Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, January 08, 1944, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Camp Abbot, Ore., Jan. 8, 1944
Page Two
Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the interests o f the personnel
of Camp Abbot, Oregon, under supervision of the Special Service Officer. News
matter pertaining to Camp Abbot ia furnished by the Public Relations Branch and
is available for general release.
Written contributions, art work and photocTaphs are solicited ar.d should be
directed to the Public Relations Branch, Post Hdqs. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone
The ABBOT ENGINEER receive» materia! »applied by Camp Newspaper
Service, War Dep t.. 205 E. 42nd S U New York, N. Y. Credited material may not
be republished without permisión of Camp Newspaper Service.
Post Sets State
Record in Xmas
Seal Campaign
Officers and enlisted men of
Camp Abbot contributed SI,668.-
89 during the recent Christmas
Seal campaign, Post Headquart­
ers announced this week. A
check representing the amount
Distributed free to camp personnel. Subscription rate to public, by m ail: 50
was given to Col. Frank S. Bes­
cents for three month»; six months, $1.00; one year, $1.50.
son, ERTC commander, Wednes­
day by Maj. Paul Diediker, head
of the Adminstrative Branch,
and the commanding officer in
turn presented the check to Mrs.
Chris Kostol, secretary-treasurer
Entertainment On and Off the Post for the Coming Week
of the Christmas Seal Sales
Committee for Deschutes coun­
Open house at the USO in Bend.
Although for reasons of mili­
Open house and refreshments at Service Club.
tary security it is impossible to
Breakfast at USO in Bend from 10 to 11 a. m.; music from 4.30 to reveal the average purchase of
seals per individual member of
5.30 p. m. and buffet from 4 to 5 p. m.
Open House at Service Club.
the Camp Abbot garrison, it is
possible to state that purchases
GI movies at Service Club at 8 p. m.
were perhaps in excess of any
Game night at USO in Bend.
per individual in the history of
seal sales in Oregon.
Social evening at the USO in Bend.
Bingo at Service Club.
The 11th Engineer Training
Group led with a total of S750.14.
Weekly dance at Service Club at 8:30 p. m.
Second was officer personnel
Pinochle Club meeting at USO in Bend.
who, after being canvassed by
"Khaki Kapers” show at Service Club.
1 mail, sent in $317. The Head­
Bingo at USO in Bend at 8 p. m. and Music Appreciation Hour at quarters group ranked third
9 p. m.
with $267.51. In the latter group,
Supply Company far outstripp­
Dancing Class at USO in Bend at 8 p. m.
Musical Quiz program at Service Club.
ed other companies with $106.56,
more than twice the amount
' purchased by other organiza­
SA TU R D A Y - “ Swing Fever,” Kay Kyser, Marilyn Maxwell and tions. The Medical Detachment
William Gargan. Short subjects—"Fuss ’n Feathers,” “ Fighting turned in $50 and Civilian Per­
09” cartoon and “ Water Wisdom.”
sonnel, $70.05. Stamps in the
SUNDAY and MONDAY—“ Jack London,” Michael O’Shea, Susan amount of S5.97 were sold by the
Hayward and Louise Beavers. Short subjects—“Baby Puss” car­
post exchange.
toon, RKO Pathe News.
TUESDAY and W EDNESDAY—“ No Time For Love,” Claudette
Colbert and Fred MacMurray; short subjects— Army-Navy Screen
Magazine and Community Sing.
THURSDAY and FR ID A Y —“ Higher and Higher,” Frank Sinatra,
Michele Morgan and Jack Haley. Short subjects—"Volcano is Bom"
and RKO Pathe News.
SATURD AY—“The Cross of Lorraine,” Pierre Aumont, Gene Kelly
and Peter Lorre. Short subjects— “ Hunting the Devil Cat” and
"Wreck of the Hesperus,” cartoon.
Old Gag's Back
Abbot ’n Around
Perhaps by way of apology for
participating in such an ancient
gag as sitting on an icecake for
cheesecake, RKO actress Daun
Kennedy explains it was re­
quest from fighters of Asiatic
Pacific war theater, who named
her “ The Girl We Would Like
to Warm Our Iceberg.”
Membership cards for the
Bend Community Concert Asso­
ciation will be sold at the Con­
trol Office in Camp Abbot Head­
quarters and at the Pilot Butte
Inn in Bend from January 10 to
15, Capt. Robert J. Cosgrove,
camp representative on the ar­
rangements c o m m i t t e e , an­
nounced this week. .
A $5.50 mebership card will
entitle the bearer to attend a
minimum of three concerts fea­
turing prominent artists of the
Columbia Broadcasting System,
Captain Cosgrove pointed ou*.
Cards are transferrable and can
be used in any of 350 cities
throughout the United States
which sponsors the association.
Admission to concertsjls by sea­
son membership card only, and
no membership cards will be
sold after January 15:
The number of concerts and
choice of artists depends entire­
ly on the number of member­
ship cards sold, but, providing
there are sufficient sales, the
Bend association guarantees at
least three concerts will be pre­
sented and that one will feature
Dorothy Maynor, young Negro
soprano. Miss Maynor’s concert
is scheduled the latter part of
January and others in the
Since the association is a non­
profit organization dedicated
only to bringing great artists to
the community, money will be
refunded to members should
plans fail to materialize, y
double talk; it’s his right monni-
ker. His mother must have plan­
ned on him being a general.
The boy most disappointed in
love—Pvt. Don David. He start­
ed out with six queens w riting to
him and now he only hears from
The boy most comical—Pvt.
Tony Simone. He answers all
questions backwards.
The boy who gets the most
mail—Pvt. Roger Bridge. Some­
one must be quite fond of him,
aside from bill collectors.
The boy (flattering term)
most often late for everything,
including breakfast—Pvt. Ern­
est G. Cushler.
The boy who had the best first
i n s p e c t i o n — Pvt. Charles I.
The boy who had the best roll­
ed pack first time out — Pvt.
Camp Abbot soldiers were
Thompson, former 1-Star Scout. commended by Col. Frank S.
Best developed torso- Cpl. An­ Besson, ERTC commander,
gelo J. Maniaci. The army’s six last week for their good con­
Starting with the orientation and six traction trucks were pat­ duct and moderation In drink­
program which was presented to terned along his lines.
a trail through the jungle from the 58th Battalion Sunday, Dee.
” It appears that I ’ll soon be
marker to marker in order to 26, and which drew commenda­
The past week has seen the able to relieve my MP Patrol
survey the ground. It was dur­ tion from Col. Frank S. Besson. starting of the parade of butter­ in Bend," Colonel Besson said
ing these trips they were most ERTC commander, as being the fingers carrying their rifles with after reviewing a report stat­
susceptible to attack.
most interesting and instructive them to the mess hall. This form ing no arrests were made for
Macrae also has been in Dutch program to date, the battalion of punishment is for either drop­ drunkenness or disorderly con­
West Indies, Cuba, Jamaica, and went on this week to the funda­ ping it or for calling it by a dif­ duct between Christinas Eve
all of the C e n t r a l American mentals of military courtesy, or­ ferent name.
and New Year’s Eve.
countries with the exception of ganization, military law, hygiene,
tiny British Honduras. And as rifle marksmanship, close order
NOTICE: This is not a com­ Lloyd Combs reports the loss of
an unpleasant souvenir of his drill and other basic subjects.
plaint department. I f you have a white gold wedding band. Any­
tropical journies, Macrea has
any squawks, write your con­ one finding it please report to
harbored a few malaria bugs and
A point gathered from some gressman: he is probably on va­ the commanding officer.
still claims to be the host to an of the lectures was that there cation in Florida anyway. If you
unenviable assortment of Cen­ , are many opportunities for ca-, have any ideas as to how to run BE DONE.
tral American whip and tape­ reers in the Corps of Engineers. the army, drop your plans in the
The fellow who is queer for Idea Box in the mess hall. Pvt. Buy National W ar Bonds Now!
Private Macrae has an almost jewelry has a chance to become
inexhaustible supply of tales, a pearl diver—namely a dish
and takes great delight in tell­ washer, and those who've had
ing of the old Indian archer who managerial experience in hotels,
tried to shoot his plane down apartment houses and offices
with a bow and arrows. And his can become a major domo of the ,
stories of the sainted Virgin of barrack-—commonly known as
Chinquinuira, and o f the semi­ room orderly. And so it goes.
pagan rites of the Day of San
Benito smack strongly of old
world mysticism. Macrae has
Best military personality ob­
been a good observer and has served — Capt. Walter H. Yar­
had several articles on South and brough.
Central America accepted by
Best looking lieutenant — Lt.
geographical journals.
William Cunningham.
Los Angeles is home to Mac­
Best commands (pure Eng­
rae, for there he was born and lish)—s t e n t o r i a n Sgt. Earl
went to school. He got a Civil Woods.
Engineering degree from Cal.
Most scholarly looking (and
Tech, in 1935. First he worked is' 1st Sgt. James Sawyer.
for the Pacific Electric Railway
Most hard to please job—that
after his graduation and then of Mess Sgt. Joseph Kesler.
went hunting black gold for the
Orchids to our company com­
Shell oil Co. in Venezuela.
mander for having a drummer
In the latrine after lights are beat out the step.
out. Macrae is in his full glory
An orchid to Cpl. J. Montoya—
as he tells about the profes­ he does w onders in the bakery—
sorial bird hunter who followed his French pastry tastes exactly
the wrong end of his compass like Danish. I f he only had the
needle for a week and wondered goods to work with . . .
If you II fell mo just what you re looking for perhaps I can
why things continued to look un­
The boy most in love— Pvt. '
General Coulter. No it's n o t.
Notes From
Colonel Lauds
QIs’ Conduct
Trainee Was Target in
Indians’ Jungle Fight
By Pvt. Max Katz
(Medical Detachment)
Jungle warfare is nothing
strange to Pvt. Robert A. Mac­
rae of Co. A, 57th Bn., for he
was instructed in its mysteries
by the inventors of guerilla war­
fare, the savage Motilone Indi­
ans of Venezuela.
Several times while in charge
o f a Shell Oil survey party in
the rainy jungles of Venezuela,
Macrae was surprised by flights
o f 4'-¿foot black palm arrows
which came hissing toward him
out of the dense thickets. It was
impossible to determine the lo­
cation of the Indians. A ll the
surveyors c o u l d do was pull
their revolvers and blaze away
at random. Macrae doubts they
ever hit anything except per­
haps an inoffensive vine, but the
savages were frightened away.
As long as the surveyors stayed
in large groups they were safe,
but small parties were in con­
stant danger of attack. For at
the same time Macrae was at­
tacked. another surveyor on the
Colombian side of the border
had his two guides killed in a
surprise raid by the Motilones
and his own wound necessitated
taking meals o ff a mantle for
some time
The survey party’s main job
was to definitely locate the
boundary between Colombia and
Venezuela in order to determine
the extent of their oil company's
concession. Government survey
parties had made their way up
the navigable streams and had
placed stone markers along the
banks where the streams inter­
sected the bonier. Macrae had
to boat across country cutting
Sale of Concert
Memberships Set
For Jan. 10-15
The W olf
by Sansone