Abbot engineer. (Camp Abbot, Or.) 1943-1944, January 01, 1944, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Camp Abbot, Ore., Jan. 1, 1944
Record Crowd
At Graduation
Singers Sought
For Post Chorus
Everyone who can carry a
tune and likes to sing, soldier or
civilian, masculine or feminine,
is invited to join the Camp Ab­
bot chorus at a rehearsal at the
Post Chapel from 7:15 to 8:15
Monday, according to Lt. Helen
Martin, director. An interesting
^ program consisting of selections
such as “Stout Hearted Men”
and “ Ole Man River” has been
arranged, and plans are under
way for presenting the choaus
on a forthcoming edition of
“ Khaki Kapers,” the Post’s
weekly variety show.
The largest crowd ever to at­
tend a “ graduation” ceremony
for pocket instrument and song
leader classes at Camp Abbot
Written contributions, art work and photographs are solicited and should be
was on hand at the Service Club
directed to the Public Relations Branch, Poet Hdqs. Annex, Bldg. 202. Telephone
Tuesday night to witness the
awarding of certificates to 63
The ABBOT ENGINEER receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper
Service, War Dep't., 206 E. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Credited material may not
members of the 55th Battalion.
be republished without permisión o f Camp Newspaper Service.
Classes, the largest to date, re­
Distributed free to camp personnel. Subscription rate to public, by mail: 50
ceived their “ diplomas” from
cents for three months; six months, $1.00; one year, $1.50.
Maj. Howard Brook, battalion
commander, while the entire bat­
talion watched the proceedings.
Included on the program were
vocal and instrumental selec­
mand wishes to become sick on
tions by Pvt. James C. Crucian,
one of these special days the
entertainment On amt Off the Post for the Coming Week
the battalion’s “ Bing Crosby,”
following procedure will be ad­
and Pvts. L. R. Brickhard, R. D.
hered to:
Ekdahl, O. M. Dallas, Pete G.
b. Fill out form TS-13 (11
Open house at the USO in Bend.
Holman and A. L. Carterby.
copies) forward the first three
Open house and refreshments at Service Club.
i Cpl. Eldon Morris of Service
(3) copies to the infirmary, to­
gether with soldier’s helmet
Breakfast at USO in Bend from 10 to 11 a. m.; music from 4.30 to Company played a piano solo,
j and Lt. Albert P. Willis, super­
5.30 p. m. and buffet from 4 to 5 p. m.
liner and gas mask (unmount­
Open House at Service Club.
visor of the overseas music pro­
ed). Copies 4,5, 6 and 7 will be
gram, was master of ceremonies.
forwarded to the company clerk
G I movies at Service Club at 8 p. m.
concerned. The 8th will be de­
Game night at USO in Bend.
stroyed as we will already have
Social evening at the USO in Bend.
i too many copies on hand if in­
Bingo at Service Club.
structions a r e
carried out.
Copies 9, 10 and 11 have to be
Weekly dance at Service Club at 8:30 p. m.
Pinochle Club meeting at USO in Bend.
sent somewhere.
(By Pvt. J. D. DcM«nt)
No bird of Paradise was ever
c. I f upon the medical officer’s
“ Khaki Kapers" show at Service Club.
Christmas, o f course, was the as handsomely be-feathered as advice soldier is merely suffer­
Bingo at USO in Bend at 8 p. m. and Music Appreciation Hour at i big attraction of the past week. curvaceous
Betty Hutton, when ing from an overdose of or an
9 p. m.
B"ood, food and more food, as she’s all dressed up for her im­ overworked three-day pass, sol­
Dancing Class at USO in Bend at 8 p. m.
i packages from home poured in personation of the late Texas
dier will be returned to his com­
Musical Quiz program at Service Club.
| from every direction. The day Guinan in the new him, “ In­
pany and form VTS-1942 will be
cendiary Blonde.”
I was the first Christmas in an
--------------------------- ---------------, forwarded to this office for ap-
i army camp for practically all of
SATURDAY - Double Feature: “ Crime Doctor’s Strangest Co. B. They found it wasn’t thanks to the W AC Company Proval- T h e necessary blanks
for a grand time.
then will be forwarded to your
Case,” Warner Baxter, Rose Hobart. “ Sultan’s Daughter.”
; home, but there was the food
office. Fill out these forms in
SUNDAY and MONDAY— "Lost Angel,” Margaret O’Brien,
James Craig, Marsha Hunt. "This Is America." RKO Pathe News. and the atmosphere— as much
Where Co. B goes their equip- triplicate, forward to infirmary
TUESDAY—“ Tarzan’s Desert Mystery,” Johnny W’eismuller, or more than at home.
ment will follow. Two lessons in and in about two weeks you
Nancy Kelly. "This Is Tomorrow.” “Tales of the Border.”
road building leaves them ready will receive authority to send
WEDNESDAY— "The Ghost Ship,” Richard Dix, Edith Barrett.
With the "bang up” start on
“ Screen Snapshots.” "Community Sing.”
soldier to infirmary for a suita­
to meet mud, snow or sand.
THURSDAY and FR ID A Y—"Destination—Tokyo,” Cary Grant, the ponton bridges, the company
ble dose of Bromo Seltzer. Sol­
John Garfield. RKO Pathe News.
went on for every type of float­
will be instructed as to prop­
SATURDAY—“ Swing Fever,” Kay Kyser and orchestra, Marlyn ing bridge in the book. Pneu­
er uniform as prescribed in T/E
matic and foot bridges and as-
666 and will bring with him one
j sault boats were all taken in
fire bucket with words “for fire
paired. Installed in the Ser­
only,” painted out with black
vice Club, the set functioned
By Cpl. Milton Beck
nicely Christmas Eve, “broad­ matic pontons. The time was
paint. This will be used to carry
casting" a program of record­ just 10 minutes short. No alibis,
back the mixed sedative. The
ed Christmas music, a carol of course, but there were only
contents of said container will
program and singing by a 69 men at training. The foot Subject: Sick Call.
be shared by the company clerk
choral group from Bend High bridge was constructed at night,
and administrative officer who
Camp Abbot soldiers will be School. Then something snap­
* „ „
Invited to become members of
ped. The new speakers, burn­ on the other side as the com-, 1. It has been brought to the* d.
To complete case fill out
pany raced across.
1 attention o f this command that
all forms available in files and
the Bond Community Concert ed out by excessive volume, are
many soldiers in companies of
being repaired and will be
mail all over the United States.
Association, which will sponsor
The boys e n j o y e d many this organization are becoming
back In service soon.
4. I f above procedure results
a series of vocal and instru- i
phases of the Christmas pro- sick when it is not their turn.
in too many cases of desertion
mental programs, in a move to
grams, but the most talked about
of company clerks, suggestions
secure a high-type of stage en­
for simplifying form TS-13 may
tertainment for residents of
| Santa at the kids party. Seems cjjer will be given a date stating be sent (in writing) through
Bend and the surrounding area,
Last Easter, Sgt. Laurence I somo member of the third pla- when it is his turn to become ill. channels to this headquarters
Capt. Robert J. Cosgrove, post
Ed Winters, then a member of toon especially enjoyed the Any soldier caught being sick after a request for permission
representative on the arrange­
Ihe EKTC band at Fort Leon­ catch game. The "ball was a 0U( 0f turn w hether in standing, to send suggestion in has been
ments committee, announced
ard Wood, Mo., gained eonsld- sock of candy.
sitting or prone position w ill be approved. This request will be
this week.
erable prominence on Ihe na­
subject to courts martial im- forwarded in triplicate, instead
Although plans are indefinite
tion's news wire services
Hi, Co. A ! Welcome to the medbltcly.
of the usual quadruplicate to
at present, the Bend organiza­
when, sent to pick up some crew. W e can use you on fixed
3. Exceptions to this w ill be speed up the process.
tion announced that one of the
greeting eanls for Sgt. Dante
For the Commanding Officer:
artists to appear on the pro­ DiTIumias, he returned with biidges. Maybe the company will macje only on Mondays, or days
| again resemble a company with following
holidays, week-end
grams is Dorothy Maynor, fa­ six touching missives, all of
I 74 new boys.
passes or furloughs.
Major, USA
mous Negro soprano. The num­ which began with: “To My
a. I f any soldier in your com-
ber of concerts and artists will Dear Wife.” DiThonias didn't
Pillow cases can be used for
depend on the number of mem­ even have one wife.
many purposes. They’re especi­
berships sold, but at least three
This Christmas, Sgt. Wint­ ally useful as a flag of truce.
C s e r f* ' i w feÿ LjaairW S
by C « * p Newspaper Sem e*
concerts will be scheduled. One ers rode again at Camp Abbot.
This was demonstrated when
o f the series is scheduled for Sent to town to pick up some
Co. C, 51st Bn., surrendered un­
January and others this spring. Christmas cards for Sgt. -lack
Membership cards, priced at Smith, who’d evidently forgot­ conditionally to B52nd in the
$5.50. will go on sale at the Post ten alnnit his friend's peculiar snow fight Christmas day. With
Shortly after January 10. No penchant. Winters returned Co. C disposed of, Co. B war­
lickets will be sold for individual with a dozen cants which bore riors pressed on for new worlds
performances, but membership the inviting title “Your Christ­ to conquer. Sparked by Sgt.
Lawrence 3rd and T/4's Mont­
cards will be transferable.
mas Wallet" and contained a
Lt. Helen Martin, of the Spe­ pocket for currency. Smith gomery and Knudsen, the boys
cial Service Office, also is a would have hail to improve cleared Co. A 52nd’s street in
short order. A few shots were
member of the arrangement
his financial status to lie just
fired on our sisters in arms,
three of whom were near Co.
Official camp newspaper, published weekly in the interests of the personnel
of Camp Abbot, Oregon, under supervision o f the Special Service Officer. News
matter pertaining to Camp Abbot is furnished by the Public Relations Branch and
is available for general release.
Abbot ’n Around
Notes From
Concert Coterie
Open to Soldiers
Abbot Face!
The Wolf
A ’s mess hall. They beat a hasty
retreat into the mess halL Co.
C, 52nd, was taken in stride.
Then, flushed but triumphant,
the victors returned to the com­
A musical quiz program, com­ fort of GI bunks.
plete with prizes, will be intro­
duced as part of the Service
All eyes were on the 51st this
Club’s entertainment fare Fri­ week as they left for bivouac. 1
day night. Miss Veretta Sutton, The 52nd is next in line.
club junior hostess, announced.
Pvt. Buddy Hyde will conduct
With lots of beer, cookies anti
the quiz.
sandwiches, not to mention wo­
men, Co. B celebrated Christmas
When You've Read it— Please with a party in the Recreation
Pass The ENGINEER AROUND. hall Tuesday evening. Many
by Sansone
Jinxed ‘P A ’ Club to Sponsor
From all appearances, un­
seen fori1«*» are in cunsipraey
against (am p \l»l>ot's publie
address system.
Several months ago a High
wind I wit the set nul of com­
mission h) blowing the speak­
ers from the top of the .VII-
rurpoMe Building, last week
station KW-IJ In Portland
loaned Ihe Poat a new set
until the others could he re­
Music Quiz Show
"What are you staring at soldier' Haven't you ever seen
Mae Wests before ?