Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, March 18, 1944, Image 1

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    ORECf"' '“TATE UBR
Insure Against
Talent Hunt
Need ... Give to
Is Now On!
The Red Cross
How About You?
Camp Abbot, Ore., Mar. 18, 1944
Enriquez Wins
Boxing Title;
51 st Fights On
Abbot Pushes
RC Campaign
'Over the Top'
A fast jabbing left gave
Pvt. Enriquez, C-59, the mid­
dle weight post champion­
ship Thursday night when he
outpointed Pvt. Dillon, B-56,
in what proved to be “the
fight of the evening” on the
Post Recreation Hall’s box­
ing show.
Eight other bouts featur­
ing members of the 51st
training battalion kept a
crowd of more than 200 per­
sons in constant suspense. Open­
ing th e fisticuffs Edw ards, 159
pounds, A-51, decisioned 158-
ponder Brown of C-51. In the
175-pound division Bostick, B-51,
beat out Cockman, also of B-51,
in the second duel of the eve­
ning. Levi Espinoza, B-51 had
little difficulty in w inning a de­
cision over another B company
m an, Adams, w hen they threw
punches in the 125 class. F irst
technical K.O. of th e evening
w ent to 150-pounder N orton, B-
51, when the la tte r m anaged to
connect in the third round w ith
som e dam aging blows to the
head and body of Burton, B-51.
Felax Espinoza, B-51, followed
th e puglistic victory of Levi with
a jabbing rig h t which caused
th e judges to aw ard him a de­
cision over Giacomini, A-51, in
the 145-pound class. B company
scored again w hen th e towel
w as throw n in fo r Beebe, 160-
pounder from C-51, giving Kasa-
lik credit fo r a technical in the
second round. A nother knock­
down drag-out affa ir gave Mann,
B-51, a technical K.O. over
F ü rst, A-51, in th e 145-pound
w eights. Final bout of the eve­
ning witnessed an evenly-match­
ed fight between Youngstrom,
A-51, and Barnes, B-51, both tip­
ping the scales a t 164 pounds.
B arnes won a very close de­
cision. W elsh E asterling and
Sam L ittle acted as "refs.’’
Red Cross Loans
Total $4,634
N in e ty -n in e loans totaling
$4,634 w ere m ade to m ilitary per­
sonnel by the Cam p Abbot field
office of the A m erican Red
C ross during F ebruary, F ran k
Dunning, director, reported this
week. In addition, the office
m ade outright g ran ts totaling
$1,277 to 43 soldiers during the
30-day period.
Cases acted on by the office
during the m onth totaled 561.
O ther services included the
handling of 924 incoming and
618 outgoing letters and 421 in­
com ing and 473 outgoing tele­
gram s.
USO Troupe to
Appear M ar eh 28
Camp Abbot soldiers will
again be entertained by a l'SO
tabloid troupe show scheduled
to arrive here on March 28.
The sprightly one-hour show,
emceed by veteran comedian
lack Watson, features song
and dances, mask- and magic
—all presented by a talented
group of entertainers.
A check for $2,472.60 was
presented to the Deschutes
County Chapter o f the
American Red Cross by the
Camp Abbot field office this
week to push the county unit
over the top in its goal to
raise $22,250 in the Ameri­
can Red Cross National War
Fund Drive.
The b u lk o f contributions
were from enlisted men, but
since solicitation among civil­
ians on the Post still is u nder­
w ay it is probable th a t several
hundred dollars still will be
poured into Red Cross coffers on
the post before the drive ends
March 30, F ra n k Dunning, field
director, said.
Contributions this week in­
P o st S ig n a l P h o to Lab cluded $39 from officers of the
Timber flows as if in a drunken game of pickup sticks when Abbot added actual demolition of a T raining Division, $33 from of­
fixed bridge to its training program recently. Blasting of the bridge, a plan conceived by Col. Frank ficers w orking under Maj. M.
S. Besson, EI1TC Commander, when he was CO at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., was executed by Com­ J. Cuadra, H ead q u arters com­
pany A of the 58th Battalion.
m andant, and S74 from Red
Cross w orkers of the Station
I R eports of collections still are
forthcom ing from officers of the
hospital, but otherw ise solicita­
tion am ong officers and enlist­
ed men has virtually been com­
pleted, Mr. Dunning said.
Solicitation of civilians is in
Capping off a number of “dry runs,” actual demo­
the hands of w orkers who served
lition of a fixed bridge— an idea suggested by Col. Frank
as “m inute m en” in the F ourth
S. Besson, ERTC commander, more than a year ago while
How would you feel if one day
at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.—has recently been put into an attractiv e W ac w ere to ap ­ W ar Loan Drive conducted here
practice by the Training Division here.
proach and kiss you while you during F ebruary.
Abbot Soldiers Learn Here's Program
How to B last Bridges Which May Fill
Station Hospital
Last week Company A of the 58th Bn. spent their
next-to-final period of demolition training destroying a
standard H-15 timber tres­
tle bridge with steel spans.
The spans were tied with
cables to th e shore to prevent
them from sinking. Then, a fte r
a num ber of practice place­
m ents, a charge of nitrostarch
and other explosives, detonated
electrically, blew up th e Des­
chutes river span.
I t is planned to have one com­
pany in demolition training
blow up a fixed bridge and an ­
other unit, train in g in fixed
bridges, repair it. T h e first
bridge, destroyed by A-58, was
repaired by the entire 57th Bn.
Showers Tops,
Says Rec Crew
w ere lying in bed?
Well, such was th e good for­
tune of several soldier-patients
d u r i n g a new ly-inaugurated
w ard to w ard entertainm ent pro­
gram given last W ednesday by
W ac Cpl. Agnes M. Sonnenfelt
and Sgt. Buddy Hyde.
T he idea of touring the camp
hospital w ith a piano w as con­
ceived by Red Cross program
hostess, Mrs. R. E. Charleton,
but plans were held up until the
hospital requisitioned a small
moveable studio piano. The pro­
gram was well-received especial­
ly by the recipients of a "sm ack”
from "Sonny” Sonnenfelt during
her rendition of “How You Go­
ing To Keep Them Down On the
F arm .” Sgt. Hyde accompanied
her and also gave forth w ith a
few songs of his own. Cpl. Son­
nenfelt w as tran sferred to the
special service departm ent from
the m otor corps afte r a recent
N ew locker rooms and show ­
e r facilities, installed in the Post
Recreation Hall in response to
suggestions subm itted to Post
H eadquarters via com pany "idea
boxes,” w ere used fo r th e first
tim e this week and pronounced
“excellent” by directors of the
P o st’s athletic and recreation
program s.
Equipm ent, which occupies &
new addition on the west wall of
the building, includes 25 lockers,
N SC Gets Coveted Flag six show ers, two w ash basins,
For Civilian Bond Program w ater h eaters and latrine facili
From th e H eadquarters N inth ties.
Service Com mand flag pole on
the F ort Douglas, Utah, parade
grounds soon will fly the T reas­
Earlier Night Rate Colls
ury D epartm ent’s coveted “T ”
A com prom ise on the soldier Economical for Soldiers
flag, M ajor General David Mc-
N ight rates on long distance
Coach, Jr., Com manding Gen­ vote bill has been reached, pro­
viding Federal ballots but lim it­ \ calls now s ta rt at 6 p. m. instead
eral of the A rm y Service F orces’ ing th eir use to m en overseas ! of 7 p. m., a change which is ex-
larg est command announced this who apply for S tate absentee bal­ • pected to help soldiers who arc
lots but don’t get them in tim e, able to telephone only during the
T hree other m ilitary com­ and who come from states whose j early evening hours. Day rates
will continue to go into effect at
m a n d s— the F irst, Third, and governors approve th e ir use.
A lthough th ere are still some 4:30 a. m.
Seventh—in the nation now fly
T here will be no change in the
m inor details to be worked out,
the aw ard, w hich symbolizes it seem s probable the com pro­ ! hours th a t the cam p telephone
participation by at least 90 per m ise will be accepted by both building will be open, Blaine
cent of th e ir W ar D epartm ent houses. The S tate governm ents Johnson, acting m anager for the
civilian em ployees in reg u lar will, it appears likely, bear the post, said. Calls m ay be placed
purchases of W ar Bonds th ro u g h b ru n t of servicem en’s voting by on w eekdays from 6 p. m. to 11
payroll reductions of not less using or authorizing the use of p. m. and on Sundays from 9 a.
m. to 11 p. m.
th an 10 per cent of their wage. absentee ballots.
Compromise on
Gl Vote Reached
Engineers Find
Early Booby Trap
Arm y engineers dredging the
D elaw are R iver n ear Philadel­
phia recently uncovered w h at
m ay be the first A m erican
"booby trap .” It is believed to
have been set by George W ash­
ington’s arm y in 1777.
The trap, called a "stockade,”
was a wowlen crib 30 feet long
and 20 feet wide, weighted down
w ith boulders and fitted w ith
long spikes facing dow nsteam
ju st below th e surface. T he
spikes w ere intended to pierce
the hulls of wooden ships.
The story is told, however,
that the British were shown how
to avoid th e stockade by a tra i­
tor, and so w ere able to sail up
the D elaw are and capture P h ila­
USO Qals Sport
Shades of Erin
Kelly green will come info
prominence at the I SO in
Bend tonight when I SO junior
hostess sport skirts and hats
of Ireland's fat »rite color in
celebration of Sf. Patricks
Hay. The hall will he appropri­
ately decorated with sham­
rocks and other gadgets suit­
able for the occasion.
The costumes, purchased by
the girls themselves, were
worn for the first time at the
Wednesday night dance at (lie
Service club.