Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, January 22, 1944, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Camp Abbot, Ore., Jan. 22, 1944
Page Three
Telephone Unit
Extends Hours
Attendance Large
For Bridge, Tea
The Officers’ Wives Bridge
and Tea held at the Pilot BittN*
Inn in Rend Wednesday n as one
of the most successful to date,
Mrs. Lilburn P. Staman, secre­
tary of the group report* <1.
Twelve tables were filled for t ’<*
bridge session and attendance
was increased by more than d<
en wives when teas was serv- I
following the card games.
Hostesses for the Feb. 2 me-1-
ing will be Mrs. Merrill A. Pim­
entel, Mrs. Dale M. Smith, M s.
F. B. VandcrwaH, and Mrs. Wal­
ter H. Zwick. The Feb. 16 meet­
ing will have as hostesses M s.
Ferris L. Arnold, Mrs. Arm 1*1
G. Bode, Mrs. Robert H. LaBr-v,
and Mrs. Darwin E. Smith.
Bridge sessions open at l:. '»
and continue until 4:30 when tea
is served. A small charge is ma '•»
to defray expenses and purchase
prizes. Hostesses are chosen y
a system of rotation.
A change in schedule which
will make possible a greater vol­
ume of long distance telephone
calls from the n#w attendant's
exchange on Sundays and holi­
days was announced by F. D.
Wright, camp manager for the
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
Company this week.
Hours for operation of the ex­
change were extended from 2 to
11 p. m. on Sundays and holidays
to from 9 a. m. to 11 p. m. The
week day sehedule was shorten­
ed to from 6 p. m. to 11 p. m.
Instead of from 4 to 11 p. m.,
however, because the volume of
calls between 4 and 6 o’clock did
not justify operation during
those hours.
Opening of the exchange, two
buildings north of the Post Sig­
nal Office several weeks ago has
relieved congestion of pay sta­
tions considerably, Mr. Wright Tonetfre and Song
reported. Under the new system,
soldiers may make use of eight Classes Finished
booths merely by filling out a Completion of the ToneHe
slip listing where and to whom class, taught by Pvt. W. E. Ki >-
a call is to be placed and waiting kendall, and the Song Leaders'
for an attendant to complete con­ class, under the instruction t
Richard Critchett, was com­
T o s t S i g n a l P h o to L a b .
Mr. W right also announced Cpl.
with a big enterta n-
I.t. Marion Dale Tilden of (ho Arm y N urse Corps looks over a rasl of puppets w hich has appeared that
public booths at the 11th ment program
regularly on entertainm ent program s for patients of the Station Hospital. The puppets, created from
in the Serve <?
scrap m atcrials^pre (left to right) a private, an arm y nurse, a patient, a “five-star" general, an ani­
Helen M.
m ated version of Cpl. Leonard Sansone’s W olf and a Wac.
(Buildings 1257 and 753) have Martin presented Lt. certificates
---------------- -------
been moved inside the barber 13 tonettc- players and 21 so to g
shops to take advantage of heat­ leaders.
ing facilities.
Soldiers who wish to get
Masquerade Skate
money from home for a fur­
lough or other emergency Separate Rations
Open fro Soldiers
may avail themselves of a
Pay Increased
best buddy won't km \v
If it hadn’t been for a little boy who was very sick, Lt. The camp director will wire The first of the year brought you Your
if you avail yourself of t oe
Marion Dale Tilden, Station Hospital nurse, might never the chapter in the soldier’s ! a small windfall, financially chance, by special permission of
have become a puppeteer and patients at the Camp Abbot
town, who will get in j speaking, to soldiers on furlough Col. Frank S. Besson, ERTC Com­
Station Hospital might never have enjoyed the pallation of home
touch with the GI’s family. and those receiving separate ra­ mander, to adorn that GI head
her novel miniature presentations. I.t. Tilden first became The family then deposits the tions.
any way you see fit.
interested in puppets when she found a young patient forgot money with the local chapter The commutation value of the Occasion is a big M asquern'e
his pain when they made puppets together. This was in­ and gets a receipt. Then the
ration was raised from Skate next Saturday evening n
centive enough for the lieu----------------------------------------- post chapter is informed by garrison
its former 61 to 67 cents per day the Bend Roller Rink. Prizes v I
ten an t.
liberties she took—poster paints return wire that the money is with the release of WD Circ 327 be awarded for the best and most
The boy got better, and Lieu- when oils were not available, on deposit and the soldier j last month.
comical costumes.
tenant Tilden got better, too— finger nail cleaners for brushes, may get a check here for the
in the art, or rather combination stones for lead weights—but the amount left by his family.
_______ _ ___ b y Sansone
of arts, which are the prerequis- show did go on, and its enthu-
This service does not con­ The W olf
1 9« b» L,eM .d S ...-—
U -K *
( l"
ites of a puppet impressario. siastic reception was the best stitute a loan from the Red |
She read everything available argument for her methods,
Cross. It is simply a service
on puppeteerlng, studied under Lieutenant Tilden attaches her- to enable soldiers to secure i
famed DeMareus Brown at the self to her creations by more funds from home without loss i
College of the Pacific, learned to than just strings. “It is funny,” of time.
design her own scenery,__ make she says, “how I listen to the
clothes, write music and even radio and hear a beautiful bit of
music and suddenly catch myself Club Activities
sing grand opera.
She once sang a number of imagining a puppet scene to ill-
Broadcast Topic
operatic parts to accompany a ustrate the melody."
Spanish puppet play she wrote She likes to tell about her pup­ Operation of the Service Club
pet named "Oswald” — how and the part U. S. army hostes­
After learning the art, she everyone liked the name except ses are playing in the nation”*
built over fifty figures with for one prominent business man. war el fort were outlined in the
hardly a pause. That is, until He preferred “Perclval.” Inves- weekly "Camp Abbot on Parade”
she tried to make six characters tigation showed that “Percival” broadcast over Station KBND in
Tor a Christmas show on the was his own name. So the little Bend Wednesday night. Featur
Post. Here, because materials papier mache man was rechist- ed on the program were Mrs.
were scarce, she took a lesson ened "Percy Oswald.”
Helen Smith, club director; Miss
from the Corps of Engineers. It's probably better that pup- Caroline Paddock, libraraian,
She improvised.
pets can’t talk.
and Miss Helen Souhrada, cafe
Paper towels, napkins, cloth,
teria hostess. Lt. V. G. Hender­
boxes and an odd assortment of Detroit tCN’S' Five brothers son, Special Service Officer, con­
materials not ordinarily asso- named Führer petitioned the ducted the interview program,
ciated with puppets w e r e Federal court for a change "be- the script for which was pre­
brought into play. A Boy Scout cause of the inconveniences suf- pared by Cpl. Richard Shearin
knife was her principal tool. For fered due to the designation as of the Public Relations Office.
“stuffing” she used Camp Ab- Fuehrer of that ignominious
. .. I've lived here a long time, soldier - but I've neve*
hot rocks. An orthodox puppet character, Shickelgruber or Hit When You’ve Read lt—Please
heard of that custom before!”
m aker would be horrified at the ler.”
. -
Amusing Small Patient
Primed Puppet Interest
Briefs For Mission
by Milton Caniff. creator of Terry and the Pirates’'
0 * * U F E IN A D tS -O R O E R L Y R O O M "
faturlnd 6 CbOr-Ji o f BUCK SERGEANTS
6 :i r f r d PQ Q f& -P>W -*e-BAe^ '.p tuo jty .