Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, March 18, 1944, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the Interests of the personnel
o f Camp Abbot, Oregon, under supervision of the Special Service Officer. News
matter pertainin* to Camp Abbot is furniabai by the Public Halations Branch and
is available for general release.
Written contributions, art work and photographs are «elicited and should be
directed to the Public Relations Branch. Peat Hdqs. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone
The ABBOT ENGINEER receive* material supplied by Camp Newspaper
Service, War Dep't.. 206 E. 42nd St.. New York, N. Y. Credited material may not
be republished without permisión o f Camp Newspaper Service.
Camp Abbot, Ore., Mar. 18, 1944
Classes in Home
Nursing Planned
’Kinks' Impede
Shift of Troops
In Middle East
Additional information per­
taining to the transfer of troops
from overseas theatres to re­
place physically qualified over­
head personnel now serving in
this country has been released
Distributed free to camp personnel. Subscription rate to public, by mail: 60
by army Headquarters in Cairo,
cents for three months; six months. $1.00; one year, $1.60.
According to the release,
American soldiers in the Middle
East have been told they could
expect to return home after
completing two full years of
Entertainment On and Off tho Post for the Coming Week
overseas service. They were
warned beforehand, however,
that there still are many kinks
Service Club—Open House.
to be ironed out before the pro­
Station Hospital—Classical Music Hour
gram is in complete operation.
Bend USO—Dance, 8:30 p. m.
The rotation program went
into effect March 1 and will en­
Service Club— Open House.
Station Hospital—Red Cross Open House.
able one half of one per cent of
Classical Music program in Guest House lounge at 7:30 p.m.
Bend USO- Breakfast, 10 to 11 a. m. Buffet, 4 to 5 p. m. Music the entire theatre complement
to be relieved at one time. The
4:30 to 5:30 p. m.
Arm y A ir Force, which has its
own replacement program, is
Service Club—GI Movies, 8:30 p. m.
Station Hospital —"Everybody's Thing” and Open Forum conduct­ not included in this plan.
ed by Bend Kiwanis Club.
Selections will be based on ef-
performance of duty, ar­
Service Club—Bingo, 8:30 p. m.
duousness, and length of foreign
Station Hospital—"It Started With Eve.”
service. In general, soldiers with
Bend USO—Social Evening.
the longest service abroad will
Service Club— Informal Dance, 8:30 p. m.
be the first to come home. Offi-
Station Hospital—Alice in Wonderland party.
cers will be considered separat-
Bend USO—Stamp Club.
| ly and will account for ten per To help plug the V-Mail drive,
Los Angeles postal clerks picked
cent of the men replaced.
Station Hospital—"Khaki Kapers” show.
Ann Savage as the “ V-Mail Fe­
Bend USO- Bingo, 8 p. m. Music Appreciation, 9 p. m.
The Personnel Division here male,” and hoped servicemen
anticipates a "sweating out” per­ would approve choice. Brothers,
Service Club “ Record Your Voice” session; Bridge Lessons
iod, for replacements both here this postman wouldn’t have to
Station Hospital “The Meanest Man in the World, Jack Benny.
ring twice.
and abroad. Boys overseas must
6:30 p. m.
- —
Bend USO— Decoration party.
chat concerning this column,
here must wait for them.
news of local.interest or sugges­
tions, which will be greatly ap­
TONIGHT “ Rosie the Riveter,” Frank Albertson, Jane Frezee,
Vera Vague. Short subjects—“ Into the Clouds,” sports parade;
"Red Hot Riding Hood,” color cartoon; Popular Science.
SUNDAY and MONDAY—"The Purple Heart,” Dana Andrews,
When Cpl. Dixon entered the
Richard Conte, Donald M. Barry. Short subjects — Army-Navy
army, he became somewhat in-
Screen Magazine; IlKO Pathe News.
triqued with the galloping dom­
TUESDAY “ Chip O ff the Old Block,” Donald O'Connor, Peggy
inoes. The very next day the boy
Ryan. Short subjects Community Sing; “Zoot Cat,” color car­
toon; "Visiting St. Louis,” Fit/patrock Traveltalk.
sent a wire home. Contents:
WEDNESDAY "The Lady and the Monster,” Richard Arlen,
"Dear Mom, Just learned a new
F lic Von Stroheim, Vera Hruba Ralston. Short subjects—Screen
game called ’crap’ please send
Snapshots; "Bugs Bunny and the Three Bears,” Looney Tunes;
$ 10 .”
"Leathernecks on Parade,” Cameraman's Adventures.
THURSDAY and FR ID A Y—“ Lady in the Dark,” Ginger Rogers,
Ray Milland. Short subjects—This Is America; RKO Pathe News.
By Pvt. Alfred M. I.ntinski
“ Trocadero," Rosemary I .a no, Johnny Downs,
Members of the Third Platoon
Boh Chester and orchestra. Short subjects—“ Amoozin’ but Con-
foo/.in;” LIT Abner; Unusual Occupations; "Animal Tricks,” will be guests at a chicken din­
Variety News.
ner in Bend Friday night as a re­
A meeting of the newly-or­
ward for having the highest av­ ganized Camp Abbot Art League
were announced by the Special erage per man (160.9 points) on
will be held at the Service Club
Service Office this week. Barde, record day on the rifle range.
at 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Miss Caro­
one of the state's leading bridge The Second Platoon ran a close
line Paddock, librarian and spon­
Company A, 59th Battalion, experts, plans to teach all pop­ race.
sor of the organization, an­
was conuiiciidtHl by t’« l Frank ular systems of interest to pupils
S. Besson, ERTI: commander,
A survey was conducted by
Miss Paddock also announced
last week for making an aver­ beginners and experienced play­ this writer recently concerning that work shown in the art ex­
age score of 84.6 in machine ers. I f enough interest is shown rifle marksmanship. It revealed hibit at Camp Abbot recently
gun firing, the highest in the in the project tournaments will that 78 per cent of the sharp­ will be placed on display in the
second increment. Capt. Wiley Income a regular feature of the shooters in the Third Platoon Bend library.
R- Wood is company com­ club’s entertainment program, never fired a rifle before enter­
he said. Soldiers interested in at­
When You’ve Read it—Please
tending the classes are requested ing the armed forces. Approxi­
to notify the social and recrea­ mately 75 per cent of the marks­ Pass The ENGINEER AROUND.
tional hostess at the club. A men had handled rifles and hunt­
schedule of classes will be an­ ed game.
Abbot ’n Around
Notes From
B - 52
Meeting of Art
League Scheduled
rA-59 Commended
Rec Hall
For no good reason that we
can see, Barrack 915, a Service
Company unit, has set itself up
as absolute monarch in the Post
volleyball province. Any barrack
wishing to dispute Barrack 915’s
claim to supremacy is invited to
call the Post recreation hall,
’phone 64, and arrange for a
What with the shortage of
available basketball referees and
all, it’s difficult to imagine w hat
would happen in league cage
contests if it weren’t for Lt. Kul-
bos, t h o
recreation depart­
ment’s old standby.
Bridge Expert to
Organize Classes
rians for a series of bridge
classes to be held at the Service
Club with Gordon Barde o f th->
Camp Relations Section of tho
Morale Branch as Instructor
Service Club
Vacancy Filled
Mrs. Jean Adams formerly of
Hamilton Field. Calif., has been
named social and recreation hos­
tess for the Service Club here to
replace Miss Veretta Sutton,
junior hostess, who left for Mun-
dP, Ind.. early in January. Mrs.
Adams will have a hand in plan­
ning recreation programs for
club patrons and assist in opera­
tion of the guest house.
Displacement of a growing
shortage of physicians and nurs­
es is the plan of a Red Cross
home nursing course now being
promoted for the soldiers’ wife.
"While we do not make any
pretense of turning out skilled
nurses,” said Mrs. James A.
Chamberlin, chairman of the
program, “we are prepared to
train women to take the place of
experienced medical personnel
in combatting contagious dis­
eases and other minor ailments.”
Seven registered nurses al­
ready have volunteered to in­
struct interested persons in a six
week course. At present two two
hour sessions each week are be­
ing planned. However, the actual
training is not scheduled to be­
gin until about April 1st. A r­
rangements have been made to
take care of soldiers’ babies dur­
ing the afternoon classes. Per­
sons interested should contact
the Bend Red Cross office or
Mrs. Chamberlin.
Abbot Men Aid
Questions pertaining to the
transition from civil life to that
of a soldier were answered by
Capt. William S. Roberts Jr.,
chief of the enlisted men’s Per­
sonnel Branch, Post Chaplain
William H. Andrew, Frank Dun­
ning, field director for the Red
Cross at Camp Abbot, and draft
board and recruiting officials of
Bend at a pre-orientation meet­
ing held in the commission
rooms of the City Hall in Bend
Tuesday night. Some 40 soldiers-
to-be attended.
Assignment of soldiers under
the army’s classification system
and financial benefits soldiers
can expect from the allotment
plan were outlined by Captain
Roberts. Chaplain Andrew ex­
plained functions of the Chap­
lain’s Branch in regard to the
building of morale and the set­
tling of the soldier's personal
problems, and Mr. Dunning told
the assembly what it could ex­
pect in the way of aid from the
Red Cross and that the organiza­
tion would follow soldiers wher­
ever they were assigned.
Minneapolis (C N S )—Just be­
cause it’s Leap Year, the local
boys are getting cagey. Only one
man showed up at a University
of Minnesota lecture last w?eek.
Subject of the lecture: “ Making
a Home.”
Ninety per cent of the men
who qualified c l a i m e d good
coaching helped them consider­
ably in attaining their high
scores. (Your correspondent was
Private Culver says the train­
ing sure is tough. We agree
wholeheartedly with the boy. He
is becoming as strong as an ox—
and almost as smart.
First Sgt. Pfenninger claims
the trainees may not "arouse”
bright and early, but they do get
up early.
Grenade-Siied Weapon
Can Cripple Largest Tank
A trainee becomes either stir-
crazy or tree-happy during his
The W ir Department has an­ basic training. Cpl. Stockland
nounce I the development of a has contracted both front his
grenade sized explosive weapon charges.
powerful enough to cripple the
Your w riter has established an
enemy's big tanks It can also be
used as a delayed action land office in the little building direct­
n.ine, a demolition charge, or a ly across from the Third Platoon
mechanical’y detonated boobv manor. Any member of B-52 is
welcome to drop in for a little
"Someboth should tell (hose engineers f0 slow­
down. We haven't advanced that far yeti'