Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, February 19, 1944, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Camp Abbot, Ore., Feb. 19, 1944
Page Three
War Dogs Easy
To Untrain for
Civilian Life
Ree Hail
‘‘The samp training in obed­
ience received by K-9 Corps War
Dogs will make it easy to return
them to civilian life when the
war is over,” Sgt. Raoul Mound,
trainer at this post, believes. He
was commenting on the "repro­
cessing” routine just announced
by the War Dept, as a pre­
requisite to discharging dogs.
Estimating that only one dog
in a thousand will be impossible
to " untrain,” Mound, who has
charge of twelve sentry dogs,
pointed out that it will be only
necessary to teach them NOT to
attack. Their extensive training
in heeling, lying down, obeying
a leash will be preserved, actual­
ly making them more valuable
dogs than when they left their
homes. It was Mound's opinion
that the part of their war train­
ing that will be most difficult
for them to unlearn is their im­
mediate tendency to attack a
held stick or a gun.
The dogs a r this post are all
sentry animals, trained to walk No manners but plenty of appetite marks the manner in which
a leash on guard, and respond CpI. Rudolph Herbst, Company A. "iKth Bn., disposes of a field-
obediently to anyone who holds fried chicken leg. It’s a break for chow on a recent problem—and
the men knew just what to do with the repast.
the leash. They guard vital camp
positions with civilian guards.
The War Dept, also trains and i
uses combat animals — dogs
train to attack and to respond to
only one person. These animals
are fierce, impossible to control
by anyone but their trainer.
Mound believed, however, that
Soldiers who hear the nasal whine of the bagpipe at
these dogs will actually be easier Camp Abbot will be listening to the same piper and the
to “ reprocess” than the sentry same set of pipes which bent the ears of Madame Chiang
drgs. An attack dog is trained to Kai-Shek, G rade Fields, Dennis Morgan, Soo Ling, widely
be immediately obedeient, with­ known Chinese woman pilot, and a number of other famous
out benefit of leash, to the words personages. The piper is Pvt. Raymond Briggs of the 362nd
of his trainer. Despite what he ! Army band, who, prior to his induction was bagpipist for
has learned, he will not attack Clan Campbell No. 28 of Chicago and the Stockyards
unless told to do so. A new habit
American Legion Post No.
pattern of “ not attacking” will
333 of that city.
fair more than 100 years old,
be very easy to form in thes"
Briggs began his battle with saw service in World War I and
combat animals.
The routine announced by the the bagpipe 10 years ago when was carried by two pipers who
War Dept, for discharging war he purchased a silver-mounted were shot down while leading
dogs is the exact opposite of that instrument from the wife of a their units in action.
followed to fit dogs for war ser­ Scotch v e t e r a n . The young
vice. They will be petted and be­ bandsman learned to play six
come friendly with all the men tunes the first year and, as his
on a post, rather than a few to «repertoire began to grow, found
v horn they are detailed.
hims -If and his pipes in demand
Dogs are also given a thorough for man y programs in the
A class of 14 men from the
physical examination before be­ Winviy City.
. . . .
,.59th Battalion will be "gradu
ing sent home. The fact that a
it was through h>s clan and ated„
m at the Spr
few dogs are already being dis­ the Legton band tha Briggs w-as
cl(jh Mond
night. Mcm
charged each month does not called on to play for Madame bprs Qf the class> insfnlctcd bJ
mean that the K-9 Corps is being
Chiarlg on her visit to Chicago Cp] wjlbur Sun(JPi are p Vfs. wil-
disbanded, the Office of the
and for benefits and bond l allies ¡¡am Lanigro, Clarence Lindsey,
Quartermaster General pointed
onw hich movie stars, flyers, Lester A. Wilhite, Chester L.
out. Changing conditions of war
actresses and others of wide ac­ Bird, John D. Diehl, Ward Schu-
alter the needs for certain ani­
claim appeared
ette, Ben C. Singletary, Stanley
mals, and often it is not possible
Latest appearance for the j pjotraczk, James F. Vancyoc,
to retrain an animal for a new
Camp Abbot piper was on a war J. D. Clark, Stoddard W. Dean,
bond rally with Victor Mature William E. Grenier, Charles A.
When a dog is released, just
like any other GI, he receives an in Bend and a KBND radio pro- Reiter and Frank A. Sandstrom.
entertainment program will
honorable discharge certificate. gram Tuesday w hich brought in
For the canine warrior it reads: bond purchases totaling more consist o f selections by a male
The War Dog "Bow-wow,” Tat­ than $40,000 and pushed Des- quartet, a vocal solo, an accor-
too No. 000, having served with chutes county over its goal in ciian solo, a demonstration of
sleight-of-hand and group sing-
the Armed Forces of the United thp Fourth W ar Loan drive.
Briggs’ pipes found claim to jng.
States o f America, is hereby
-------------------------- •
awarded this certificate of faith­ distinction long before the piper
When You’ve Read it—Please
ful service and honorable dis­ himself. The instrument, a hand-
made, elaborately-decorated af- Pass The ENGINEER AROUND.
Abbot Bagpiper, Pipes
Have Impressive Pasts
By Elihu "Bud" Hnrwitz
A man who fought Joe Louis
is appearing in the current Post
Boxing Tournament. He is Bar-
nie Bernhard, trainee from Co.
A 55 Bn., who hails from Detroit,
Joe's home town. Bernhard serv­
ed in the unenviable role of one
of Louis's sparring partners in
the auto city.
Three overtime games have so
far colored the local basketball
race. C-57 was unable to hold
Civilian Personnel in the first
one, losing out 48-39. The second
was an intra-battalion struggle
between A-56 and C-56, won by
A, 31-29. And the third of course
was the classic between B-56 and
Supply, won by the training com­
pany by one point in two extra
In answer to several ueries,
ice skates still are available for
skating on the pond across the
road from the floating bridge
area. They may be checked out
aat any time at the Rec Hall and
must be returned the following
The rivalry between the 11th
Group and 12th Group Officers
really is waxing hot. The 12th
Group points to the fact it is
higher in team standings, and
the 11th Group counters that it
holds the team scoring record,
79 points registered against B-59.
Yep, it will be a big night when
the schedule calls for 11th Group
Officers vs. 12th Group Officers.
59th Song Class
Graduation Set
Male Call
Fn>t I'harc). PWc. »08; 11th Gp. Ch«.» * I,
Rldu. 1235; 12th Op. Chapel, Bids’.
Hospital services, Red Cross Recreatv-n
Friday— 7:30 p. m. Post Chajrd
(Bldg. 208).
Sunday— 7:30 a. m. Red Cross
Recreation Hall. Mass. Open to
others besides hospital person­
nel. Confessions before mass.
9:00 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Pc"t
Chapel. Mass.
Monday—5:15 P- m. Ft : t
Chapel. Mass.
Tuesday—5:115 P- m. FtÄ t
Chapel. Mass.
Wednesday— 5:1 5 ! x m. r. «î t
Chapel. Mass. 9: 00 p. in.1 1»
Group Chapel. Study Club
Thursday- 7:00
m. Pt «t
Chapel. Mass.
Friday — 7: 00 a. m. F<. t
Chapel. Mass.
Saturday—6: 30 to 9:00 P-
Post Chapel. Confessions.
Sunday 10:00 a. m. Servici s
in Red Cross Recreation H, I
10:5 a. m. Post Chapel. Servie
7:30 p. m. Post Chapel. Servie
Sunday- 6:30 p.m. 11th Gic p
Services for 52nd Bn.
8 k k \U ES
Wednesday 7:00 p. m. 11‘h
Group Chapel. L. D. S. S ervit's.
Thursday 7:30 p. m. Luth- r-
an Service and Communion. F<*.t
Chapel. S p. m. 12th G rc p
Chapel. Christian Science Se< .-
Abbot Face!
On display in tfte Roc Hall i<«t
and found department is a m e t
unusual collection of items. A
partial list: one raincoat, a
ladies’ covert coat, a earnsc i
Absentee voting requirements cap, a silk necktie«, a turtlene'.J
have been received from four sweater, an overseas cap, thru?
dog tags, a yellow undershirt, a
states, as follows:
ILLIN O IS— Mail form 560 to Catholic medal, and—the pi .•*
Secretary of State, Springfield, exhibit, one olive drab shirt com­
plete with captain's bars. He',/
before March 14.
NEBRASKA — Mail special they got there poses a more >
state application form, which i tCi’esting question than wh< - o
may be secured by written re­ they are.
quest. Application to be made
at earliest possible date.
"Another Engineer is hot., *
PE N N S YLV A N IA Mail form was the way Sgt. Joe Bomba i
560 to Secretary o f State, Harris­ announced his contribution to
burg, writing upon it. request the manpower shortage a we* k
for absentee ballot. Mail before 'ago. The sergeant has trained - o
March 6.
many engineers that he thir' «
LO U ISIANA—Mail form 560 he will probably have the b< /,
to Secretary of State, Baton Joseph William, processed
Rouge, before March 18.
stead of weaned.
Form 560 is a post card which
may bo secured from your com­
Newark. N. J. tCNS) Hus"/
manding officer upon request.
Emilio Gunt inn was held by
police as a "human batten g
ram” w ho hroki into and robb« <1
15 Newark stores. Aurhorit os
said that Guarino, who is five-
feet, nine i n c h e s tall and w< ig •>
Operation of the F i s c a l 200 pounds, admitted bieakUg
Branch, which procures and ac­ into stores by merely h am g
counts for the expenditure of against their doors until
government appropriated funds,
hinges gave way.
was explained Wednesday even­
ing when Lt. Charles Frucht,
Los Angeles -CNS>
Special Services, interviewed Lt.
Harold Hoglund, ehief of the Jess, Koontz won a divorce
Fiscal Branch during the regu­ testifing in court that her hus­
lar weekly broadcast of "Camp band had threatened to eh p r ‘ f
Abbot on Parade” over KBND at her head‘ when she put ibe
¿wrong kind of milk in his giavy.
8 p. m.
4 States Outline
Voting Procedure
Program Devoted
To Fiscal Branch
Rear Echelon Don Juan
by Milton Caniff, creator of Terry and the Pirates'
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