Post Urged to Beat Deadline In Bond Drive Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the interests o f the personnel o f Camp Abbot. Oregon, under supervision o f the Special Service Officer. News matter pertaining to Camp Abbot is furnished by the Public Relations Branch and is available for general release. Written contributions, art work and photographs are solicited and should be directed to the Public Relations Branch, Post Udqs. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone Kxt-8. The ABBOT ENGINEER receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, War Dep t., 206 E. 42nd St.. New York, N. Y. Credited material may not be republished without permisión of Camp Newspaper Service. Distributed free to camp personnel. Subscription rate to public, by mail: 50 cents for three months; six months, $1.00; one year, $1.50. Abbot ’n Around Entertainment On and O ff the Post for the Coming Week SATURDAY Service Club Open House. Station Hospital Quiz program. Bend USO Dance, 8:30 p. m. SUNDAY Service Club Open House. Station Hospital Red Cross Open House. Classical Music program in Guest House lounge at 7:30 p.m. Bend USO Breakfast, 10 to 11 a. m. Buffet, 4 to 5 p. m. Music 4:30 to 5:30 p. m. M O N D A Y Service Club GI Movies, 8:30 p. m. Service Club Song Class Graduation 8:00 p. m. Station Hospital Newspaper party. TUESDAY Service Club Bingo, 8:30 p. m. Station Hospital Movie, 6:30 p. m. “He’s My Guy,” Joe E. Brown. Bend USO Social Evening. WEDNESDAY Service Club Dance, 8:30 p. m. Wear your fatigues. Station Hospital USO show 2 p. m. Bend USO- Stamp Club. THURSDAY Service Club Band Concert, 8:30 p. m. Officers invited. Station Hospital Community Sing and Open Forum. Bend USO— Bingo, 8 p. m. Music Appreciation, 9 p. m. F R I D A Y Service Club- "Record Your Voice” session. Station Hospital Movie: “ Great American Broadcast.” Bend USO Decoration party.____________________________ _________ THEATER SCHEDULE TONIGHT—“ Hey, Rookie,” Ann Miller, Joe Besser, Larry Parks. Short subjects—“ Lucky Cowboy,” "Meatless Flyday,” car­ toon. SUNDAY and MONDAY—“ In Our Time,” Ida Lupino, Paul Henreid, Mary Boland. RKO Pathe News. TUESDAY and W ED NESD AY- "The Imposter,” Jean Gabin, Ellen Drew, Richard Whorf. Short subjects— “ This Is America,” Community Sing. THURSDAY and FR ID A Y—“ The Sullivans,” Anne Baxter, Thomas Mitchell, Trudy Marshall. RKO Pathe News. SATURDAY “ Mojave Firebrand,” Wild Bill Elliott, Gabby Hayes: "Week end Pass,” Noah Beery Jr., Martha O’Driscoll. MORE ABOUT k i | Camp Abbot, Ore., Feb. 26, 1944 ABBOT ENGINEER Page Two • A | monthly to those receiving larg­ er amounts. Payments are ex­ empt from taxation. 08222189 HOSTESSES N A M E D (Continued Fiom Page One) tier the rank of captain are elig­ ible, except those over 38 who ask to bo discharged to take a civilian job, those dishonorably discharged, those «hose service has been entirely as students, and those who an1 to receive re­ tirement pay. The first $100 will be paid im­ mediately upon discharge, with additional $100 payments made Mrs. J. H. Hayes. Mrs. F. J. Landenberger, Mrs. J. C. Burge- son and Mrs. Howard I. Pulver will be hostesses for the O ffi­ cers Wives Bridge and Tea to be held at the Pilot Butte Inn Wednesday, Mrs. Lilburn P. Sta- raan, secretary, has announced. Bridge sessions will begin at 1:30 pin., following which tea will be served. A small admis­ sion fee is charged to purchase prizes and defray expenses. IDEA BEARS FRUIT The “ Squander Bug" is that unpredictable urge which tells you to go ahead and throw your money away—that just buying one more thing won't udd to inflation, or help create a shortage of goods. Don’t lis­ ten to the "Squander Bug." He's all set to gobble up every dollar he can. He thrives on your extravagance. Starve him with War Bonds! — Ninth Service Command Letter — As the Fourth War Loan Drive draws to a close, with Tuesday the last day cash pur­ chases may count toward the total, personnel of Camp Abbot is urged to buy one more bond out of its latest pay check. Since January 1, $78,000 worth of war bonds have been sold at this post. The aim is to reach $100,000, although no definite goal has been set. This means a concerted effort and despite the already fine showing, an even better one is demanded, officials point out. Every civilian employee has made a class A allotment for war bonds of 10 per cent or over of their gross day. Fifteen per cent of the military personnel have Class A allotments, with officers averaging 17 per cent of their base pay and enlisted men 9 per cent. The Office of the Command­ ing General, Ninth Service Com­ mand, has just issued an appeal to “ make the double goal.” It re­ ports a participation in the Com­ mand of 88.9 per cent, with only 1.1 per cent to go, and a sum amounting to 9.9 per cent of the payroll, a mere .1 per cent to go over the top. “ We've been aim­ ing for the goal for a year and a half. Now let’s go over!” CH U RCH RITES LOCATION OF CHAPELS Tost Chapel. BUI*. 208 ; 11th Op. Chapel. Bid*. 1256; 12th Op. Chapel. Bldg. 754; Huapital services. Red Cross Recreation Hal). JEWISH SERVICES Friday—7:30 p. m. Post Chapel (Bldg. 208). CATHOLIC SERVICES Sunday—7:30 a. m. Red Cross Recreation Hall. Mass. Open to others besides hospital person­ nel. Confessions before mass. 9:00 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Post Chapel. Mass. Monday—5:15 p. m. Post CO-BRAS Aside from being a decorative bit of art, this shows that even the lowly snake can get a "break” once in a while. With a subject such as this, we can begin to see the boa con trie tor’s point. Just who the reptile-clad young lady is we don't know. Someone swiped our picture and didn't bother to leave the underlines. Abbot Art Show Draws GI Crowds Large groups, of aesthetically, inclined soldiers gathered in the library and on the balcony of the service club this week to view Camp Abbot’s first Art Ex­ hibit sponsored by the Library and arranged by Cpl. Angelo L. Caravaglia of Service Co. As evidenced by comments and interest, the watercolors of Arne R. Jensen, Publications Branch, are most popular, es­ pecially the striking “Mass Mur­ der,” and the near-funny “ Pots and Pans.” Robert Addison of Service Company is exhibiting a striking collection of water color and ink sketches of cath­ edrals, and Gary Woo, recently transferred contributed a sur­ prising water color. In addition, Angelo Caravaglia presents his own ink sketches; Ted Lewy, now transferred, water colors; Helen Souhrada, cafeteria hostess, a charcoal sketch; Charles H. Suter, Sup­ plemental Training Co. water colors and pencil sketches; Eu­ gene Van de Graff, MP Co., oils; and Hubert Wallace, Hq. Det., 11th Gp„ pencil and ink sketches. Chapel. Mass. which is to the right, because Tuesday—5.T5 p. m. Post that was the direction of victory. Chapel. Mass. That’s the way we’re looking, Wednesday—5:15 p. m. Post too. Chapel. 7 p. m. Lenten Devo­ tions, 12th Group Chapel. Thursday—7:00 a. m. Post Chapel. Mass. Friday — 7:00 a. m. Post Chapel. Mass. Featuring Gershwin’s “ Rhap­ Saturday—6:30 to 9:00 p. m. sody in Blue” in its entirety, a Post Chapel. Confessions. concert of contemporary Ameri­ PROTESTANT SERVICES can music by members of the Sunday—10:00 a. m. Services 362nd Arm y Band, led by WO C. in Red Cross Recreation Hall. S. Spalding, will be presented 10:5 a. m. Post Chapel. Services. Thursday evening at 8:30 in the 7:30 p. m. Post Chapel. Services. Service Club. Highlight of the GENERAL SERVICES “ Rhapsody” will be the original Sunday—6:30 p.m. 11th Group piano solo played by Pfc. Wil­ Services for 53rd Bn. liam Sumner, 12th Gp. HQ tal­ DENOMINATIONAL GROUP ented pianist. SERVICES Other selections on the pro­ Wednesday—7:00 p. m. 11th gram, which is open to officers Group Chapel. L. D. S. Services. as well as enlisted men, include Thursday—8 p. m. 12th Group a march, “ Glory of the Trump- Chapel. Christian Science Serv- ' ets” by B r o c k e n s h i r e ; the ices. “ Youth Triumphant Overture” j by Hadley; a medley of Irvin Berlin waltzes; Cole Porter’s “Night and Day” ; a march, For some reason or other, “Bombasto” by Farrar; the many people have been disturb­ "Volga Boatman” as arranged ed by the fact that BOTH Pallas by Glenn Miller; and the First Athene heads on W AC officers’ ! Movement of the “Second Amer­ lapels face to the right. Their ican Symphonette” by Morton love of symmetry demands that i Gould. they face each other. And so, desiring to lay the dis­ Little Ferry, N. J. (C N S)— turbance low, we asked a WAC This town’s one-man police force officer, and the answer should is seeking the thief who stole answer it for all time. The Greek police headquarters, a six by goddess always looked ahead, nine foot frame building. Gershwin Hit Is Concert Feature Abbot Face! THIS IS BROTHERHOOD WEEK Bv, tk® President s proclamation this is Brotherhood Week. The National Confer- ence of C hristians and Jews is functioning successfully to help us all get along with each other. We do it here in America better than in most other countries. We could improve. HnmT,feRA|VrY,tlC £ r ter *ays °,!S of ,the f °ur freedoms we are fighting for is Free­ dom of Religion. W hen you say ’ Freedom o f Religion." you think of America. both h° man next to y °u? He a total stranger before you .both got into the arm>. Now he is as necessary to your success and safety as you are him1« ‘S h t mivS” r \',n0ni! W.h o *ares? He’» your buddy, isn’t he? And you’ve found trough the Army. ^ * test f ° r a11 of l,s‘ These right guys are found all Come into the Chapels. What do you find? In the pew racks are Army and Navy P r o T e S n S l l 'f f t h P J E i b S T f° P Catholks’ hi* h and ,ow Church Look at the altar, ready for any kind of service, regardless of faith Took in S W . 'S r t d . . T f h ! U t S h f * " “ are -here. W , .he Army for you. ,r • Pact Signal Tirala lab. issra *" > s ill Irwin K. Rainey (left), clerk in the sales office of the Supply and J * . o 7 c 5 " labut i,t-a dect?e.Tn V °lhCT “ Service Divistoli, is shown acce pilli* a check for Sinn front Cok i Se*v P? rker **>’*• “ You to your church and MI go to mine and w e’ ll w alk Krank S. Benson, KH Tl commander, as a reward for an "idea for victory" which will result in a mort- economical distribution of down the street together." “ Together." that’s the word now and inthe dayglo come supplies at t amp Abbot. Watching the proceedings is Maj. J. F. i Together> that s America. “ Together,” that’s the meaning of Brotherhood'Week. Landenberger. chairman of the awards committee. ' ^ illiam H. A ndrew , Poet Chaplain.