Camp Abbot Ore., Mar. 25 , 1944 ABBOT ENGINEER Page Two FINAL STONE Over 9 Million Now in Service More than nine million of the 22 million men now registered for the draft already are in ser­ vice, Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Her- shey, director of the Selective Service System, announced re­ cently in releasing a breakdown of the draft situation in the United States. The breakdown, which covers draft registrants between the ages of 18 and 38, follows: Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the interesta of the personnel of Camp Abbot, Oreaon, under superviaion of the Special Service Officer. News matter p. rtaininB to Camp Abbot ia furniahed by the Public Belationa Branch and ia available for ireneral release. Written contributions, art work and photographs are solicited and should be direcu-d to the Public Relations Branch, Puet lidus. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone Ext-8. The A B B O T E N G IN E E R receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service. W a r Uep't., 206 E. 42nd St.. New York, N . Y . Credited material may not be republished without permisión of Camp Newspaper Service. Distributed free to camp paewonnaL Subscription rate to public, by m ail: 60 cents for three months; six months, 61.00; one year, $1.60. Abbot ’n Around Entertainment On and O ff the Post fo r the Coming Week | SATURDAY Service Club Open House. Station Hospital—Classical Music Hour Bend USO— Dance, 8:30 p. m. SUNDAY Service Club— Open House. Station Hospital—Red Cross Open House. Classical Music program in Guest House lounge at 7:30 p.m. Bend USO— Breakfast, 10 to 11 a. m. Buffet, 4 to 5 p. m. Music 4:30 to 5:30 p. m. MONDAY Service Club- GI Movies, 8:30 p. m. Station Hospital "Everybody Sing” and Open Forum conduct­ ed by Bend Kiwanis Club. TUESDAY Service Club—Bingo, 8:30 p. m. Station Hospital—"Never a Dull Moment,” Red Cross Auditorium, 6:30 p. m. Bend USO—Social Evening. WEDNESDAY Service Club— Informal Dance, 8:3D p. m. Station Hospital Birthday Party for Patients, 7 p. m.; “ Record Your Voice,” 6 p. m., Lounge. Bond USO—Stamp Club. THURSDAY Station Hospital—Geraldine Stone and Her Picture Songs, 7 p. m. Bend USO—Bingo, 8 p. m. Music Appreciation, 9 p. m. F R I D A Y Service Club—“ Record Your Voice” session; Bridge Lessons Station Hospital—"Iceland,” Sonja Henie and John Payne, 6:30 p. m. C A M P ABBOT THEATRE P R O G R A M Tonight TROCADERO" With Rosemary Lane, Johnny Downs, Bob Chester and Orchestra ADDED ATTRACTIONS LIL' ABNER in " A M O O Z IN ' BUT C O N F O O Z IN " U N U SU A L O C C U P A T IO N S A N IM A L T RICKS SUNDAY • MONDAY MATINEE ADDED 2 P. M. SUNDAY Total registrants, 22,138,000. In the armed forces (inducted), 6,- 540.000. In the armed forces( enlisted), 2,- 430.000. In process o f classification, 1,090,000. In process o f clasification. 1,090,000. OccuiMitional deferments, 4,645,000. Dependency deferments, 4,645,000. Deferred fo r other reasons, 152,000. Unclassified, 90,000. Included in the 1,090,000 men now in the process of classifica­ tion, examination or induction, are 43,000 men who have been found qualified for limited ser­ vice under present requirements but whose services have not been required by the armed forces as yet, General Hershey said. Post Signal Photo Lab. This unusual photograph shows the placing o f the last stone on one o f the huge chimneys which adorn the new O fficer’s Mess ad­ dition. The arched piece was carved from a solid five-foot block of natural stone by Pvt. Elmer E. Klots o f Service Company. Assist­ ing the stone cutter were Pvts. Herschcl Brok, Don Grant, Millard Keuss and Frederick* Martino. Notes From C - 52 C Co. 52nd Bn. is getting on the ball fast. The last run of the obstacle course showing a mark­ ed improvement over previous runs, a few weeks ago any time around 6 minutes for a squad was about average; this was lowered last week to 4 minutes, the biggest improvement has been shown in team work par­ ticularly on the 8 foot wall. Morale Unit Provides Entertainment Boost Som e competition between platoons is starting in cadence rhythms, the first has learned to count in Chinese and the sec­ ond has a screwy rhyme about leaving their homes and a flock of children, the boys all wonder at the family angle as news re­ ports state pre-Pearl Harbor fathers will not be inducted until next month. More cadence rhymes are expected. RKO PATHE NEWS Sgt. O’Koneck, “Mama Black- ie" to the gang, is trying to make the occupation of G. I. Pearl NIGHT t HM ! MUIS fiNKiM-tatui u NUMI CIMI II Diving and Plate and Platter 6:45 • 8:45 S o m » H it I» t u o M u s o < K it ■ if M t .f n a ■ I m i H Chauffering a job to be vied for ( l u l l t 11111111 I (ia ti I m m iati * I mm » i I ii ttataw i rather than griped about, his first strategy in this direction has been to find a more digini- ----- W EDNESDAY------- tied title than the War I nom- TUESDAY ------- ! enclature, it is understood that a teward will be offered for the best name, type of reward not ; known—more later. With George Sanders, With Dick Powell, The 4th platoon set the pace Linda Darnell Virginia Bruce on record day on the rifle range Added— O PEN F I R E - A D D ED by qualifying their men 100"r H O W TO PLAY G O L F N O N E W S IS G O O D N E W S the other three platoon made TED W E E M S M E R C H A N T E G G S D O N 'T B O U N C E that evening so miserable for M A R IN E BA N D M A C K IN A C ISL A N D their bolos they all returned to the range next day and made THURSDAY • FRIDAY Marksman and better, thus qualifying the company lOOri; ; RITA HAYWORTH — GENE KELLY not oad for just a few weeks training. (W e have been advised that Capt. Burch has sent a copy of this to Hitojo Ltd.) muir mm STBNrr k h i . NfiKui Dumi* nm am «o mins M iTifìigBiaa., A C T IO N IN A RABIA "IT HAPPENED TOMORROW " "COVER GIRL" ADDED— RKO PATHS NEWS The popular I-t. Hasfurder has left C Co. assigned to Supple­ mental Training Co., and has been tc placed by Lt. Anderson a new­ comer to Camp Abbot, who stat­ ed after a few days here that he considered the climate mild. Lt. Anderson lived in Alaska. Relations Office at this post, and then may be sent to the Com­ pany Clerk, The American Le­ The Company Clerk of the gion Magazine, One Park Aven­ American Legion Magazine has ue, New York City. his hands on some money that he wants to spread among the guys and gals in the services. Hollywood (CNSl — Strip Service gags, unusual cxper- teaser Betty Rowland, "The Re 1- Brooklyn (CNSl — Isidore iences, cartoons, stories — all Headed Ball of Fire." was hos- Weinstein was fined $3 on a kinds o f contributions are want­ pitaltzed here after she had dis- speeding charge for scorching ed every month. All submissions located one of her hips while do- along the Coney Island board­ must be cleared by the Public ing a bump. walk—on a bicycle. Gl Literature Sought by American Legion Mag Another milestone was passed Thursday night at the Service Club by the new Morale Services Branch in the presentation of the latest edition of an all-Abbot show neatly titled, “ Khaki Kap- ers.” In accordance with the plan of Col. Frank S. Besson, post com­ mander, to organize talent with­ in each battalion for entertain­ ment of that battalion, the show was presented with an informal air, and proved somewhat of a delight. As emcee, Sgt. Buddy Hyde introduced several performers whose presence was the result of Morale’s recent search for ma­ terial. I f there had been aisles in the joint, Pvt. Jimmy Stillwell, comedian, would have.Iaid 'em in ’em. WAC (Company was well represented in the persons of Sgt. June Dixon. Sgt. Christine Condon, and Cpl. Sunny Sonnen- felt. The program also included piano selections by PFC Bill Sumner. Dunniger — the Master-mind- mind-reader of radio reknown wasn t there, but his protege was — Pvt. James Prass. The Ramblers from B-59 didn't ex­ actly ramble anywhere, but they sang a few southern songs. Pvt. Charles W. Langhammer slid softly into "Embracabie You.” The show Thursday night is only a sample of what is in store for the men at Abbot. The Mo­ rale Services Branch was organ­ ized for the sole purpose of pro­ viding entertainment and “ relief from boredom,” according to Lt. Charles Frucht. "W e know that the boys need diversion, and we plan to give it to them.” Free Recordings Available Here It is not difficult to imagine the pleasure that any soldier's mom or w ife would experience to receive a phonograph record on which was recorded perma­ nently a warm, personal mes­ sage in the soldier s own voice, Service Club officials said this week in pointing out the privil­ ege is offered free to any Camp Abbot soldier through arrange­ ments made by the Morale Divi­ sion with the Sendee Club. The Wolf by Sansone by C*mp Ntwtpjptf W x k i