Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, February 05, 1944, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two-
Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the interests of the personnel
o f Camp Abbot, Oreiron. under »uperviaion o f the Special Service Officer. News
matter pertaining to Camp Abbot is furnished by the Public Relations Branch anu
is available for general release.
Written contributions, art work and photographs are solicited and should be
directed to the Public Relations Branch, Post Hdqs. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone
The ABBOT ENGINEER receive# material supplied by Camp Newspaper
Service. War Dap't.. 206 E. 42nd St.. New York. N. Y. Credited material may not
be republished without per m b ion of Camp Newspaper Service.
Camp Abbot, Ore., Feb. 5, 1944
"Victory Idea"
Wins $200 for
Abbot Employe
400 Soldiers Get
Free Tickets for
- z m 4 Maynor Concert
4 UOs
Through the generosity of
Col. Frank S. Besson, ERTC
members of the Bend Commun­
Commander, presented a check
ity Concert Association, 400 free
for $200 to Lewis E. Rainey,
admissions to Dorothy Maynor's
clerk in the sales office of the
concert at the Tower Threatre in
Supply and Service Division,
Bend Monday night have been
Tuesday moaning as a reward
made available to enlisted men
for a suggestion submitted in
Distributed free to camp paraonneL Snbaeription rate to public, by m ail: 60
cents for three months; six months, $1.00; one year, $1.60.
of Camp Abbot. Tickets are be­
the “ Ideas for Victory" program.
ing distributed by company com­
Rainey, a Post civilian em­
manders an a pro rata basis, and
ploye since last April, suggested
unused tickets will be returned
the sales officer issue food ra­
to the Special Service Office this
tions on Mondays, Wednesdays,
afternoon to be given out on re­
and Saturdays, and receive sup­
quest. Enlisted men will be ad­
plies Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Entertainment On and O ff the Post for the Coming Week
mitted to the concert between 8
This recommendation, substi­
and 8:15 p. m.
Dorothy Maynor, who opens
and receiving on the same day,
Service Club —Open House.
the concert series, is a Metro­
Station Hospital—Popular Platter Parade,
will effect savings in the motor
bend USO dance at 8:30 p.m.
politan Opera Company singer
pool, sales office, and warehouse
Soldiers w i t h unanswered of wide acclaim. Discovered by
of $400 per month, Rainey esti­
Service Club -Open House.
questions about their income tax Sergf» Koussevitzsky, the emin­
Station Hospital Red Cross Open House.
‘ Ideas for Victory,” a plan return may get free advice from ent Boston Symphony conductor
Classical Music program in Guest House lounge at 7:30 p.m.
Bend USO—Breakfast, 10 to 11 a. m. Buffet, 4 to 5 p. m. Music initiated by the W ar Depart­ a Portland member of the De­ immediately set out to let the
4:30 to 5:30 p. m.
ment last June and put into prac- partment of Internal Revenue world hear her. The tremendous
tiee here in September, author- who will be on duty in the court range of her voice, her dramatic
Service Club—G I Movies, 8:30 p. m.
izes the payment of cash awards room of Post Headquarters An- executions made her quickly into
Station Hospital Classical Music in Lounge.
for “ suggestions resulting in nex A, February 11 and 18. one of America’s most loved na­
Bend USO Game Night.
economy and improvement of Civilians also may consult the tive singers.
Future programs of the Con­
manufacturing processes or in representative.
Service Club Bingo, 8:30 p. m.
Station Hospital Movie, 0:30 p.m.
administration of the W ar De­
Although compiling returns is cert series will present Patricia
Bend USO- Social Evening.
even more difficult than in pre­ Travers, violinist, and Walter
Awards may not exceed 5 'i of vious years—even the short Hautzig, pianist. Dates for these
Service Club Dance, 8:30 p. m.
yearly savings from the sug­ forms are long—there are sev- events have not yet been decid­
Station Hospital—Fun Night.
gested new procedure, and are «jral exemptions of interest to ed, but it is expected that enlist­
Bond USO Stamp Club.
authorized up to $250 with the military personnel. The military ed personnel will again be guests
Service Club Khaki Kapers, 8:30 p.m.
commanding officers' approval. exemption of $1500, in the ab­ of the membership.
Bend USO— Bingo, 8 p. m. Music Appreciation, 9 p. m.
Larger sums may be awarded, sence of outside income, excludes
but these must have the ap­ taxation of single enlisted men
Service Club •‘Record Your Voice” session.
proval of higher headquarters.
below the rank of master ser­
Station Hospital Movie.
Civilian employes are urged geant. And if no payment is due,
Bend USO Practice Dancing, 8 p. m.
to deposit their ideas in conven­ no return need he filed.
ient "suggestion boxes.” Sug­
Secondly, under certain con
A Valentine Dance will be held
gestions are numbered and con­ ditions the Treasury will pay by the civilian personnel of this
SATURDAY -“ Spider Woman,” Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce; sidered as anonymous by a com­
cash or grant a credit to men post next Saturday at 9:00 p. m.
“ Casanova in Burlesque." Joe E. Brown, June Havoc.
SUNDAY and MONDAY—“ Desert Song,” Dennis Morgan, mittee headed by Maj. Frederick who entered the service in 1943. in Carroll Acres Hall.
Irene Manning, Bruce Cabot; short subjects—Army Navy Screen J. Landenberger. Nearly 100 Servicemen are entitled to a re­
Receipts from the event will
Magazine, RKO Pathe News.
“ ideas” have been received here. fund i£ their 1942 income was go into the Camp Abbot Em­
TUESDAY and W ED NESD AY—“ Lifeboat,” Tallulah Bankhead,
greater than in 1943. Since most ployee Welfare Association—or­
Henry Hull, William Bendix; short subjects Community Sing,
men row at Camp Abbot were ganized to help employees in
Popular Science.
THURSDAY and FR ID A Y “ A Guy Named Joe,” Spencer
on ar my pay last year, and thus financial emergencies and pro­
Tracy, Irene Dunne, Van Johnson; short subjects RKO Pathe
enticed to a $1500 military pay mote general welfare.
News, March of Time.
exemption, they can meet this
SATURDAY “Timber Queen,” Richard Arlen, Mary Beth
Music will be furnished by Bud
requirement. I f the income from Russell’s band. A special invita­
Hughes, June Havoc; “Beautiful But Broke,” Joan Davis, Jane
Frazee, John Hubbard.
wages or salary was under Si 100 tion has been extended to mili-
(Continued Fi-orn Page One)
in 1942, the tax for that year is tary personnel,
and 200 feet wide, never employ­ completely forgiven, and any tax j Members of the arrangement
ing more than a platoon at one pnic! in 1943 is returnable.
■ committee are Irene Wilson,
time, and finishing, by your own
Harold Schanno, Bernice Jensen,
efforts, an airfield project in­
Olivf'r Michaels, Harry Logan,
tended for eight successive bat­
Bud Russell, Alice Brown, Erma
Stoten, Winifred Wolf, Velma
“ 7. During a preliminary river
After thorough ( rial by officers of the Training Division
The Camp Abbot band, acti­ Cockrell. Jeanette Share, Irene
themselves, a new Physical Conditioning program for crossing, your air warning sys­ vated last July, has been inacti­ Jones. Ernest Ruden, Daisy Hale,
tem and air discipline were be­
vated and given a number in­ Deloris King, Margaret Keith,
trainees was instituted in all the battalions Tuesday. In­ yond
criticism and your gas dis­ stead of a name. Henceforth the Louise ^
Marguerite Sullivan.
corporating Col. Frank S. Besson’s “doubletime” theories, cipline
declared by the Cen­
unit, reactivated Jan. 21, will be
“ — ----------------------
the strenuous exercises are designed to promote endurance ter gas was
officer to be better than
known as the 362nd Army Rind
Minneapolis (CNS) — Charles
and stamina to withstand the
that of veterai) troops and such
potitive games in which all mus­ as to make you ready for com­ and will he attached to Service M. Peterson fell on the sidewalk,
hardships of campaign.
Company for administration, ra- injuring his hand, and he could
“ The emphasis here," explain­ cles are exercised. The pitting of bat.
tions and quarters. No changes not shave for a couple of weeks,
one man against another pro­
“ 8. In a night river crossing
ed Lt. Warren Meyer of the
vides an incentive for additional operation you made an assault have been made in personnel. Now he wants the city to pay
Training Division, “ will be indi­ effort, Lt. Meyer explained.
crossing, built two foot bridges, Warrant Officer Charles S. for the barber bill he ran up dur-
vidual benefit, rather than uni­
j ing that period.
A distinct advantage o f the two ferries and an H-10 ponton Spalding, director, said.
form appearance.” As long as movements, taken in the main
each traîne«» is personally bene- from W ar Department Training
publicly The W o lf
by Sansone
fitting by the exercises, no ef-
suggestions, is that they bring rated you as superior.
c « W « *» 1 * 4 * U - U . 4
lort will in» made to achieve the into use all parts of the body;
"9. Throughout this time you
fine precision of the class calis­ an improvement over former ex­
lived in bivouac in the field in
thenics held at other camps. The ercises which were termed
the middle of the winter, learnetl
m*»n will b«» broken down into “ arm” or "leg” movements.
that you could live, work, and
squads, to make individual at­
fight close to the ground, with
tention even more practicable.
little equipment and no comfort,
A ll calisthenics and rifle ex­
that you did not need beds, cook­
Wanted: Information Fading
ercises will be in circle forma­
ed meals, nor even fires. You
tion with the instructor in the to the return of Blackie. a small, took care of yourselves, your
The command, “ At black dog of cocker spaniel de­ weapons and your tools. You
Ease,” given between move­ scent, who looks as though she maintained a constant and suc­
ments will be interpreted by the has beer suds around her mouth. cessful security system around
men as a command to resume A bitch with a weakness for uni­ your bivouacs and your work.
their double time around the cir­ forms. Blackie is believed to have You did well and I am proud of
strayed in the vicinity of Camp
Explaining this “ puff and Abbot. Notify th«» Public Rela­
‘TO. You now go well trained
blow” th«»ory, Col. Besson states.
to meet any kind of tough job.”
“ The objective with seasoned Myrick at the Bend Bulletin,
trainees is to double time in ’phone 56.
the circle for the full period, dur­
Several new newspaper sub­
ing breaks between exercises."
scriptions have been added to the
Men will lie pushed to the limit
This week marked the first Service Club library. Miss Caro­
to achieve this objective, but trial operation of a shuttle bus line Paddock, librarian, an­
When then» is evidence that the within the camp limits. A fare of nounced yesterday. New addi­
men have reached the limits of 5c is charged by the Pilot Butte tions include the Minneapolis
thir endurance they are walked Transit Lines. Trips are made Star Journal, the Detroit News.
in the circle until rested.
every thirty minutes and the ser­ P.M., St. Louis Post-Dispatch
*11 that s banc English Re $ teaching them, fm 4-f! '
Tiie physical conditioning ex­ vice is in effect daily from 5:15 and the New Orleans Times-Pica-
ercises w ill be enlivened by com- p. m. to midnight.
i yuno.
Abbot ’n Around
Aid Enroute for
Tax-Worried GKs
Civilians to Hold
Valentine's Dance
52nd Battalion
Neiv Physical Program
W ill Aid Men in Batdc
Post Band Drops
Name for Number