Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, January 01, 1944, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Camp Abbot, Ore., Jan. t , 1944
WPB's Approval
Only Barrier to
USO Renovation
Page Three
monthly quota of two quarts.
SEPT. 25—A bride "stewed”
in a Portland church for o\'i*
two hours while a trainee hit;h
hiked from Camp Abbot sending
communiques en route. The 54’ b
Battalion raised $775 in a bond
OCT. 2 Sgt. Roy L. Rider t f
the Sports Department left to
Priorities for renovation of
join the Station Hospital ere v.
the USO in Bend have been ob­
An officer gave his tie to a sol­
tained, and the project now
dier who was detained by MB s
awaits only War Production
Board Approval, Carl A. John­
en route home on emergency
son, president of the USO Coun­
cil, announced this week. Notifi­
OCT. 9—The Canine Corps ar­
cation of approval is expected
rived at Camp Abbot. 12 stroi
early next week.
The Post invested $51,301 in a
Once W PB sanction is obtain­
bond drive. Orientation pie-
ed contracts w ill be let and w ork
grams took on the lavish qua i-
will begin immediately, Mr.
ty of a Hollywood production.
Johnson said. An^effort will be
OCT. 16— Speakers of the pub­
made to complete the project
lic address system were blown
before the influx of soldiers for
from the All-Purpose building
winter maneuvers.
by a high w ind. The bus station
was completed.
First music
class was "graduated.”
OCT. 23 — Colonel Besson
penned "O ’er the Ocean," ,i
marching song for trainees. Col.
Frank G. Crandall, chief of the
By Pvt. Ernest G. Cushler
station hospital, who had estab­
Amid gay h o l i d a y decora­
lished the first base hospital .n
tions, Company A, 5 8 th Bat-
the Solomons, was transfer: ed
t a 1 i o n, celebrated a festive
to Modesto, Califf.
.t'osi M ÿnai rnoiu Lab.
Christmas with a turkey dinner,
OCT. 30— A Chinese trainee
trimmed by all the delicacies Col. Frank S. Besson, FRTC rommauder, is shown weilding a bayonet (o open what probably was
that mother used to make. one of the largest Christmas presents in the United States. The package concealed the doorway to who saw his mother ridded
Choral and group singing ar­ the new addition to the Officers’ M ss and n;araed the loriiuil ( polling of the new structure Christ­ with Jap bullets in « Cant« n,
mas Eve. Holding the bayonet sheath is Warrant Officer Marx in I,. Tragernian.
China, street, became a rifle ex­
ranged by the company com­
pert, despite the fact he co Id
mander, Capt. Walter H. Yar­
Ralph J. Kembel, company cook,
were reunited when the trainee's hardly understand instructions.
brough, helped celebrate the day
whose entertaining ability is ex­
helmet liner was returned to the
in a w ay familiar to every one
NOV. 13—Soldiers of the th <1
ceeded only by his excellent culi­
sergeant by error. T h e y had
present. Favorable comments in
platoon, Co. B, 52nd. Bn., I d
nary art . . . (No, I ’m not trying
been living across the street
general, as expressed by the re­
breakfast in bod for making irp
to keep o ff K P ). He is one
from one another. Post dedica­ scores on the rifle range.
cently-arrived trainees, was to
leather stretcher who is abso­
tion plans were set.
the effect that officers showed
(Continued rrom Page One)
NOV. 20 -Camp Abi<ot pust • <1
lutely impervious to soft soap.
AUG. 27--Sgt. Morrle Guss,
a very democratic spirit by hav­
The good neighbor policy was Cpl. Agho Tiemann has the band who said he worked on 26 pa­ the Deschutes County War Ft d
ing their wives and guests par­
furthered by some extemporane­ with an entirely different set of pers in three years, turned over drive over the- top with con i-
ticipate in the Christmas dinner
ous Latin-American singing by side-men.) M e m b e r s of the the reigns of the ENGINEER butions totaling $5,129. ’
in the company's mess hall.
DEC. 4 The camp became 'be
a Spanish-American contingent Waac Detachment and the 51st to Sgt. George Fly and Pvt.
leader in insurance coverage ter
of the company.
Bn. held a ponton party on the Richard Shearin, who stuck
The program opened with a
the N i n t h Service Comma 1.
Deschutes. A public address around their papers a little long­
Very warm welcoming address
“ Khaki Kapers was introduc- 1.
by Captain Yarbrough, who ex­
Camp Abbot cagers took B* . d
the first Camp Abbot unit to
tended best wishes for the holi­ rection of Pvt. Ernest G. Cush­ Purpose building.
high, 70 to 14.
day. His comment that, al­ ler, who also was in charge of
JULY 23 — Lt. Albert Willis
DEC. 11 Idea boxes w • re
though many present were away
shelled out S35 for beer when WACs in a simple ceremony.
throughout the Centei o
SEPT. 2 Some 3,000 visitors
from home for the first time on gram, i n c l u d e Pvt Roger his platoon of Co. A, 52nd Bn.,
get suggestions from eniis' d
this holiday, they could still ap­
surprised him on the rifle range.
men. The Post had its first It ri-
preciate their good fortune in mer, Pvt. Manuel Aisenberg, Tunes were selected for a Vic­ and opening of the Service Club. timate stage show when Bt d
contrast to many thousands who Pvt. R. Villalobos, Pvt. Irving K. tory Tunes broadcast to be dedi­ A top sergeant saw a movie fea­ students presented ' The Yoy...g
would have to eat their Christ­ Gunderson and Pvt. Carmen R. cated to Camp Abbot by Fred turing a young actress he’d hug­ in Heart.”
mas dinners in fox holes out of Carnevale.
Waring’s orchestra July 29. Only ged on a trip to Hollywood, but
DEC. 18—Soldiers at a b. ■ n
two men voted (now it can be he couldn't remember her name. dance in Bend voted for a sat or
tins (if fortunate enough to
even have tins) was a point on
Cooperative spirit to make told) in the much-publicized bal­ Officers and non-coms prepared in a "most unique costume”
■ to take driving lessons to relieve contest. More night tactics w *ie
which every man present agreed. this Christmas dinner a howling loting.
success was shown by Mess Sgt.
JULY 30—The Post laundry a shortage of Motor Company added to ERTC training.
Captain Yar­ Joseph A. Kesler, 1st Sgt. James began operations, making it un­ | drivers. Fifty-one soldiers re-
DEC. 24 Camp Abbot was
brough’s impressive talk, a ser­ Sawyer, Sgt. Earl Wood, Cpl. necessary to send bundles to 1 ceived final citizenship papers. featured over a new radio sei • s
SEPT. 11 The overseas mu­ on a northwest chain. A "bi -It
ies of Christmas c a r o l s were Philip Kidder, Cpl. J. Montoya, Camp Adair and cutting process­
sung by a selected choir recruit­ Sgt. John J. Cottle, all of whom ing time from nine days to five. sic program was started Hotel raising” ceremony market! '.e
towels were returned to right­ completion of the roof for ’ he
ed from the company. The choir assisted in every way possible The NCO club was organized.
AUG. 6— Plans were drafted ful owners and the laundry ap- new addition to the Offic* .-s'
also led the group in singing in obtaining what necessary
popular numbers, old and new. items were available to make to relieve a helluva housing poligized. Some 100 trainees Mesa.
A monologue, "The Forgotten this dinner a memorable one.
shortage in Bend. The Station ! from Texas A. and M. College
Man,” depicting the life of an
Hospital Recreation H a l l was got ready to see themselves in
Starting next week, this col­ opened. Lt. V. G. Henderson re­ a film "W e've Never Been
army Engineer, was delivered
in dramatic fashion by Pvt. W il­ umn w i l l report the weekly placed Lt. P. H. O Brien as Spe­ ; Licked.” Training was extended
liam M. Dummer. He was fol­ progress of Co. A in GI phrase­ cial Service Officer. Headquar­ to 19 weeks. A W AC deprived
lowed by Pvt. Charles Drake, ology In respect to this most ters companies were reorganized strategy of its meaning, a gen­
Preparations are being m.a’e
formerly a featured motion pic­ holy of days, the writer has re­ on Sunday and confused soldiers eral of his coveralls and Quar- to handle the largest crowd »n
ture artist, who entertained the frained from "hamburgerin’ ’’ found themselves either in Serv­ | termaster purchase warehouse the history of the NCO C h
group with humorous imperson­ the King’s English in expressing ice Company, Supply Company, personnel of peace of mind by when the unit stages ifs New
; refusing to sell a general a pair Year’s dance tonight, T/fcgt.
Motor Company or the M P’s.
ations and various pungent bon the doings of our outfit.
AUG 13—Officers and a small j of coveralls without a permit.
mots. Lt. Arthur J. Schoenlien,
Max Millsap, head of the . t-
Our Motto: Faith to believe— dog ’'tested” the Post’s new in­
in the spirit of the day, gave a
SEPT. 18 Bend became ple­ rangements committee, s; d.
filtration course. Over 300 sol­ thoric with khaki because of me- Open to all members and th- ¡r
brief address on the reputation Courage to do.
diers were released to work in neuver troops and the laundry's guests, the program will featt :e
of the company.
| business doubled. The Oregon the music of the ERTC da^ce
Pass The ENGINEER To An­ the mines.
Aug. 20- Two brothers, one a Liquor C o n t r o l Commission hand, directed by Cpl. Agho I re­
The show was stopped, with other Abbotman—He'll Appreci­
the impromptu entertainment of ate It.
sergeant and the other a trainee promised one and all their man.
Notes From
Abbot in '43
Big Crowd Seen
For N C O Dance
Mâle Call by MiitoVCaniff,"creator o< Terry and the Pirates"-. In Attacking, Never Take Terrain For Crantedi
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