Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, January 29, 1944, Image 1

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    O Rr< ~ '"' ''T A T E L'BHARY
Win the Battle
Send the Japs
Here at Home—
A Yankee Gift
March of Dimes
Buy War Bonds
Bond Sales Hit
S33000 Mark
In New Drive
Camp Abbot, Ore., Jan. 29, 1944
State's Polio
Drive Boosted
By Post Show
Sales of war bonds in con­
nection with the Fourth W ar
Loan drive reached $33,000 at
Camp A b b o t Friday, and
volume was good despite the
fact soldiers were in the
midst of a week-before-pay­
day period, which was bound
to slo\vT sales, Lt. George F.
Crisman, agent finance offi­
cer, announced. The Post fin­
ance office is preparing to
handle a record volume of
sales Jan. 31, immediately
following the distribution of
pay envelopes, he said.
Camp Abbot gave addi­
tional impetus to the infan­
tile paralysis campaign in
Oregon Thursday afternoon
1 when entertainers of the
Post staged a radio broad-
least in the Post Theater.
The program was put on the
air by Stations K B N I) in
Bend and KXL, Portland’s
10,000-watt transm itter.
Featured on the program were
selections by the Camp Abbot
band, directed by Warrant O ffi­
cer Charles S. Spalding; Popular
music by the Camp Abbot dance
band: a brief address by Mrs.
Sales are coming in from all
i Frank S. Besson, wife of the
sections, Lt. Crisman said. Laun­
I commanding officer: group sing­
dry workers have figured promi­
ing and instrumental selections
nently in purchases. Daisy Hale
j by members of the 54th Battal-
of the Post laundry purchased
iion; a vocal number by Sgt.
a $1,000 bond, Mrs. Huldah Edith
James Gilbert, member of the
Beasley a $500 bond, and Zetta
band, and a skit by Cpl. James
Post Signal Photo Lab.
M. Watts $400 worth of bonds.
Gordon of the 54th Battalion,
Sgt. Julian Shirk of the schools
by overhead netting by walking under a camouflaged section and all but disappearing from view. If The script, theme of which was
branch purchased a $1,025 bond. you don't believe they’re pretty well hidden, even against the white background of snow, try count­ the March of Dimes, was prepar­
The first active solicitation ing them. Give up? They’re are three. This is but one of many phases of camouflage taught soldiers ed by Sgt. Buddy Hyde of t Ho
program, which begins Jan. 25, in the Engineer Replacement Training t enter here. (See story on page I).
Special Service Office, who also
will continue through Tuesday
acted as master of ceremonies.
when the campaign will revert
Instrumentalists i n c l u d e d
to education and publicity. A
Pvts. Constantino Merazzo, ban-
second solicitation is set for Feb.
joist, and Otto Frerichmann,
8 to 15.
guitarist. Appearance of 54th
Soldiers can greatly assist the
Battalion personnel on the show
finance office in handling the in­
was made possible through the
flux of purchases b yfilling out
cooperation of Maj. Burr E.
the infomation required in pur­
A formal March of Dimes Dance, held at the Service
Adams, battalion commander.
chasing bonds before they reach Club Wednesday night, highlighted the Post’s participa­
A similar broadcast to be held
the office, Lt. Crisman said.
tion in the battle against infantile paralysis this week and
from 5 to 5:30 p. m. Thursday,
Members of the Wac Com­ Feb. 10, will feature the 53th
netted $116.20 in
march and who would cut a huge pany, Junior Hostesses in Bend, Battalion, Mr. Spalding announc­
* tions.
Described by Service Club hos- cake prepared by Sgt. William girls employed on the Post and ed.
i tesses as one of the most success- Frost of the Post Cooks and girl friends of Camp Abbot sold­
j ful dances in the history of the Bakers School. Sgt. Peggy Smith iers were urged by Mrs. Helen
club, the program, held in honor of the Wac Company cut the Smith, Service Club director, to
! of the President’s birthday, fea- cake, which was distributed to submit photographs for the
I f you’ve bought a bond ! tured a grand march and a brief
"Sweethearts of Camp Abbot'’
All military personnel of Camp
from the Post Finance Office ' talk by Mrs. Frank S. Besson, the entire assembly.
contest to be held as a feature
Colonel and Mrs. Besson, who
since Jan. 18, you can obtain a | wife of the commanding officer.
of the Post’s formal Valentine’s Abbot will be expected to con­
headed an impressive lisf of
form with the Oregon state law
free ticket to the War Bond
Miss Bernice Jensen, USO patrons and patronesses, opened Day dance Feb. 16.
prohibiting smoking in publio
premiere showing of “ Sweet
Rosie O’Grady” at the Tower Junior Hostess, and Pvt. Nor­ the dance. Other patrons and who'll be at Camp Abbot on the motor conveyances, Lt. Richard
theatre in Bend at 10:30 p. m. man Bixman of Company A, 55th patronesses included Lt. Col. and night of the dance, Mrs. Smith Brisbin, transportation officer,
Monday, the War Bond Council | Battalion, led a grand march in Mrs. A. M. Mock, Lt. Col. and said. Photographs will be num­ warned this week. It has come
announced this week. The of­ which service men, their wives Mrs. Merrill A. Pimentel, Maj. bered and displayed in the Ser­ to the attention of Post Head­
fer will apply up until time for and guests, Junior Hostesses, and Mrs. M. J. Cuadra, Col. A. vice Club to give soldiers an op­ quarters that soldiers are reluct­
the premiere, and you can pick | civilian employes of the Post and H. Bond, Lt. Col. Philip M. Be- portunity to make their selec­ ant to comply with requests of
up your tickets from the Fi­ | members of the Wac Company dessem, Lt. Col. Russell D. Tur- tions and girls will wear corres­ drivers of Pilot Butte buses to
! participated. A drawing was held rill, Lt. and Mrs. V. G. Hender­
nance Office.
ponding numbers at a dance Feb. refrain from smoking, he said.
. to determine who would lead the son and Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
9 when balloting is scheduled.
Arnold. Mrs. Arnold is Deschutes
Winner of the contest w ill be an­
county chairman for the cam­
nounced at the Feb. 16 dance.
The hall was appropriately
Lt. Charles Frucht arrived
decorated with the national
Tuesday from Camp Beale and
colors and red flags bearing a
has assumed duties here as
white castle, symbol of the
Morale Officer. The establish­
Corps of Engineers. Corsages
Clarifying its stand regarding
with a patriotic motif were dis­ furloughs. Post Headquarters ment of his office is one of a
number of contemplated mov< s
tributed as favors.
this week issued the following
to divide the duties of Special
Soldiers who donated their statement:
Services into a Morale and ¡1
time serving guests include
“ It will he the policy of this
Pvts. George C. Doney, Burriss Headquarters to grant furloughs Special Service Division in order
C. Liggett, Harvey Hooten and in excess of 15 days only when ot better care for the entertain­
Roy Fine, all of Casual Com­ necessary in order to enable EM ment, education, and esprit do
pany, and Walter Chandler of to spend a minimum of 7 days corps of the armed forces.
the Motor Pool.
at their home or destination
lam p Abbot soldiers will
An additional $27.60 was rais­
The declaration was in answer
ed by the Non-Commissioned Of­ to a War Department Circular haw an opportunity lo appear
ficers’ Club at a dance held in which provided that command­ at their rnstie best \\ ednesday
its club rooms Saturday night. ing officers within the limits of night when the Servlee ( lull
The bulk o f Camp Abbot con­ the continental United States turns its regular weekly dan.-
tributions to the campaign are will give consideration to the into a “ loggers’ jam session,”
expected on pay day Tuesday travel factor and, when practic­ Mrs. Helen Smith, dull dlree-
grant furloughs which tor, announced. Soldiers w ill
P « t H .rn a l P n om Lab when containers will be placed able,
Although it lack« some of the eomforts of a bekutyrest, this steep­ on pay tables for the convenience would provide for 15 days at he permitted to wear fatigues
ing bag used by soldiers on ( amp Abbot's three week unit training of soldiers wishing to make do­ home, not counting travel time.
or virtually any rustic raiment
problems was cory enough to bundle this soldier off to sleep in nations. Chairman for the drive
they see fit.
short order. Our man admitted samething was missing all right,
is Major Cuadra.
Buy National War Bonds Now !«
but he didn't have reference to a mattress.
March of Dimes Dance
Nets Total of $116
Photos Sought
For Sweetheart
Of Post Contest
F re e S h o w fo r
Bond Buyers
Post Warned to
Heed Smoking Ban
Morale Officer
For Post Named
Longer Furloughs
Under New Policy