Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, February 12, 1944, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
O ffic ia l camp newspaper, published weekly in the interests o f the personnel
o f Cainp Abbot, Oregon, under supervision o f the Special Service O fficer. News
matter pertaining to Camp Abbot ia furnished by the Public Relations Branch and
is available fo r general release.
Camp Abbot, Ore., Feb. 1 2, 1944
All Cadre Units
Begin Refresher
Training Course
l ibrary to Hold
Exhibit Feb. 20
Plans for the Abbot Art Ex­
hibit are nearly completed, and
the show is scheduled to open in
the library during the week of
February 20, it was announced
by Miss Caroline Paddock, li­
Much of the credit for plans
and arrangements must go to
Cpl. Angelo Caravaglia, Service
Co., who is also preparing to
show some of his own paintings
in the exhibit, she said.
While all entrants are not yet
in, initial response has been
“ very promising.” Among those
planning to exhibit their work
are Pfc. Eugene Van de Graff,
MP Company, Pvt. Charles Sut-
t e r, Supplementary Training
Company, Helen Souhrada, Cafe­
teria hostess, Pvt. Garry Woo,
‘C-54, Pvt. Hubert Wallace, Head­
In ease you haven’t a Valentine quarters, 12th Gp., and Pvt. Rob­
of your own, here’s pert Patri­ ert VV. Addison, Service Co.
cia Dunlap of < BS “ Bachelor’s
Children,” ail ready to take out.
Don’t ask us w hat she’s up to.
A refresher training program
prescribed by the War Depart­
ment for overhead enlisted per­
Tho A B B O T E N G IN E E R receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper
sonnel started on the post Mon­
Service. W a r Dep't., 206 E. 42nd St.. N ew York. N . Y. Credited muter ml may net
be republished without perm is ion of Camp Nawmpaper Service.
day. All cadre units are taking
part, with a modified schedule
Distributed free to camp personnel. 8ubacription rate to public, by m a il: 60
centa fo r three m onths; six months, 91.00; one year, 91.60.
planned for the Wac Detach­
T h e training requirements
have been divided into two basic
groups: Military and Pioneer
subjects, and Weapons subjects.
Entertainment On and O ff the Post for the Coming Week
The former includes map read­
ing, malaria control, mine fields
and booby traps. Upon the com­
•Service Club Open House.
pletion of this phase, scheduled
Station Hospital Lincoln’s Day Party.
for March 9, a second schedule
Bend USO Open House. Nq Dance.
will be published covering Wea­
Service Club Open House.
pons requirements, including the
Station Hospital Bed Cross Open House.
infiltration course, familiariza­
Classical Music program in Guest House lounge at 7:30 p.m.
Bend USO- Breakfast, 10 to 11 a. m. Buffet, 4 to 5 p. m. Music tion firing, and rifle marksman­
4:30 to 5:30 p. m.
The program is described by
Service Club GI Movies, 8:30 p. m.
a W'ar Department circular a3
Station Hospital Valentine Uarty.
providing all personnel regard­
Bend USO Game Night.
A "breakdown” in the number
less of physical deficiencies, with
of Good conduct medals (ribbons
Service Club Bingo, 8:30 p. m.
certain minimum training. “ Eco­
Station Hospital Movie, 6:30 p.m.
until atfer the war) to be distrib­
nomy of manpower demands1
Bend USO Social Evening.
uted to Camp Abbot units this
maximum utilization of person­
has been announced by
Service Club Dance, 8:30 p. m.
nel with physical defects to re­
Post Headquarters. Awards will
Station Hospital Colored Slides, Capt. Bode.
place personnel qualified for
Bend USO Stamp Club.
Valentines from Miss Lace i be made at a scheduled parade
overseas service,” the order j
—or a real flesh-and-blood fac­ as follows: Service Co. and Band,
Service Club - Khaki Kapers, 8:30 p.m.
simile, otherwise known as 20; Supply Co., 20; Military Po­
Station Hospital Amateur Night.
CpI. Agnes Sonnenfelt—will lice, 2; Supplemental Training
Bend USO Bingo, 8 p. m. Music Appreciation, 9 p. m.
highlight the hig Valentine Co., Casual Co., 2; WAC Co., 4;
Service Club “ Record Your Voice" session.
Party in the Hospital Auditor­ Medical Det., 6; llth E.T. Group,
Station Hospital Movie: “ Happy Landing,” Dick Powell, Mary
at 7:00 p. Yn. Monday. Re­ 24; 12th E.T. Group. 20. Date for
freshments, gumes, and a the parade will be announced.
Bend USO— Practice Dancing, 8 p. m.
huge Family Album tableau
(Continued From Page One)
will round out the big evening.
TODAY -“ Timber Queen.” Richard Arlen, Mary Beth Hughes, ASF, Hq. Ninth Service
.Tune Havoc; “ Beautiful But Broke,” Joan Davis, Jane Frazee, John
Command, Fort Douglas,
3 February, 1944
SUNDAY and MONDAY “ Madame Curie,” Greer Garson, Utah.
The current issue of Panoram,
Walter Pidgeon: RKO Pathe News.
Ordinarily new fathers are, to Camp Abbot picture magazine
TUESDAY “The Racket Man," Tom Neal, Jeanne Bates. Short To Commanding Officers, Posts,
say the least, unsure of them­ now on sale at Post Exchanges,
subjects "Romancing Along," Phil Harris and orchestra: “ War
Dogs,” color cartoon: "Through tho Colorado Rockies,” traveltalk. Camps and Stations, Nintli Serv­ selves. But not Papa Raoul is the most popular with train­
WEDNESDAY “Crash Dive,” Tyronne Power, Anne Baxter,
Mound, chief trainer at the war ees of any published to date,
James Gleason. Community sing.
1. All personnel, both military
THURSDAY and FR ID AY “ Standing Room Only,” Fred Mac- and civjjian, should contribute dog kennels, whose wife pre­ Dale Vincent, Post photographer
sented him with seven and a and publisher of the pictorial,
Murray, Paulette Goddard, Roland Young; Army-Navy Screen
at least 10 per cent of their pay half pounds of boy last week. said this week. In addition to
Magazine. RKO Pathe News.
SATURDAY "Swingtime Johnny," Andrews Sisters. Harriet at all times for the purchase of Mound says everything he’ll giving new soldiers an insight
ifi Dorsay, Barton MacLane. W ar Bonds. While it is realized need to know is in TR 10-396: into the training program they
Hilliard: “ Nabonga. Buster Cr;
that some individuals have per­ Tech.
Dogs: will undergo at Camp Abbot, the
Group Chapel. Study Club.
sonal obligations that make their "Babies are just like dogs,” he magazine is an ideal medium for
Thursday—5:15 p. m. Post participation in this drive im­ confides.
showing “ the folks hack home”
Chapel. Mass.
* * *
practicable, it is also a known
what sort of life soldiers lead at
Pont Chapel, Bids. ‘»108: ll t h (ip. Chapel,
Friday — 7:00 a. m. Post fact that many are in a position
Rida. 1265 ; 12th C.p. Chapal. B id *. 754;
Camp Abbot, he pointed out.
Hospital service». Red Cross Recreation Chapel. Mass.
to go well over the desired goal. G I’s have felt the inadequacy
Saturday—6:30 to 9:00 p. m.
2. Your personal considera­ of the symbolic term “SNAFU.” Drivers of Post Warned to
Friday—7:30 p. in. Post Chapel
tion is desired, in order that wo They felt it wasn’t strong
Register Cars by Feb. 19
• Bldg. 208).
may not only equal, but also
All automobiles operated by
Sunday 10:00 a. m. Post substantially exceed the wishes enough. Now comes the answer
“ FUBAR,” to be used only in military and civilian personnel
Sunday—7:30 a. m. Red Cross Chapel. Services. 7:30 p. m. Post expressed by the Commanding
direst eases. A more or less lit­ at Camp Abbot must bo regis­
Recreation Hall. Mass. Open to Chapel. Services.
General, Arm y Service Forces, eral interpretation would be
tered, and personnel must ob­
others besides hospital person
in this communication.
“ fouled up beyond all recogni­ tain certificates by Saturday,
Sunday 6:30 p.m. llth Group
nel. Confessions before mass.
s D. McCOACH, Jr.
Feb. 19. the Provost Marshall’s
9:00 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Post Service» for 52nd Bn.
/t/ D. McCOACH, Jr.,
office warned this week. Auto­
Chapel. Mass.
Major General, U. S.
Pass The ENGINEER To An­ mobile registration certificates
s e k \ ra
Monday- 5:15 p. m. Post
Army, Commanding.
other Abbotman—He’ll Appreci­ for 1944 are available at the of­
Wednesday—7:00 p. m. llth
Chapel. Mass.
ate It.
fice in building 337.
Tuesday—5:15 p. m. Post Group Chapel. L. D. S. Services. Camp Abbot,
Thursday—8:00 p. m. 12th Headquarters
Chapel. Mass.
Wednesday 5:15 p. m. Post Group Chapel. Christian Science Oregon
9 Feb. ’44
¡944 b|
4oLbaMd t j Cjßtp Hpnptftf ¿ o » c»
Chapel. Mass. 9:00 p. m. 12th Services.
(in Howon)
W ritten contributions, a rt w ork »n d photographs are solicited and should be
iirect.-d to the I'ublic Relationa Branch. Peat Hilda. A nnex. Bldg. 202. Telephone
E x t-».
Abbot ’n Around
Patients to (jet
Valentines From
‘Laee’ at Party
Distribution O f
Medals Planned
Bond Campaign
Abbot Face!
Panoram Hits New
Popularity Mark
The W olf
To All Unit Commanders,
Camp Abbot, Oregon:
1. I wish to commend ail per­
sonnel, Military and Civilian
alike, for their outstanding
achievement in the purchase of
$50,000 in W ar Bonds for Cash,
during the first half of the
2. Although cash purchases
are necessary and helpful, a sys­
tematic means o l purchasing
W ar Bonds through the Class
"B " Allotment Plan is highly
recommended. It is my desire
that all officers and enlisted men
of this command, except those
barred by personal obligations,
initiate or increase their Class
"■B" allotment to equal at least
•10 per cent of their gross pay.
3. I feel confident that, with
your support and cooperation,
rids picture o f June Webb should be o f special interest to Engineer we will attain our goal at Camp
soldiers on account of she’s a ilesecodant o f -lames Wehb, a survey­ Abbot.
ing of G. Washington, .lust to get into the spirit o f the thing we
suggest you survey the tower It) for yourselves. Jane, an \IU in
Colonel, Corps of
genue. writes imctry. reads everything and collects spools, if that
Engineers Commanding. (
makes any difference.
by Sansone
you va mad* no plan» for tonight, may I suggest
something ? ”