to fifteen thousand dol­
distinguished visitor to partici­ cient soldier. L ater on th e pro­ the girl-friend r e g i s t e r w ith lars a month.
eith er Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Sm ith
pate in Camp Abbot activities
Still purring like a kitten
Arctic equipm ent valued at
and honoring deserving enlisted m aries, dram atic sketches and a a t th e Service Club by Tuesday around $60,000 passes through and running like a rabbit, tho
m en — was served W ednesday round-table quizz in which vari- preceding the week-end dance. the hands of th e salvage crew oldest active jeep in the arm y,
afternoon w hen Col. G e o r g e com panies vie w ith each other
‘‘C ram ps,” w as turned over to
Buses, which are reserved ex­ each month. This equipm ent is
Mayo, A ir E ngineer from W ash­ on subjects relating to the topic
the Sm ithsonian Institute re­
clusively for hostesses, wives
ington, D. C., aw arded Good Con­ a t hand.
field and m ust be cleaned and cently by Brig. Urn. Guy I
duct ribbons to 77 soldiers at a
and friends of soldiers, leave renewed constantly. The laundry Rowe o f Jeffersonville (Quar­
re tre a t parade on the 11th Group A J Q L
from the re a r of th e USO in bill ru n s about $4,000. Seven term aster Depot, Ind. when ho
drill field, staged by the 53rd
J n O W l/e p lC T S
Bend a t 7:45 p. m. every S atu r­ hundred and fifty egg crates arc handed the keys to Col. N . B.
B attalion m arching to the music
\ A I ___I .
rebuilt o r repaired every month, Briscoe, P ost Commander at
of th e Post m ilitary band.
w n C ip ia in S W O r K
and in addition to salvaging Fort Knox, for shipm ent to
A large percentage of th e rib-
The problem s an arm y chap-
w aste paper and grease, large W ashington, D. C.
bons were presented to m en who lain encounters and the solutions Foxhole Sofer Than
•‘C ram ps’ ” right to the title,
quantities of cardboard and tin
a re scheduled for shipm ent some he w orks out w ere graphically
‘‘oldest .jeep,” w as established
tim e in th e n ear fu tu re and it presented W ednesday n i g h t
Cpl. Eldred K. Petrique, mem­ by research made by the F t.
Pulling combat duty in a fox-
w as desired to m ake the aw ards when ‘‘Cam p Abbot on P arade,”
ber of the salvage crew, sums Knox Public R elations Office.
a w eekly radio feature, w as hole on the battleline is safer th e whole thing up this way: In 1940 it w as included in tho
before th eir departure.
th an holding down a job in a
So far as could be ascertained, broadcast on KBND.
“The am ount we save would be first shipment o f eight jeeps
M ajor W. A. Andrew, Post w ar plant rig h t here in the enough to throw a good binge received by the A r ill o r c d
th e Good Conduct Medals are
not yet available, although requi­ P ro testan t Chaplain, w as pre- United States, according to an alm ost any Saturday night and Board, having been sixth to
sitions have been issued from sented in th e featu re role. O ther Associated Press F eatu res picto- have bus fare left.”
roll o ff the assem bly line o f
Post headquarters for a large players in the dram atic program g raph by Alan,
the A m erican Bantam M otor
The chart, published th is week,
num ber of them in th e nam es included Pvts. Riley Crabb, Syd­
( onipany that year. The first
of the red and w hite ribbon ney New hoff, and Cpl. H arold shows th a t from P earl H arbor to
five w ere eventually st rapped,
WAC Lt. H arriett M. White- leaving “(.ram p s” the living
holders. Until such tim e as they Sm ith. Mrs. Velma Lee Cockrell Ja n u a ry 1, 1944, w ar plant casu
do arrive, ribbons will continue also w as heard in a speaking alties w ere 37,600 dead while m an arrived in Cam p Abbot this Grandpapa of all J e e p s to
to be aw arded in lieu of m edals part. Cpl. W illiam Sum ner pro- United States m ilitary casualties
-k to assure«- hei duties as a
w ere only 30,100 dead.
vided piano interludes.
a t this installation.
sistan t public relations officer.
Post Salvage Crew
New Design in J
Saves Army Big Dough WAC Duds Set
For Summer
Girls to Ride
Free to Gl Hop
Col. Mayo Awards
Conduct Ribbons
To 77 Abbot Gl's
‘Oldest Jeep*
(Joes to M u s e u m