Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, April 01, 1944, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Cam p Abbot, Ore., April 1, 1944
Vincent Opens
Portrait Studio
Page Three
More titan 50 million acres o f
land in 25 states and Alaska a re
available to servicemen willing
to live on a tract of land for a
year after they're eompleti'd
terms ot service, according to the
provisions ot a seldom-mention­
ed Homestead Act.
While civilians also are eligi­
ble for this grant, servicemen
stand to profit most because
their service automatically can­
cels two of the three years resi­
dence required by the act. Dis­
abled veterans have the resi­
dence requirement waved alto­
The procedure is not difficult,
costing only about $14 in lees,
and a homesteader can get as
much as 80 acres. The land must
be “ unreserved and unappro­
priated” and must be improved,
which consists of cultivating not
less than one-eighth of the tract
after three years and building a
habitable house after five years.
The Camp Abbot Portrait
Studio was moved Monday to a
new location in the Post Photo­
grapher’s Studio in Building
234, between the theatre and the
Post Office, and now is under
the supervision of Dale Vincent,
publisher of Camp Abbot’s pic­
torial, Panoram.
Staff of the studio has been en­
larged, and soldiers can expect
rapid service on their photo­
graphic needs, Mr. Vincent said.
Hours for the new unit are from
10 a. m. to 9 p. m. daily, includ­
ing Sundays.
The Portrait Studio formerly
was located behind the Officers’
Exchange and operated separ­
ately from Mr. Vincent's unit.
Notes From
B - 52
Around the Clock
With B - 51
By Pvt. Alfred M. I.utinski
I had tried several times but
failed. There had always been
some alibi—my youth or per­
haps my appearance or even my
financial status. Nevertheless,
the time had come. I was deter­
mined there would be no non­
Elbowing my way through
dozens of applicants, passing
private secretaries, I headed di­
rectly into the spacious office of
the big executive.
“ Now look here,” I began,
speaking forcefully, brushing
aside all protests. . .
Ten minutes later I marched
out, smiling scornfully at the
waiting mob. Success. At last, I
was finally drafted!
Homestead Land *
Open to Vets
By Pvt. F. Patrick lf.van
GREETINGS: Have you lien<<l
This span, the latest development in “ bridgework" at the Engineer Replacement Training Center
here, is a combination of the 25-ton ponton bridge and the English Bailey bridge. A result of re- this one before?)- This is Pvt.
seareh conducted at the Engineer School at Fort Belvoir, Va., the new unit lias a load capacity of 45 F. Patrick Ryan Reporting the
tons and can be used over side streams with less difficulty than other models. Sections are assembled strident magnificence of B-51—
near the shore and floated into position.
the Company that received ihe
highest score in the battalion in
both, technical and tactical tests,
to say nothing of the two cov­
eted plaques which now . <l< cn
Class E allotinent-of-pay ac­
Aimed at boosting the morale the walls of our Mess Hall. Nice
counts for the Army have passed
of dogfaces who have been won­ going men. let us. however, gem
credit where credit is due. Hod it.
the two million mark on the
dering where the airmen get all
not been for the untiring efforts
books of the W ar Department
the medals is a new Bronze Star. o£ our Officers and Cadic, v/o
Office of Dependency Benefits, it ly announced that an army­ The only place it cannot be won could not have accomplished rhir.
was announced this week by wide service designed to expe­ is in an airplane; it takes pre­ feat. Thanks again for coaching
Brig. Gen. N. H. Gilbert, USA, dite the solving of personal prob­ cedence over both the A ir Medal us G. I.’* through this sjx w o k
Director. A total of 2,032,031 al- lems of the individual soldier and the Purple Heart and can be storm.
lotment-of-pay accounts are now or his dependents, or the de­ awarded to anyone in the Army,
pendents of men or women who Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast
Corporal Jennings, who was
A grand time was had by all
Authorizations for allotments- have died in the Service, was Guard for meritious service. slated to leave for training as .in
at the B-52nd party. Plenty of
Airmen may win the Bronze aviation cadet, claims his future
good music, entertainment and of-pay continue to pour into the being established, and that the Star, but not in the air.
flew over him when his ordos
refreshments were available.
The ribbon, which will servo
Music was supplied by members with as many as 15,674 received the Personal Affairs Division. until after the war, is red, w itn were changed. But he’s cons< lot
by the fact that Rommel) the
in a single day. To date, the The new service, which also is
of this camp.
a vertical blue stripe in the cen­
Privates Wills, Karnow and agency has mailed more than 14,- extended to honorably discharg­ ter. Ends of both the blue stripe desert fox could not fly either.
White took the spotlight in the 814,744 allotment-or-pay checks ed soldiers and their dependents, and the ribbon are piped in This happens to be the corpo­
ral's pet nickname. Sergeant
is organized at Camp Abbot as
entertaining field with their totaling over a billion dollars.
Wynne John Jr.) is wailing . ud
Allotments-of-pay are assign­ the Personal Affairs Branch.
Hitler and Goering act. A tre­
moaning on account of no mail
This Branch, which might be
mendous applause followed their ments entirely from the Army
sketch, proving the best enter­ men’s and women’s pay, General called a “ clearing house” for Number of Popular Books from home, a disturbing factor.
tainment can be found in our Gilbert stated. Most of them are all personal problems, will, in Added to Library Shelves It must be tough to be a newly
Addition of a number of pop­ wed. Corperal (Pullman) Pert,
sent for the support of their the execution of its mission,
recently-published books to who warbles "When Irish Ejon
families or other dependent rela­
army, governmental, state, and the shelves of the Post library Are Smiling” in the latrine,
W hy pay high prices for tives.
movies and shows when we have
Members of the Wacs have private agencies and activities. was announced by Miss Caroline claims to be a cembinatior. bing
parties with great men like Cpl. authorized more than 3,144 allot­ Any problem presented by any Paddock, librarian, this week. In Sinatra. And last hut not leant,
Stocklin Pvts. Cherry, Maxwell ments-of-pay since September eligible person will be proper­ eluded on the list are "Weeping this writer would appreciate
<- >,ri
and Delaney in our company? 1943, when they became part of ly channeled through the Vet­ Wood” by Baum, “Survival” by choice moi -i■!- i
Bottome, “ Avalanche” by Boyle. fellows, let's build this column
the Army.
“ I Am Thinking of My Darling" up.
Negro Soldier's Part in
Army wives and other depen­ American Red Cross, the Judge
by McHugh, "Duel in the Sun”
W ars Related in New Film dents of Army men and women,
Niven, "Flint” by Norris,
Topeka, Kans (C N S)—A wem*
The history of Negro Ameri­ with a single exception, need
cans in this and previous wars not pay income tax on family fits, the United States Employ­ “ Yankee Lawyer” by Train and an pedestrian started to ere.a
w ill be the subject of the latest allowances or Class E allot­ ment Service, Legal Aid So­ “ Army Brat” by Wadelton in the an icy street. She slipped, 1« il,
Arm y orientation movie pro­ ments-of-pay, General Gilbert cieties, and other activities and fiction class and “Such Inteirst- was s t r u c k by two cars aixl
duced by the Signal Corps. The said. Possible exception is the agencies involved. The services ing People” by Casey, "Kaiser crawled the r e s t of the way.
film, entitled “The Negro Sold­ divorced wife who is receiving a of the Branch established at Wakes the Doctors” by DcKruif, When she leached the other sale
ier” was directed by Col. Frank family allowance or an allot- Camp Abbot will be additional "On Being a Real Person” by she arose, brushed her clothing
and walked away unhurt.
Capra, ex-Hollywood topnotch ment-of-pay in payment of ali­ duties performed by responsible Fosdick, "fjehind the Steel Wall”
by Freborg, "Excuse My Dust”
director, will soon be shown to mony,” the Director explained. officers concerned.
Washington (CNSi
Chat I *
Lt. Colonel Russell D. Turrill, by Partridge, "Persons and
soldiers as a stimulus to racial "Such dependents should con­
sult their local Internal Revenue Director of Personnel, has been Places” by Santayana, "Ger­ Meyers, of Baltimore, an ov> i-
good will.
Office for a specific ruling in designated as Chief of the Per­ many W ill Try It Again” by night visitor, Couldn't find a
Schultz and "Lend-Lease” by room in overcrowded Wash g-
sonal Affairs Branch,
Pass The ENGINEER To An­ their cases.”
Stettinius in the non fiction catc- ton. So he «-pent the night in a
other Abbotman—He’ll Appreci
Japanese cherry tree.
Buy National W ar Bonds Now! Buy National War Bonds Now' ffory.
ate It.
Allotments Pass
2 Million Mark
Personal Affairs
Unit Organized
New Medal Open
To Ground Forces