Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, April 08, 1944, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Three Teams in
Playoff of
Hoop Tourney
Camp Abbot, Ore., April 8, 1944
Page Four
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Copyr>|M 1944 by LMiwd Sin»««, di»inbuted bjr ¿ t ">p
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The post wide hoop tourna­
ment got off to a grand start
this week with three teams
winding up in the top brackets.
It started Monday night when
B-52 gave C-52 a snow job with
43 to 18. Civilian Personnel Fire­
men trounced B-53 with a score
of 41 to 19, and Supply Company
got a couple of points which held
up against A-54's goose egg.
Other games this week saw
B-59 win over C-53, 40-22. The
11th. Croup Officers nosed out
the 12th. Group bar men 2 to 0.
Service Company won from A-
52, 32 to 17. B-52 made 28 points
while Supply was getting only
21. Civilian Personnel Firemen
"C h ic k s ! Y o u 'r e a lw a y s talkin' a b o u t chicks. S ' far as I'm
dropped a game to the 11th.
''c o n c e r n e d , I n e v e r w a n n a se e an o th e r e g g ag ain !
Group outfit, 39 to 28, which
eliminated them from the party.
Comes semi-finals M o n d a y range, were the members of the
night when B-52 tangles with the first
squad of the third platoon,
11th. Group Officers. And B-59,
having drawn a bye, meets the scoring a neat 86.6 record, with
winner on Wednesday night at the second squad of the same
platoon running a close second.
seven and a half bells.
The 51st is now well under
way with their own amusement
enterprise. Members of all com­
Findings From the panies are participating and
have a pleasant surprise in store
for all. See you at the big show. After 15 men in all weight
classes had whipped themselves
By Pvt. F. Patrick Kyan
fine shape for the long-ex­
HUMORS are effective enemy Economy Effected into
boxing meet at Camp
weapons, but they also tend to
Abbot team received
disrupt the morale of the aver­
a disappointment
age soldier. For years this writ­ An annual saving of 46,671 Thursday when Lt. H. L. Han­
er has heard those rumors about man-hours, equivalent to $39,288, sen, athletic officer, revealed the
the ungentlemanly conduct of a was made at Army Service Forc­ receipt of a telegram from Camp
soldier on pass. After observing es military installations within White’s Special Service Officer,
the actions of the men on pass the Ninth Service Command by Capt. J. C. Van Vulpen cancel­
last week-end, that story was adoption of 217 time-saving pro­ ing the fisticuffs party.
found to he false. Their conduct posals submitted by civilian em­ No reason was given in the
was beyond reproach. Attending ployees, it was announced this wire for the sudden cancellation.
one <rf the Churches in Bond week by Major General David However, a note of optimism
Sunday, we found 75 per cent of McCoach Jr., commanding gen­ was hit with the words, "will
the congregation were men eral.
contact you later.”
from Camp Abbot. They’ were The saving was attributed to
thoroughly enjoying the ser­ effectiveness of the Command’s
mon instead of walking the Civilian Personnel Training Pro­ Walter Hautzig Will
streets looking for a drink. I gram, inaugurated last Spring. Appear in Bend Concert
hope this does not shock the More than 26,000 persons, civil­ W alter Hautzig, 21-year-old
ian and military, have been Viennese pianist now resident
prude characters too much.
The orchids for the week go “graduated” from the project's of New York, will appear in
again to the fourth platoon. Aft­ 94 courses.
Bend April 17 at the high school
er romping through the obstacle
auditorium for a concert spon­
course in record time, the sec­ Salt Lake City (CNS)—A sored by the Community Con­
ond squad also took the honors heavy set woman shopper is be­ cert Series. The recital by the
in our rugged and ready fisti-, ing sought here as a hit and run youthful genius will mark the
cuff session without losing a pedestrain. In a crowded store end of the local concert season.
man. Now we know what those she knocked over Mrs. Tessie Hautzig’s playing has been ac­
whispered conversations in the Pugmire and broke her hip. The claimed by critics as rem ark­
corners were about.
unidentified shopper then disap­ able for “its poetry and imagina­
The champs of the landscape peared.
tion, its inner life, spontaneity
Boxing Meet at
Camp White Is
Called Off
Member» of the town patrol of the Camp Abbot Military Police Company are shown
as they ap|>carcd one afternoon recently just before going on duty. A few paradox­
ical comments ha\e been heard lately from tils, themselves, concerning this group,
the words, "okay," “good guys,” "courteous” predominating. Military Police at this
station arc undergoing an intensive refresher course scheduled to last ten weeks,
according to a statement by I.t. T. E. Pennington, company commander. Kh>t duty.
QM Ties Medics
For Lead at End
Of Bowling Meet
Newlyweds Fed
Free —No Rooms?
Coming back strong after last
week's setback, the Quartermas­
ter Keglers lifted two games
from the Strikers Wednesday
night which hoisted the QM
crew right back on a top spot,
tying them with the Medics for
first place at the end of the Ab­
bot Bowling L e a g u e Series.
Spring season will start Wednes­
In other contests Medics took
two from the Sad Sacks and the
Headquarters Hotshots out-roll­
ed the Neophytes for a couple of
Standings at the end of the
series are:
Won Lost
Medics ...........
Wahee Courts
Wildcats ...........
Hdqs. Hotshots .........28
Sad Sacks ....... ..........26
Strikers ........... ..........24
IN •
Out-of-town servicemen get
a real welcome in Chicago,
says Kate Smith. The Windy
City provides a free marriage
chapel in the Edgewater Beach
hotel with clergyman of any
denomination the couple may
desire. After a wedding the
hotel management donates a
wedding breakfast. Kate didn't
say if they also donate a room.
Conduct Medals
Not Ready Yet
Word has just been received
at Post headquarters from the
Quarterm aster General that de-
livery of Good Conduct medals
is not possible as yet. Several
have been requisitioned for en-
listed personnel here and it was
hoped that medals could be
awarded soon along with the rib-
bons in future ceremonies.
However, in view of the recent
development, r i b b o n s will be
awarded in lieu of medals at a
retreat parade by the 53rd bat-
talion next Tuesday when 98
Gamp Abbot soldiers will receive
the honoh
Pix, Busses Do
Record Business
Are Abbot GIs staying in
(Continued From Page One) Camp,
or are they going to
listed man physically qualified town? Believe it or not, they’re
for general service and under 38 doing both. This confusing pic­
ture was presented this week
years of age to remain at a fixed when
simultaneous announce­
installation or activity of one
from the Special Service
year, unless he shall have serv­ ments
Branch and the Pilot Butte
ed honorably overseas.”
C o m p a n y revealed
2. “Each commander must
at the theater box-of­
evaluate the physical condition records
fice as well as the ticket cage
of his men and apply prompt at
the bus station had both been
corrective measures through smashed.
training or medical treatm ent.” “Biggest business we've ever
3. “When a defect which re­
was the merry duet.
quires special consideration in had,”
It was not revealed how much
the assignment of the individual time
the average trainee spends,
concerned or which disqualifies
him for overseas service is dis­ sitting on a bus. But a little
covered at a hospital or other | figuring showed the average
medical installation, the medical Abbot soldier, during his seven­
officer concerned will transmit teen weeks training, sits exact­
to the man’s unit commander ly four days and 6 hours in the
data necessary to premit proper theater, watching the allure of
reclassification and reassign­ Lamour—and others.
ment in keeping with the man's
mental and physical capabili Bridgeport , Conn. (CNS)—
Mrs. Arpad Wansco was seeking
a divorce on the grounds that her
and insight.”
husband was living with another
Tickets are free to enlisted woman. “Have you any chil­
personnel of Camp Abbot, and dren?” asked the judge. “Yes,”
may be obtained at the Service admitted Mrs. Kansco, “seven­
first aid, courts martial, judo, traffic control and special weapons are a few of the
subjects being taught. MPs shown here are, left to right: Pfc. William K. Brother-
ton, Pfc. .lames B. Wilkinson. Pfc. Charles K. Meyer, Pfc. Jeff I). Prather, Pfc. Ti-
burcio Frietze, Sgt. Robert R. Pendell, Pvt. -John W. Morgan, Pfc. Herman Milner,
Pvt. Roger P. Walden, Pvt. Edward Miller and Pvt. Rodney R. Antonsen.